Флудилка Лолодинчега
yay more ufos
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edgar mitchell and alan shepard:
"- Well, let's see uhh.. We've had visitors again.- Yeah... Hardly worth mentioning.
- Agreed."
i iz fxd?
haven't tried from home yet, my graphx card's dead..
sitting at a cafe =.\ -
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Все-таки Serj грейт мэн. ИМО. -
Hiatus and future of the band (2006–present)
In May 2006, the band announced they were going on hiatus. Malakian has confirmed the break will probably last a few years, which Odadjian specified as a minimum of three years in an interview with Guitar magazine. He told MTV, "We're not breaking up. If that was the case, we wouldn't be doing this Ozzfest. We're going to take a very long break after Ozzfest and do our own things. We've done System for over ten years, and I think it's healthy to take a rest."[5]
During their performance in Houston, Texas, Malakian also took a moment to say, "There's been a lot of rumors about us breaking up. Well, don't listen to them. Us four right here, we will always be System of a Down!" However, Malakian announced he was forming a band called Scars on Broadway, which was joined by Dolmayan. Their debut self-titled album was released on July 29, 2008. Odadjian will be working on a project with RZA of Wu-Tang Clan named AcHoZeN as well as his urSESSION website/record label. Tankian plans to keep recording as a solo artist/producer. Empty Walls is his first single off his debut solo album Elect the Dead, which was released on October 23, 2007. Dolmayan, as well working with Scars on Broadway, planned to open a comic book store online by November 2007.[6]
System of a Down's final performance before their hiatus took place on August 13, 2006 in West Palm Beach, Florida. "Tonight will be the last show we play for a long time together," Malakian told the crowd during Sunday's last performance. "We'll be back. We just don't know when."[7]
Shavo Odadjian told Launch Radio Networks in 2007 that System of a Down is "alive and well", but just aren't working together. [8]
In an April 2008 interview with Kerrang magazine, guitarist Daron Malakian and drummer John Dolmayan gave their takes on the band's future. When told that many people are going to wonder what the future of the band is, Malakian responded by stating that "We'll all know when the time is right." Dolmayan added, "It'll just happen." Malakian went on to say:
Yeah. It'll feel good and happy. I can respect this situation [System's hiatus] more than I can respect the situation where two people are like, 'The lead singer fucked my girlfriend!' and that kind of bullshit. Nah, man. The lead singer is a special person to me and I am to him. And that's how we ended off. Same with Shavo, same with John. And it will always be. It was a big part of my life. We were onstage together for a long time, man. We went through shit as a band and friends -- we slept in RV's together!
In an interview with Tankian about Big Day Out 2009, a show involving playing his Elect the Dead album live with the Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra, and his upcoming second studio album. "Every few months I am honored to hear interesting rumors about whether the band is going to tour or break up permanently. I find them all to be very entertaining."
serj is the shit.
Непонятное умозаключение.
the shit = good
fyi -
сук, на артикль внимания не обратил
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Боян (притом ОЛОЛО какой древний, ты что?), оригинальное видео лучше. -
Поклонникам Стапана из Мегаспорта.
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Кто это?
Ведущий программы киберигор на канале "мегаспорт".
Извиняюсь за рекламу в начале.
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чувствую я.. divine intervention?
как на счёт вас?) -
Нет, это Almsivi Intervention
нет, это Zenorvention
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Гена-сан... -
Legit arguements
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="bricks of grass O_o
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big bricks
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commercial made by a religious pitchfork carrier
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="у нас её месяца 2 гоняли по телеку
fuck youu whairru! (c) sp
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