Фап Клуб Развратного Приста
1й раз вижу кротч использованный в смысле пенис
с баша
А поконкретней?
Я хожу на <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://bash.org/?latest">http://bash.org/?latest</a><!-- m --> но там редко появляеться что-нибуть... -
на данный момент я здесь.
и по возрастанию -
<Miro-kun> An F-111 was flying escort with a B-52 and generally making a nuisance of himself by flying rolls around the lumbering old bomber.
<Miro-kun> The message for the B-52 crew was, "Anything you can do, I can do better."
<Miro-kun> Not to be outdone, the bomber pilot announced that he would rise to the challenge.
<Miro-kun> The B-52 continued its flight, straight and level, however.
<Miro-kun> Perplexed, the fighter pilot asked, "So? What did you do?"
<Miro-kun> "We just shut down two engines." -
<kuribo> [Random Topical Haiku] (Pedophilia) Stop touching my thing. Your hands are rough and calloused. I am only six.
<kuribo> [Random Topical Haiku] (Slashdot.org) I've Got A Cool Site. What The Fuck? So Much Traffic! Now My Server's Down.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~chenbri/">http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~chenbri/</a><!-- m --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
на аватар
%(#BF80FF)[] -
<herze> miss pearl
<herze> my love for you is like diherrea
<helpimarock> what
<herze> i just cant hold it in
<madpunk-nap> omg
<helpimarock> ahhhhhhhhh
<madpunk-nap> that would alomst be elite
<helpimarock> thats the sweetest thing ive ever heard
<madpunk-nap> if i didnt have to do with poop
<herze> haha
<herze> madpunk, even stevie wonder could see the beauty in you
<herze> i have a few more
<madpunk-nap> i dont want to know, im going back to sleep
<herze> you have over 200 bones in your body... want another?
<herze> lets play army, ill lay on the ground and you can blow the hell out of me -
<b1u3> we got this admin dance that never fails to eventually resurrect a crashed database server
<JeffreyAtW> Heha, just played ParaParaParadise for the first time
<JeffreyAtW> Probably my last time too. I alredy beat the hardest song with no problem at all, and I'm not that good at freestyling... nor have I ever seen anyone ever dancing ParaPara
<Sumez> I am so amazed by your extreme geekiness
<JeffreyAtW> Yes. I have danced like a Japanese schoolgirl. -
I am so amazed by your extreme geekiness
lolz -
Мне не нравиться твой клуб и ты тоже!
и твои розовенькие буковки!
так это офф зеркало баша?)
и аватар111ONE
Мне не нравиться твой клуб и ты тоже!well gtfo then
<rufees> Ron Jeremy was a decent guy. He is such a Troma fan that he worked on the movie for free. Troma payed for his Hotel , and I believe his airfare and food ( if that was what we ate ), but that was it. The funny thing about Ron was that he wasn't just some novelty to have in the film ... he can act , and I mean well. I was shocked at his ability to learn his lines quickly and he had excellent comedic timing. It caught me off guard. He is definitely a sex maniac though. You'd think a day off from shooting porn he wouldn't concern himself with getting laid , but he goes up to one of the actresses in the middle of the day and shows her his index finger and says "You know why you should masterbate with this finger ?" and she goes "No?" and he replies "Because it's mine". Sleazy, but fuckin' funny.