Introduction Report
Unit 18 is going to be about giving the support for people using the Personal Computers. Giving the support means to help them solve different sorts of problems which might occur during the work with different types of software. First of all I’ll need to record all the support I’ve given. If I have a record of support then I’ll be able to spot the most common problem and make additional report which could help people solve this problem. I will also need to have details about customers who have received my support to learn their opinion about the quality of given support. In case if someone requires my help once again I shall easily notice it.
Explanation to ‘Record of Support’ formsI have to design two forms:
The first one will be ‘Record of Support’ which I’m going to fill by myself.
The second one will be ‘Customer Feedback Form’ and it is going to be filled by the customers who have received support from me.I have to make these two forms look simple, accurate and presentable.
The ‘Record of Support’ form will have Reference Number; Sex; Experienced Problem; Result; PC number; Date; Time.
• The Reference Number shows me which one of my customers experienced problem with his/her software.
• Sex of the person shows either the person was male or female.
• Column ‘Experienced problem’ allows me to make a record of occurred problem. If someone else among my customers has the same problem I will be able to tell them instantly either I can solve their problem or I cannot.
• Result shows either I had fixed the problem or I hadn’t.
• PC number makes it easy for me to spot if something was wrong with PC.
• Date and Time show when the specific user received support.The ‘Customer Feedback’ form will have Reference Number; Software; Questions: Either person older or younger then me, What does the customer think about my ICT/Communication skills, Does the person confident with IT; Signature.
• The Reference Number has the same definition here as it had in the ‘Record of Support’ form.
• Software gives an idea about the sort of problem that can occur, for e. g.: if my customer was using ‘Word Document’ when the problem had occurred then I already have an idea about the range of problems he could experience.
• Question either the person older or younger then me gives an idea how many people who had problems were younger or older then me. It also shows how many people was the same age.
• The question about customer’s opinion on my ICT/Communication skills tells either I have to improve my ICT/Communication skills or I don’t.
• The question Does the person confident with IT helps to understand the difficulty of the experienced problem: for e. g. if the person doesn’t confident with IT then it will probably be easy to solve the problem because I’m confident with IT.
• Signature is individual for each customer.
Now I have two forms ready to be filled with record of support.Check and Revise
I checked my performance and I found out that I have to do at least 2 extra supports to keep up with the plan. I also found out that I have to provide more help to people inexperienced with IT because almost all people who received my help were experienced with IT.Providing Support
On Tuesday 19th I’m going to work in a team with Ramadan Saiti on providing year 13 students with support they need. I feel myself a little not confident with this task, because year 13 students could be even more experienced then I am, however I’m sure I can help them solve their problems with a lot of Windows XP software and programs. I prepared myself to the fact that they will probably need a serious help, and the problems will be hard to solve. Also, I don’t know how some of Windows XP software works, for example: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Outlook, but I’m sure I will be able to understand it because all Windows XP software work almost the same way. I’m expecting to help as many people as I can and I will try to make my help accurate and simple to understand. I also hope Ramadan will help me if I’m going to have problems with providing support.Providing 60 pieces of support
I started providing support on 10th of October. It was not as hard as I expected it would be however sometimes I could not solve the problem. Usually I used manual help, but sometimes I had to use help of the technician. A lot of people often had same problems. I knew how to help a lot of people with their problems and manage to finish 60 pieces of support on time.Tally sheet
I have designed Tally sheet on 14th of October. I had all the necessary criteria on my Tally sheet like: Sex, Age, Experience, and Result.
Result shows how I solved the problem (either I did it by myself or I used a help from manual or technician). Experience shows either person was experienced with IT or not. Age shows the customer’s age (either he was older then me or he was younger, or the same age as me.Check and Revise
I have checked all my work and I don’t have to do any extra work because I manage to keep up with the plan. I also have to prepare my tally sheet because I’m finishing providing the support very soon and I will need to analyze it.Helpsheets
I have to make 2 helpsheets: for inexperienced with IT person and for experienced person. In the first one (for inexperienced person I am going to explain how to create a chart in excel. I will have to use many diagrams and easy language. In the second one I’m going to explain how to use Vlookup function in excel. I will have to use more technical language then in the first one and use diagrams only when I need to support my explanation.
I finished my helpsheets on 10th of January. I received feedback on my forms and improved them.Analyzing work
I have designed 3 graphs. One graph contains information about the most common problems, other two comparing how many customers were Inexperienced with IT and how many customers were experienced. The second one shows how many males and females received my support.I’m going to submit my work on 10th of February so I have to put everything in order.
теорема-ушёл доказывать
Health club
The next meeting of the committee will take place in the main office, at 6.30pm on Thursday the 6th March 2005. The meeting will discuss the following items.
Issues regarding Tone Up Your Fitness Health Club
Subjects to be discussed:
Matters arising from last meeting.
The repair of our gym equipment.
Improving the condition of our pool.
Improving the way we treat our customers.
Some new events we can organize in our Health Club
The security of our Health club.
Date for next meeting
Attendance check.
Discussing our work.
A. O. B.
The meeting will end at 8.00pm
Creating automatic Contents Index
To create a contents page automatically, you need to use the Style box to format the headings and sub-headings in a document.
The Style box is on the Formatting toolbar, at the left hand side:
As a simple, introductory exercise, type the the following, or copy it from the Library drive: Library Drive:\ KSIT_IEA:\ Software Exercises:\ Word:\ Advanced:\ Information and Data 1
- o -
Start of Typing
Information and Data
Computers do not work with information. Information is something which has a meaning. As computers are machines they can not understand the meaning of sentences like "Jane was born on the 14/06/75". Instead computers just store sequences of letters and numbers. They do not know what these sequences mean. The sequences which the computer stores are called data.
Something which has a meaning to a human being.
Information = Data + Context
Information can be quantitative or qualitative:
Quantative information is information which can be accurately measured against a scale. Eg temperature, height.
Qualitative information is information which involves an element of judgement or opinion. Eg is it better to travel by bus or train? How nice is fish and chips?Data
Numbers, words etc. which have no meaning by themselves.
In fact computers can only store the numbers 0 and 1 in their memories. Letters and other numbers must be encoded as sequences of 0s and 1s (called binary) before they can be stored.
Here are some examples of data and information:Data Information
Sausage Total cost of shopping is £23.40
Albert is 14.
The sausage is hot.Data can become information when it is given a context. For example the word "Sausage" is data because it has no meaning by itself. It does not tell us anything. But when it is placed in the context of the sentence "The sausage is hot" it does tell us something (that the sausage is hot), so it becomes information.
Presenting Information
You may need to pass information that you have onto another person. When this happens you must choose how to present the information to make sure that the other person understands and remembers it. The same information can be presented in many different ways. For example:
Information about the profits that a company has made could be presented as a table of figures or a graph.
Information about what a person looks like could be presented as a photograph or a written description of the person's features.
The best way to present information will depend upon:
The purpose that the information is being used for.
Who the information is being presented to.
What facilities you have to help you present the information.
This table shows how the same information can be presented in different ways when used for different purposes:Information Purpose Presentation Method
Profits made by a company in the last twelve months. To show the public how well the company is doing. As a graph which will show the information simply and highlight any trends.
So that an accountant can calculate the tax that the company owes. As a table of figures which can be used in the calculations.
To explain to shareholders why the company has made the profits that it has. As a typed explanation on a page possibly with graphs or tables to support it.Computer software such as a word processor, desktop publisher, spreadsheet or graphics package can be used to help present information. Information can be presented on paper as a hard copy or on screen in the form of a multimedia presentation.
Information systems present the results of processing using an output device.
End of Typing
- o -
Use the Style box to put the main heading; INFORMATION AND DATA into Heading 1 Style (place your cursor in the text, click on the down arrow next to the Style box, select Heading 1).
Put the Heading Introduction into the Style of Heading 2, using the same method.
Put the sub-headings Information and Data into the Style of Heading 3.
Put the Heading Presenting Information into the Style of Heading 2. Save your work, into your user area.
Now, place your cursor at the beginning of the document and press Enter to create some blank lines before the text starts. Press Ctrl + Home to go to the very top of the document, type Contents, and press enter twice.
Click on Insert, Reference, Index and Tables. Click on the Table of Contents tab. Click OK. You will now have a Contents section:
Anytime you make changes to the document, you will need to double click in the Contents list and go through the steps above to refresh the Contents.
Insert the following paragraphs, putting the sub-headings Presentation Techniques and Combining Information in heading Style 3. You may type it in, or open it from the Library drive Library Drive:\ KSIT_IEA:\ Software Exercises:\ Word:\ Advanced:\ Information and Data 1, and save it into your own user area.
- o -
Start of Typing
Presentation TechniquesYou need to pay attention to detail when designing your layout for a document. Modern styles require most documents to be fully blocked to the left, with no paragraph indents. You do not put full stops in headings, but you can emphasise the headings to make them stand out, eg use bold or underline.
When producing multipage documents, you must always remember to number the pages. It is advisable to include your name and the filename and path in a header, to authenticate the work as your own.
Combining Information
With an integrated software package such as Microsoft Office, you can combine information from different sources. For example, you produce a report in Word, and then illustrate it with a clip art image, or maybe insert a spreadsheet or graph from Excel.
You should use this facility when producing a multipage document, and create a separate Contents page. But you must remember to use the Style box to define your Main heading, headings and sub-headings.
- o –
End of Typing
- Save your work, and number the pages. Put your cursor in the Contents section, click Insert, Reference, Index and Tables, Table of Contents tab, and click Ok to refresh the Contents list. The Contents should now look like this:
To see the document in full, see:
Library Drive:\ KSIT_IEA:\ Software Exercises:\ Word:\ Advanced:\ Contents Example
- o -
Denys Albesko
203 Norbury Crescent
RW12 3OX
Tel: 0208 651 407 3 Fax 01284 6578908Our Ref: SLS/RWT
30 September 2004
Call Centre
14 Ederbune Avenue
SW16 4JXDear mister Buckler.
I’m writing to you with regards of the vacancy in a call centre. I have quite long experience of working with computers (almost 7 years) and skills of working with PowerPoint, training people. I finished university with A in IT course and A in Math. As for additional skills --- I can repair IT equipment and train your personal to do it by themselves. I also have an experience of working as a services manager in One&One Ltd.
As you’ve already noticed I live not very far from the Call Centre, so I won’t have any problems with my attendance. I’m looking forward to your call.
Yours sincerely
Denys Albesko
Mr D. Albesko
203 Norbury Crescent
SW16 4JX
Phone 01284 346879 Fax 01284 6578908Our Ref: SLS/RWT
30 September 2004
Health Club
124 High Street
Bury St Edmunds
W29 7HGDear Mr Nash
I would like to make a complaint about the state of the pool in your Health Club. Please pay your attention on the condition of the floor in the pool. Yesterday I was in your Health Club with my friends and one of them nearly had an injury when he slipped. I didn’t like the state of the floor in the pool even before this accident, but now I’ve made my mind to tell you my opinions.
Try to think about the ways of solving this problem. Can you put some kind of pool carpets? May be you should change the whole state of your pool, for e.g. increase the size of the pool.
I think you should pay attention to the state of your gym equipment as well. I experienced some problems while training on your Running Machine. There is something wrong with the electronics on it.
Thank you for your attention to my problems.
Yours sincerely
Denys Albesko
MemorandumTo: Ms C Munroe
CC: Mr. M James
From: Mr. D Albesko
Date: 12/11/04
Re: Questionnaire
The customers have complained about the health and safety. I have decided to create a questionnaire, to get feedback from customers. Using the feedback we can improve the state of our health and safety conditions.
If you unsatisfied with something we would like you to fill our questionnaire
- What sections of the Health Club need to be improved?
• Pool ڤ
• Gym ڤ
• Entrance ڤ
• Others (please name them) _____________________________- Were you visiting our Health Club for a long time?
• Weeks ڤ
• Months ڤ
• Years ڤ
• Other __________________________- Do you like our Health Club?
• Yes ڤ
• No ڤ
• I think you should improve some things in your Health Club ڤ - Which sections of our Health Club are you using?
• Pool ڤ
• Gym ڤ
• Sport Classes ڤ
• Others ______________________________- What would you like to improve in our Health Club?
If you unsatisfied with something we would like you to fill our questionnaire
Name ___________________ Customer No. ____________________
- What sections of the Health Club need to be improved?
• Pool ڤ
• Gym ڤ
• Entrance ڤ
• Others (please name them) _____________________________- Were you visiting our Health Club for a long time?
• Weeks ڤ
• Months ڤ
• Years ڤ
• Other __________________________- Do you like our Health Club?
• Yes ڤ
• No ڤ
• I think you should improve some things in your Health Club ڤ - Which sections of our Health Club are you using?
• Pool ڤ
• Gym ڤ
• Sport Classes ڤ
• Others ______________________________- What would you like to improve in our Health Club?
