PVP For Wizards 101: Never Kiss The Floor Again!
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Thread inspired by Nava's original PVP thread and that legendary sin pvp thread in the thief forums. Because I have too much time on my hands.
A quick summary regarding spells of choice in pvp:
JT 1 - Your best friend. Knocks back for 3 tiles, 3 hits, is painful enough, one of two forms of distance control that we wizards have. The other is Sightrasher, which is ugly, inefficient and takes two spells to pull off. When in doubt, JT1 unless it's a hunter or monk. When sure spam.
JT 4 - A recent discovery. Somewhat of an improvisation between JT 1 and 10, it seems to be the most decent so far, 6 tiles knock back like Arrow Repel, and 6 hits means that smiths and sins don't get that much leeway while charging/backsliding towards you. Consider using this a lot if you've got dex around the 120+ range.
FB 10 - What do you mean, you don't have this? At 80 base int this deals a whopping 4~5K damage to those without cranial, namely sins and hunters, and at higher int it can take down those with less than 7K hp without even trying. It's also a good counter against those wearing Dokkaebi, forget ES or HD.
FW 10 - Control spell. This is your barrier between that smith who's spamming hammerfall, and that sin itching to sonic blow you to death. Use in coordination with Quagmire for best results.
Quagmire - Yet another control spell, but what's not to love? This noisy yet versatile life-saver debuffs IC, Agi Up, Adrenaline Rush, Wind Walk and Cart Boost. Also halves agi and dex of affected target, and reduces walking speed by 100%. Post-patch you can only cast up to 3 at a time, and reduces agi/dex at -5 per Quag level.
SG 1 - At high dex this is your panic button, and also long-range sniping tool (you can cast it from the whole length of your screen). Who'd pass up a spell that freezes on the third hit if you don't have Marc?
JT 10 - To finish off the frozen targets, which you might have frozen with SG/FD/FN previously, or for just plain raw damage. Takes down all classes with 8K and less HP if done so. 12 sweet hits make Dokkaebi an armour option for many due to this. Alternate with JT1/JT4 for better results.
SG 10 - Rips non-Dokkaebi/Swordfish wearing players apart. If you're fighting another wiz you will not be able to pot and save yourself under this wearing Marc+Marse- it's that powerful. Use sparingly and only when you know this won't kill you from the after-cast delay.
ES/HD - Iffy spells. Too little hits for me to really like it, but if you think you'll be better off with this than FB10, well... only works at its best when you've got a priest with you lexing the target, which should be wearing Dokkaebi.
SC 10 - Something of a gem, no pun intended. The immunity card is rather painful (Medusa fits into shield and not wearing Thara against a wiz means you take 30% more damage from all spells), spammable like JT, the only downside to this is the range, which'd be two tiles. Consumes 1 red gem, but who cares when you can kill priests and vit knights this way?
FD 10 - An alternative to SC10. This deals high damage at low casting time, has a 7 tile range, but sadly gets nullified by Marc. Would've been a great spell if not for SG, and SC.
Sight - Always allocate a slot for this on your hotkey bar whenever you know there's going to be massive pvp action. Backstab kills. The new Cloak patch and Sight range nerf (to 7x7) later on makes this an even more important spell than ever.
SW 10 - Situational. Not exactly my cup of tea for various reasons like required pre-requisites and proximity, but makes pure melees cry. Hammerfall still passes through this, as do status effects, but it still blocks Asura as of now. Helps when you're getting banged by several melees in pvp and when you need an error margin to fight with. Is almost instant at high dex. Consumes 1 blue gem.
FP 10 - Post-patch, you can cast up to 5, doesn't require a gem at level 1-5, does at level 6-10. Activation range is 3x3 tiles, 1 tile in every direction at level 1-5, 7x7 tiles, 3 tiles in every direction at level 6-10. Use it for those times where people use MDEF gear, since it ignores MDEF. 12 hits at level 10, and consumes 1 blue gem. Only recommended if you plan to practice this a lot as it works like a trap, since you can't cast-under the target.
2-1 and 2-2 Class specifics
Hunter: Let's be honest; if the hunter has a quad stun comp bow you're not winning this. There is, short of getting an Orc Hero card or adding tons of vit to your build, no way of getting around this. DSing with stun bow equipped before switching back to bloody and then DSing again is win for them. But if they don't do that then fine, just pull off consecutive Quags alternated with FB10s and watch them kiss floor. Wear Phen (duh), and never never ever JT them for any reason whatsoever. They have better range than you.
Bard/Dancer: Same as above; but while the Bard's still winnable if you've got Marc, the Dancer's not, if she's got Scream.
Assassins: Not to be trifled with. Quad stun dual-wield status daggers, while being one of the lesser known tricks out there, will kill. However, unlike hunters, these guys actually have to be close for the stun to kick in, so play ping-pong with them using varying levels of JT, preferably JT4, and Quag+FW as a barrier before JT10/FB10/SG10ing them. Watch out though for Backslide, that sneaky skill which ignores everything but the map, as experienced sins can get really close if you're not careful. Got crit-locked? Don't panic, Quag first, then FW a couple of times so that the FW seperates both of you, before switching to another spell again. After the Cloak patch make sure Sight is constantly on.
Rogues: If it's a bow rogue, then refer to hunter above. If it's a Backstab rogue, treat like an assassin. :Þ Maintain a constant Sight.
Priests: If you don't have Stone Curse, skip this part. If you do, SC then pull off a quick SG/JT before the immobilization finishes, and then when turned completely black FB10. If target still hasn't died either give up or continue as above. Noob priests who die to a frozen-JT don't count, btw.
