Бонусы к песням/танцам от статов и Musical/Dance Lessons
Про влияние статов на песни информация есть в топике у дансеров + отдельная тема. Третий раз мне не очень хочется эту информацию приклеивать. Кнопка "Search" действительно работаeт. :lol:
*Musical/Dancing Lessons и их влияние на эффект отдельных песен. *
Musical Lesson lvl 1: Additional 3 damage
Musical Lesson lvl 2: Additional 6 damage
<...and so on...>
Musical Lesson lvl 10: Additional 10 damage***A Whistle ***
Musical Lesson lvl 1 and 2: Additional Flee +1 and Perfect Dodge +1
Musical Lesson lvl 3 and 4: Additional Flee +2 and Perfect Dodge +2
Musical Lesson lvl 5 and 6: Additional Flee +3 and Perfect Dodge +3
Musical Lesson lvl 7 and 8: Additional Flee +4 and Perfect Dodge +4
Musical Lesson lvl 9 and 10: Additional Flee +5 and Perfect Dodge +5If your AGI is 10: Additional Flee +1
If your AGI is 20: Additional Flee +2
<...and so on...for as high AGI as you want>If your LUK is 10: Additional Perfect Dodge +1
If your LUK is 20: Additional Perfect Dodge +2
<...and so on...for as high LUK as you want>
(Eg. A Bard with maxed Whistle and Musical Lesson, with 100 AGI and 50 LUK, would buff for Flee +25 and Perfect Dodge +15)***Assassin Cross at Sunset ***
Musical Lesson lvl 1 and 2: Additional ASPD +1%
Musical Lesson lvl 3 and 4: Additional ASPD +2%
Musical Lesson lvl 5 and 6: Additional ASPD +3%
Musical Lesson lvl 7 and 8: Additional ASPD +4%
Musical Lesson lvl 9 and 10: Additional ASPD +5%If your AGI is 10: Additional ASPD +1%
If your AGI is 20: Additional ASPD +2%
<...and so on...for as high AGI as you want>(Eg. A Bard with maxed AC and Musical Lesson, with 100 AGI, would buff for ASPD +35%)
***A Poem of Bragi ***
Musical Lesson lvl 1: Additional casting time and after-cast delay -1% each
Musical Lesson lvl 2: Additional casting time and after-cast delay -2% each
<...and so on...>
Musical Lesson lvl 10: Additional casting time and after-cast delay -10% eachIf your DEX is 10: Additional casting time -1%
If your DEX is 20: Additional casting time -2%
<...and so on...for as high DEX as you want>If your INT is 10: Additional after-cast delay -1%
If your INT is 20: Additional after-cast delay -2%
<...and so on...for as high INT as you want>(Eg. A Bard with maxed PoB and Musical Lesson, with 150 DEX and 30 INT, would buff for casting time -55% and after-cast delay -43%)
***Apple of Idun ***
Musical Lesson lvl 1: Additional HP regen 5 and max HP +1%
Musical Lesson lvl 2: Additional HP regen 10 and max HP +2%
Musical Lesson lvl 3: Additional HP regen 15 and max HP +3%
Musical Lesson lvl 4: Additional HP regen 20 and max HP +4%
<...and so on...>
Musical Lesson lvl 10: Additional HP regen 50 and max HP +10%If your VIT is 10: Additional HP regen 5 and max HP +1%
If your VIT is 20: Additional HP regen 10 and max HP +2%
If your VIT is 30: Additional HP regen 15 and max HP +3%
If your VIT is 40: Additional HP regen 20 and max HP +4%
<...and so on...for as high VIT as you want>(Eg. A Bard with maxed AoI and Musical Lesson, with 70 VIT, would buff for HP regen 165 and max HP +42%)
***Ugly Dance ***
Dancing Lesson lvl 1: Additional 6 damage
Dancing Lesson lvl 2: Additional 7 damage
Dancing Lesson lvl 3: Additional 8 damage
<...and so on...>
Dancing Lesson lvl 10: Additional 15 damageHumming
Dancing Lesson lvl 1: Additional Hit +2