- Please circle one of the possible answers:
a) The condition of the Pool:
• Very good
• Good
• Not bad
• Bad
• Very bad
b) The condition of the Gym:
• Very good
• Good
• Not bad
• Bad
• Very bad
c) The condition of the Dining hall:• Very good
• Good
• Not bad
• Bad
• Very bad
d) The condition of the Sport classes:
• Very good
• Good
• Not bad
• Bad
• Very bad
If you unsatisfied with something we would like you to fill our questionnaire
Name ___________________ Customer No. ____________________
What is the best way to contact you?
• By phone ___
• By E-mail ___• Other ________________________________________________________________
- What sections of the Health Club need to be improved?
a. Pool ڤ
b. Gym ڤ
c. Entrance ڤ
d. Others (please name them) _____________________________- Were you visiting our Health Club for a long time?
• Weeks ڤ
• Months ڤ
• Years ڤ
• Other __________________________- Do you like our Health Club?
• Yes ڤ
• No ڤ
• I think you should improve some things in your Health Club ڤ - Which sections of our Health Club are you using?
• Pool ڤ
• Gym ڤ
• Sport Classes ڤ
• Others ______________________________- What would you like to improve in our Health Club?
- Please circle one of the possible answers:
e) The condition of the Pool:
• Very good
• Good
• Not bad
• Bad
• Very bad
f) The condition of the Gym:
• Very good
• Good
• Not bad
• Bad
• Very bad
g) The condition of the Dining hall:
• Very good
• Good
• Not bad
• Bad
• Very bad
h) The condition of the Sport classes:
• Very good
• Good
• Not bad
• Bad
• Very bad
иВАН фЕДОРОВ - кЛУБ зДОРОВЬЯ форева =)))))))
кЛУБ зДОРОВЬЯ форева =)))))))-РТР
Mr D. Albesko
203 Norbury Crescent
SW16 4JX
Phone 01284 346879 Fax 01284 6578908Our Ref: SLS/RWT
30 September 2004
Health Club
124 High Street
Bury St Edmunds
W29 7HGDear Mr Nash
I would like to make a complaint about the state of the pool in your Health Club. Please pay your attention on the condition of the floor in the pool. Yesterday I was with my friends in your Health Club and one of them nearly had an injury when he slipped. I didn’t like the state of your floor in the pool even before this accident, but now I’ve made my mind to tell you my opinion.
Try to think about the ways of solving this problem. Can you put some kind of pool carpets? May be you could change the whole state of your pool, for e. g. increase the room of the pool.
I think you should pay attention on the state of your gym equipment as well. I experienced some problems while training on your Running Machine. There is something wrong with the electronic on it.
Thank you, for your attention to my problem.Yours sincerely
Denys Albesko
Mr D. Albesko
203 Norbury Crescent
SW16 4JX
Phone 01284 346879 Fax 01284 6578908Our Ref: SLS/RWT
30 September 2004
Health Club
124 High Street
Bury St Edmunds
W29 7HGDear Mr Nash
I would like to make a complaint about the state of the pool in your Health Club. Please pay your attention on the condition of the floor in the pool. Yesterday I was in your Health Club with my friends and one of them nearly had an injury when he slipped. I didn’t like the state of your floor in the pool even before this accident, but now I’ve made my mind to tell you my opinions.
Try to think about the ways of solving this problem. Can you put some kind of pool carpets? May be you should change the whole state of your pool, for e.g. increase the size of the pool.
I think you should pay attention to the state of your gym equipment as well. I experienced some problems while training on your Running Machine. There is something wrong with the electronics on it.
Thank you for your attention to my problems.
Yours sincerely
Denys Albesko
Mr D. Albesko
203 Norbury Crescent
SW16 4JX
Phone 01284 346879 Fax 01284 6578908Our Ref: SLS/RWT
30 September 2004
Health Club
124 High Street
Bury St Edmunds
W29 7HGDear Mr Nash
I would like to make a complaint about the state of the pool in your Health Club. Please pay your attention on the condition of the floor in the pool. Yesterday I was in your Health Club with my friends and one of them nearly had an injury when he slipped. I didn’t like the state of the floor in the pool even before this accident, but now I’ve made my mind to tell you my opinions.
Try to think about the ways of solving this problem. Can you put some kind of pool carpets? May be you should change the whole state of your pool, for e.g. increase the size of the pool.
I think you should pay attention to the state of your gym equipment as well. I experienced some problems while training on your Running Machine. There is something wrong with the electronics on it.
Thank you for your attention to my problems.
Yours sincerely
Denys Albesko
For this assignment I had to make a complaint to my Health Club about the bad state of its pool or gym equipment. Firstly I wrote my address on the top and the date with the Health Club address below. The address and date are in the left part of the letter. So it’s very easy to find addresses and dates. Then I started my letter with the word ‘Dear’ and put the name of the Health Club manager. I also put ‘Mr’ before his, this shows respect and good manners.Afterwards I started to write a letter. I was writing it in a formal style. In the end of the letter I put my thanks for attention to the complaint, I also put ‘Yours sincerely’. Then I put my signature in a freestyle script and finished a letter by writing ‘Enc.’. I improved my first letter in the second one by removing spare spaces in the begging of the paragraphs and putting another spaces.
My third letter had to be perfect that is why I’ve checked all my mistakes and removing them. I put all the signs of punctuation and preserved the main features.
Student Name Denys Albesko
Registration number
Centre name Coulsdon College
Centre number 14342
Assessor name Susan Buckley
Assessor signature
DateDeadline date for unit 27/2/04
Date work handed inCentre statement on ‘working independently’. (Comment on amount of support given)
Final points score awarded (out of 24)
Final grade (Below Pass, E, D, C, B, A)
Unit Grade Below Pass E D C B A
Raw Mark 0 - 6 7 - 9 10 - 12 13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 24ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE FOR UNIT 3 or X Page ref Comment
A spreadsheet solution to meet specified user requirements,
involving the use of at least six of the more complex spreadsheet facilities (Please list below)
1. List and tables
2. Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3. Macro buttons
4. Validation boxes
5. Multiple sheets with links between them
6. A lot of formulas and forms
User and technical documentation,
E1 A clear design specification that meets user requirements, 5-10
including appropriate:
selection of more complex facilities,
details of sources of data,
outline screen data entry forms,
calculations required,
user aids to operation and
how output is presented
E2 Suitable data entry facilities, 5-10
including input messages and
macros that:
reduce keystrokes and
improve user efficiency
E3 Suitable printed or screen output that makes appropriate use of: 5-10
cell formats
charts or graphs
page or screen layout
graphic images
E4 Clear technical documentation identifying: 24-25
formulae used
functions used, and
screen and printed report layouts 11-23
E5 Clear user documentation with:
copies of menus and screens, and
E6 Testing of your spreadsheet against the design specification and 26-32
careful checking of:
the accuracy of the data used and
the output generated
C1 A good understanding of spreadsheet design and attention to detail by creating:
an imaginative,
customised spreadsheet
that makes good use of design and
layout facilities
C2 Detailed test specifications together with
examples of a full range of:
acceptable input
unacceptable input
associated expected output and
any associated error messages
C3 That you can work independently to produce your work to agreed deadlines
A1 A good understanding of the purpose and value of more complex facilities by using them effectively in your spreadsheet design
A2 Customised data input using facilities such as
dialogue boxes and
list boxes
or methods of equal value (please list below)that are clear well laid out suitably labelled and that validate data input
A3 Comprehensive records of spreadsheet drafting,
testing and
refinement that show
how the spreadsheet was developed and
how any problems were resolved
A4 High-quality, clear user documentation
making good use of graphic images
in detailed instructions for use with examples of:
menus and data input screens,
possible error messagesSpecification
I have been asked by a company named “One&one ltd.” to create a database on a spreadsheet for them.This company sells such goods as digital TVs, Computers, Different parts of computers like memory cards, video cards etc. The company also sells CDs and DVDs. They also want to know what profit they will make over they after they sell all the possible items. They also want to provide a look up system so they can see weather they have a certain product in the stock or not.
The company expects from the new electrical system database of all the stock in the shop how much it costs to buy and sell the stock and how much they have in the stock. They also want invoices and purchase forms with the price of the stock how many they want and what the total comes to, on the invoice they need to know what the price of the stock will come to after Vat and if the customers gets a discount or not.
The system I have designed consists of the following:Main Menu
I will create a main page with macros on it which will have control keys which will link them to other pages in the workbook.Database
The data base will give information on the stock which includes all the services the company providing and the prices. The database will also be used for v-lookup.Invoices
To show how much each customer owes the company and what they want to buy, this will template and formulae which will be created using the vlookup table and functions which automatically calculate when data is input.Purchase order
This is to show what the company needs in respects to stock ad how much it will cost to order the sock.Product lookup
To help find products easily and quickly using a V-lookup of the company’s database.Main Page
This page will help to give access to the other pages in the system using macros.
Cash Cheque Debit Credit Card
Purchase order
Product lookup
Stock add system
This information will be shown through the v-lookup() which will be created on this sheet.
The six complex facilities I will use in my excel system will be the following:
1.) List and tables
2.) Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3.) Macro buttons
4.) Validation boxes
5.) Multiple sheets with links between them
6.) Form templatesUser Guide
Getting started:Here I will describe how to open the company system in easy and understandable steps.
First of all
Turn on your computer and wait for the windows screen to load up. When the computer has loaded you will see this screen:Once you have this screen you will have to double click the excel icon shown below:
Once you have double clicked on the icon the computer will automatically load up excel, wait until you have got this screen on your computer:
Once you have done this your screen will look like this, you then need to open necessary files to open the system.
When you have clicked on the open icon you will have this on your screen:
Once you have this screen you will need to select the ‘Electronic database’ file by clicking on it, then you have to press ‘Open button’.
Once you have opened the electronic database for One&One Ltd. you will see the screen like this:
Now you will be able to learn how to use the function of the system in the next chapter: such as the macro buttons and the V-lookup function.
Now you will learn how to use each of the different pages in the system.
Once you have loaded the system, you are now ready to learn how to use different functions on the different pages.
If the system is loaded properly you should have the main page on the screen:
As you may notice there are six macro buttons on the page, which will take you to the different pages in the system as, shown above.
To open a different page in the system you will have to click on one of the buttons we suggest for tanning purposes you should click on the database button.
Once you have clicked on the database button on the main menu you should now have this screen on your computer:
Here you can change Items’ names, ID code, put your quantity of the items in stock and put cost price.
Warning: do not change information of other columns.If you accidentally put ID codes in the wrong order just press ‘Sort Data’:
There are also some macros on the bottom of the sheet:
The ‘Print’ button is use to print current sheet. The ‘Save’ button is used to save entire worksheet. The refresh button resets all old values in the database.
Purchase form
When you open Purchase form it should look like this:
The bottom of the sheet contains the purchase form:
This form has everything you need to make the right purchase.
Product lookup
Product lookup is used to check if you have some specific item or not.
When you open the ‘Product lookup’ sheet it has to look like this:You can choose any ID code and the Item, Amount in stock, Cost price and Sale price of the product will be displayed automatically.
Invoice form
The invoice form is used by the customers to order company’s products. My invoice form has the address of the customer and the company, company’s logo and contact details, it also has today’s date:
I also designed a table for invoice form:
As you have already noticed, the customer will be able to get a 5% discount on everything if he/she bye more then 5 items. I also have to mention that if customer’s city is London the delivery will be just £20.
Total Selling price graph and Total profit graph
I also have two graphs which show the total selling price of the products and the total profit:
I have completed the description and now you are completely ready to work with it alone.
Unit 3In this document I will explain how I created the macro buttons, the v-lookup on both the purchase order form and the invoice form, I will also explain several other formulas I used for this assignment.
Main Menu
I have 6 macro buttons which link to the different pages of the system.
1st one is Purchase form macro;
2nd one is Product lookup macro;
3rd one is Invoice macro;
4th one is Database macro;
5th one is Profit macro;
6th one is Total selling price macro.
I recorded each macro by opening tools tab and choosing Record new macro in macro menu. I opened the correct page for each macro and stopped recording. Afterwards I created 6 buttons and put the right macro in each button.Database
On the database there are number of a different formulas, which are need on the spreadsheet. I have total price formula which is (Amount * Selling Price), total price formula including VAT (Amount * Selling Price + Amount * Selling Price * 17.5%), formula for selling price which is 10% bigger then Cost price (Cost Price + Cost Price * * 10%), Profit per item (Selling Price – Cost Price), Total Profit (Profit Per Item * Amount).I also have a lot of macros. 1st returns you to the main page. I recorded it the same way as I recorded the macros in main page. The 2nd one sorts the data; I recorded it by using sort data from the data tab. The function of this macro is to sort numbers if they are in the wrong order. I also have refresh function which resets all the values on the database page to zero. I also have macro which prints page, I recorded it by pressing print button and stopping the recording. I recorded the save macro in the same way as I recorded print macro --- just by pressing save while recording a macro.
Invoice and Purchase forms, Product lookup
For these pages I used very important formula. Vlookup is usually used for electronic databases. Its function is to show products from database when the specific code is selected. Vlookup function in the invoice looks like this: =VLOOKUP(C19,Database!$B$8:$J$17,2)
It means that for specific value of sell C19 Vlookup has to look into the database and copy the right value from Item column.The macros refresh, print, save, return to main page were recorded in the same way as they were on the Database page.