Monks: What is it about acolyte-based classes and Stone Curse? I don't get it, however, but 120 str MSS (TSS for the iRO translation) eats wizards and hunters up alive. The only way to prevent this is by spamming SC on the monk, basically a I-live-or-die-by-this-spell's-success thing. There is no other conceivable way, at the moment, to prevent that skill. Same thing goes for Asura, especially if the monk's wearing Phen. As like hunters, don't JT, you're playing into their hands by giving them more distance, which in this case is safety for them. Sparingly is the word here, same thing goes for SG.
Blacksmith: Like an assassin, only less subtle, more straightforward. The rule here is simple: there is no second chance. One stun with Hammerfall from them is all it takes to see the floor, or the Please Wait loading screen. Be careful of Bloody Axe wearers, sprinkle liberal dosages of JT1/JT4, and apply Quag+FW thickly. Spring SC on them only when you think they won't suspect it. SG is to be used only while the Quag+FW barrier is up, for delay and security reasons.
Alchemist: Although I have yet to see it in action, Acid Terror is range, deals about 500ish damage and apparently kills since it can be spammed like mammo. Use JT4 and FW to keep the alch away from you, then SG/FB10/JT10.
Wizard: Ah, now this is something of like a gun duel. Fastest one on the draw wins, all the time. Quag helps a lot, and yes, this time spamming JT's alright. Higher int FB10/JT10s kill wizards with less than 5K HP, and since Pasana's already available I'd suggest to switch between Marc/Pasana, and wear Dustiness for maximised efficiency.
Sage: Tough cookie to fight. A support one might be cannon fodder, but a more offense-inclined one with counterspells and Magnetic Earth is doom for you. If you manage to encounter the latter on an ME during a fight, don't stand there and try to out-react the sage with your 'fast' spells, Spell Breaker and Magic Rod is faster. Just run away or something, that should at least solve the problem of your using AOE spells. Quag more, spam spells less. Only when you think you've found an opening do you attack, not a second before. Did I mention they've got much better HP mods than us? Well, I just did.
Knight: The most irritating and hardest, if you don't count quad stun comps as hard. Winning a battle with a knight is hard, especially if you've got not enough HP or defence to boot. JT doesn't really work that well since Spear Boomerang has wicked range, and SC only works if you don't get Spear Stabbed across the room. It's more equal if you face off with this one with a priest by your side, but if you can't get one then SC should be alright. SC, then SG before FB10ing the knight. Repeat till one of you dies. If the knight's more inclined towards Pierce, then apply a Quag+FW lock. Otherwise, FB10s and the odd SG serve enough purpose. Be wary of diversionists that Spear Boom from afar, then rush in to Pierce while you cast a spell at them.
Crusaders: Less of a nightmare compared to knights. GC saders generally shouldn't come near you as a rule, JT ping-pong should take care of it fine. Skills to watch out for are Shield Charge and Shield Boomerang, which, while not as frequently used as how much knights spam their own equivalent, are deadly enough to take note of. Don't attempt an SC for any reason whatsoever. Quag+FW lock if necessary.
10/10/04: Added JT4, FP and patch changes to the FAQ. Minor stuff like taking note of Sight range, Pasana cards, and SW/Alchemist rectification. Thanks to [T][O][M], Twisted Fire and Puff for feedback.
Ну и что таково...мало инфы и ооочень мало приёмов борьбы.
Интересно кто это писал. -
SPiRiT [Chaos] - а ты не с RDW случайно ?
не фонтан...
любой виз, денек проведший на арене до всего ээтого доперает интуитивно )хотя 1 минус своего компа нашел... ДАЕШЬ 300кнопочную клавиатуру! ))))))))))))))
Кстати выложил бы тогда и тактику сага...интересно посмотреть что там=). Хотя уверен ничего особенного.
хотя 1 минус своего компа нашел... ДАЕШЬ 300кнопочную клавиатуру! ))))))))))))))
тогда уж и руки на 100 пальцев -
FB 10????????????????????????????? Неубедительно...
У кого-нибудь есть FB 10?
Glu, у PvP визов, которые качают СК
FP 10 - Post-patch, you can cast up to 5, doesn't require a gem at level 1-5, does at level 6-10.
Хм? Разве? Когда этот патч вышел, что до пятого уровня не требует камень?
И интересно, не вышел ли с тех пор новый, который это отменяет... -
Давайте начистоту. В чем смысл ПВП визов?
останавливать и уничтожать все что движется, а самое главное БЫСТРО )
останавливать и уничтожать все что движется, а самое главное БЫСТРО )
:lol: :lol: :lol: так неполучится, хотя ты атец тебе видней2 все вы что по аглицки читать не умеете когда тама пишут про FB :lol:
Что что, простите?
Не нравится ФБ? А ведь по некоторым обутым чарам кроме как ФБ и бить бывает не чем. -
ни разу не пожалел за всё время игры что у меня фболт 10)
те кто говорят что фболт 10 это бред.. - говорят чушь!
есть разные билды. .в одном фб10 актуально в другом нет.. -
Просто те кто говорят, что ФБ 10 это чушь, обычно качаются исключительно в клоке, а на арене сидят на какой-нибудь пронт-арене и думают, а где же мне применить этот самый ФБ???
srr, Italy forever, гуд, гуд )))
ФБ действительно прикольно) только я понял это на декс 100+ ) и не расскаиваюсь в ФБ8 ) -
я про глу писал
"Глу" ступил и почему-то подумал что речь идет о FireBall. Почему, самому непонятно...
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