К сожалению сабж временно закрывается, предположительно на пару недель... -_-;
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Important Notice.
Forums will be closed for at least, couple weeks.
Originally scheduled to go down for few days in end of March then be back up in few days, but Luno just informed me that it's going down in 2 days.
I do not have sufficient money -right now- (I won't have for at least mid to late March), therefore I have no way of paying at the moment.
For further information and to chat - please visit us at #emperium in irc.enterthegame.com. There's where you will find all updates on what's going to happen to the forums. We also have some ... interesting plans as to what will happen to the forums, or ... even the site. Remember, there's no way of knowing what might happen unless you are in our IRC channel!
Luno said that the main site isn't going down - he said he is going to take care of it. That is none of my business - I was never given much access to it anyways.
Note: Any monetary support would be greately appreciated, but I cannot accept any hosting. I've already selected who will be the new host for emperium.org forums.
Thanks for all your support, and continued support would be greately appreciated! Just remember, we're not gone! We are only experiencing... temporary setback, also one step closer to the freedom. 😉