I also have ‘If’ function on the invoice page on the discount page. It means if the quantity of bought items more then 5 then customer will receive a 5% discount.
I also have two graphs which show total selling price and profit. I have created them by using a chart wizard.
What will I test? Outcome Result Page No.
‘Database Macro’ on the main page Worked Opens ‘Database’ sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 testing.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 - 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘If’ function (invoice sheet) Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Complete Testing
Main page
‘Purchase Form’ Macro Worked Opens Purchase Form. Pages 19 – 21 in my user guide.
‘Product lookup’ Macro Worked Opens Product lookup. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Profit’ Macro Worked Opens Profit graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Total selling price’ Macro Worked Opens Total selling price graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Invoice’ Macro Worked Opens Invoice form. Pages 22 – 23 in my user guide.
‘Database’ Macro Worked Opens Database sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 in my testing.
Database sheet
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 18 in my user guide.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 – 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets current data on the database sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
Purchase Form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets all data in purchase form. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Product lookup
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Save Macro’ Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Invoice form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
‘If’ function Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Print’, ‘Save’, ‘Refresh’ Macros Worked Prints sheet.Saves worksheet.Resets data Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
Testing screendumpsMacros
Testing ‘Database Macro’ on the main page:
Macro is working and it opens database when we press the ‘Database’ button.
Testing ‘Sort data’ macro on the database page:
This macro doesn’t work because an error has occurred. We will have to fix it. I will delete the current button with macro by pressing on it with right button and pressing delete on the keyboard. To record a new macro I will have to choose ‘Record new macro’ from the tools panel.
Now when recording is in progress we will have to press ‘Sort data’ button in the Data panel. After this we have to choose sort by ID code and set Ascending order. The last thing we have to do is to press ‘Stop recording’ button.
Now we have to create a new ‘Sort data’ button.Testing new ‘Sort data’ button:
The macro is working and we don’t receive any error reports.
Database formulas:
I used a lot of formulas in this assignment. For sale price I had to use this formula: $I$2*E8+E8. Sell I2 is the absolute because it shows how much bigger Sale price from the cost price.
So the formula is ‘Percentage * Cost price + Cost price = Sale price’.Total selling price = Amount in stock * Selling price.
This is very common formula.Total selling price with VAT = Total selling price + Total selling price * 17.5%.
This formula means that Total selling price with VAT supposed to be bigger on 17.5% from Total selling price.Profit shows how much profit you will get from selling one unit of current goods.
The formula is ‘Sale price - Cost price’.Total profit shows how much profit you will get from selling the whole stock.
Total profit = Profit * Amount in stock.For this assignment I also used an ‘If’ function. For example:
This function means that if cell G12 equals “London” (we have to put quotation mark to show Microsoft Excel that data is a text data) then the delivery costs only £20.00, but if cell G12 equals to any other value then delivery costs £100.00. Cell G12 is in customer details and it shows customer’s city.
I also used ‘If’ function for discount:
If customer buys more then any 5 items he gets a 5% discount on everything he buys. This formula is a little bit complex then the previous one. It shows that if sum of the quantity column is higher then 5 then discount equals 5% from total. We are going to use this in subtotal. To find the subtotal we have to find the sum of Total, VAT and Delivery and extract the price of discount.
For this assignment I also used a ‘Vlookup’ function:
‘Vlookup’ function shows information from other sheets of the same document using the information it has. For example: under ID code 2 we have Sony Media player which costs £149.99 and the current amount of Sony Vaio Media players in the stock is 50. ‘Vlookup’ function used the information from database.
For this assignment I used a lot of techniques like Macros, different formulas, shading, I used different fonts and combined colors and tables. I tested all of macros and formulas and pleased with their work. At this point everything works properly.Student Name Denys Albesko
Registration number
Centre name Coulsdon College
Centre number 14342
Assessor name Susan Buckley
Assessor signature
DateDeadline date for unit 27/2/04
Date work handed inCentre statement on ‘working independently’. (Comment on amount of support given)
Final points score awarded (out of 24)
Final grade (Below Pass, E, D, C, B, A)
Unit Grade Below Pass E D C B A
Raw Mark 0 - 6 7 - 9 10 - 12 13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 24ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE FOR UNIT 3 or X Page ref Comment
A spreadsheet solution to meet specified user requirements,
involving the use of at least six of the more complex spreadsheet facilities (Please list below)
1. List and tables
2. Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3. Macro buttons
4. Validation boxes
5. Multiple sheets with links between them
6. A lot of formulas and forms
User and technical documentation,
E1 A clear design specification that meets user requirements, 5-10
including appropriate:
selection of more complex facilities,
details of sources of data,
outline screen data entry forms,
calculations required,
user aids to operation and
how output is presented
E2 Suitable data entry facilities, 5-10
including input messages and
macros that:
reduce keystrokes and
improve user efficiency
E3 Suitable printed or screen output that makes appropriate use of: 5-10
cell formats
charts or graphs
page or screen layout
graphic images
E4 Clear technical documentation identifying: 24-25
formulae used
functions used, and
screen and printed report layouts 11-23
E5 Clear user documentation with:
copies of menus and screens, and
E6 Testing of your spreadsheet against the design specification and 26-32
careful checking of:
the accuracy of the data used and
the output generated
C1 A good understanding of spreadsheet design and attention to detail by creating:
an imaginative,
customised spreadsheet
that makes good use of design and
layout facilities
C2 Detailed test specifications together with
examples of a full range of:
acceptable input
unacceptable input
associated expected output and
any associated error messages
C3 That you can work independently to produce your work to agreed deadlines
A1 A good understanding of the purpose and value of more complex facilities by using them effectively in your spreadsheet design
A2 Customised data input using facilities such as
dialogue boxes and
list boxes
or methods of equal value (please list below)that are clear well laid out suitably labelled and that validate data input
A3 Comprehensive records of spreadsheet drafting,
testing and
refinement that show
how the spreadsheet was developed and
how any problems were resolved
A4 High-quality, clear user documentation
making good use of graphic images
in detailed instructions for use with examples of:
menus and data input screens,
possible error messagesSpecification
I have been asked by a company named “One&one ltd.” to create a database on a spreadsheet for them.This company sells such goods as digital TVs, Computers, Different parts of computers like memory cards, video cards etc. The company also sells CDs and DVDs. They also want to know what profit they will make over they after they sell all the possible items. They also want to provide a look up system so they can see weather they have a certain product in the stock or not.
The company expects from the new electrical system database of all the stock in the shop how much it costs to buy and sell the stock and how much they have in the stock. They also want invoices and purchase forms with the price of the stock how many they want and what the total comes to, on the invoice they need to know what the price of the stock will come to after Vat and if the customers gets a discount or not.
The system I have designed consists of the following:Main Menu
I will create a main page with macros on it which will have control keys which will link them to other pages in the workbook.Database
The data base will give information on the stock which includes all the services the company providing and the prices. The database will also be used for v-lookup.Invoices
To show how much each customer owes the company and what they want to buy, this will template and formulae which will be created using the vlookup table and functions which automatically calculate when data is input.Purchase order
This is to show what the company needs in respects to stock ad how much it will cost to order the sock.Product lookup
To help find products easily and quickly using a V-lookup of the company’s database.Main Page
This page will help to give access to the other pages in the system using macros.
Cash Cheque Debit Credit Card
Purchase order
Product lookup
Stock add system
This information will be shown through the v-lookup() which will be created on this sheet.
The six complex facilities I will use in my excel system will be the following:
1.) List and tables
2.) Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3.) Macro buttons
4.) Validation boxes
5.) Multiple sheets with links between them
6.) Form templatesUser Guide
Getting started:Here I will describe how to open the company system in easy and understandable steps.
First of all
Turn on your computer and wait for the windows screen to load up. When the computer has loaded you will see this screen:Once you have this screen you will have to double click the excel icon shown below:
Once you have double clicked on the icon the computer will automatically load up excel, wait until you have got this screen on your computer:
Once you have done this your screen will look like this, you then need to open necessary files to open the system.
When you have clicked on the open icon you will have this on your screen:
Once you have this screen you will need to select the ‘Electronic database’ file by clicking on it, then you have to press ‘Open button’.
Once you have opened the electronic database for One&One Ltd. you will see the screen like this:
Now you will be able to learn how to use the function of the system in the next chapter: such as the macro buttons and the V-lookup function.
Now you will learn how to use each of the different pages in the system.
Once you have loaded the system, you are now ready to learn how to use different functions on the different pages.
If the system is loaded properly you should have the main page on the screen:
As you may notice there are six macro buttons on the page, which will take you to the different pages in the system as, shown above.
To open a different page in the system you will have to click on one of the buttons we suggest for tanning purposes you should click on the database button.
Once you have clicked on the database button on the main menu you should now have this screen on your computer:
Here you can change Items’ names, ID code, put your quantity of the items in stock and put cost price.
Warning: do not change information of other columns.If you accidentally put ID codes in the wrong order just press ‘Sort Data’:
There are also some macros on the bottom of the sheet:
The ‘Print’ button is use to print current sheet. The ‘Save’ button is used to save entire worksheet. The refresh button resets all old values in the database.
Purchase form
When you open Purchase form it should look like this:
The bottom of the sheet contains the purchase form:
This form has everything you need to make the right purchase.
Product lookup
Product lookup is used to check if you have some specific item or not.
When you open the ‘Product lookup’ sheet it has to look like this:You can choose any ID code and the Item, Amount in stock, Cost price and Sale price of the product will be displayed automatically.
Invoice form
The invoice form is used by the customers to order company’s products. My invoice form has the address of the customer and the company, company’s logo and contact details, it also has today’s date:
I also designed a table for invoice form:
As you have already noticed, the customer will be able to get a 5% discount on everything if he/she bye more then 5 items. I also have to mention that if customer’s city is London the delivery will be just £20.
Total Selling price graph and Total profit graph
I also have two graphs which show the total selling price of the products and the total profit:
I have completed the description and now you are completely ready to work with it alone.
Unit 3In this document I will explain how I created the macro buttons, the v-lookup on both the purchase order form and the invoice form, I will also explain several other formulas I used for this assignment.
Main Menu
I have 6 macro buttons which link to the different pages of the system.
1st one is Purchase form macro;
2nd one is Product lookup macro;
3rd one is Invoice macro;
4th one is Database macro;
5th one is Profit macro;
6th one is Total selling price macro.
I recorded each macro by opening tools tab and choosing Record new macro in macro menu. I opened the correct page for each macro and stopped recording. Afterwards I created 6 buttons and put the right macro in each button.Database
On the database there are number of a different formulas, which are need on the spreadsheet. I have total price formula which is (Amount * Selling Price), total price formula including VAT (Amount * Selling Price + Amount * Selling Price * 17.5%), formula for selling price which is 10% bigger then Cost price (Cost Price + Cost Price * * 10%), Profit per item (Selling Price – Cost Price), Total Profit (Profit Per Item * Amount).I also have a lot of macros. 1st returns you to the main page. I recorded it the same way as I recorded the macros in main page. The 2nd one sorts the data; I recorded it by using sort data from the data tab. The function of this macro is to sort numbers if they are in the wrong order. I also have refresh function which resets all the values on the database page to zero. I also have macro which prints page, I recorded it by pressing print button and stopping the recording. I recorded the save macro in the same way as I recorded print macro --- just by pressing save while recording a macro.
Invoice and Purchase forms, Product lookup
For these pages I used very important formula. Vlookup is usually used for electronic databases. Its function is to show products from database when the specific code is selected. Vlookup function in the invoice looks like this: =VLOOKUP(C19,Database!$B$8:$J$17,2)
It means that for specific value of sell C19 Vlookup has to look into the database and copy the right value from Item column.The macros refresh, print, save, return to main page were recorded in the same way as they were on the Database page.
I also have ‘If’ function on the invoice page on the discount page. It means if the quantity of bought items more then 5 then customer will receive a 5% discount.
I also have two graphs which show total selling price and profit. I have created them by using a chart wizard.
What will I test? Outcome Result Page No.
‘Database Macro’ on the main page Worked Opens ‘Database’ sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 testing.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 - 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘If’ function (invoice sheet) Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Complete Testing
Main page
‘Purchase Form’ Macro Worked Opens Purchase Form. Pages 19 – 21 in my user guide.
‘Product lookup’ Macro Worked Opens Product lookup. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Profit’ Macro Worked Opens Profit graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Total selling price’ Macro Worked Opens Total selling price graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Invoice’ Macro Worked Opens Invoice form. Pages 22 – 23 in my user guide.
‘Database’ Macro Worked Opens Database sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 in my testing.
Database sheet
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 18 in my user guide.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 – 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets current data on the database sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
Purchase Form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets all data in purchase form. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Product lookup
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Save Macro’ Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Invoice form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
‘If’ function Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Print’, ‘Save’, ‘Refresh’ Macros Worked Prints sheet.Saves worksheet.Resets data Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
Testing screendumpsMacros
Testing ‘Database Macro’ on the main page:
Macro is working and it opens database when we press the ‘Database’ button.
