Выборы 2012
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О Национальном Фонде Поддержки Демократии (NED)
Национальный Фонд Поддержки Демократии (NED) является частной некоммерческой организацией, деятельность которой направлена на развитие и укрепление демократических институтов по всему миру. Ежегодно фонд NED выплачивает более 1.000 грантов на поддержку проектов неправительственных организаций за рубежом, работающих над достижением демократических целей в более чем 90 странах.
С момента своего основания в 1983 году фонд NED продолжает повсеместно оставаться на переднем краю борьбы за демократию и в настоящее время превратился в многогранную организацию, являющейся центром деятельности, ресурсов и обмена мнениями активистов и людей, занимающейся практической и научной деятельностью в области демократии, со всего земного шара.
Фонд NED – уникальная организация. Поскольку фонд NED является неправительственной организацией, он имеет определенную свободу действий, которая дает возможность работать в некоторых самых сложных обстоятельствах, возникающих в мире, и быстро реагировать при возникновении благоприятного случая для политических изменений. Деятельность фонда NED направлена на способствование росту широкого спектра демократических организаций за рубежом, включая политические партии, профсоюзы, свободные рынки и коммерческие организации, а также большое количество элементов гражданского общества, обеспечивающих права человека, свободу средств массовой информации и верховенство закона.
Такой всесторонний подход отвечает разнообразным аспектам демократии, и вся история фонда NED подтверждает состоятельность этого подхода как с точки зрения практики, так и с точки зрения эффективности. Финансирование, в основном, осуществляется Конгрессом США. Поддержка Фонда NED организациям за рубежом является важным посланием о солидарности многим демократическим силам, борющимся за свободу и права человека, зачастую в безвестности и изоляции.
Поддерживая демократию, мы исходим из убеждения, что свобода является всеобщим стремлением человечества, которое может быть реализовано только путем развития демократических институтов, процедур и ценностей. Невозможно достичь демократии путем лишь одного голосования, и демократия не обязательно должна быть основана на модели Соединенных Штатов или какой-либо другой страны. Скорее она развивается в соответствии с потребностями и традициями различных политических культур. Оказывая поддержку этому процессу, Фонд NED помогает укреплять связь между национальными демократическими движениями за рубежом и народом Соединенных Штатов – связь, основанную на общем стремлении к представительному правлению и свободе, как образу жизни.Мы помещаем полную информацию обо всех своих грантах и мероприятиях на данном сайте. Кроме того, наша деятельность контролируется на разных уровнях со стороны Конгресса США, Государственного департамента и независимого финансового аудита.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://ned.org/where-we-work/eurasia/russia">http://ned.org/where-we-work/eurasia/russia</a><!-- m -->
А вот что спонсирует этот фонд. И таких фондов не один.
Красным выделены особо "светящиеся" у нас организации.All-Russian Public Organization for the Victims of Terrorism "Voice of Beslan"
To provide legal aid for victims of the 2004 Beslan hostage crisis and other terrorist attacks in the North Caucasus. The family members of the Beslan victims have been routinely barred from Russia's domestic courts and denied any form of official compensation for their losses. Voice of Beslan will assist victims' families in formulating appeals to domestic and international courts and will work with regional media to organize an effective civic response to ongoing violations.American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To strengthen freedom of association by developing regional union structures and building the capacity of unions to conduct training and legal advocacy. The Solidarity Center will support trainings in union organizing, collective bargaining, worker rights, and strategic planning and will assist unions with legal advocacy efforts. The Solidarity Center will also help unions strengthen their international contacts.
Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations"
To monitor and research instances of violence or pressure against journalists. The Center will continue to publish weekly and monthly informational bulletins on threats to press freedom in Russia, work with its correspondent network to conduct field investigations, and provide free legal assistance to members of the press who have been assaulted or come under pressure. The Center's Moscow staff will travel to the regions in order to conduct special investigations.
Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Center for Social and Labor Rights"
To develop its website (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.trudprava.ru">http://www.trudprava.ru</a><!-- m -->), which promotes knowledge of labor rights and issues, tracks changes to labor legislation, and teaches site users how to protect their rights in the workplace. The Center will produce a number of analytical pieces, regularly update its website, hold two workers' rights training seminars, and continue to publicize actively information on the protection of and threats to workers' rights.Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights"
To research the impact of endemic corruption on fundamental human rights. CDDHR's research will be conducted by a committee of leading Russian civil society figures and will cover five themes, including corruption in Russia's law enforcement agencies, judicial system, armed forces, bureaucracy, and health system. CDDHR will produce a report on its findings, hold a series of expert roundtables, and disseminate its findings in a monthly journal titled Corruption and Human Rights.Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Memorial Center for the History of Political Repression 'Perm-36'
To support a museum, located in the village of Kuchino outside of Perm in Russia's Urals region, dedicated to political repression in the Soviet Union. Perm-36 will conduct three training seminars for teachers from Russia's regions on themes concerning Soviet history and its impact on present-day Russia. Perm-36 will prepare electronic versions of historical and methodological material, and seminar participants will learn how to integrate technology into their classrooms.
Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Yuri Levada Analytical Center"
To conduct a series of public opinion polls about the upcoming State Duma and presidential elections. The first polls will serve as a baseline study during the campaign period, followed by two additional studies after the elections to gauge the public response to both elections. The Levada Center will also conduct six monthly polls to monitor changes in public opinion regarding the potential impact of the elections on social and political issues in Russia.Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Center for Psychological Assistance and Psychological Post-Crisis Rehabilitation"
To promote equal access to the justice system for women in Ingushetia. Harmony will provide legal advice for individual victims of violence, document the extent of domestic violence, and raise public awareness by working with schools and hospitals to educate teachers, doctors and students about the rights of women.Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Center for Social Projecting 'VOZROZHDENIYE'"
To increase the accountability of elected officials to their constituents and educate recently elected officials and those aspiring to public office in the fundamentals of effective and transparent governance. Vozrozhdeniye will conduct a total of 27 seminars for three groups in the north, south, and center of Pskov Oblast. Vozrozhdeniye will form smaller study groups in each geographic area, which will allow participants to develop strong regional networks to focus on specific local issues.Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Mashr"
To provide legal assistance to victims of human rights abuses, disseminate information concerning such cases to domestic and international audiences, and encourage thorough investigation of violations by the authorities. Mashr will provide free legal consultations to victims and their families, help draft legal documents, and coordinate the progression of legal cases through Russian and international court systems.Center for International Private Enterprise
To instill democratic values, promote civic leadership, encourage new entrepreneurs, and provide alternatives to radicalization among youth in the North Caucasus. The Vladikavkaz Institute of Management will expand its training program on entrepreneurship, democracy, and civic involvement to reach a wider audience. VIM will also support the graduates through an alumni network and mentoring from the local business community.Center for International Private Enterprise
To raise awareness of the importance of property rights and the institutions supporting property rights among stakeholders and policymakers. Under this project, CIPE and its partners in three regions will gather information on property market issues ranging from corruption to effective governance to rule of law that will serve as a roadmap for regional- and federal-level advocacy work planned in future phases of the project.Center for Peacebuilding and Community Development
To assist young women in the Chechen Republic in ensuring their personal freedom. The Center will bring together eight regional women's NGOs to coordinate 20 women's development groups, which will provide a forum to identify and address pressing social and political issues in the region. The Center will train young leaders, create a unified curriculum among participating women's NGOs, and conduct a needs assessment of young women in the region.Center of Social and Educational Initiatives
To strengthen civil society in Izhevsk by promoting cooperation between NGOs, government, business, and media. CSEI will organize four seminars and will provide free technical and methodological assistance to NGOs and activists working in the region. CSEI will upgrade its website with news updates, program information, an online radio channel, and video content. CSEI will hold three sessions of its "University of Civil Society," which will focus on developing NGO-government cooperation.Centre de la Protection Internationale
To provide advanced training on international judicial procedures to 14 human rights lawyers from Russia and countries throughout Eurasia. The Centre serves as the Strasbourg office of the Moscow-based International Protection Center (IPC). The Centre will host the participating lawyers as they attend a session of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and will further supervise participants as they prepare appeals to the ECHR and complete internships at human rights reception centers in Russia.Chelyabinsk Regional Organ of Public Independent Action "Ural Human Rights Group"
To conduct a human rights and legal education program in Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk Oblasts. UHRG will operate four distinct programs: first, the School of Human Rights, which will provide training to student journalists and leaders; second, a resource center for local NGOs; third, the "Human Rights Ambulance," which will provide legal aid in pretrial detention centers; and fourth, "Feedback," a program to support journalists through legal assistance and information dissemination.
Civil Rights Defenders
To host the third annual Stockholm Process conference, which will bring together human rights activists from the North Caucasus to improve coordination between human rights organizations working in the region and to draw greater international attention to ongoing human rights abuses. Civil Rights Defenders will organize a three-day conference for human rights defenders from the North Caucasus and representatives of international human rights organizations and donor organizations.Dagestan Regional Public Organization "Mothers of Dagestan for Human Rights"
To carry out human rights monitoring and legal assistance programs in Dagestan. Staff will travel to remote regions to collect information about human rights violations throughout Dagestan and will also keep weekly office hours in Makhachkala to provide citizens with free legal advice and defend their interests in court. Mothers of Dagestan will publicize its work through press conferences, press releases, roundtables, and articles in regional and national newspapers.Dagestan Regional Social Organization "Informational - Analytical Center 'Rakurs'"
To publish its newspaper, Dagestanskii Rakurs, which covers human rights and democracy issues in Dagestan and elsewhere in the North Caucasus. Reporting will focus on human rights violations and the results of regional human rights monitoring; respect for the pluralism of opinions; NGOs and their activities; conditions in the penitentiary system; interethnic and inter-confessional relations; problems faced by refugees and forced migrants; ecological issues; and efforts to promote cooperation between government and the third sector.East European Democratic Center
To strengthen Russian civil society by organizing two study trips to Poland and Ukraine for 19 NGO activists. In addition, the EEDC will conduct a training seminar with Polish NGOs for four Russian NGO representatives. The EEDC will continue to build and develop its crossborder network of civil society organizations based in Russia, Ukraine, and Poland.East European Democratic Center
To strengthen civil society in Russia's eastern regions of Buryatia and Yakutia. The Warsaw-based East European Democratic Center will conduct a ten-day monitoring visit to Buryatia to assess the implementation of projects funded during EEDC's previous project, host three training seminars for 60 local NGO representatives, a 10-day study trip to Ukraine for 10 promising participants, and a mini-grants competition for local civic initiatives.Foundation "Independent Press Center"
