Флудилка Лолодинчега
<f48u10n7> this dude I know was sleeping with this girl, and she had really long hair. so he gets up in the middle of the night to take a crap, and he finishes his business, but when he stands up, he feels a tug--turns out his turd is attached to his rectum via a long hair. he had to hobble over to the sink to get scissors
<taylah> what
<taylah> okay
<taylah> im confused
<nimh> f48u10n7: that's happened to me before
<f48u10n7> see, he must have swallowed some of her hair in the night
<nimh> i've pulled one of my ex's long hair outta my ass before
<taylah> haha oh
<taylah> my
<f48u10n7> i'm glad I only sleep with bald chicks
> that's the most disgusting thing I've heard in a long time and I'm in here a fair amount of time
<taylah> god
<PunkRawk> like outta yer asshole nimh?
<aemkey> f48u10n7 lol <aem
<nimh> right out
<nimh> i felt it as i tugged it out
<nimh> i even called her over to take a look at it
<nimh> i was like, "cait, this is your fault."
<nimh> she was like, "what, EWWEWWEWE!"
<nimh> and ran away screaming
<f48u10n7> yikes
<f48u10n7> anyway, my point was, that's kinda like spidey shooting webs from his ass -
сколько стоит 15-20 ?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg">http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg</a><!-- m --> -
хз, просто на каждом конвиньенс сторе с сальвией висит табличка "WE SELL SALVIA!!!"
и снизу на табличке написанны экстракты -
<f48u10n7> this dude I know was sleeping with this girl, and she had really long hair. so he gets up in the middle of the night to take a crap, and he finishes his business, but when he stands up, he feels a tug--turns out his turd is attached to his rectum via a long hair. he had to hobble over to the sink to get scissors<taylah> what
<taylah> okay
<taylah> im confused
<nimh> f48u10n7: that's happened to me before
<f48u10n7> see, he must have swallowed some of her hair in the night
<nimh> i've pulled one of my ex's long hair outta my ass before
<taylah> haha oh
<taylah> my
<f48u10n7> i'm glad I only sleep with bald chicks
> that's the most disgusting thing I've heard in a long time and I'm in here a fair amount of time
<taylah> god
<PunkRawk> like outta yer asshole nimh?
<aemkey> f48u10n7 lol <aem
<nimh> right out
<nimh> i felt it as i tugged it out
<nimh> i even called her over to take a look at it
<nimh> i was like, "cait, this is your fault."
<nimh> she was like, "what, EWWEWWEWE!"
<nimh> and ran away screaming
<f48u10n7> yikes
<f48u10n7> anyway, my point was, that's kinda like spidey shooting webs from his assдобило, много раз -
нуб, цену слабо узнать было ?
ololo<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg">http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg</a><!-- m -->
а вообще ничего так ж) -
приедешь сюда в течении 30и дней - скажу цену хоть прям ща х)
The-ill-man- beat kicks in yo yo you know i be somkein some grass, tappin some ass, while rippin on bowls, and hittin on hoes
-cyanide- ur smoking weed while fucking girls while smoking weed while trying to pick up girls.. nice rap..
я акорне живу, тут всякие нубы каждый день подобную хрень выдумывают -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg">http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg</a><!-- m -->
а вообще ничего так ж)o________________0 -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg">http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d137/planb01234/1.jpg</a><!-- m -->
а вообще ничего так ж)o________________0%(pink)[kinkey
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://vkontakte.ru/video17429606?add=1">http://vkontakte.ru/video17429606?add=1</a><!-- m -->
<normaliamnot> u ppl here about this building, i think it called, trade center, or big trade center or something?
<normaliamnot> it broken
смотрел ?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.world-art.ru/cinema/cinema.php?id=20120">http://www.world-art.ru/cinema/cinema.php?id=20120</a><!-- m -->
<CompuMan> The tragedy of Canada is they could have had British culture, French cooking, and American technology, but instead they got American culture, British cooking, and French technology.
<guyen> so she gets pulled over, and as the bike cop walks up to her, she asks "are you going to at least try to sell me a ticket to the highway patrolmen's ball?"
<guyen> then the cop goes "highway patrolmen don't have balls, ma'am"
<guyen> and she busts out laughing, he finally gets it and just turns around, gets on his bike, and rides away without another word
<guyen> she just sits in her car laughing for like five minutes before she starts her car again
<guyen> shit, if i'd try to say something like that he would have gone LAPD on my ass -
<CompuMan> The tragedy of Canada is they could have had British culture, French cooking, and American technology, but instead they got American culture, British cooking, and French technology.lolwhat? компу-ман - оноцефал 3й степени -
ты смотрел tenacious d ?