Флудилка Лолодинчега
грибы - салвия, только длится часами и не так сильно окуеваешь per second
ололо, нуб
video: Deathstars - Cyanide
"When the dark does what the dark does best...it's darkness.... crap..."
этот коммент описывает половину всего что нужно знать о дезстарах
другая половина - у них бывает хорошая музыка -
грибы - салвия, только длится часами и не так сильно окуеваешь per second
ололо, нубя не прав? сальвия - убивает наповал на минуту, шрумы - эффект длится долго и глюки не на столько страшные как от сальвии
Начнем с того что как шалфея, так и грибов - несколько видов
Illidan, кину "shrooms" смотрел?)
Одинокий Странник, нет, оно у меня по списку после half baked, который я уже смотрел, так что нужно только найти шрумс
It was a friday nite, i was with about 6 other friends in the middle of a field and there was a huge fire. My friend had his doors to truck open so we could listen to music. All of my friends were just drinking and smoking pot. I smoked a few bowls then i went and sat in my car which was right next to the fire. I pulled out some 15x salvia and packed it in my bowl ( keep in mind that it was dark, cold and there were quite a few people here and no one knew what i was about to do.) I took about three big rips and then set it down. Immediatly i could feel it. I struggled to open my car door to get out. It felt as if my hand went right through the door to the outside. Once i stepped outside i could hear the song "Thunderstruck" playing in the background. I walked out and kept repeating to my friends " i dont feel good " , i said this probally 20 times. The music got really intense and it took over my brain, it felt as if someone disconnected my spine from my brain. As i looked around it looked like DNA strands were traveling in rows flying through the sky. I began to freak out. The music kept repeating itself and it was imbedding in my head even more. I said "turn the music off" but no one listened because they didnt even know i was tripping, which was the worst part about. I closed my eyes and started breathing very heavy and when i opened them i was looking at my self from above. I thought to myself, IM DYING HOLY SHIT IM FUCKING DYING. I had to get away from the music so i started walking away from it. I felt like i was walking on a giant tredmill and the earth spun beneath my feet, then i came back to reality for about 30 seconds, and kept flashing back into the trip every once in awhile for about the next 15 minutes. That whole night after the trip i couldnt stop thinkng about what just happend. Salvia has a very different connection to music then any other drug and all i can say is that it is INSANE.
I have done Shrooms Twice, LSD alot (12-15 times) and smoked salvia a few times and out of all my trips this was by far the most intense trip i have every had using any drug, i cant not beleive what this shit is capable of doing. Although it is very random how it works it can be very potent. To not do salvia if your not in a comfortable enviroment unless you plan on having a very very bad trip.
мог уже 10 раз купить 15-20х салвию, но говорят что неxер деньги тратить, найди 40х
*wants to see priest on forties xD -
<f48u10n7> this dude I know was sleeping with this girl, and she had really long hair. so he gets up in the middle of the night to take a crap, and he finishes his business, but when he stands up, he feels a tug--turns out his turd is attached to his rectum via a long hair. he had to hobble over to the sink to get scissors
<taylah> what
<taylah> okay
<taylah> im confused
<nimh> f48u10n7: that's happened to me before
<f48u10n7> see, he must have swallowed some of her hair in the night
<nimh> i've pulled one of my ex's long hair outta my ass before
<taylah> haha oh
<taylah> my
<f48u10n7> i'm glad I only sleep with bald chicks
> that's the most disgusting thing I've heard in a long time and I'm in here a fair amount of time
<taylah> god
<PunkRawk> like outta yer asshole nimh?
<aemkey> f48u10n7 lol <aem
<nimh> right out
<nimh> i felt it as i tugged it out
<nimh> i even called her over to take a look at it
<nimh> i was like, "cait, this is your fault."
<nimh> she was like, "what, EWWEWWEWE!"
<nimh> and ran away screaming
<f48u10n7> yikes
<f48u10n7> anyway, my point was, that's kinda like spidey shooting webs from his ass -
сколько стоит 15-20 ?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg">http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg</a><!-- m --> -
хз, просто на каждом конвиньенс сторе с сальвией висит табличка "WE SELL SALVIA!!!"
и снизу на табличке написанны экстракты -
<f48u10n7> this dude I know was sleeping with this girl, and she had really long hair. so he gets up in the middle of the night to take a crap, and he finishes his business, but when he stands up, he feels a tug--turns out his turd is attached to his rectum via a long hair. he had to hobble over to the sink to get scissors<taylah> what
<taylah> okay
<taylah> im confused
<nimh> f48u10n7: that's happened to me before
<f48u10n7> see, he must have swallowed some of her hair in the night
<nimh> i've pulled one of my ex's long hair outta my ass before
<taylah> haha oh
<taylah> my
<f48u10n7> i'm glad I only sleep with bald chicks
> that's the most disgusting thing I've heard in a long time and I'm in here a fair amount of time
<taylah> god
<PunkRawk> like outta yer asshole nimh?
<aemkey> f48u10n7 lol <aem
<nimh> right out
<nimh> i felt it as i tugged it out
<nimh> i even called her over to take a look at it
<nimh> i was like, "cait, this is your fault."
<nimh> she was like, "what, EWWEWWEWE!"
<nimh> and ran away screaming
<f48u10n7> yikes
<f48u10n7> anyway, my point was, that's kinda like spidey shooting webs from his assдобило, много раз -
нуб, цену слабо узнать было ?
ololo<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg">http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg</a><!-- m -->
а вообще ничего так ж) -
приедешь сюда в течении 30и дней - скажу цену хоть прям ща х)
The-ill-man- beat kicks in yo yo you know i be somkein some grass, tappin some ass, while rippin on bowls, and hittin on hoes
-cyanide- ur smoking weed while fucking girls while smoking weed while trying to pick up girls.. nice rap..
я акорне живу, тут всякие нубы каждый день подобную хрень выдумывают -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg">http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg</a><!-- m -->
а вообще ничего так ж)o________________0 -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg">http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg</a><!-- m -->
а вообще ничего так ж)o________________0%(pink)[kinkey
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://vkontakte.ru/video17429606?add=1">http://vkontakte.ru/video17429606?add=1</a><!-- m -->