To host press conferences, briefings, seminars and roundtables organized by Russian NGOs. These events provide Russian and foreign journalists with access to a variety of speakers on key political, economic and social issues. The Center focuses attention on important problems that are often ignored by Russia's state-controlled media, such as corruption, illegal actions by government officials, human rights violations, and critical reports about Russian politics.Foundation for Assistance in the Protection of Citizens' Rights and Freedoms "Public Verdict"
To produce an alternative report detailing Russia's adherence to the UN Convention on Torture, to which it is a signatory. Public Verdict will work with a coalition of prominent Russian NGOs to investigate, document, and analyze instances of torture and human rights abuses in Russia and will present its findings during Russia's Fifth Periodic Review in Geneva in May 2012.Foundation for the Support of Information Freedom Initiatives
To support freedom of information and hold the government accountable. The Foundation will monitor government information resources and related practices, disseminate monitoring results, news, and resources online and in print, and conduct litigation to secure greater public access to government information. The Foundation will monitor legislative and judicial branch websites, as well as websites on government tenders and procurements, on the regional and federal levels.Fund for the Support of Youth Initiatives "Vision of Tomorrow"
To train civil society leaders, activists, community organizers, and scholars to use new technologies, including new media, crowdsourcing, and nontraditional project management tools. The Foundation will organize a twelve-month training program, including bimonthly roundtables, discussions, and workshops focusing on the integration of new technologies in civil society. The Foundation will launch a website to serve as a repository for program materials and allow program participants to collaborate on joint projects.Independent Non-commercial Organization for Information and Legal Services "Human Rights Resource Center"
To offer training and other forms of assistance to newly formed NGOs and initiative groups. HRRC will expand its work beyond St. Petersburg and Saratov Oblasts and work to develop new NGOs in Krasnodar Krai and Krasnoyarsk Oblast. HRRC will identify promising partner organizations, hold three NGO development schools on procedural relations and communication with government officials, and provide practical and legal aid to NGOs in the project regions.International Historical Educational Human Rights and Charity Society "Memorial"
To analyze the use of information in election campaigns. Memorial will monitor the use of historical memory in Russian politics, specifically during the 2011 Duma elections and 2012 presidential campaign. Experts and analysts will monitor the mass media, websites of politicians and parties, government publications, and political blogs for the use of historical memory for political purposes. Memorial will publish its findings and analysis in monthly news summaries to be disseminated online and at press conferences.International Public Institution "The Andrei Sakharov Foundation - Public Commission for Academic Sakharov's Heritage Preservation"
To organize its ninth annual "Interregional Contest of Teachers on the History of Political Repression in the USSR." This contest provides history teachers across Russia with an opportunity to create an original lesson plan on topics such as Stalinism, political repression, the GULAG system, human rights, and the dissident movement. The lesson plans are entered into a national contest, with the best entries compiled for use by other teachers.Interregional Association of Human Rights Organizations "AGORA"
To provide legal and informational assistance to Russian civic activists and organizations under pressure from the authorities. AGORA staff will investigate reports of harassment, help organizations and activists hire and pay for legal counsel, develop a public relations response, and provide legal representation for some victims of persecution in court, including in the European Court of Human Rights. AGORA will help NGOs improve financial security, information systems security, management security, and personal security of staff.Interregional Civic Foundation in Support of Civil Society Development "GOLOS"
To support a voter education and monitoring project in 15 regions of central and northwest Russia. GOLOS will seek to motivate undecided or apathetic voters to participate in the elections and will monitor the electoral process. GOLOS will create voter education materials and hold a series of three public events in each project region to raise awareness about the importance of voting, the shortcomings of Russian electoral legislation, and how to document electoral law violations.Interregional Non-Governmental Organization "Center for Information and Protection of Human Rights"
To promote freedom of information and historical consciousness. Yekaterinburg Memorial will maintain its museum and library dedicated to the history of human rights in Russia, a public reading room for democracy-related publications, and hold educational seminars on human rights for teachers and students. Yekaterinburg Memorial will also operate a legal aid office to assist people whose rights have been violated and will offer management and financial training to NGO leaders in the region.Interregional Public Organization "Center for the Development of Social Partnership"
To support an NGO development and assistance program in Yaroslavl. The Center will operate an NGO School, hold regular public discussions and roundtables on increasing citizen participation in local government, and develop an online portal highlighting the activities of NGOs operating in Yaroslavl oblast. In addition, the Center will conduct research on the development of civil society in the region, publish its newsletter Window on NGOs, and hold its annual Civic Forum.Interregional Public Organization "Committee Against Torture"
To reduce the incidence of torture in Chechnya. CAT will monitor the use of torture by law enforcement officials through reports in the regional press and consultations offered at CAT's Grozny office. CAT will provide counseling to victims and offer legal aid to pursue justice through the local and national courts. CAT will publicize the results of its monitoring on its website, through partner NGOs, and in local and national media outlets.Interregional Public Organization "Council of Non-Governmental Organizations"
To improve the quantity and quality of reliable information regarding human rights abuses in the North Caucasus and to develop its "North-Caucasus Forum." The Council will collect information through monitoring trips and will publish daily press releases on human rights abuses and the socio-political situation in the region. The Forum will include regional NGOs who will participate in four roundtables to coordinate projects and research among civil society groups.Interregional Social Organization Human Rights Center "Memorial"
To improve the quality of applications submitted to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) from Russia. Memorial will hold seminars to train a team of law students on the structure of the ECHR, admissibility requirements for appeals, and the proper drafting of paperwork so as to meet ECHR requirements. Participants will provide free legal aid to individuals and organizations applying to the ECHR.Kabardino-Balkar Republic Public Human Rights Center