Testing ‘Sort data’ macro on the database page:
This macro doesn’t work because an error has occurred. We will have to fix it. I will delete the current button with macro by pressing on it with right button and pressing delete on the keyboard. To record a new macro I will have to choose ‘Record new macro’ from the tools panel.
Now when recording is in progress we will have to press ‘Sort data’ button in the Data panel. After this we have to choose sort by ID code and set Ascending order. The last thing we have to do is to press ‘Stop recording’ button.
Now we have to create a new ‘Sort data’ button.Testing new ‘Sort data’ button:
The macro is working and we don’t receive any error reports.
Database formulas:
I used a lot of formulas in this assignment. For sale price I had to use this formula: $I$2*E8+E8. Sell I2 is the absolute because it shows how much bigger Sale price from the cost price.
So the formula is ‘Percentage * Cost price + Cost price = Sale price’.Total selling price = Amount in stock * Selling price.
This is very common formula.Total selling price with VAT = Total selling price + Total selling price * 17.5%.
This formula means that Total selling price with VAT supposed to be bigger on 17.5% from Total selling price.Profit shows how much profit you will get from selling one unit of current goods.
The formula is ‘Sale price - Cost price’.Total profit shows how much profit you will get from selling the whole stock.
Total profit = Profit * Amount in stock.For this assignment I also used an ‘If’ function. For example:
This function means that if cell G12 equals “London” (we have to put quotation mark to show Microsoft Excel that data is a text data) then the delivery costs only £20.00, but if cell G12 equals to any other value then delivery costs £100.00. Cell G12 is in customer details and it shows customer’s city.
I also used ‘If’ function for discount:
If customer buys more then any 5 items he gets a 5% discount on everything he buys. This formula is a little bit complex then the previous one. It shows that if sum of the quantity column is higher then 5 then discount equals 5% from total. We are going to use this in subtotal. To find the subtotal we have to find the sum of Total, VAT and Delivery and extract the price of discount.
For this assignment I also used a ‘Vlookup’ function:
‘Vlookup’ function shows information from other sheets of the same document using the information it has. For example: under ID code 2 we have Sony Media player which costs £149.99 and the current amount of Sony Vaio Media players in the stock is 50. ‘Vlookup’ function used the information from database.
For this assignment I used a lot of techniques like Macros, different formulas, shading, I used different fonts and combined colors and tables. I tested all of macros and formulas and pleased with their work. At this point everything works properly.Student Name Denys Albesko
Registration number
Centre name Coulsdon College
Centre number 14342
Assessor name Susan Buckley
Assessor signature
DateDeadline date for unit 27/2/04
Date work handed inCentre statement on ‘working independently’. (Comment on amount of support given)
Final points score awarded (out of 24)
Final grade (Below Pass, E, D, C, B, A)
Unit Grade Below Pass E D C B A
Raw Mark 0 - 6 7 - 9 10 - 12 13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 24ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE FOR UNIT 3 or X Page ref Comment
A spreadsheet solution to meet specified user requirements,
involving the use of at least six of the more complex spreadsheet facilities (Please list below)
1. List and tables
2. Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3. Macro buttons
4. Validation boxes
5. Multiple sheets with links between them
6. A lot of formulas and forms
User and technical documentation,
E1 A clear design specification that meets user requirements, 5-10
including appropriate:
selection of more complex facilities,
details of sources of data,
outline screen data entry forms,
calculations required,
user aids to operation and
how output is presented
E2 Suitable data entry facilities, 5-10
including input messages and
macros that:
reduce keystrokes and
improve user efficiency
E3 Suitable printed or screen output that makes appropriate use of: 5-10
cell formats
charts or graphs
page or screen layout
graphic images
E4 Clear technical documentation identifying: 24-25
formulae used
functions used, and
screen and printed report layouts 11-23
E5 Clear user documentation with:
copies of menus and screens, and
E6 Testing of your spreadsheet against the design specification and 26-32
careful checking of:
the accuracy of the data used and
the output generated
C1 A good understanding of spreadsheet design and attention to detail by creating:
an imaginative,
customised spreadsheet
that makes good use of design and
layout facilities
C2 Detailed test specifications together with
examples of a full range of:
acceptable input
unacceptable input
associated expected output and
any associated error messages
C3 That you can work independently to produce your work to agreed deadlines
A1 A good understanding of the purpose and value of more complex facilities by using them effectively in your spreadsheet design
A2 Customised data input using facilities such as
dialogue boxes and
list boxes
or methods of equal value (please list below)that are clear well laid out suitably labelled and that validate data input
A3 Comprehensive records of spreadsheet drafting,
testing and
refinement that show
how the spreadsheet was developed and
how any problems were resolved
A4 High-quality, clear user documentation
making good use of graphic images
in detailed instructions for use with examples of:
menus and data input screens,
possible error messagesSpecification
I have been asked by a company named “One&one ltd.” to create a database on a spreadsheet for them.This company sells such goods as digital TVs, Computers, Different parts of computers like memory cards, video cards etc. The company also sells CDs and DVDs. They also want to know what profit they will make over they after they sell all the possible items. They also want to provide a look up system so they can see weather they have a certain product in the stock or not.
The company expects from the new electrical system database of all the stock in the shop how much it costs to buy and sell the stock and how much they have in the stock. They also want invoices and purchase forms with the price of the stock how many they want and what the total comes to, on the invoice they need to know what the price of the stock will come to after Vat and if the customers gets a discount or not.
The system I have designed consists of the following:Main Menu
I will create a main page with macros on it which will have control keys which will link them to other pages in the workbook.Database
The data base will give information on the stock which includes all the services the company providing and the prices. The database will also be used for v-lookup.Invoices
To show how much each customer owes the company and what they want to buy, this will template and formulae which will be created using the vlookup table and functions which automatically calculate when data is input.Purchase order
This is to show what the company needs in respects to stock ad how much it will cost to order the sock.Product lookup
To help find products easily and quickly using a V-lookup of the company’s database.Main Page
This page will help to give access to the other pages in the system using macros.
Cash Cheque Debit Credit Card
Purchase order
Product lookup
Stock add system
This information will be shown through the v-lookup() which will be created on this sheet.
The six complex facilities I will use in my excel system will be the following:
1.) List and tables
2.) Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3.) Macro buttons
4.) Validation boxes
5.) Multiple sheets with links between them
6.) Form templatesUser Guide
Getting started:Here I will describe how to open the company system in easy and understandable steps.
First of all
Turn on your computer and wait for the windows screen to load up. When the computer has loaded you will see this screen:Once you have this screen you will have to double click the excel icon shown below:
Once you have double clicked on the icon the computer will automatically load up excel, wait until you have got this screen on your computer:
Once you have done this your screen will look like this, you then need to open necessary files to open the system.
When you have clicked on the open icon you will have this on your screen:
Once you have this screen you will need to select the ‘Electronic database’ file by clicking on it, then you have to press ‘Open button’.
Once you have opened the electronic database for One&One Ltd. you will see the screen like this:
Now you will be able to learn how to use the function of the system in the next chapter: such as the macro buttons and the V-lookup function.
Now you will learn how to use each of the different pages in the system.
Once you have loaded the system, you are now ready to learn how to use different functions on the different pages.
If the system is loaded properly you should have the main page on the screen:
As you may notice there are six macro buttons on the page, which will take you to the different pages in the system as, shown above.
To open a different page in the system you will have to click on one of the buttons we suggest for tanning purposes you should click on the database button.
Once you have clicked on the database button on the main menu you should now have this screen on your computer:
Here you can change Items’ names, ID code, put your quantity of the items in stock and put cost price.
Warning: do not change information of other columns.If you accidentally put ID codes in the wrong order just press ‘Sort Data’:
There are also some macros on the bottom of the sheet:
The ‘Print’ button is use to print current sheet. The ‘Save’ button is used to save entire worksheet. The refresh button resets all old values in the database.
Purchase form
When you open Purchase form it should look like this:
The bottom of the sheet contains the purchase form:
This form has everything you need to make the right purchase.
Product lookup
Product lookup is used to check if you have some specific item or not.
When you open the ‘Product lookup’ sheet it has to look like this:You can choose any ID code and the Item, Amount in stock, Cost price and Sale price of the product will be displayed automatically.
Invoice form
The invoice form is used by the customers to order company’s products. My invoice form has the address of the customer and the company, company’s logo and contact details, it also has today’s date:
I also designed a table for invoice form:
As you have already noticed, the customer will be able to get a 5% discount on everything if he/she bye more then 5 items. I also have to mention that if customer’s city is London the delivery will be just £20.
Total Selling price graph and Total profit graph
I also have two graphs which show the total selling price of the products and the total profit:
I have completed the description and now you are completely ready to work with it alone.
Unit 3In this document I will explain how I created the macro buttons, the v-lookup on both the purchase order form and the invoice form, I will also explain several other formulas I used for this assignment.
Main Menu
I have 6 macro buttons which link to the different pages of the system.
1st one is Purchase form macro;
2nd one is Product lookup macro;
3rd one is Invoice macro;
4th one is Database macro;
5th one is Profit macro;
6th one is Total selling price macro.
I recorded each macro by opening tools tab and choosing Record new macro in macro menu. I opened the correct page for each macro and stopped recording. Afterwards I created 6 buttons and put the right macro in each button.Database
On the database there are number of a different formulas, which are need on the spreadsheet. I have total price formula which is (Amount * Selling Price), total price formula including VAT (Amount * Selling Price + Amount * Selling Price * 17.5%), formula for selling price which is 10% bigger then Cost price (Cost Price + Cost Price * * 10%), Profit per item (Selling Price – Cost Price), Total Profit (Profit Per Item * Amount).I also have a lot of macros. 1st returns you to the main page. I recorded it the same way as I recorded the macros in main page. The 2nd one sorts the data; I recorded it by using sort data from the data tab. The function of this macro is to sort numbers if they are in the wrong order. I also have refresh function which resets all the values on the database page to zero. I also have macro which prints page, I recorded it by pressing print button and stopping the recording. I recorded the save macro in the same way as I recorded print macro --- just by pressing save while recording a macro.
Invoice and Purchase forms, Product lookup
For these pages I used very important formula. Vlookup is usually used for electronic databases. Its function is to show products from database when the specific code is selected. Vlookup function in the invoice looks like this: =VLOOKUP(C19,Database!$B$8:$J$17,2)
It means that for specific value of sell C19 Vlookup has to look into the database and copy the right value from Item column.The macros refresh, print, save, return to main page were recorded in the same way as they were on the Database page.
I also have ‘If’ function on the invoice page on the discount page. It means if the quantity of bought items more then 5 then customer will receive a 5% discount.
I also have two graphs which show total selling price and profit. I have created them by using a chart wizard.
What will I test? Outcome Result Page No.
‘Database Macro’ on the main page Worked Opens ‘Database’ sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 testing.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 - 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘If’ function (invoice sheet) Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Complete Testing
Main page
‘Purchase Form’ Macro Worked Opens Purchase Form. Pages 19 – 21 in my user guide.
‘Product lookup’ Macro Worked Opens Product lookup. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Profit’ Macro Worked Opens Profit graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Total selling price’ Macro Worked Opens Total selling price graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Invoice’ Macro Worked Opens Invoice form. Pages 22 – 23 in my user guide.
‘Database’ Macro Worked Opens Database sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 in my testing.
Database sheet
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 18 in my user guide.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 – 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets current data on the database sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
Purchase Form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets all data in purchase form. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Product lookup
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Save Macro’ Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Invoice form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
‘If’ function Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Print’, ‘Save’, ‘Refresh’ Macros Worked Prints sheet.Saves worksheet.Resets data Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
Testing screendumpsMacros
Testing ‘Database Macro’ on the main page:
Macro is working and it opens database when we press the ‘Database’ button.
Testing ‘Sort data’ macro on the database page:
This macro doesn’t work because an error has occurred. We will have to fix it. I will delete the current button with macro by pressing on it with right button and pressing delete on the keyboard. To record a new macro I will have to choose ‘Record new macro’ from the tools panel.
Now when recording is in progress we will have to press ‘Sort data’ button in the Data panel. After this we have to choose sort by ID code and set Ascending order. The last thing we have to do is to press ‘Stop recording’ button.
Now we have to create a new ‘Sort data’ button.Testing new ‘Sort data’ button:
The macro is working and we don’t receive any error reports.
Database formulas:
I used a lot of formulas in this assignment. For sale price I had to use this formula: $I$2*E8+E8. Sell I2 is the absolute because it shows how much bigger Sale price from the cost price.
So the formula is ‘Percentage * Cost price + Cost price = Sale price’.Total selling price = Amount in stock * Selling price.
This is very common formula.Total selling price with VAT = Total selling price + Total selling price * 17.5%.
This formula means that Total selling price with VAT supposed to be bigger on 17.5% from Total selling price.Profit shows how much profit you will get from selling one unit of current goods.
The formula is ‘Sale price - Cost price’.Total profit shows how much profit you will get from selling the whole stock.