Dancing Lesson lvl 2: Additional Hit +4
<...and so on...>
Dancing Lesson lvl 10: Additional Hit +20If your DEX is 10: Additional Hit +1
If your DEX is 10: Additional Hit +2
<...and so on...for as high AGI as you want>(Eg. A Dancer with maxed Humming and Dancing Lesson, with 150 DEX, would buff for Hit +55
***Forget Me Not ***
The effect of Dancing Lesson is currently unknown>
<DEX improves ASPD reduction but its exact effect is unknown>
<AGI improves movement speed reduction but its exact effect is unknown***Fortune's Kiss ***
Dancing Lesson lvl 1 and 2: Additional Crit +1
Dancing Lesson lvl 3 and 4: Additional Crit +2
Dancing Lesson lvl 5 and 6: Additional Crit +3
Dancing Lesson lvl 7 and 8: Additional Crit +4
Dancing Lesson lvl 9 and 10: Additional Crit +5If your LUK is 10: Additional Luk +1
If your DEX is 10: Additional Luk +2
<...and so on...for as high LUK as you want>(Eg. A Dancer with maxed FC and Dancing Lesson, with 10 LUK, would buff for Crit +26
***At Your Service ***
Dancing Lesson lvl 1 and 2: Additional SP cost -1% and +unknown max SP
Dancing Lesson lvl 3 and 4: Additional SP cost -2% and +unknown max SP
Dancing Lesson lvl 5 and 6: Additional SP cost -3% and +unknown max SP
Dancing Lesson lvl 7 and 8: Additional SP cost -4% and +unknown max SP
Dancing Lesson lvl 9 and 10: Additional SP cost -5% and +unknown max SPIf your INT is 10: Additional SP cost -1% and +unknown max SP
If your INT is 20: Additional SP cost -1% and +unknown max SP
<...and so on...for as high INT as you want>(Eg. A Dancer with maxed Service and Dancing Lesson, with 30 INT, would buff for SP cost -55% and max SP +unknown
Это пока все, что мне удалось найти. Насколько верны эти цифры для нашего сервера мне тоже неизвестно. У нас что-то пропатчено, что-то нет. Поэтому всецело полагаться на расчеты с других серверов не слишком рационально
Но примерную механику уловить можно. -
Опередили %) Спасибо, Лайла.
Для Forget Me Not предположительно
new_speed = speed*(100+skill_lvl2+[(DLessons_lvl+1)/2]+[AGI/10])/100
new_aspd = aspd-(skill_lvl3+[(DLessons_lvl+1)/2]+[DEX/20])
Скорость как в базе - чем больше значение, тем медленнее. В формуле для аспд может быть стр вместо декс. -
NihiL, отличная формула.
Если не секрет- откуда?По поводу силы/декс в формуле- это после аматсу-патча вроде ввели изменение. Не знаю- у нас оно работает или нет. Никак не выходит у меня потестить. Это же надо дансера с силой прокачать А до тестового сервера я все никак не дойду.
Формулы из исходников эмулятора.
Дансера с силой имхо необязательно, можно методом от противного - проверить, зависит ли уменьшение аспд от дексы. -
О, хорошая штука ж) Надо будет в моем топе подправить некоторые моменты..
Большое спасибо. То ли поиск глючит, то ли я ламер (что вряд ли)...
FrozenFlame, вряд ли - это про поиск? ,))
А урок лесон влияет на комбо манчкин (дающее 250% опыта при прокачке?), и если влияет то как?
хм... знаю что три вита добавляют +1 к хп регену на яблоках...
Укажите в названии топика про танцы и зависимость от DL Ж)
Снова про Forget Me Not: декс дансера не влияет на аспд =( Качаем дансеров с стр...
Снова про Forget Me Not: декс дансера не влияет на аспд =( Качаем дансеров с стр...
а нафига дансерам стр? поты таскать? -
new_aspd = aspd-(skill_lvl*3+[(DLessons_lvl+1)/2]+[DEX/20])
Вот тут ^^^ не декс. Тут стр/20. Видимо.
Ну и поты не помешают =))