Мотроребаланс 2015 - предварительный список изменений
bento, пускай тогда у хила будет множитель *(11-Adoramus_lvl)/11
а то лечится на 15к, а ещё и дамажить как половина шуры хочет -
o1, в теме мало слёз.. надо срочно вводить непредвиденный Мотроребаланс!
Генетик,и МАДОмех самые дорогие классы,зачем такое делать с ними??P.s: надеюсь все еще поменяется несколько раз,прежде чем это введут на сервер.
Ох. Лут для мадомеха. Охохохо. Разорение. Дорогой класс.
адорамус 10к это в чара?
Как попасть на тестовый?
Как попасть на тестовый?
Поиском пользоваться религия не позволяет?
<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://forum.motr-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=170094">viewtopic.php?f=11&t=170094</a><!-- l --> -
Не понимаю политику о1, когда багрепортили в ошибки о работе трапов, элементалей сорка и всего остального ссылались на ировики и официальную механику типо так должно работать, поэтому приводим к официальной работе. Так зачем же тогда приведя скилл к официальной работе снова его ломать и пороть какую то отсебятину? По моему можно было не ослаблять отдельные классы а оставить все как есть и усилить другие. Или например ослабить но не до такой же степени. Ввести как вариант задержку на Даш 1 секунду чтобы можно было поймать этого Шуру или урезать количество клеток на которое можно прыгнуть. А так получилось что слабые так и остались слабыми а сильные стали слабее слабых! Я ждал ребаланс хотелось нововведений, но не таких.
Я так понимаю, что Малайю только я тестирую??))
Убрали бы хоть квест на вход в данж.
И постоянный декрис аги от мобов - это жесть.
По опыту на 100-125 будет нормально. Мобов много. Не очень толстые, но експа идет нормально.
Также из приятного стоит отметить 3 новых данжа с МВП (один из МВП судя по опсианиям 156 или 158 уровня). То есть 150+ тоже получили небольшую возможность покачаться. Если еще введут Eclage с их 155+ мобами, то хоть покачаться будет где.Также приятный бонус - 14 новых квестов (не факт, что ввели все - пока на стадии тестирования)
Извините за оформление - с работы особо не постараешься, но важную инфу вроде бы всю указал.
Новые локации:! http://db.irowiki.org/db/map-info/1@ma_b/ (данж с МВП Bakonawa) Единственный минус - вход только для 140+
! http://db.irowiki.org/db/map-info/1@ma_c/ (данж с МВП Buwaya)
! http://db.irowiki.org/db/map-info/1@ma_h/ (данж-больница с МВП Bangungot) Вход только для 100+
! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://db.irowiki.org/db/map-info/ma_dun01/">http://db.irowiki.org/db/map-info/ma_dun01/</a><!-- m --> (первый этаж больницы)
! http://db.irowiki.org/db/map-info/ma_fild01/ (первая лоцация с мобами рядом с портом Малая)
! http://db.irowiki.org/db/map-info/ma_fild02/ (следующая локация на которой можно немного покачаться)Новые монстры:
! Bunisngis Level: 121
! HP: 25513
! Engkanto Level: 125
! HP: 23948
! Manananggal Level: 107
! HP: 20451
! Mangkukulam Level: 110
! HP: 20151
! Tikbalang Level: 115
! HP: 22131
! Wakwak Level: 111
! HP: 20012
! Jejeling Level: 100
! HP: 10247
! Bangungot Level: 115
! HP: 1519517
! Bakonawa Level: 156
! HP: 3351884
! Buwaya Level: 151
! HP: 4090365Новый шмот:
! Бронь:
! Bakonawa Scale Mail
! Reduces damage taken from Boss monsters
! by 1% for every 2 upgrades. All Stat+1
! Bayani Bakonawa Scale Mail
! Reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by 1% for every 2 upgrades
! Slot=1
! Обувь:
! Nightmarish Bangungot Boots
! Increases MDEF by 1 for every upgrade. When upgraded to +14 or higher, increases movement speed.
! Bayani Nightmarish Bangungot Boots
! Increases MDEF by 1 for every upgrade. When upgraded to +12 or higher, increases movement speed.
! Slot=1
! Щит:
! Karasak
! Reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by 1% for every 3 upgrades. When worn with Buwaya Clothes, Bakonawa Scale Mail, Nightmarish Bangungot Boots, reduces damage taken from all monsters from Port Malaya update by 30%. MaxHP + 20%, MaxSP + 10%.
! Bayani Karasak
! Reduces damage taken from Boss monsters by 1% for every 3 upgrades.
! Slot=1
! Накидка:
! Buwaya Clothes
! Increases healing received from potions and skills by 1% for every 3 upgrades. Reduces damage taken from Water, Earth, Fire, Wind property monsters by 10%.
! Bayani Buwaya Clothes
! Increases healing received from potions and skills by 1% for every upgrade. Reduces damage taken from Water, Earth, Fire, Wind property monsters by 10%.Новые возможности:
! Система татуировок - обмен дропа из новых мобов и боссов на интересные аксессы (татуировки).
