Быдла кунi запаланiли интернети!
Хорошо написано :Bravo:
эээ.. з дамами в интернеди!?
Да..... Великолепно ^_~
"Теперь не забываем что баш читают и дети, поколение которое вырастит считая, что самая крутая на свете проффесия это сисадмин, что спорт это слабаков, а настоящие мужики прогят на C++ пья пивасику и разводят толстый страшный телочек по аське."
истинно"А разве Борис Валентиновичь, вэб дизайнер, дрыщявый паренек на вид лет 15, в очках с толстенными стеклами и кудрями до попы, которому на самом деле уже за 30 лет перевалило и который любит отмачивать шутки про то как он экзешники ломал и на сайте пентагона был. Разве Борис Валентиновичь это хороший герой для современного поколения??"
на сайте пентагона - полюбому герой)если только лучше чем средне-смешные шутки будут проходить фильтр - баш будет обновлятся на 90% медленней, пусть идиоты над ними смеются и плюсуют, в топ всё равно бред не пройдёт
а то что нубы будут выростать в сисадминов - не волнует, всегда будут области разных людей, некоторые области просто становятся более популярными
хотяб меньше народа будет смотреть телек и больше не верить в бога
а если у тебя в детстве арнольд был героем - не значит всем нужны такие героинастоящая проблема - медицина, если очень скоро не сверщится чудо и все не поймут что медецина это главный враг нашей цивилизации, то уже скоро, скажем через 5-10 поколений, земля будет населенна.. смотрите сами :3
"Remember to make sure that your retard's tags are up to date."
"She'd be a cute little girl if only she had a different head."
Wait, why am I laughing? Oh yeah, I'm fucking retarded!
"Oh, the irony."
"I think it's eyebrow needs plucking."
"All buckled up and ready for bed.
(Call me racist, but isn't the idea of a retarded nigger a little redundant?)"
"Here's a picture of a round, unintelligent object... and a basketball."
"Ok, now look to your right... your other right, Einstein!"
"Daddy said not to swallow."
"I don't think, therefore am I?"
"When I grow up, I wanna be president!"
"When I grow up, I wanna be president!
(You had to see that one coming a mile away.)"по теме: шутки такие будут поступуть бесконечно и это не исправить. конечно о любом топе можно сказать "это ессесно, топ унылое говно", но если каждый топ обдумывать с каждой точки зрения - то топы в которых хочешь пошарить свои мысли с людьми можно не создавать вообще. тру топ, процент думажу юмора норм, хотелось бы побольше)
Persons recognized as being mentally retarded are actually higher forms of life who have evolved far beyond the current level of "normal" people. Retards possess vast and esoteric minds and their fragile bodies have become twisted under the strain of containing their massive intellects. Their slurred and troubled speech is little different to us than the unknowable squeals of the graceful dolphin. Retards are very cognizant of just how different they really are, they are in fact superior.Retards communicate via telepathy, that is the direct transmission of thought without the aid of speech. Their seemingly simple speech is actually an irrelevant by-product of their mental inner workings. When several retards gather in close proximity to each other, a chaotic cacophony of groans, grunts, and droolings is combined with a confusing mixture of wild gesticulations and bizarre facial contortions. To the ignorant observer, this is little more than noise or babblings, but it is in fact a meeting of the truly great minds. Retards have known to muse for many hours on such esoteric subjects as: the parameters of the human soul, the nature of god, the workings of the unseen universe, and the properties of extra dimensional realities. Retards possess the secrets of the universe and they are truly the right hand of "god".
Don't be lulled into amusement or apathy to the issue of retards in our "normal" society. Should they ever choose to unleash the raw power of their mental acumen, retards could crush our society and enslave the minds of all life on this planet. No average person could withstand a single glimpse of the unmasked and raw god thought of the lowliest retard. Should be it scientifically known, retards in fact do not compare to us. Intellectually we "normal" folk are but bacteria in their presence, and with a sweeping glance of their mental power retards could sanitize our minds and destroy us utterly.
The path to eventual destruction is laid bare and the clock is ticking. Witness the so-called "Special Olympics" where retards are honing their physical skills and improving their bodies to overcome their impairments. Once they overcome the physical limitations forced upon them by their god-like minds, they will be our equals in the physical realm. Retards will then seize our machines and technologies and turn them against us. Our society and our world will vanish overnight. The retards will bask in the open light of hyper reality and the rest of the population will be thrust into a new dark age of servitude and submission.
The next time your path crosses that of a retard, avert your eyes and pass quickly and with respect. For in that fleeting moment, you are in the presence of truly higher intelligence.
""God created man in his own image" Genesis 1:27Many of my followers have asked me, 'if God made all men perfect and in his own image, then where do retards come from?' While this answer is fairly straight-forward to a learned man of the Bible, it sickens me to the very pit of my stomach that some pathetic people have the nerve to suggest that God actually created these filthy limbless monsters. They say to me 'How did God get it so wrong?', like these wretched creatures have anything to do with him. It's utterly offensive to even suggest that God, in his infinite wisdom, would create something as loathsome and repulsive a a spastic child. So let me tell you exactly where these disgusting beasts come from.........."
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.godhatesgoths.com/godhatesretards.html">http://www.godhatesgoths.com/godhatesretards.html</a><!-- m --> - тру сайт, всем читать))"Surveys have revealed that a shocking 75% of all assaults and violent attacks in Public Schools and in the streets are carried out by children with retardations! (The other 25% we assume is by Goths)."
на счёт несколько поколений вперёд - этот фильм лучше всего показывает мою точку зрения)
Idiocracy (2006)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/">http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/</a><!-- m -->
Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes 500 years in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed-down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive. -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.godhatesgoths.com/gothsenterhere.html">http://www.godhatesgoths.com/gothsenterhere.html</a><!-- m -->
Только массовые расстрелы спасут Родину.
Одинокий Странник
Золотой вы Дмитрий человек, о России заботитесь! -
Смирись ето будусчие!1
Dumaju, молодец, хорошая тема, но ничего не поделать...
А вообще да тема хорошая, люди помешались на баше...