"2 варианта" /new game/
The Heart
Research shows that laughing helps protect the heart. Although studies are not sure why laughing protects the heart, the studies do explain that mental stress impairs the endothelium, which is the protective barrier lining a person’s blood vessels. Once the endothelium is impaired, it can cause a series of inflammatory reactions that lead to cholesterol build up in a person’s coronary arteries, which can ultimately cause a heart attack. Psychologist Steven Sultanoff, Ph. D., who is the president of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, gave this explanation:
"With deep, heartfelt laughter, it appears that serum cortisol, which is a hormone that is secreted when we’re under stress, is decreased. So when you’re having a stress reaction, if you laugh, apparently the cortisol that has been released during the stress reaction is reduced.
Also according to Sultanoff in his interview for the article for WebMD, laughter has been shown to increase tolerance of pain and boost the body’s production of infection-fighting antibodies, which can help prevent hardening of the arteries and subsequent conditions caused thereby such as angina, heart attacks, or strokes.
Sultanoff also added that research shows that distressing emotions lead to heart disease. It is shown that people who are “chronically angry and hostile have a greater likelihood for heart attack, people who “live in anxious, stressed out lifestyles have greater blockages of their coronary arteries”, and people who are “chronically depressed have a two times greater chance of heart disease.”
смех, ибо полезно и не смертельно
Зелёный, ибо надо чтить русский язык, равно как и Уголовный кодекс.По-русски это "зеленый" вообще-то.
И атеизм, кстати, та еще секта обнутых фанатиков.
Существует единственно верная секта - святые еб*ри, все остальные недостойные культистеги и незаслуживают существования. -
МумрСуществует единственно верная секта - святые еб*ри, все остальные недостойные культистеги и незаслуживают существования.
what he said -
Ты видимо ещё не достоин посвящения в нашу великую секту, поэтому не осознаешь всего нашего величия. -
Ебическая инквизиция скоро проанализирует твое личное дело...)
Да, да, тут, чего так рано разбудили.
Ах дело? Да пшло оно наЪ ваще дело, бись оно в комету. Печать, подпись. -
бись оно в комету.