Nashjot skilla Steal!!!
Estj vopros! Skill Steal (skill vora).
On rabotajet na prostih monstrah no nerabotajet na Boss monstrah!
Vopros! Razve tak dalzno bitj ?? V internete negde nenapisano shto skill steal nedejstvujet na Boss Monstrah! V opisanijeh Skillof napisano esli skill nedejstvujet na Boss Monstrah.
Do not afect Boss Monster ! No nashjot Steal eta nenapisano !Pozalusta izpravte oshibku esli takova estj !!!
Estj eshjo Problema nashjot skilla Trow sand!!! Mozna li budet ego polu4itj v budushem !?? (po opisaniju dovolna horoshij Skill)
Za ranije blogadarju !!!!
Estj vopros! Skill Steal (skill vora).On rabotajet na prostih monstrah no nerabotajet na Boss monstrah!
Vopros! Razve tak dalzno bitj ?? V internete negde nenapisano shto skill steal nedejstvujet na Boss Monstrah! V opisanijeh Skillof napisano esli skill nedejstvujet na Boss Monstrah.
Do not afect Boss Monster ! No nashjot Steal eta nenapisano !Pozalusta izpravte oshibku esli takova estj !!!
Estj eshjo Problema nashjot skilla Trow sand!!! Mozna li budet ego polu4itj v budushem !?? (po opisaniju dovolna horoshij Skill)
Za ranije blogadarju !!!!
Required For: Hiding (L5+).
Max level: 10
Type: Active
SP Cost: 10
Target: 1 Monster (non-MVP)
Range: Melee Range
Cast time: 0
Cast delay: 1 second
Duration: Instant
Effect: Attempts to "steal" an item from the targetted monster. Only items dropped by the monster can be stolen. A successful Steal attempt will not affect what is dropped when the monster dies. After success, it is not possible to Steal again from the same monster. Boss monsters and those affected by the Frozen and Stone Curse effects cannot be stolen from.The formula for stealing is believed to be AdjustedDropRatio = DropRatio*(Dex + 3*Skill Level - MonsterDex + 10)/100 where DropRatio is the percent chance of a particular item being dropped. If the result of the steal check is lower than the AdjustedDropRatio for an item, then it is possible that item will be stolen. I assume some random method decides which item is actually stolen out of the short list of possible items.
Сорри, плохо прочёл
Edited By Unter on 1077711071
Kald sposibo ! i takze sposibo za link!!
Kak ja znaju MVP eta: Baphomet, Dark Lord, Doppleganger, Drake, Eddga, Golden Thief Bug, Hatii, Maya, Mistress, Moonlight, Orc Hero, Orc Lord, Osiris, Phreeoni, Stormy Knight, Turtle General, Werewolf
Xot' Mini Bossy i ni MVP, no iz nix voravat to*a nidajot Kak eta paniat?! ???
Edited By optimalu on 1077798330
Boss monsters
это и MVP и Mini-Boss