To support human rights activism in Kabardino-Balkaria. The Center will render free legal aid, monitor extremist organizations in the region, monitor court activity, encourage judicial and legal reforms promoting human rights and democracy, research Stalin-era crimes in Kabardino-Balkaria, and hold roundtables and conferences to address these issues. The Center will include property ownership issues in its legal assistance work and offer online videos to inform residents of pressing social issues.Kaliningrad Regional Civic Organization "Baltic Migrants"
To increase the responsiveness of local government to citizens' needs through cooperation with local NGOs. Baltic Migrants will draft three documents outlining strategies for increased information sharing between NGOs and local authorities and will disseminate these documents online and in print to local NGOs and members of the Kaliningrad Oblast Duma. Baltic Migrants will also hold four training seminars for local NGOs on working with local authorities.Kostroma Regional Public Organization "Soldiers' Mothers Committee"
To conduct human rights seminars and legal aid consultations for draft-age youth, conscripts, and their families in Kostroma oblast. The Committee will work with local businesses and government agencies to develop positions in Kostroma oblast for draftees opting to serve in Russia's Alternative Civic Service. The Committee will publish an informational brochure explaining the Law on Alternative Civic Service in layman's terms.Non-Profit Organization "Information Agency 'Memo.ru'"
To operate its Caucasus Switchboard website (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kavkaz-uzel.ru">http://www.kavkaz-uzel.ru</a><!-- m -->), which uses a network of regional correspondents to provide reliable and accurate information on events in the North Caucasus, including coverage of activities conducted by civil society organizations. Memo.ru plans to increase its reader base and online publications, improve its correspondent network through journalism training seminars, and further develop its English-language webpage. Correspondents will be tasked with gathering audio and visual material to compliment their news pieces.Nonviolence International
To develop dialogue between local authorities and youth in the Republic of Dagestan. Nonviolence International will partner with the Dagestan-based NGO "Alternative to Violence," to hold a training-of-trainers program for local youth activists, establish a youth resource center in Khasavyurt, continue to advocate for better cooperation between youth and the police, and conduct voter education activities.Norwegian Helsinki Committee
To establish the Natalia Estemirova Documentation Center, which will function as a central repository for information documenting human rights violations in the North Caucasus. The Center will collect, catalogue, and disseminate information received from its eight official partners and other sources working on human rights issues in the North Caucasus and throughout Russia. Endowment funds will be used to support the Center's information collection and dissemination activities.
Ozersk City Socio-Ecological Public Organization "Planet of Hopes"
To stem widespread human rights abuses in Russia's closed cities, or ZATOs, through research, lobbying, NGO training, and public information campaigns in Ozersk and other ZATOs. Planet of Hopes will operate a public reception office for human rights in Ozersk, organize mobile legal reception centers in other small towns and villages in the Ozersk area, prepare and submit cases to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, and publish its own small-circulation newspaper.People in Need
To continue assisting Russian human rights organizations by strengthening their advocacy capacity. PIN will further develop the expertise of alumni from last year's project by bringing four of the best participants to take part in the One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Prague in March 2011. PIN will also organize a five-day training program on video advocacy for 12 activists from leading Russian human rights NGOs and provide consultations and mentoring to assist participants in developing their own human rights films, as well as provide a series of small grants to develop human rights film documentaries.Perm City Public Charitable Organization "Center for the Support of Democratic Youth Initiative" (Youth "Memorial")
To educate youth about the ideals of de-Stalinization in Perm, Perm Krai, and the Volga Federal District. Youth Memorial will hold six educational seminars on anti-totalitarianism and historical memory, develop an educational DVD, and redesign its website (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.pmem.ru">http://www.pmem.ru</a><!-- m -->), which will provide both a history of Stalin-era repression and information on Youth Memorial's planned activities. Youth Memorial will also hold a summer camp for seminar participants with non-Endowment funds.Perm City Public Organization "Center for Civic Education and Human Rights"
To improve the teaching of human rights and civic education in Russia's schools and universities. The Center will hold its annual Human Rights Olympiad for students in Perm Oblast, organize educational seminars for graduates of the Center for Civic Education, and develop its national teacher training seminar. The Center will also develop a human rights curriculum for secondary and elementary schools and an outreach program for use through the Perm Oblast's municipal library system.Perm City Public Organization for Invalids "Center for Assistance to Victims of Violence and Human Trafficking"
To safeguard freedom of expression in Moscow and Perm Oblasts. The Center will lead a series of workshops and training seminars for NGO leaders, law enforcement officials, representatives of the Ombudsman's office, and journalists on the proper application of Federal Law No.114-FZ "On Counteraction of Extremist Activity," which has been used to suppress basic human rights. The Center will also conduct a survey to determine the impact of anti-extremism prosecution on Russian civil society.Pskov Regional Public Organization "Council of Soldiers' Mothers"
To conduct human rights seminars and consultations for young Russian army draftees, 18-27 years of age, and their families in Pskov Oblast. Seminars will examine the draftees' psychological adaptation to military service and provide guidance on actions families can take if their sons' rights are violated. The Council will also conduct a survey of young soldiers to analyze conditions in the Russian army and disseminate brochures to military installations.Regional Charitable Social Organization "Women's Dignity"
To support an outreach and civic education program on women's rights in Chechnya. Women's Dignity will host roundtables and open discussions with leading public figures about the importance of subjecting all legal and criminal issues to the jurisdiction of the Russian Constitution. The organization will also lead training seminars to empower women to defend their rights and will offer free legal aid to women in need.Regional Civic Institute Research and Information Center Memorial
To organize, preserve, and digitize its physical archives documenting political repression during the Soviet era. Memorial will classify archival documents using Memorial's custom-designed database software, and entries will be made searchable through direct content searches and macro tags, which can be edited and added to by future users. In addition, Memorial will work with partner organizations to train them in the use of its proprietary database software.Regional Civic Organization "Kaliningrad League of Women Voters"
To improve the electoral processes of the Kaliningrad oblast in advance of the December 2011 parliamentary and March 2012 presidential elections. The League will conduct voter education seminars for youth and training seminars for election observers. The League will also monitor how major media outlets cover candidates and parties and report on violations of the election law. The League will distribute a report on their findings to political parties, press agencies, libraries and NGOs.Regional Civic Organization in Defense of Democratic Rights and Liberties "GOLOS"
