Ввести недостающие карты монстров
Карты, которые уже давно должны были быть у нас на сервере.
! iRO: added April 1, 2012 Maintenance.
Queen Scaraba Card (MVP)
[:2tyr7pef]Increases damage to scaraba by 30%.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Weapon[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Cendrawasih Card
[:2tyr7pef]INT + 2.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]If used by mage types, each 3 refine adds INT + 1.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Headgear[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Butoijo Card
[:2tyr7pef]Increases damage against angel type monsters by 20%.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Weapon[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Leak Card (MVP)
[:2tyr7pef]STR + 3.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]When dealing physical or magical damage, there's a high chance to cause chaos or fear status.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Weapon[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Sropho Card
[:2tyr7pef]When dealing short range physical damage there's a chance to cause freezing (frost mist) status.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Weapon[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Pot Dofle Card
[:2tyr7pef]Changes armor to water property.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Reduces damage from fish type enemies by 10%.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Armor[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]King Dramoh Card
[:2tyr7pef]STR + 2.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]When used by swordsman types, each 3 refine adds STR + 1.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Headgear[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Kraken Card (MVP)
[:2tyr7pef]FLEE + 10.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Enables usage of [Hiding] Lv 1 and [Surprise Attack] Lv1.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef][Surprise Attack] has a chance to cause bleeding status.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Garment[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Siorava Card
[:2tyr7pef]LUK + 2[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]If used by merchant types, each 3 refine adds LUK + 1[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Headgear[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Wild Rider Card
[:2tyr7pef]When dealing physical damage there is a high chance to cast Agi Up Lv1 on yourself.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Shoes[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Octopus Card
[:2tyr7pef]When dealing magic damage there's a chance to cause blind status.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on : Weapon[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Giant Octopus Card (MVP)
[:2tyr7pef]MaxHP + 12%.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Enables usage of [Waterball] Lv 5.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on : Armor[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Weird Coelacanth Card (MVP)
[:2tyr7pef]MaxSP + 5%, MDEF + 50.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Armor[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Dark Coelacanth Card (MVP)
[:2tyr7pef]MaxHP + 10%, DEF + 100.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Armor[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Mutant Coelacanth Card (MVP)
[:2tyr7pef]MATK + 2%[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]For each 2 refine, MATK + 1%, MaxHP - 1%.[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Headgear[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef]Violent Coelacanth Card (MVP)
[:2tyr7pef]ATK + 2%[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]For each 2 refine, ATK + 1%, MaxSP - 1%[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Compound on: Headgear[/2tyr7pef]
[:2tyr7pef]Weight: 1[/2tyr7pef][/list:u:2tyr7pef] -
MaxHP + 12%.Enables usage of [Waterball] Lv 5.
Compound on : Armor
Weight: 1@Лучик-счастья:
MaxHP + 10%, DEF + 5.
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1слишком имбовые мвп карты.
Запили дверь, поправил DEF.
Если будет необходимость, могу добавить скрипты к картам.
ред эрума есть карта.
Metallistka, спасибо, убрано.
Какие-то беспонтовые. Нафиг они нужны?
Butoijo Card тоже есть вроде
Baron Corsar, халявы не будет!
иди пей лучше антифриз
Карта птички классная. Вполне разумно такую ввести, с учётом аналогичной карты на Dex(Dolomedos или как то так).
Зачем эта тема в разделе предложений? Уверен, что данные карты появятся с одним из апдейтов. Ну и список отсутствующих карт неполный.
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