Total profit = Profit * Amount in stock.For this assignment I also used an ‘If’ function. For example:
This function means that if cell G12 equals “London” (we have to put quotation mark to show Microsoft Excel that data is a text data) then the delivery costs only £20.00, but if cell G12 equals to any other value then delivery costs £100.00. Cell G12 is in customer details and it shows customer’s city.
I also used ‘If’ function for discount:
If customer buys more then any 5 items he gets a 5% discount on everything he buys. This formula is a little bit complex then the previous one. It shows that if sum of the quantity column is higher then 5 then discount equals 5% from total. We are going to use this in subtotal. To find the subtotal we have to find the sum of Total, VAT and Delivery and extract the price of discount.
For this assignment I also used a ‘Vlookup’ function:
‘Vlookup’ function shows information from other sheets of the same document using the information it has. For example: under ID code 2 we have Sony Media player which costs £149.99 and the current amount of Sony Vaio Media players in the stock is 50. ‘Vlookup’ function used the information from database.
For this assignment I used a lot of techniques like Macros, different formulas, shading, I used different fonts and combined colors and tables. I tested all of macros and formulas and pleased with their work. At this point everything works properly.Student Name Denys Albesko
Registration number
Centre name Coulsdon College
Centre number 14342
Assessor name Susan Buckley
Assessor signature
DateDeadline date for unit 27/2/04
Date work handed inCentre statement on ‘working independently’. (Comment on amount of support given)
Final points score awarded (out of 24)
Final grade (Below Pass, E, D, C, B, A)
Unit Grade Below Pass E D C B A
Raw Mark 0 - 6 7 - 9 10 - 12 13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 24ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE FOR UNIT 3 or X Page ref Comment
A spreadsheet solution to meet specified user requirements,
involving the use of at least six of the more complex spreadsheet facilities (Please list below)
1. List and tables
2. Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3. Macro buttons
4. Validation boxes
5. Multiple sheets with links between them
6. A lot of formulas and forms
User and technical documentation,
E1 A clear design specification that meets user requirements, 5-10
including appropriate:
selection of more complex facilities,
details of sources of data,
outline screen data entry forms,
calculations required,
user aids to operation and
how output is presented
E2 Suitable data entry facilities, 5-10
including input messages and
macros that:
reduce keystrokes and
improve user efficiency
E3 Suitable printed or screen output that makes appropriate use of: 5-10
cell formats
charts or graphs
page or screen layout
graphic images
E4 Clear technical documentation identifying: 24-25
formulae used
functions used, and
screen and printed report layouts 11-23
E5 Clear user documentation with:
copies of menus and screens, and
E6 Testing of your spreadsheet against the design specification and 26-32
careful checking of:
the accuracy of the data used and
the output generated
C1 A good understanding of spreadsheet design and attention to detail by creating:
an imaginative,
customised spreadsheet
that makes good use of design and
layout facilities
C2 Detailed test specifications together with
examples of a full range of:
acceptable input
unacceptable input
associated expected output and
any associated error messages
C3 That you can work independently to produce your work to agreed deadlines
A1 A good understanding of the purpose and value of more complex facilities by using them effectively in your spreadsheet design
A2 Customised data input using facilities such as
dialogue boxes and
list boxes
or methods of equal value (please list below)that are clear well laid out suitably labelled and that validate data input
A3 Comprehensive records of spreadsheet drafting,
testing and
refinement that show
how the spreadsheet was developed and
how any problems were resolved
A4 High-quality, clear user documentation
making good use of graphic images
in detailed instructions for use with examples of:
menus and data input screens,
possible error messagesSpecification
I have been asked by a company named “One&one ltd.” to create a database on a spreadsheet for them.This company sells such goods as digital TVs, Computers, Different parts of computers like memory cards, video cards etc. The company also sells CDs and DVDs. They also want to know what profit they will make over they after they sell all the possible items. They also want to provide a look up system so they can see weather they have a certain product in the stock or not.
The company expects from the new electrical system database of all the stock in the shop how much it costs to buy and sell the stock and how much they have in the stock. They also want invoices and purchase forms with the price of the stock how many they want and what the total comes to, on the invoice they need to know what the price of the stock will come to after Vat and if the customers gets a discount or not.
The system I have designed consists of the following:Main Menu
I will create a main page with macros on it which will have control keys which will link them to other pages in the workbook.Database
The data base -
Student Name Denys Albesko
Registration number
Centre name Coulsdon College
Centre number 14342
Assessor name Susan Buckley
Assessor signature
DateDeadline date for unit 27/2/04
Date work handed inCentre statement on ‘working independently’. (Comment on amount of support given)
Final points score awarded (out of 24)
Final grade (Below Pass, E, D, C, B, A)
Unit Grade Below Pass E D C B A
Raw Mark 0 - 6 7 - 9 10 - 12 13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 24ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE FOR UNIT 3 or X Page ref Comment
A spreadsheet solution to meet specified user requirements,
involving the use of at least six of the more complex spreadsheet facilities (Please list below)
1. List and tables
2. Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3. Macro buttons
4. Validation boxes
5. Multiple sheets with links between them
6. A lot of formulas and forms
User and technical documentation,
E1 A clear design specification that meets user requirements, 5-10
including appropriate:
selection of more complex facilities,
details of sources of data,
outline screen data entry forms,
calculations required,
user aids to operation and
how output is presented
E2 Suitable data entry facilities, 5-10
including input messages and
macros that:
reduce keystrokes and
improve user efficiency
E3 Suitable printed or screen output that makes appropriate use of: 5-10
cell formats
charts or graphs
page or screen layout
graphic images
E4 Clear technical documentation identifying: 24-25
formulae used
functions used, and
screen and printed report layouts 11-23
E5 Clear user documentation with:
copies of menus and screens, and
E6 Testing of your spreadsheet against the design specification and 26-32
careful checking of:
the accuracy of the data used and
the output generated
C1 A good understanding of spreadsheet design and attention to detail by creating:
an imaginative,
customised spreadsheet
that makes good use of design and
layout facilities
C2 Detailed test specifications together with
examples of a full range of:
acceptable input
unacceptable input
associated expected output and
any associated error messages
C3 That you can work independently to produce your work to agreed deadlines
A1 A good understanding of the purpose and value of more complex facilities by using them effectively in your spreadsheet design
A2 Customised data input using facilities such as
dialogue boxes and
list boxes
or methods of equal value (please list below)that are clear well laid out suitably labelled and that validate data input
A3 Comprehensive records of spreadsheet drafting,
testing and
refinement that show
how the spreadsheet was developed and
how any problems were resolved
A4 High-quality, clear user documentation
making good use of graphic images
in detailed instructions for use with examples of:
menus and data input screens,
possible error messagesSpecification
I have been asked by a company named “One&one ltd.” to create a database on a spreadsheet for them.This company sells such goods as digital TVs, Computers, Different parts of computers like memory cards, video cards etc. The company also sells CDs and DVDs. They also want to know what profit they will make over they after they sell all the possible items. They also want to provide a look up system so they can see weather they have a certain product in the stock or not.
The company expects from the new electrical system database of all the stock in the shop how much it costs to buy and sell the stock and how much they have in the stock. They also want invoices and purchase forms with the price of the stock how many they want and what the total comes to, on the invoice they need to know what the price of the stock will come to after Vat and if the customers gets a discount or not.
The system I have designed consists of the following:Main Menu
I will create a main page with macros on it which will have control keys which will link them to other pages in the workbook.Database
The data base will give information on the stock which includes all the services the company providing and the prices. The database will also be used for v-lookup.Invoices
To show how much each customer owes the company and what they want to buy, this will template and formulae which will be created using the vlookup table and functions which automatically calculate when data is input.Purchase order
This is to show what the company needs in respects to stock ad how much it will cost to order the sock.Product lookup
To help find products easily and quickly using a V-lookup of the company’s database.Main Page
This page will help to give access to the other pages in the system using macros.
Cash Cheque Debit Credit Card
Purchase order
Product lookup
Stock add system
This information will be shown through the v-lookup() which will be created on this sheet.
The six complex facilities I will use in my excel system will be the following:
1.) List and tables
2.) Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3.) Macro buttons
4.) Validation boxes
5.) Multiple sheets with links between them
6.) Form templatesUser Guide
Getting started:Here I will describe how to open the company system in easy and understandable steps.
First of all
Turn on your computer and wait for the windows screen to load up. When the computer has loaded you will see this screen:Once you have this screen you will have to double click the excel icon shown below:
Once you have double clicked on the icon the computer will automatically load up excel, wait until you have got this screen on your computer:
Once you have done this your screen will look like this, you then need to open necessary files to open the system.
When you have clicked on the open icon you will have this on your screen:
Once you have this screen you will need to select the ‘Electronic database’ file by clicking on it, then you have to press ‘Open button’.
Once you have opened the electronic database for One&One Ltd. you will see the screen like this:
Now you will be able to learn how to use the function of the system in the next chapter: such as the macro buttons and the V-lookup function.
Now you will learn how to use each of the different pages in the system.
Once you have loaded the system, you are now ready to learn how to use different functions on the different pages.
If the system is loaded properly you should have the main page on the screen:
As you may notice there are six macro buttons on the page, which will take you to the different pages in the system as, shown above.
To open a different page in the system you will have to click on one of the buttons we suggest for tanning purposes you should click on the database button.
Once you have clicked on the database button on the main menu you should now have this screen on your computer:
Here you can change Items’ names, ID code, put your quantity of the items in stock and put cost price.
Warning: do not change information of other columns.If you accidentally put ID codes in the wrong order just press ‘Sort Data’:
There are also some macros on the bottom of the sheet:
The ‘Print’ button is use to print current sheet. The ‘Save’ button is used to save entire worksheet. The refresh button resets all old values in the database.
Purchase form
When you open Purchase form it should look like this:
The bottom of the sheet contains the purchase form:
This form has everything you need to make the right purchase.
Product lookup
Product lookup is used to check if you have some specific item or not.
When you open the ‘Product lookup’ sheet it has to look like this:You can choose any ID code and the Item, Amount in stock, Cost price and Sale price of the product will be displayed automatically.
Invoice form
The invoice form is used by the customers to order company’s products. My invoice form has the address of the customer and the company, company’s logo and contact details, it also has today’s date:
I also designed a table for invoice form:
As you have already noticed, the customer will be able to get a 5% discount on everything if he/she bye more then 5 items. I also have to mention that if customer’s city is London the delivery will be just £20.
Total Selling price graph and Total profit graph
I also have two graphs which show the total selling price of the products and the total profit:
I have completed the description and now you are completely ready to work with it alone.
Unit 3In this document I will explain how I created the macro buttons, the v-lookup on both the purchase order form and the invoice form, I will also explain several other formulas I used for this assignment.
Main Menu
I have 6 macro buttons which link to the different pages of the system.
1st one is Purchase form macro;
2nd one is Product lookup macro;
3rd one is Invoice macro;
4th one is Database macro;
5th one is Profit macro;
6th one is Total selling price macro.
I recorded each macro by opening tools tab and choosing Record new macro in macro menu. I opened the correct page for each macro and stopped recording. Afterwards I created 6 buttons and put the right macro in each button.Database
On the database there are number of a different formulas, which are need on the spreadsheet. I have total price formula which is (Amount * Selling Price), total price formula including VAT (Amount * Selling Price + Amount * Selling Price * 17.5%), formula for selling price which is 10% bigger then Cost price (Cost Price + Cost Price * * 10%), Profit per item (Selling Price – Cost Price), Total Profit (Profit Per Item * Amount).I also have a lot of macros. 1st returns you to the main page. I recorded it the same way as I recorded the macros in main page. The 2nd one sorts the data; I recorded it by using sort data from the data tab. The function of this macro is to sort numbers if they are in the wrong order. I also have refresh function which resets all the values on the database page to zero. I also have macro which prints page, I recorded it by pressing print button and stopping the recording. I recorded the save macro in the same way as I recorded print macro --- just by pressing save while recording a macro.
Invoice and Purchase forms, Product lookup
For these pages I used very important formula. Vlookup is usually used for electronic databases. Its function is to show products from database when the specific code is selected. Vlookup function in the invoice looks like this: =VLOOKUP(C19,Database!$B$8:$J$17,2)
It means that for specific value of sell C19 Vlookup has to look into the database and copy the right value from Item column.The macros refresh, print, save, return to main page were recorded in the same way as they were on the Database page.
I also have ‘If’ function on the invoice page on the discount page. It means if the quantity of bought items more then 5 then customer will receive a 5% discount.
I also have two graphs which show total selling price and profit. I have created them by using a chart wizard.
What will I test? Outcome Result Page No.
‘Database Macro’ on the main page Worked Opens ‘Database’ sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 testing.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 - 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘If’ function (invoice sheet) Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Complete Testing
Main page
‘Purchase Form’ Macro Worked Opens Purchase Form. Pages 19 – 21 in my user guide.
‘Product lookup’ Macro Worked Opens Product lookup. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Profit’ Macro Worked Opens Profit graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Total selling price’ Macro Worked Opens Total selling price graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Invoice’ Macro Worked Opens Invoice form. Pages 22 – 23 in my user guide.
‘Database’ Macro Worked Opens Database sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 in my testing.