To conduct long-term observation (LTO) of the March 2012 Russian presidential elections. GOLOS will develop an updated monitoring methodology, deploy LTO teams in twenty regions throughout Russia, conduct an analysis of LTO findings, and disseminate those findings to both national and international audiences. GOLOS's teams will monitor the press, political agitation campaigns, and the work of regional electoral commissions.Regional Non-Governmental Organization "International Protection Center"
To offer free legal representation and consultation to victims of human rights violations in Russia. The Center will help individuals who have exhausted options under the Russian court system to pursue their cases through the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) or the United Nations' Committee on Human Rights. The Center will also offer consultations to independent lawyers appealing to the ECHR and will provide training to Russian lawyers through its Strasbourg office.Regional Nonprofit Charitable Foundation for Local Society "Kaliningrad"
To examine corruption in Kaliningrad's housing and communal services. The Foundation will conduct a public opinion poll of communal housing residents to determine perceived areas of corruption, monitor the local media for information regarding communal housing corruption, and establish local monitoring committees. The Foundation will hold a seminar to teach journalists how to investigate communal housing corruption, publish information on residents' rights, and hold roundtables to discuss communal housing reform.Regional Public Movement "Chechen Committee for National Salvation"
To maintain its headquarters in Nazran, Ingushetia and an additional public reception office in Grozny, Chechnya to be staffed by volunteers, lawyers, journalists, and human rights monitors. CCNS will monitor human rights violations and provide legal support to refugees from Chechnya and the Prigorodniy region of the Republic of North Ossetia.Regional Public Organization "Independent Council of Legal Expertise"
To monitor legislative developments in the State Duma and regional legislatures, provide legal assistance to human rights organizations, journalists, and members of the media, and prepare and publicize commentary on significant pieces of draft legislation and the extent to which they correspond to constitutional and international norms. The Council will hold roundtables and seminars, work with students to introduce them to human rights work, and publish legal education material.Regional Public Organization "Information Research Center 'PANORAMA'"
To provide voters with objective information regarding the current activities, backgrounds, and campaign platforms of candidates participating in the 2011 State Duma elections and 2012 presidential elections. Panorama will produce literature with relevant candidate information, develop election monitoring material with NED-grantee Golos, and hold a series of expert roundtables to discuss political developments in Russia. Panorama will also continue to operate its youth internship program with two correspondents in St. Petersburg and Moscow.Regional Public Organization "Moscow Group of Assistance in the Implementation of the Helsinki Accords"
To improve the protection of religious minorities and develop greater tolerance within Russian society by monitoring instances of harassment of religious minorities by national and local authorities. The Group will develop a monitoring methodology, train regional monitors, conduct regular monitoring, and publish a report detailing its findings. The Group will collect instances of inflammatory or intolerant rhetoric during the upcoming 2011 State Duma election campaign and in the run-up to the 2012 presidential campaign.Regional Public Organization "Peace of Mind"
To implement a security workshop series for human rights defenders and other activists working in the North Caucasus. Sintem will hold six security workshops for 40 participants to assist with on-the-ground implementation of best practices. Sintem's trainings will address personal, IT, and organizational security issues, while providing participants with a space to share experiences of systemic harassment and personal security threats.Regional Public Organization "Regional Civic Initiative - The Right to Life and Human Dignity"
To publish the journal, The Caucasian Independent Cultural and Historical Magazine DOSH, which is in its eighth year of publication. RLHD will publish four Russian-language issues of its DOSH journal and two English-language digests carrying reports on critical regional issues such as human rights abuses, population and unemployment trends, and federal-level policy developments. RLHD will continue to operate its correspondent offices in Grozny, Nazran, Makhachkala, Nalchik, and Karachaevsk.Regional Public Organization for Assistance in Observance of Human Rights "Hot Line"
To draw greater attention to human rights abuses in the Russian Federation through legal aid and outreach programs. Hot Line will provide free legal aid consultations for victims of human rights violations, prepare legal documents on behalf of victims, and conduct independent investigations of human rights abuses. Hot Line will also publicize instances of human rights abuse in the regional and national press and publish Andrei Piontkovsky's book, Third Path to Serfdom.Regional Public Organization for Assistance in Securing Public Information "Center for Public Information"
To gather and disseminate information about human rights developments. CPI will maintain contact with NGOs, the media, and the Russian Human Rights Ombudsman's office to collect information on human rights violations, the activities of human rights activists, and events organized by NGOs and civic organizations. Information collected by CPI will be disseminated in press releases to Russian and foreign media outlets, as well as to NGOs and government agencies.Regional Public Organization for Promotion of Citizens' Education "Information and Analysis Center 'SOVA'"
To oppose nationalism and xenophobia in Russia and to prevent the restriction of civil liberties in the name of anti-extremism. The Sova Center will monitor extremist and ultra-nationalist groups, publish analytical reports and books, and hold seminars and roundtables about its monitoring results. The Sova Center will coordinate and advance the efforts of experts, journalists, activists, and law enforcement officials in order to secure more effective enforcement of existing laws.
Rostov City Nonprofit Organization "Eko-logika"
To help citizens engage the local bureaucracy of Rostov-na-Donu to increase transparency and accountability. Eko-Logika will organize training seminars to teach participants how to request information from the local government and will continue to operate its resource center, which provides the equipment and consultative support needed to submit such requests. Eko-Logika will also conduct an information campaign to raise awareness about specific environmental problems and to publicize its research and activities.Rostov Regional Public Organization "League for Civil Rights Protection"
To increase transparency in the Rostov municipal government and develop anticorruption activism in the region. The League will attempt to address systemic corruption in Rostov oblast through the formation of joint NGO-business-government partnerships, training seminars on transparency for local officials, the documentation of instances of corruption, and a public awareness campaign.