! Bangungot
! Increases amount of outgoing heal by 4%, incoming heal by 7%
! Accessory Item, can be used by all classes
! Requires Ancient Malevolence X 10, Bangungot Soul Fragment X 1, and Bangungot Doll X 1
! Bakonawa
! ATK +7%, ASPD +10%
! Accessory Item, can be used by all classes
! Requires Ancient Malevolence X 10, Bakonawa Soul Fragment X 1, and Bakonawa Doll X 1
! Buwaya
! MATK +7%, Fixed Cast time -7%
! Accessory Item, can be used by all classes
! Requires Ancient Malevolence X 10, Buwaya Soul Fragment X 1, and Buwaya Doll X 1Более подробно смотрим здесь http://www.playragnarok.com/news/updatedetail.aspx?id=210
fidosemen, а что квесты на вход в данж не надо тестировать?
fidosemen, а что квесты на вход в данж не надо тестировать?
Логичнее сделать вход на тестовом по квесту и без квеста (не у всех есть 140+ уровни) -
fidosemen, а 139- смогут пройти квест до конца?
В первый пост добавлена информация про сегодняшний патч тестового сервера.
Full Chemical Protection
- Длительность: 120000SkillLv -> 60000SkillLv
- Требует Glistening Coat: 1 -> 2
о1 ахаха прекрати))))
Бедные-бедные кроссы.
Guillotine Cross
- HP-фактор класса снижен на 10%
Отношение всего этого к аванс профессиям ?
Billy Tallent, Я разозлил о1 в топике кроссов просто.
Одно хоть радует,что изменения будут меняться,хотя пока не в лучшую сторону.Мб о1 зодумаеться.
fidosemen, а 139- смогут пройти квест до конца?
Судя по описанию допускаются чары только 140+. Непонятно только режим доступа:
Доступ к прохождению квеста?
Или же доступ в сам данж?П.С. Если у кого есть 140- чары, проверьте пожалуйста.
Сначала надо пройти квест http://irowiki.org/wiki/Cautious_Village
! Item(s) (Consumed): 6 Holy Water, 6 Blue Gemstone
! In Port Malaya, talk to Rodel the Guard (/navi malaya 266/76) and he will tell you how the villagers have been feeling more threatened by evil spirits and how they feel uncomfortable of outsiders. He will suggest you to speak with Leader Phong the Mumbaki. He will create mark on the map for you to locate him.
! Speak with the tribe Leader Phong the Mumbak (/navi malaya 185/358). He will need to test how strong and pure your soul is. Select either of the choices and he will be amazed how the ghosts are threatened by your presence.
! Speak with Old Man Nardo (/navi malaya 181/353). Having a strong will and courage, the villagers are asking for your belongings as a lucky charm. He will ask if it is possible to have a button of your clothing.
! Speak with Collection Dealer Woeon (/navi malaya 295/171). He tells you that he can help you if you want a job around there and asks you if you could give him a button of your sleeve.
! Speak with Pedro the Sailor (/navi malaya 326/68). He asks you to stay for a while and hear his story and tells you that the town is a den of ghosts. For him to to be able to speak with the spirits, he will ask if you can give him a button of your sleeve.
! Speak with Blacksmith Pandoi (/navi malaya 119/217). He greets you with a smile and asks for something to prove that he met you in person. He thinks if he have an item from you it would scare away the ghosts.
! Speak with Talah (/navi malaya 223/267) and her dad Romel (/navi malaya 223/268). He asks if you could give her a button or some hair because she has trouble sleeping at night.
! After speaking with the 6 NPC's, return to Phong the Mumbaki. You can speak with them in any order.
! Note: It may be a bug but it seems it is only required to speak to 5 of the 6 NPCs at this point. Although the Holy Water and Blue Gemstones must still be delivered to all 6 later on.
! Return to Mumbaki. He asks you if there's something wrong. Explain to him what happened and he tells you that they are preparing for a spiritual protection for the villagers but is not going well. As a temporary solution, he asks you if you could fulfill their request.
! He will then be asking what is the best item you can give them as a protection. Suggest him Holy Waters and Blue Gemstones.
! Gather the required items and deliver them to the people you spoke with earlier.
! Return to Mumbaki after delivering the items. He thanks you for delivering the charm and tells you he already found ways to build it. Receive EXP & JOB EXP based on your leveИ сам квест на доступ в данж http://irowiki.org/wiki/Bakonawa_Extermination
! Item(s) (Consumed): 17 Lost Belongings
! Base Level: 100 (140 for Instance)
! In Port Malaya, speak with the Village Chief (/navi malaya 283/265) at the park and select "I'm on my way". He is undecided whether to fight Bakonawa or to calm it by sacrificing a gift because of it's threat. He heard that the belongings of the missing people are found at Baryo Mahiwaga. He tells the player that Tiyanaks carries those belongings and asks the player to retrieve 2 Lost Belongings from Tiyanak and take them to the Missing Person's Father. (/navi malaya 270/267)
! Each time a Tiyanak is killed, there's a chance of Lost Belongings automatically being added to the player's inventory. They are account bound. It is recommended to hunt them one time. Total Lost Belongings that will be consumed are 17 pcs.