Database sheet
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 18 in my user guide.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 – 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets current data on the database sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
Purchase Form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets all data in purchase form. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Product lookup
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Save Macro’ Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Invoice form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
‘If’ function Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Print’, ‘Save’, ‘Refresh’ Macros Worked Prints sheet.Saves worksheet.Resets data Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
Testing screendumpsMacros
Testing ‘Database Macro’ on the main page:
Macro is working and it opens database when we press the ‘Database’ button.
Testing ‘Sort data’ macro on the database page:
This macro doesn’t work because an error has occurred. We will have to fix it. I will delete the current button with macro by pressing on it with right button and pressing delete on the keyboard. To record a new macro I will have to choose ‘Record new macro’ from the tools panel.
Now when recording is in progress we will have to press ‘Sort data’ button in the Data panel. After this we have to choose sort by ID code and set Ascending order. The last thing we have to do is to press ‘Stop recording’ button.
Now we have to create a new ‘Sort data’ button.Testing new ‘Sort data’ button:
The macro is working and we don’t receive any error reports.
Database formulas:
I used a lot of formulas in this assignment. For sale price I had to use this formula: $I$2*E8+E8. Sell I2 is the absolute because it shows how much bigger Sale price from the cost price.
So the formula is ‘Percentage * Cost price + Cost price = Sale price’.Total selling price = Amount in stock * Selling price.
This is very common formula.Total selling price with VAT = Total selling price + Total selling price * 17.5%.
This formula means that Total selling price with VAT supposed to be bigger on 17.5% from Total selling price.Profit shows how much profit you will get from selling one unit of current goods.
The formula is ‘Sale price - Cost price’.Total profit shows how much profit you will get from selling the whole stock.
Total profit = Profit * Amount in stock.For this assignment I also used an ‘If’ function. For example:
This function means that if cell G12 equals “London” (we have to put quotation mark to show Microsoft Excel that data is a text data) then the delivery costs only £20.00, but if cell G12 equals to any other value then delivery costs £100.00. Cell G12 is in customer details and it shows customer’s city.
I also used ‘If’ function for discount:
If customer buys more then any 5 items he gets a 5% discount on everything he buys. This formula is a little bit complex then the previous one. It shows that if sum of the quantity column is higher then 5 then discount equals 5% from total. We are going to use this in subtotal. To find the subtotal we have to find the sum of Total, VAT and Delivery and extract the price of discount.
For this assignment I also used a ‘Vlookup’ function:
‘Vlookup’ function shows information from other sheets of the same document using the information it has. For example: under ID code 2 we have Sony Media player which costs £149.99 and the current amount of Sony Vaio Media players in the stock is 50. ‘Vlookup’ function used the information from database.
For this assignment I used a lot of techniques like Macros, different formulas, shading, I used different fonts and combined colors and tables. I tested all of macros and formulas and pleased with their work. At this point everything works properly. -
Student Name Denys Albesko
Registration number
Centre name Coulsdon College
Centre number 14342
Assessor name Susan Buckley
Assessor signature
DateDeadline date for unit 27/2/04
Date work handed inCentre statement on ‘working independently’. (Comment on amount of support given)
Final points score awarded (out of 24)
Final grade (Below Pass, E, D, C, B, A)
Unit Grade Below Pass E D C B A
Raw Mark 0 - 6 7 - 9 10 - 12 13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 24ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE FOR UNIT 3 or X Page ref Comment
A spreadsheet solution to meet specified user requirements,
involving the use of at least six of the more complex spreadsheet facilities (Please list below)
1. List and tables
2. Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3. Macro buttons
4. Validation boxes
5. Multiple sheets with links between them
6. A lot of formulas and forms
User and technical documentation,
E1 A clear design specification that meets user requirements, 5-10
including appropriate:
selection of more complex facilities,
details of sources of data,
outline screen data entry forms,
calculations required,
user aids to operation and
how output is presented
E2 Suitable data entry facilities, 5-10
including input messages and
macros that:
reduce keystrokes and
improve user efficiency
E3 Suitable printed or screen output that makes appropriate use of: 5-10
cell formats
charts or graphs
page or screen layout
graphic images
E4 Clear technical documentation identifying: 24-25
formulae used
functions used, and
screen and printed report layouts 11-23
E5 Clear user documentation with:
copies of menus and screens, and
E6 Testing of your spreadsheet against the design specification and 26-32
careful checking of:
the accuracy of the data used and
the output generated
C1 A good understanding of spreadsheet design and attention to detail by creating:
an imaginative,
customised spreadsheet
that makes good use of design and
layout facilities
C2 Detailed test specifications together with
examples of a full range of:
acceptable input
unacceptable input
associated expected output and
any associated error messages
C3 That you can work independently to produce your work to agreed deadlines
A1 A good understanding of the purpose and value of more complex facilities by using them effectively in your spreadsheet design
A2 Customised data input using facilities such as
dialogue boxes and
list boxes
or methods of equal value (please list below)that are clear well laid out suitably labelled and that validate data input
A3 Comprehensive records of spreadsheet drafting,
testing and
refinement that show
how the spreadsheet was developed and
how any problems were resolved
A4 High-quality, clear user documentation
making good use of graphic images
in detailed instructions for use with examples of:
menus and data input screens,
possible error messagesSpecification
I have been asked by a company named “One&one ltd.” to create a database on a spreadsheet for them.This company sells such goods as digital TVs, Computers, Different parts of computers like memory cards, video cards etc. The company also sells CDs and DVDs. They also want to know what profit they will make over they after they sell all the possible items. They also want to provide a look up system so they can see weather they have a certain product in the stock or not.
The company expects from the new electrical system database of all the stock in the shop how much it costs to buy and sell the stock and how much they have in the stock. They also want invoices and purchase forms with the price of the stock how many they want and what the total comes to, on the invoice they need to know what the price of the stock will come to after Vat and if the customers gets a discount or not.
The system I have designed consists of the following:Main Menu
I will create a main page with macros on it which will have control keys which will link them to other pages in the workbook.Database
The data base will give information on the stock which includes all the services the company providing and the prices. The database will also be used for v-lookup.Invoices
To show how much each customer owes the company and what they want to buy, this will template and formulae which will be created using the vlookup table and functions which automatically calculate when data is input.Purchase order
This is to show what the company needs in respects to stock ad how much it will cost to order the sock.Product lookup
To help find products easily and quickly using a V-lookup of the company’s database.Main Page
This page will help to give access to the other pages in the system using macros.
Cash Cheque Debit Credit Card
Purchase order
Product lookup
Stock add system
This information will be shown through the v-lookup() which will be created on this sheet.
The six complex facilities I will use in my excel system will be the following:
1.) List and tables
2.) Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3.) Macro buttons
4.) Validation boxes
5.) Multiple sheets with links between them
6.) Form templatesUser Guide
Getting started:Here I will describe how to open the company system in easy and understandable steps.
First of all
Turn on your computer and wait for the windows screen to load up. When the computer has loaded you will see this screen:Once you have this screen you will have to double click the excel icon shown below:
Once you have double clicked on the icon the computer will automatically load up excel, wait until you have got this screen on your computer:
Once you have done this your screen will look like this, you then need to open necessary files to open the system.
When you have clicked on the open icon you will have this on your screen:
Once you have this screen you will need to select the ‘Electronic database’ file by clicking on it, then you have to press ‘Open button’.
Once you have opened the electronic database for One&One Ltd. you will see the screen like this:
Now you will be able to learn how to use the function of the system in the next chapter: such as the macro buttons and the V-lookup function.
Now you will learn how to use each of the different pages in the system.
Once you have loaded the system, you are now ready to learn how to use different functions on the different pages.
If the system is loaded properly you should have the main page on the screen:
As you may notice there are six macro buttons on the page, which will take you to the different pages in the system as, shown above.
To open a different page in the system you will have to click on one of the buttons we suggest for tanning purposes you should click on the database button.
Once you have clicked on the database button on the main menu you should now have this screen on your computer:
Here you can change Items’ names, ID code, put your quantity of the items in stock and put cost price.
Warning: do not change information of other columns.If you accidentally put ID codes in the wrong order just press ‘Sort Data’:
There are also some macros on the bottom of the sheet:
The ‘Print’ button is use to print current sheet. The ‘Save’ button is used to save entire worksheet. The refresh button resets all old values in the database.
Purchase form
When you open Purchase form it should look like this:
The bottom of the sheet contains the purchase form:
This form has everything you need to make the right purchase.
Product lookup
Product lookup is used to check if you have some specific item or not.
When you open the ‘Product lookup’ sheet it has to look like this:You can choose any ID code and the Item, Amount in stock, Cost price and Sale price of the product will be displayed automatically.
Invoice form
The invoice form is used by the customers to order company’s products. My invoice form has the address of the customer and the company, company’s logo and contact details, it also has today’s date:
I also designed a table for invoice form:
As you have already noticed, the customer will be able to get a 5% discount on everything if he/she bye more then 5 items. I also have to mention that if customer’s city is London the delivery will be just £20.
Total Selling price graph and Total profit graph
I also have two graphs which show the total selling price of the products and the total profit:
I have completed the description and now you are completely ready to work with it alone.
Unit 3In this document I will explain how I created the macro buttons, the v-lookup on both the purchase order form and the invoice form, I will also explain several other formulas I used for this assignment.
Main Menu
I have 6 macro buttons which link to the different pages of the system.
1st one is Purchase form macro;
2nd one is Product lookup macro;
3rd one is Invoice macro;
4th one is Database macro;
5th one is Profit macro;
6th one is Total selling price macro.
I recorded each macro by opening tools tab and choosing Record new macro in macro menu. I opened the correct page for each macro and stopped recording. Afterwards I created 6 buttons and put the right macro in each button.Database
On the database there are number of a different formulas, which are need on the spreadsheet. I have total price formula which is (Amount * Selling Price), total price formula including VAT (Amount * Selling Price + Amount * Selling Price * 17.5%), formula for selling price which is 10% bigger then Cost price (Cost Price + Cost Price * * 10%), Profit per item (Selling Price – Cost Price), Total Profit (Profit Per Item * Amount).I also have a lot of macros. 1st returns you to the main page. I recorded it the same way as I recorded the macros in main page. The 2nd one sorts the data; I recorded it by using sort data from the data tab. The function of this macro is to sort numbers if they are in the wrong order. I also have refresh function which resets all the values on the database page to zero. I also have macro which prints page, I recorded it by pressing print button and stopping the recording. I recorded the save macro in the same way as I recorded print macro --- just by pressing save while recording a macro.
Invoice and Purchase forms, Product lookup
For these pages I used very important formula. Vlookup is usually used for electronic databases. Its function is to show products from database when the specific code is selected. Vlookup function in the invoice looks like this: =VLOOKUP(C19,Database!$B$8:$J$17,2)
It means that for specific value of sell C19 Vlookup has to look into the database and copy the right value from Item column.The macros refresh, print, save, return to main page were recorded in the same way as they were on the Database page.
I also have ‘If’ function on the invoice page on the discount page. It means if the quantity of bought items more then 5 then customer will receive a 5% discount.
I also have two graphs which show total selling price and profit. I have created them by using a chart wizard.
What will I test? Outcome Result Page No.
‘Database Macro’ on the main page Worked Opens ‘Database’ sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 testing.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 - 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘If’ function (invoice sheet) Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Complete Testing
Main page
‘Purchase Form’ Macro Worked Opens Purchase Form. Pages 19 – 21 in my user guide.
‘Product lookup’ Macro Worked Opens Product lookup. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Profit’ Macro Worked Opens Profit graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Total selling price’ Macro Worked Opens Total selling price graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Invoice’ Macro Worked Opens Invoice form. Pages 22 – 23 in my user guide.
‘Database’ Macro Worked Opens Database sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 in my testing.
Database sheet
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 18 in my user guide.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 – 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets current data on the database sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
Purchase Form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets all data in purchase form. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Product lookup
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Save Macro’ Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Invoice form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
‘If’ function Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Print’, ‘Save’, ‘Refresh’ Macros Worked Prints sheet.Saves worksheet.Resets data Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
Testing screendumpsMacros
Testing ‘Database Macro’ on the main page:
Macro is working and it opens database when we press the ‘Database’ button.
Testing ‘Sort data’ macro on the database page:
This macro doesn’t work because an error has occurred. We will have to fix it. I will delete the current button with macro by pressing on it with right button and pressing delete on the keyboard. To record a new macro I will have to choose ‘Record new macro’ from the tools panel.
Now when recording is in progress we will have to press ‘Sort data’ button in the Data panel. After this we have to choose sort by ID code and set Ascending order. The last thing we have to do is to press ‘Stop recording’ button.
Now we have to create a new ‘Sort data’ button.Testing new ‘Sort data’ button:
The macro is working and we don’t receive any error reports.
Database formulas:
I used a lot of formulas in this assignment. For sale price I had to use this formula: $I$2*E8+E8. Sell I2 is the absolute because it shows how much bigger Sale price from the cost price.
So the formula is ‘Percentage * Cost price + Cost price = Sale price’.Total selling price = Amount in stock * Selling price.