Russian-Chechen Friendship Society
To conclude work on the English-language edition of its book, An International Tribunal for Chechnya, and to develop an accompanying website. Translation of the book, which was started during RCFS's previous Endowment grant, requires a second round of copy editing. The English-language edition of An International Tribunal for Chechnya will serve as a valuable tool for the international community and those pursuing justice for victims of human rights abuses in the North Caucasus.St. Petersburg Human Rights Public Organization "League of Women Voters"
To monitor the upcoming State Duma and presidential elections. The League will train long-term election observers, who will monitor regional media, interview individuals involved in the electoral process, and staff a voters' rights telephone hotline. The League will also coordinate election-day monitoring, hold regular press conferences and roundtables, and publish its monitoring results on its website (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.liga-rf.ru">http://www.liga-rf.ru</a><!-- m -->) and in its monthly newspaper, The League of Women Voters. The League will offer legal assistance to voters.
St. Petersburg Public Organization "Environmental Human Rights Center 'Bellona'"
To increase access to information about Russian human rights and environmental problems and to encourage networking among NGOs. Bellona will maintain its website <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bellona.ru">http://www.bellona.ru</a><!-- m -->, and publish four print and electronic editions of its journal, Ekologia i Pravo (Ecology and the Law), focusing on the movements to protect Moscow's Khimki Forest, the Utrishskiy Reserve in Krasnodar Krai, Lake Baikal, and ecologically sensitive areas threatened by construction for the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi.St. Petersburg Regional Public Human Rights Organization "Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg"
To conduct its annual Human Rights School, as well as workshops on Russia's Alternative Civil Service and legal issues related to the draft, for thousands of draft-age youth and conscripts. Soldiers' Mothers will also monitor and document cases of human rights abuse at military bases throughout Russia, providing one-on-one legal assistance when necessary. Finally, Soldier's Mothers will continue updating its website (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.soldiersmothers.ru">http://www.soldiersmothers.ru</a><!-- m -->) to provide legal information and advice to draftees, servicemen, and their families.Sverdlovsk Oblast Public Organization "Parity"
To inform the youth of Yekaterinburg about their rights as voters and ways to defend these rights from violation. Parity will monitor voter rights violations during the upcoming election cycles and provide necessary legal aid to victims of violations. Parity will sponsor a high school Olympiad on citizens' rights and a summer camp encouraging civic activism among youth. The organization will hold six educational seminars and create a club of young voters.The Institute of Public Affairs
To continue a crossborder fellowship program for young Russian think tank analysts. The Warsaw-based IPA will work with the Moscow-based Yuri Levada Analytical Center to select 10 promising policy analysts, train six of them in Moscow, bring the fellows on a week-long training and research visit to Poland, and produce and publish 10 policy papers on democracy issues.Transitions Online
To support investigative journalism on environmental issues in Russia. The project will help develop a correspondent network and website for environmental topics that will bring together media and civic activists. To increase their professionalism and familiarity with new media technologies, three environmental journalists will participate in a week-long training course in Prague, three modules of an online BBC training course and a NewsU model on environmental reporting will be translated into Russian, and three three-day workshops for 60 journalists and environmental activists will be organized in Russia's regions.Tula Municipal Civic Human Rights Organization "For Human Rights"
To carry out a series of educational seminars for voters in Tula oblast on the Russian electoral process and voters' rights. For Human Rights will hold a series of public lectures, trainings, and publicity activities to increase participation in the electoral process. In addition, For Human Rights will organize citizen monitoring groups, which will carry out short-term observations in the run-up to the upcoming State Duma and presidential elections.Vladimir Oblast Intellectual Public Movement "Lebed
To operate the independent news and opinion website "Vibor33." Two full-time correspondents will cover social and political events in Vladimir oblast, update Lebed's website daily with original content and maintain an open forum for residents of Vladimir to share their opinions. Lebed will continue to develop its "Map of Problems of Vladimir" and will begin looking for partners to develop a network of similar organizations throughout Russia.Yaroslavl Regional Public Organization in support of Civic Initiatives "Dialog"
To promote the participation of young people aged 16-22 in social and political life in Yaroslavl Oblast in advance of the national, municipal and regional elections. Dialog plans to reach out to young and first-time voters to encourage them to engage more fully in civic life through seminars for first-time voters, debates on regionally important issues, visits to regional government offices, and the publication and distribution of educational materials for young voters. -
Во нафлудила то.Вопрос:это всё к чему?
[AG]Lunatik, если обсуждение Pussi Riot навевает на вас такую тоску то может быть вы тогда прокомментируете свое видение задержания Гарика )? Скандальное видео, в котором его прямо во время дачи интервью журналистам нагло бесцеремонно и грубо волокут в омоновский пазик, из которого в последствии слышны шум драки и побоев это по вашему постановочные трюки, спектакль и провокация )? Или вы быть может так же придерживаетесь официальной версии, что данный представитель оппозиции *покусал * полицейского )?
Diz_Neev, Вариант, оказывал сопротивление при задержании, укусил полицейского не расматривается? )
Каспаров всегда был психически неуравновешенным. -
Xharn, Вы там были, я уверена, стояли рядом и держали свечку )
P/S Прежде чем отвечать вопросами на вопрос не поленились бы ознакомиться с имеющимися материаллами.