! Speak with the Missing Person's Father and he tells the player that the lost belongings belong tot . He then asks the player to get 7 Lost Belongings and bring them to the Missing Person's Friend. (/navi malaya 266/274)
! Bring them to the Missing Person's Friend and he tells you that those are the marbles and toys he gave him and asks where is his friend. He asks you to get 3 Lost Belongings and deliver them to the Missing Person's Son. (/navi malaya 269/278)
! Deliver the lost belongings to the Missing Person's Son and he tells you that is his father's clothes and shoes. He asks you to bring 5 Lost Belonging to the Missing Person's Mother. (/navi malaya 266/284)
! Bring them to Missing Person's Mother and she'll tell you that it's her child's hair comb. You decide to return to the Village Chief.
! The Village Chief concludes that all the missing people were killed by the Bakonawa. He tells you to get rid of it by yourselves. However, it seems that it could be no longer possible to handle rituals to calm the Bakonawa. He tells the player that the Young Fortune Teller seeks for their help. Receive 5 Inside-Out Shirts.
! Speak with the Young Fortune Teller (malaya 289, 364). She tells you that the energy of the moon is growing weaker the past days and that is the reason why evil spirits are increasing in numbers.
! She tells you that she is holding a ritual to restore the moon's energy. To be able to that, she needs to sacrifice a monster's blood. She asks you to kill 15 Tikbalangs.
! After killing Tikbalangs, return to her and she'll give you 5 Tikbalang Harnesses. You decide to speak with the Village Chief.
! Speak with the Village Chief again. He tells the player he never know when the Bakonawa will attack the village. In preparation, he asks you to help set traps near the village & lake entrance.
! Just walk near these NPC's and a dialog will pop-out. Set the traps in the following order.
! Gruffy Worker (/navi ma_fild01 54/253)
! Grumpy Worker (/navi ma_fild01 236/119)
! Cowardly Worker (/navi ma_scene01 177/89)
! Gloomy Worker (/navi ma_scene01 141/118)
! Sentimental Worker (/navi ma_scene01 175/170)
! After setting all the traps you decide to retutn to the Village Chief. He thanks and rewards you with 7 Lesser Agimats, EXP & Job EXP.
! Defeat Bakonawa
! This quest or instance can be repeated.
! This quest or instance has a 7 day cooldown period.
! Once you enter the instance, do not leave as the NPC will not let you back in.
! Now that you've finished setting all the traps. You now have authorization to enter Bakonawa's Lair. A strong party is recommended. To proceed further, speak with Taho inside the cave to book an instance dungeon.
! 1. Once inside the instance, speak to Taho once your party is buffed and ready to go. Tell him you are ready and he will summon Bakonawa.
! Tips
! Magic reduction and/or Magnetic Earth is key, with a continuous stream of dps.
! Recommended gears are Asprika, Alice Valk, Unfro/Fire Armor, and Kafra Blossom Accs.
! Bakonawa is unreachable by Melee Auto-Attack, and some skills.
! Blood sucker or 193 Aspd the Gongs. Wear a Fire armor during this phase.
! P3 adds Shield Reflect, LoV/Storm Gust, and the Crit attack for 20-40k damage from P1
! Phase 1: Bakonawa appears inside the lake. In this phase, Meteor Storms shower down, but other than that very few skills are used and it should be easy to defeat him. There is a 10 minute time limit for this Phase.
! Phase 2: When he is defeated, he will move further into the lake and try to swallow the moon. You must make noise by defeating the 4 Instruments that appear. These are plant type, meaning they take only one damage per hit, and seem to have around 200 HP (forgot to Sense). While you are attacking these, Meteor Storms will continue raining down on your party. There is a 5 minute time limit for this Phase.
! Phase 3: Enraged Bakonawa appears near the lake again and you must defeat him. As before, Meteor Storms rain down, but he now uses other skills such as Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion and Break Weapon. As he grows weaker, waves of minions will be summoned every two minutes, about 15 each wave. These are stronger than the normal monsters around Malaya.
! When he dies, a Treasure Box is spawned to the south of the lake that contains the loot. Meteors often continue to rain down until it is broken, so bring a just-in-case Res Token.
! Note: Do NOT Butterfly Wing out of the Instance! Instead, talk to the NPC near where you spawned in to receive 7 Ancient Grudges. -
Не увидел в первом сообщении повышения рейтов. Как скиллы-то смотреть, если у них формулы меняют.
При тесте 175/60 был ресетер, лвлапер для 135+ и рейты на опыт х100->х300.
Могли бы и всяких крутых вещей в магазин завезти, чтобы увидеть возможности разгона, не слишком ли будет.