This is very common formula.Total selling price with VAT = Total selling price + Total selling price * 17.5%.
This formula means that Total selling price with VAT supposed to be bigger on 17.5% from Total selling price.Profit shows how much profit you will get from selling one unit of current goods.
The formula is ‘Sale price - Cost price’.Total profit shows how much profit you will get from selling the whole stock.
Total profit = Profit * Amount in stock.For this assignment I also used an ‘If’ function. For example:
This function means that if cell G12 equals “London” (we have to put quotation mark to show Microsoft Excel that data is a text data) then the delivery costs only £20.00, but if cell G12 equals to any other value then delivery costs £100.00. Cell G12 is in customer details and it shows customer’s city.
I also used ‘If’ function for discount:
If customer buys more then any 5 items he gets a 5% discount on everything he buys. This formula is a little bit complex then the previous one. It shows that if sum of the quantity column is higher then 5 then discount equals 5% from total. We are going to use this in subtotal. To find the subtotal we have to find the sum of Total, VAT and Delivery and extract the price of discount.
For this assignment I also used a ‘Vlookup’ function:
‘Vlookup’ function shows information from other sheets of the same document using the information it has. For example: under ID code 2 we have Sony Media player which costs £149.99 and the current amount of Sony Vaio Media players in the stock is 50. ‘Vlookup’ function used the information from database.
For this assignment I used a lot of techniques like Macros, different formulas, shading, I used different fonts and combined colors and tables. I tested all of macros and formulas and pleased with their work. At this point everything works properly.g
Student Name Denys Albesko
Registration number
Centre name Coulsdon College
Centre number 14342
Assessor name Susan Buckley
Assessor signature
DateDeadline date for unit 27/2/04
Date work handed inCentre statement on ‘working independently’. (Comment on amount of support given)
Final points score awarded (out of 24)
Final grade (Below Pass, E, D, C, B, A)
Unit Grade Below Pass E D C B A
Raw Mark 0 - 6 7 - 9 10 - 12 13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 24ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE FOR UNIT 3 or X Page ref Comment
A spreadsheet solution to meet specified user requirements,
involving the use of at least six of the more complex spreadsheet facilities (Please list below)
1. List and tables
2. Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3. Macro buttons
4. Validation boxes
5. Multiple sheets with links between them
6. A lot of formulas and forms
User and technical documentation,
E1 A clear design specification that meets user requirements, 5-10
including appropriate:
selection of more complex facilities,
details of sources of data,
outline screen data entry forms,
calculations required,
user aids to operation and
how output is presented
E2 Suitable data entry facilities, 5-10
including input messages and
macros that:
reduce keystrokes and
improve user efficiency
E3 Suitable printed or screen output that makes appropriate use of: 5-10
cell formats
charts or graphs
page or screen layout
graphic images
E4 Clear technical documentation identifying: 24-25
formulae used
functions used, and
screen and printed report layouts 11-23
E5 Clear user documentation with:
copies of menus and screens, and
E6 Testing of your spreadsheet against the design specification and 26-32
careful checking of:
the accuracy of the data used and
the output generated
C1 A good understanding of spreadsheet design and attention to detail by creating:
an imaginative,
customised spreadsheet
that makes good use of design and
layout facilities
C2 Detailed test specifications together with
examples of a full range of:
acceptable input
unacceptable input
associated expected output and
any associated error messages
C3 That you can work independently to produce your work to agreed deadlines
A1 A good understanding of the purpose and value of more complex facilities by using them effectively in your spreadsheet design
A2 Customised data input using facilities such as
dialogue boxes and
list boxes
or methods of equal value (please list below)that are clear well laid out suitably labelled and that validate data input
A3 Comprehensive records of spreadsheet drafting,
testing and
refinement that show
how the spreadsheet was developed and
how any problems were resolved
A4 High-quality, clear user documentation
making good use of graphic images
in detailed instructions for use with examples of:
menus and data input screens,
possible error messagesSpecification
I have been asked by a company named “One&one ltd.” to create a database on a spreadsheet for them.This company sells such goods as digital TVs, Computers, Different parts of computers like memory cards, video cards etc. The company also sells CDs and DVDs. They also want to know what profit they will make over they after they sell all the possible items. They also want to provide a look up system so they can see weather they have a certain product in the stock or not.
The company expects from the new electrical system database of all the stock in the shop how much it costs to buy and sell the stock and how much they have in the stock. They also want invoices and purchase forms with the price of the stock how many they want and what the total comes to, on the invoice they need to know what the price of the stock will come to after Vat and if the customers gets a discount or not.
The system I have designed consists of the following:Main Menu
I will create a main page with macros on it which will have control keys which will link them to other pages in the workbook.Database
The data base will give information on the stock which includes all the services the company providing and the prices. The database will also be used for v-lookup.Invoices
To show how much each customer owes the company and what they want to buy, this will template and formulae which will be created using the vlookup table and functions which automatically calculate when data is input.Purchase order
This is to show what the company needs in respects to stock ad how much it will cost to order the sock.Product lookup
To help find products easily and quickly using a V-lookup of the company’s database.Main Page
This page will help to give access to the other pages in the system using macros.
Cash Cheque Debit Credit Card
Purchase order
Product lookup
Stock add system
This information will be shown through the v-lookup() which will be created on this sheet.
The six complex facilities I will use in my excel system will be the following:
1.) List and tables
2.) Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3.) Macro buttons
4.) Validation boxes
5.) Multiple sheets with links between them
6.) Form templatesUser Guide
Getting started:Here I will describe how to open the company system in easy and understandable steps.
First of all
Turn on your computer and wait for the windows screen to load up. When the computer has loaded you will see this screen:Once you have this screen you will have to double click the excel icon shown below:
Once you have double clicked on the icon the computer will automatically load up excel, wait until you have got this screen on your computer:
Once you have done this your screen will look like this, you then need to open necessary files to open the system.
When you have clicked on the open icon you will have this on your screen:
Once you have this screen you will need to select the ‘Electronic database’ file by clicking on it, then you have to press ‘Open button’.
Once you have opened the electronic database for One&One Ltd. you will see the screen like this:
Now you will be able to learn how to use the function of the system in the next chapter: such as the macro buttons and the V-lookup function.
Now you will learn how to use each of the different pages in the system.
Once you have loaded the system, you are now ready to learn how to use different functions on the different pages.
If the system is loaded properly you should have the main page on the screen:
As you may notice there are six macro buttons on the page, which will take you to the different pages in the system as, shown above.
To open a different page in the system you will have to click on one of the buttons we suggest for tanning purposes you should click on the database button.
Once you have clicked on the database button on the main menu you should now have this screen on your computer:
Here you can change Items’ names, ID code, put your quantity of the items in stock and put cost price.
Warning: do not change information of other columns.If you accidentally put ID codes in the wrong order just press ‘Sort Data’:
There are also some macros on the bottom of the sheet:
The ‘Print’ button is use to print current sheet. The ‘Save’ button is used to save entire worksheet. The refresh button resets all old values in the database.
Purchase form
When you open Purchase form it should look like this:
The bottom of the sheet contains the purchase form:
This form has everything you need to make the right purchase.
Product lookup
Product lookup is used to check if you have some specific item or not.
When you open the ‘Product lookup’ sheet it has to look like this:You can choose any ID code and the Item, Amount in stock, Cost price and Sale price of the product will be displayed automatically.
Invoice form
The invoice form is used by the customers to order company’s products. My invoice form has the address of the customer and the company, company’s logo and contact details, it also has today’s date:
I also designed a table for invoice form:
As you have already noticed, the customer will be able to get a 5% discount on everything if he/she bye more then 5 items. I also have to mention that if customer’s city is London the delivery will be just £20.
Total Selling price graph and Total profit graph
I also have two graphs which show the total selling price of the products and the total profit:
I have completed the description and now you are completely ready to work with it alone.
Unit 3In this document I will explain how I created the macro buttons, the v-lookup on both the purchase order form and the invoice form, I will also explain several other formulas I used for this assignment.
Main Menu
I have 6 macro buttons which link to the different pages of the system.
1st one is Purchase form macro;
2nd one is Product lookup macro;
3rd one is Invoice macro;
4th one is Database macro;
5th one is Profit macro;
6th one is Total selling price macro.
I recorded each macro by opening tools tab and choosing Record new macro in macro menu. I opened the correct page for each macro and stopped recording. Afterwards I created 6 buttons and put the right macro in each button.Database
On the database there are number of a different formulas, which are need on the spreadsheet. I have total price formula which is (Amount * Selling Price), total price formula including VAT (Amount * Selling Price + Amount * Selling Price * 17.5%), formula for selling price which is 10% bigger then Cost price (Cost Price + Cost Price * * 10%), Profit per item (Selling Price – Cost Price), Total Profit (Profit Per Item * Amount).I also have a lot of macros. 1st returns you to the main page. I recorded it the same way as I recorded the macros in main page. The 2nd one sorts the data; I recorded it by using sort data from the data tab. The function of this macro is to sort numbers if they are in the wrong order. I also have refresh function which resets all the values on the database page to zero. I also have macro which prints page, I recorded it by pressing print button and stopping the recording. I recorded the save macro in the same way as I recorded print macro --- just by pressing save while recording a macro.
Invoice and Purchase forms, Product lookup
For these pages I used very important formula. Vlookup is usually used for electronic databases. Its function is to show products from database when the specific code is selected. Vlookup function in the invoice looks like this: =VLOOKUP(C19,Database!$B$8:$J$17,2)
It means that for specific value of sell C19 Vlookup has to look into the database and copy the right value from Item column.The macros refresh, print, save, return to main page were recorded in the same way as they were on the Database page.
I also have ‘If’ function on the invoice page on the discount page. It means if the quantity of bought items more then 5 then customer will receive a 5% discount.
I also have two graphs which show total selling price and profit. I have created them by using a chart wizard.
What will I test? Outcome Result Page No.
‘Database Macro’ on the main page Worked Opens ‘Database’ sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 testing.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 - 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘If’ function (invoice sheet) Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Complete Testing
Main page
‘Purchase Form’ Macro Worked Opens Purchase Form. Pages 19 – 21 in my user guide.
‘Product lookup’ Macro Worked Opens Product lookup. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Profit’ Macro Worked Opens Profit graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Total selling price’ Macro Worked Opens Total selling price graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Invoice’ Macro Worked Opens Invoice form. Pages 22 – 23 in my user guide.
‘Database’ Macro Worked Opens Database sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 in my testing.
Database sheet
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 18 in my user guide.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 – 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets current data on the database sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
Purchase Form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets all data in purchase form. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Product lookup
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Save Macro’ Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Invoice form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
‘If’ function Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Print’, ‘Save’, ‘Refresh’ Macros Worked Prints sheet.Saves worksheet.Resets data Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
Testing screendumpsMacros
Testing ‘Database Macro’ on the main page:
Macro is working and it opens database when we press the ‘Database’ button.
Testing ‘Sort data’ macro on the database page:
This macro doesn’t work because an error has occurred. We will have to fix it. I will delete the current button with macro by pressing on it with right button and pressing delete on the keyboard. To record a new macro I will have to choose ‘Record new macro’ from the tools panel.
Now when recording is in progress we will have to press ‘Sort data’ button in the Data panel. After this we have to choose sort by ID code and set Ascending order. The last thing we have to do is to press ‘Stop recording’ button.
Now we have to create a new ‘Sort data’ button.Testing new ‘Sort data’ button:
The macro is working and we don’t receive any error reports.
Database formulas:
I used a lot of formulas in this assignment. For sale price I had to use this formula: $I$2*E8+E8. Sell I2 is the absolute because it shows how much bigger Sale price from the cost price.
So the formula is ‘Percentage * Cost price + Cost price = Sale price’.Total selling price = Amount in stock * Selling price.
This is very common formula.Total selling price with VAT = Total selling price + Total selling price * 17.5%.
This formula means that Total selling price with VAT supposed to be bigger on 17.5% from Total selling price.Profit shows how much profit you will get from selling one unit of current goods.
The formula is ‘Sale price - Cost price’.Total profit shows how much profit you will get from selling the whole stock.
Total profit = Profit * Amount in stock.For this assignment I also used an ‘If’ function. For example:
This function means that if cell G12 equals “London” (we have to put quotation mark to show Microsoft Excel that data is a text data) then the delivery costs only £20.00, but if cell G12 equals to any other value then delivery costs £100.00. Cell G12 is in customer details and it shows customer’s city.
I also used ‘If’ function for discount:
If customer buys more then any 5 items he gets a 5% discount on everything he buys. This formula is a little bit complex then the previous one. It shows that if sum of the quantity column is higher then 5 then discount equals 5% from total. We are going to use this in subtotal. To find the subtotal we have to find the sum of Total, VAT and Delivery and extract the price of discount.
For this assignment I also used a ‘Vlookup’ function:
‘Vlookup’ function shows information from other sheets of the same document using the information it has. For example: under ID code 2 we have Sony Media player which costs £149.99 and the current amount of Sony Vaio Media players in the stock is 50. ‘Vlookup’ function used the information from database.