Вопрос был адресован явно не в вашу сторону так что попрошу, до поры, воздержаться от комментариев ) -
А вся эта религиозная муть только опустила сама себя в глазах своих же прихожан. У них там прямым текстом написано "ударили по левой щеке - подставь правую", возлюби ближнего и все в таком духе.
Да, РПЦ показали себя во всей красе:) А у пословицы есть продолжение "подставь правую, но не дай ударить". Вообще там сначала правая, а потом левая, но не суть)) -
прокомментируете свое видение задержания Гарика )? Скандальное видео, в котором его прямо во время дачи интервью журналистам нагло бесцеремонно и грубо волокут в омоновский пазик, из которого в последствии слышны шум драки и побоев это по вашему постановочные трюки, спектакль и провокация )? Или вы быть может так же придерживаетесь официальной версии, что данный представитель оппозиции покусал полицейского )?
Diz_Neev, ты реально думаешь что Гарик будет лучше Вована рулить страной? -
Super Veps, Я прошу только прокомментировать, не надо делать досужих домыслов в поисках скрытого подтекста. Не реально, не гипотетически и дафе не сферически в вакууме не думаю )), мне исключительно интересно мнение [AG]Lunatik на поставленный вопрос! Кто, чем и когда будет рулить в данный момент не обсуждается.
Super Veps, Я прошу только прокомментировать, не надо делать досужих домыслов в поисках скрытого подтекста. Не реально, не гипотетически и дафе не сферически в вакууме не думаю
Хм..,тогда не пофигу ли,кусал Гарик полицая за пятку или не кусал? -
Diz_Neev, я не очень то хотел комментировать поведение Каспарова, и его задержание. Я вообще не интересуюсь всем, что связанно с Бунтом Кисок, и смотрю эти новости по диагонали, читая через строчку. Я не смотрел видео задержания и не хочу смотреть. Мне жалко, что уважаемый гроссмейстер решил поддержать маргинальный бунт. Но это его право.
Если вам интересно мое мнение, то всё, что вы сейчас читаете и смотрите в новостях - это информационная баталия между ПРщиками официальной власти и ПРщиками оппозиции, и каждая сторона старается склонить общественное мнение на свою сторону, поэтому оценивать происходящее объективно очень тяжело. При этом общественное мнение умело отвлекается такими приёмами, как искусственное муссирование ажиотажа вокруг несчастных девочек-панков.
Понимаете, я лично не поддерживаю такие способы выражения протеста, какие применяют Pussy Riot, FEMEN и тому подобные группировки, поскольку я уважаю закон. Если каждый начнёт находить оправдание для нарушения закона в том, что они таким образом выражают свою гражданскую позицию, то очень скоро станет слишком тяжело подавить анархические движения (читайте теорию разбитых окон). В конце концов, любой имеет право считать Путина "нечистоплотным" политиком, но это не даёт никому права ходить с пенисом наголо, на котором будет написано "Долой Путина!" (надеюсь, аналогия понятна) Моя мысль состоит в том, что не следует перешагивать черту в выражении своего недовольства.
Поэтому, завершая прелюдию и возвращаясь к вопросу, я отвечу - Каспаров оказался не в том месте не в то время. Возможно, он не кусал полицейского, и тогда налицо полицейский произвол. Но возможно он действительно оказывал сопротивление полиции, а этого делать нельзя, будучи даже трижды гроссмейстером. Перед лицом закона все равны, не так ли? Не этого ли мы все хотим?
Но всё-таки главная мысль в том, что Pussi Riot, Femen, священники и прочие не стоящие такого внимания объекты - лишь ширма для гораздо более серьёзных и более актуальных глобальных проблем, от которых необходимо отвлечь общественность, а именно экономический кризис, продовольственный кризис (в том числе с водой), боевые действия на ближнем востоке. Потенциал у этих проблем значительно выше, чем у дела Pussy Riot.
В качестве заключения хочу привести эпизод из экранизации замечательной умной книги "Поколение "Пи"" Пелевина:
PS: то что сейчас происходит в мире, имеет определяющее значение для развития геополитики на ближайшие полсотни лет. Америка разворачивает свой показушный курс "перезагрузки" отношений с РФ на 180 градусов, поскольку эта стратегия себя явно изжила, и теперь необходимо в преддверии выборов президента США склонять электорат на свою сторону. Дело в том, что Россия слишком быстро начала проявлять жесткую позицию по ряду вопросов (Грузия 2008, ЕвроПРО 2011, Сирия 2012), в то время, как США рассчитывала на большую уступчивость в обмен на... в обмен на ничто - Россия так ничего и не получила, слив, например Ливию.
Теперь кандидат в президенты США Обама начинает осознавать, что ранее выбранный им курс на сближение с Россией не приносит ожидаемых плодов, и он теряет голоса.
Казалось бы, причём тут Каспаров и Pussy Riot. Если вы почитаете американскую прессу, станет понятнее, что американцам очень удобно изображать Путина как кровавого диктатора, стремящегося возродить прежнюю воинственную империю. Рядовой американский избиратель действительно опасается этого загадочного КГБшника, поскольку многие из них уже родились, когда истерия опасения бомбардировок на фоне холодной войны активно муссировалась правительством США.
Например, вот что пишет The Wall Street Journal о задержании Каспарова в своей статье "When Putin's Thugs Came for Me" (Кому не интересно читать на английском или гуглить перевод - там очень много полуправды, убедительно смешанной с утверждениями которые сложно опровергнуть, типа "В стране, где могут посадить на два года за песню" и тому подобное).
В общем, возрождение русской угрозы - очень удобная нынче для американских пастухов тема, позволяет держать своих овечек в напряжении, и умело руководить стадом. А управлять общественным сознанием они научились гораздо раньше, чем мы, и могут дать неплохую фору в этом деле.
Поэтому, верить или нет Каспарову - для меня не стоит вопрос. Для меня стоит вопрос - погружаться ли во всё это с головой или фильтровать? -
Lunatik":2v57fk2i]Мне жалко, что уважаемый гроссмейстер решил поддержать маргинальный бунт. Но это его право.
Ты что-то упустил... "Уважаемый" гроссмейстер уже несколько лет занимается антироссийской деятельностью, так что ввязывается в любую бучу, где можно засветиться и отбить бабки...) -
[AG]Lunatik, на любой законный способ протеста у действующей власти всегда найдутся соответствующие контрмеры в том числе и не вполне законные, на то она и действующая власть )
Это в Европе люди могут выйти на улицы не опасаясь за свое здоровье, а на следующее утро премьер подаст в отставку. В России матушке такой подход не прокатывает у народа нет реального действующего законодательного инструмента воздействия на действующие органы власти. Аресты, запугивания, фабрикация уголовных дел, публичные расправы и так далее, и все это по отношению к абсолютно рядовым добропорядочным гражданам. Я не рассматриваю сейчас ярких представителях оппозиции и политических движений. Ранее, в данной теме, я уже приводила примеры из жизни моего города когда, в преддверии митинга на болотной, омон с применением силы высаживал молодежь с поездов до москвы при этом никаких аргументированных причин приведено не было, кого то увезли в кпз, некоторые попали в травмпункты. Замечу по факту превышения должностных полномочий не было возбуждено ни одного уголовного дела. За участие как это сейчас говорят в "несанкционированном митинге" можно получить срок гораздо больший чем скажем получит маньяк педофил. Какими законными способами, по вашему, можно бороться с такой властью? Людям запрещают выражать свое мнение открыто, мне почему то сразу вспоминается северная корея <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://anton-klyushev.livejournal.com/125823.html">http://anton-klyushev.livejournal.com/125823.html</a><!-- m -->
Еще один яркий пример буквально на днях охрана одного из крупных развлекательных центров Москвы задержала молодого человека только за то что на нем была футболка со скандальной, по их мнению надписью, "Богородица Путина прогони. К месту происшествия был вызван наряд полиции, а молодому человеку хотят предъявить обвинения в экстремизме. -
Какими законными способами, по вашему, можно бороться с такой властью? Людям запрещают выражать свое мнение открыто, мне почему то сразу вспоминается северная корея
С властью не надо боротся,её надо поддерживать.В Корее поддержка власти близка к 100%,какие тут сравнения могут быть.> > @Diz_Neev:Это в Европе люди могут выйти на улицы не опасаясь за свое здоровье, а на следующее утро премьер подаст в отставку. В России матушке такой подход не прокатывает
Поддержали Путина 50% населения ,они не хотят как в Европе,они хотят как в России.Этим людям накласть на демсвободы,их всё устраивает и они имеют право на своё мнение.Вывод:"как в Европе"на данный момент не получается.Посему,или едем в Европу(чтоб как там),или ждём 6 лет,когда Путин уйдёт на повышение,а руль передаст Прохорову,надеемся что ему.Любая же смута,это зло. -
Это в Европе люди могут выйти на улицы не опасаясь за свое здоровье, а на следующее утро премьер подаст в отставку.А можно прямой пример такого?
Людям запрещают выражать свое мнение открыто
Дорогой человек, ну вы ведь и множество белоленточных - и пишут и на улицах машут плакатами.
Есть свобода слова, есть. Просто она стала заканчиваться там, где начинается свобода других людей. И вы внезапно обнаружили, что , о боже, вы живете не в пустом ангаре, а в обществе. Где не всем нравятся, о боже, ВАШИ ВЕЛИКИЕ мысли. И если вы орете с памятника партизанам и одеваете им на голову тряпки, вам бьют мосю не гадкие полицаи, а рядовые граждане. Если раз за разом получаешь от разных людей по морде, то дело не в людях, а в морде.
Я не хочу что бы у меня рядом с домом орали гопники по ночам, ровно как и опозиционеры. Мне не нравится ни когда в Храме поют на амвоне какие-то идиотки, ни когда сумасшедшие старушки с иконами на перевес штурмуют суд. И там и там действует полиция, я это видела.
То, что в стране есть порядок - вот что делает привлекательной нынешнюю власть. У России прививка к революциям после 90х. -
То, что в стране есть порядок - вот что делает привлекательной нынешнюю власть. У России прививка к революциям после 90х.Нуу, насчёт порядка ,эт ты загнула,а в остальном всё по делу.
Super Veps
А что вы хотите за порядок? 37 год? За колоски на 8 лет? -
[s:2ngin60n]Но из крайности в крайность тоже не стоит бросаться.[/s:2ngin60n]
Точнее так: не надо за мерку брать кровавый террор. Всегда можно найти пример похуже, но не стоит же этим примеров кормиться, мол, вот были времена, было хуже. -
А что вы хотите за порядок? 37 год? За колоски на 8 лет?Порядок и репрессии это разные вещи.Выше,несколькими постами,я описывал ситуацию с иностранными рабочими.
Так вот,когда количество иностранцев равняется количеству боеспособного населения России(если не превышает его),это не есть порядок,это,извините,не просто бардак ,а бардачище.Порядок это когда в Пекине,во время наводнения затопившего многомиллионный город,погибло 10человек или чуть больше,а вот непорядок, когда при аналогичной ситуации,в городе где и людей то кот наплакал,гибнут сотни,а мэр в это время сваливает ,бросив население умирать.
В Белоруссию съездите и посмотрите на порядок,там не 37-й год и за колосок 8 лет не дают.