For this assignment I used a lot of techniques like Macros, different formulas, shading, I used different fonts and combined colors and tables. I tested all of macros and formulas and pleased with their work. At this point everything works properly.fw
Student Name Denys Albesko
Registration number
Centre name Coulsdon College
Centre number 14342
Assessor name Susan Buckley
Assessor signature
DateDeadline date for unit 27/2/04
Date work handed inCentre statement on ‘working independently’. (Comment on amount of support given)
Final points score awarded (out of 24)
Final grade (Below Pass, E, D, C, B, A)
Unit Grade Below Pass E D C B A
Raw Mark 0 - 6 7 - 9 10 - 12 13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 24ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE FOR UNIT 3 or X Page ref Comment
A spreadsheet solution to meet specified user requirements,
involving the use of at least six of the more complex spreadsheet facilities (Please list below)
1. List and tables
2. Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3. Macro buttons
4. Validation boxes
5. Multiple sheets with links between them
6. A lot of formulas and forms
User and technical documentation,
E1 A clear design specification that meets user requirements, 5-10
including appropriate:
selection of more complex facilities,
details of sources of data,
outline screen data entry forms,
calculations required,
user aids to operation and
how output is presented
E2 Suitable data entry facilities, 5-10
including input messages and
macros that:
reduce keystrokes and
improve user efficiency
E3 Suitable printed or screen output that makes appropriate use of: 5-10
cell formats
charts or graphs
page or screen layout
graphic images
E4 Clear technical documentation identifying: 24-25
formulae used
functions used, and
screen and printed report layouts 11-23
E5 Clear user documentation with:
copies of menus and screens, and
E6 Testing of your spreadsheet against the design specification and 26-32
careful checking of:
the accuracy of the data used and
the output generated
C1 A good understanding of spreadsheet design and attention to detail by creating:
an imaginative,
customised spreadsheet
that makes good use of design and
layout facilities
C2 Detailed test specifications together with
examples of a full range of:
acceptable input
unacceptable input
associated expected output and
any associated error messages
C3 That you can work independently to produce your work to agreed deadlines
A1 A good understanding of the purpose and value of more complex facilities by using them effectively in your spreadsheet design
A2 Customised data input using facilities such as
dialogue boxes and
list boxes
or methods of equal value (please list below)that are clear well laid out suitably labelled and that validate data input
A3 Comprehensive records of spreadsheet drafting,
testing and
refinement that show
how the spreadsheet was developed and
how any problems were resolved
A4 High-quality, clear user documentation
making good use of graphic images
in detailed instructions for use with examples of:
menus and data input screens,
possible error messagesSpecification
I have been asked by a company named “One&one ltd.” to create a database on a spreadsheet for them.This company sells such goods as digital TVs, Computers, Different parts of computers like memory cards, video cards etc. The company also sells CDs and DVDs. They also want to know what profit they will make over they after they sell all the possible items. They also want to provide a look up system so they can see weather they have a certain product in the stock or not.
The company expects from the new electrical system database of all the stock in the shop how much it costs to buy and sell the stock and how much they have in the stock. They also want invoices and purchase forms with the price of the stock how many they want and what the total comes to, on the invoice they need to know what the price of the stock will come to after Vat and if the customers gets a discount or not.
The system I have designed consists of the following:Main Menu
I will create a main page with macros on it which will have control keys which will link them to other pages in the workbook.Database
The data base will give information on the stock which includes all the services the company providing and the prices. The database will also be used for v-lookup.Invoices
To show how much each customer owes the company and what they want to buy, this will template and formulae which will be created using the vlookup table and functions which automatically calculate when data is input.Purchase order
This is to show what the company needs in respects to stock ad how much it will cost to order the sock.Product lookup
To help find products easily and quickly using a V-lookup of the company’s database.Main Page
This page will help to give access to the other pages in the system using macros.
Cash Cheque Debit Credit Card
Purchase order
Product lookup
Stock add system
This information will be shown through the v-lookup() which will be created on this sheet.
The six complex facilities I will use in my excel system will be the following:
1.) List and tables
2.) Drop down boxes to select data for entry
3.) Macro buttons
4.) Validation boxes
5.) Multiple sheets with links between them
6.) Form templatesUser Guide
Getting started:Here I will describe how to open the company system in easy and understandable steps.
First of all
Turn on your computer and wait for the windows screen to load up. When the computer has loaded you will see this screen:Once you have this screen you will have to double click the excel icon shown below:
Once you have double clicked on the icon the computer will automatically load up excel, wait until you have got this screen on your computer:
Once you have done this your screen will look like this, you then need to open necessary files to open the system.
When you have clicked on the open icon you will have this on your screen:
Once you have this screen you will need to select the ‘Electronic database’ file by clicking on it, then you have to press ‘Open button’.
Once you have opened the electronic database for One&One Ltd. you will see the screen like this:
Now you will be able to learn how to use the function of the system in the next chapter: such as the macro buttons and the V-lookup function.
Now you will learn how to use each of the different pages in the system.
Once you have loaded the system, you are now ready to learn how to use different functions on the different pages.
If the system is loaded properly you should have the main page on the screen:
As you may notice there are six macro buttons on the page, which will take you to the different pages in the system as, shown above.
To open a different page in the system you will have to click on one of the buttons we suggest for tanning purposes you should click on the database button.
Once you have clicked on the database button on the main menu you should now have this screen on your computer:
Here you can change Items’ names, ID code, put your quantity of the items in stock and put cost price.
Warning: do not change information of other columns.If you accidentally put ID codes in the wrong order just press ‘Sort Data’:
There are also some macros on the bottom of the sheet:
The ‘Print’ button is use to print current sheet. The ‘Save’ button is used to save entire worksheet. The refresh button resets all old values in the database.
Purchase form
When you open Purchase form it should look like this:
The bottom of the sheet contains the purchase form:
This form has everything you need to make the right purchase.
Product lookup
Product lookup is used to check if you have some specific item or not.
When you open the ‘Product lookup’ sheet it has to look like this:You can choose any ID code and the Item, Amount in stock, Cost price and Sale price of the product will be displayed automatically.
Invoice form
The invoice form is used by the customers to order company’s products. My invoice form has the address of the customer and the company, company’s logo and contact details, it also has today’s date:
I also designed a table for invoice form:
As you have already noticed, the customer will be able to get a 5% discount on everything if he/she bye more then 5 items. I also have to mention that if customer’s city is London the delivery will be just £20.
Total Selling price graph and Total profit graph
I also have two graphs which show the total selling price of the products and the total profit:
I have completed the description and now you are completely ready to work with it alone.
Unit 3In this document I will explain how I created the macro buttons, the v-lookup on both the purchase order form and the invoice form, I will also explain several other formulas I used for this assignment.
Main Menu
I have 6 macro buttons which link to the different pages of the system.
1st one is Purchase form macro;
2nd one is Product lookup macro;
3rd one is Invoice macro;
4th one is Database macro;
5th one is Profit macro;
6th one is Total selling price macro.
I recorded each macro by opening tools tab and choosing Record new macro in macro menu. I opened the correct page for each macro and stopped recording. Afterwards I created 6 buttons and put the right macro in each button.Database
On the database there are number of a different formulas, which are need on the spreadsheet. I have total price formula which is (Amount * Selling Price), total price formula including VAT (Amount * Selling Price + Amount * Selling Price * 17.5%), formula for selling price which is 10% bigger then Cost price (Cost Price + Cost Price * * 10%), Profit per item (Selling Price – Cost Price), Total Profit (Profit Per Item * Amount).I also have a lot of macros. 1st returns you to the main page. I recorded it the same way as I recorded the macros in main page. The 2nd one sorts the data; I recorded it by using sort data from the data tab. The function of this macro is to sort numbers if they are in the wrong order. I also have refresh function which resets all the values on the database page to zero. I also have macro which prints page, I recorded it by pressing print button and stopping the recording. I recorded the save macro in the same way as I recorded print macro --- just by pressing save while recording a macro.
Invoice and Purchase forms, Product lookup
For these pages I used very important formula. Vlookup is usually used for electronic databases. Its function is to show products from database when the specific code is selected. Vlookup function in the invoice looks like this: =VLOOKUP(C19,Database!$B$8:$J$17,2)
It means that for specific value of sell C19 Vlookup has to look into the database and copy the right value from Item column.The macros refresh, print, save, return to main page were recorded in the same way as they were on the Database page.
I also have ‘If’ function on the invoice page on the discount page. It means if the quantity of bought items more then 5 then customer will receive a 5% discount.
I also have two graphs which show total selling price and profit. I have created them by using a chart wizard.
What will I test? Outcome Result Page No.
‘Database Macro’ on the main page Worked Opens ‘Database’ sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 testing.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 - 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘If’ function (invoice sheet) Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Complete Testing
Main page
‘Purchase Form’ Macro Worked Opens Purchase Form. Pages 19 – 21 in my user guide.
‘Product lookup’ Macro Worked Opens Product lookup. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Profit’ Macro Worked Opens Profit graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Total selling price’ Macro Worked Opens Total selling price graph. Pages 23 – 24 in my user guide.
‘Invoice’ Macro Worked Opens Invoice form. Pages 22 – 23 in my user guide.
‘Database’ Macro Worked Opens Database sheet. Pages 14 – 17 in my user guide.
Page 29 in my testing.
Database sheet
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 18 in my user guide.
Testing ‘Sort Data’ macro on the database page Did not work. Fixed. Working properly. Sorts data in the database. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 30 – 31 testing.
Database formulas Worked Checking products and their prices, calculates totals, calculates VAT. Page 15 in my user guide.
Pages 31 – 32 testing.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets current data on the database sheet. Page 19 in my user guide.
Purchase Form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Save’ Macro Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Refresh’ Macro Worked Resets all data in purchase form. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 20 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Product lookup
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Save Macro’ Worked Saves entire worksheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Print’ Macro Worked Prints current sheet. Page 21 in my user guide.
‘Vlookup’ function Worked Puts the required data into table (it could be quantity, selling price, description, etc.). Pages 31 – 32 in my testing.
Pages 24 – 25 in my documentation.
Pages 23 –24 in my user guide.
Invoice form
‘Back to main page’ Macro Worked Returns you to main page. Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
‘If’ function Worked Decides values of discount and delivery. Page 21 in my user guide.
Pages 32 - 34 testing.
‘Print’, ‘Save’, ‘Refresh’ Macros Worked Prints sheet.Saves worksheet.Resets data Pages 22-23 in my user guide.
Testing screendumpsMacros
Testing ‘Database Macro’ on the main page:
Macro is working and it opens database when we press the ‘Database’ button.
Testing ‘Sort data’ macro on the database page:
This macro doesn’t work because an error has occurred. We will have to fix it. I will delete the current button with macro by pressing on it with right button and pressing delete on the keyboard. To record a new macro I will have to choose ‘Record new macro’ from the tools panel.
Now when recording is in progress we will have to press ‘Sort data’ button in the Data panel. After this we have to choose sort by ID code and set Ascending order. The last thing we have to do is to press ‘Stop recording’ button.
Now we have to create a new ‘Sort data’ button.Testing new ‘Sort data’ button:
The macro is working and we don’t receive any error reports.
Database formulas:
I used a lot of formulas in this assignment. For sale price I had to use this formula: $I$2*E8+E8. Sell I2 is the absolute because it shows how much bigger Sale price from the cost price.
So the formula is ‘Percentage * Cost price + Cost price = Sale price’.Total selling price = Amount in stock * Selling price.
This is very common formula.Total selling price with VAT = Total selling price + Total selling price * 17.5%.
This formula means that Total selling price with VAT supposed to be bigger on 17.5% from Total selling price.Profit shows how much profit you will get from selling one unit of current goods.
The formula is ‘Sale price - Cost price’.Total profit shows how much profit you will get from selling the whole stock.
Total profit = Profit * Amount in stock.For this assignment I also used an ‘If’ function. For example:
This function means that if cell G12 equals “London” (we have to put quotation mark to show Microsoft Excel that data is a text data) then the delivery costs only £20.00, but if cell G12 equals to any other value then delivery costs £100.00. Cell G12 is in customer details and it shows customer’s city.
I also used ‘If’ function for discount:
If customer buys more then any 5 items he gets a 5% discount on everything he buys. This formula is a little bit complex then the previous one. It shows that if sum of the quantity column is higher then 5 then discount equals 5% from total. We are going to use this in subtotal. To find the subtotal we have to find the sum of Total, VAT and Delivery and extract the price of discount.
For this assignment I also used a ‘Vlookup’ function:
‘Vlookup’ function shows information from other sheets of the same document using the information it has. For example: under ID code 2 we have Sony Media player which costs £149.99 and the current amount of Sony Vaio Media players in the stock is 50. ‘Vlookup’ function used the information from database.
For this assignment I used a lot of techniques like Macros, different formulas, shading, I used different fonts and combined colors and tables. I tested all of macros and formulas and pleased with their work. At this point everything works properly. -
РТР - антена
антена-упала вчера)
Упала Вчера == Клуб Здоровья!!!!!!
Клуб Здоровья ====> аспирин спасет мир!
Darkarchangel ты дурак?
аспирин спасет мир! =>бред