Lord Kniht & Paladin Skill Tree и не только...
Graham, я вот что видел про Фурию
Active Skill, Level 1
Requirement: Increase HP Recovery 6, Two Handed Mastery 10, Bowling Bash 6
Needs 2 Handed Sword
Increases max HP by alot & increase alot ASPD. You cannot use any items or receive any heals while this skill is in effectНадеюсь с переводом не у кого проблем нет.
А разве это не про берсерк?
Skill Type: Active
Target: Self
Description: Increases max HP & ASPD but lowers your flee rate. You cannot use any healing items or receive any heals while this skill is in effect.Взято с <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://motronline.com/database/skills/Lord Knight">http://motronline.com/database/skills/Lord Knight</a><!-- m -->
Что-то уже и я запутался.
Так, а откуда такие пререквизиты для берсерка?
Googled: berserk lord knight prerequisites
@"<-<!-- m --><a class:
Berserk (Active), L1
Requirements: none! This skill automatically appears when you reach J50.Про Fury - если сравнить деревья скиллов с <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://iro.ragnarokonline.com/game/jobmonskilltree.asp">http://iro.ragnarokonline.com/game/jobmonskilltree.asp</a><!-- m --> и <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.rodatazone.com/skills/acolyte_monk.php">http://www.rodatazone.com/skills/acolyte_monk.php</a><!-- m -->, то становится понятно, что Fury - это iRO-шное название для kRO-шного (то есть нашего) Critical Explosion.
Ага, вот и прояснение:
@"<-<!-- m --><a class:
- Fury (Active Skill), LV 1
Deleted as of 4/21/2004. Berserk covers for this one.
Раньше было два скилла - Fury (для двуручника) и Berserk (для копья) и у них были описанные пререки (любителям античной истории сюда - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.warriornation.net/Forum/showthread.php?t=27977">http://www.warriornation.net/Forum/show ... hp?t=27977</a><!-- m --> ). Потом на это забили и сделали один скилл берсерк - для двуручника и копья.
@"<-<!-- m --><a class:
- Berserk (Active Skill), LV 1
Requirement: Lord Knight on JLV 50+
- Truly scary skill, rendering the user bloodthirsty... Upon usage, you can't use any items and can't even receive Heal! However, your HP will jump by large as well as receiving very nice attack / ASPD upgrade.
Exactly, you will receive the following when you use the skill.
- maxHP x3, and HP is fully recovered, but SP is all gone
- You cannot regain HP/SP via natural means for 5 minutes afterwards of the skill
- ATK + 150%
- ASPD + 10%
- Pernament move speed bonus during skill
- ALL DEF (equip def/mdef, stat def/mdef) set to 0
- Halves FLEE rate
- Receives Endure effect
- 1% HP reduced every 15 seconds
- Cannot chat, cannot use items, cannot receive Heals (when you do, the Heal amount you receive, you will see 0... yes, 0)
- Cannot change equipments
- Skill will automatically cancel when HP below 100
- Cannot use in siege mode (WoE in iRO)
4/21/2004 Update: This skill now works with both two-handed sword and spear weapons.
- Fury (Active Skill), LV 1
@"<-<!-- m --><a class:
- Cannot use in siege mode (WoE in iRO)
- Cannot use in siege mode (WoE in iRO)
А оно тебе надо, такой изврат на ГВ врубать? )) Весь деф в ноль, фли пополам, лечить тебя не могут, и что меня добило - Cannot change equipments.
Зато какой скилл на пвм! У Лорд Найтов под ним 40к хп, документально подтверждено скринами с оффа.
И всего 1 скиллпойнт надо.
блин Antzekyrre где ты все это берешь?
мде Берсек маньячный скилл, так я непонял он сам появляется или для него нада ветку спиров качать?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.google.com">http://www.google.com</a><!-- m --> и голова на плечах -- наши лучшие друзья в часы нехватки достоверной информации.
Берсерк появляется с получением 50-го джоба лорд найта (не забываем, что у него их 70).
Edit: Вернее, для того, чтобы прокачать берсерк, нужно получить 50-й джоб найта. Автоматически он не появляется, разумеется.-=falcon=-, за дерево спасибо, очень удобно прикинуть, что к чему... вот только поправь его теперь.
Дерево скилов Паладина готово !!!
<img src=http://motronline.com/photo/data/media/3/SWORDSMAN_CRUSADER_PALADIN.jpg>
Хотелбы достать побольше инфо про скилы паладина
на своем серваке я проверял
Gospel - туфтовый скил он Паладину нечего хорошего не дает
Pressure - по описанию вроде скил крут но на моем серваке просто падал снеба крест и снимал всегда 1200,каст занимал <>5 сек и после него стокоже времени я немог бить токо бегать.
Sacrifice - лудший скил гасит как баш но на растоянии 8 клеток снимает много в среднем 2к,гострингу с 300++ силой удара и 15к хп снял 14к
-должен зависить от сожраного хп относится к магии(походу никогда не мажит и бьет по маг дефу еще не проверил)
На моем серваке скилы паладина готовы токо на 65%- токо в том шо Sacrifice вроде не зависит от остатка хп я с 300 хп снимал также монго как и с 15к хп
Так подумать с эсли не профиксят Sacrifice то можно зделать Жестокого уничтожителяи в пвп/мвп и на гв с хилом 10 лвл и щитовой веткой высоким виталити и скилом Sacrifice мало кто живым подойти сможет
Ет все шо я покашо знаю если кто знает больше как точные формулы Pressure и Sacrifice Раскажите
- токо в том шо Sacrifice вроде не зависит от остатка хп я с 300 хп снимал также монго как и с 15к хп
вот и мой друг объявился как я обещал
спасибо всем, хоть сделал я практически бесполезную вещь на этом серваке-Mast3r- ты еще много чего не видел в этой игре, из-за лени Спакума
КРутой рисунок!Тя прям художник -
Еще бы берс с фури на дереве подправил... )
Ну че - кто возьмется перевести и выложить тут смыслы скилов ? Их описание бишь...А то, что я видел на МОТР базеданных, не всегда сходится. (переводы давайте).
Antzekyrre что именно подправить я так и непонял как там все получается Bersek сам появляется или для него нада ветку спиров качать? и что там с Fury?
Graham ты англиского незнаешь или ты говоришь что описание на мотре неправельно?
Еще коешо я видел Калькулятор на Аперов и хай профессии похож на этот <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~magnusrk/calc/">http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~magnusrk/calc/</a><!-- m --> :mrgreen:
я се зделал билд паладина и потом потерял ссылку калькулятора :mrgreen:
вот непомню на каком форуме нашел на мотре или оскоме,кому очень надо может найдет тут <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://stupid_ad/forum/">http://stupid_ad/forum/</a><!-- m -->
билд можно сильный зделать бонусы высокие например сила +10 :mrgreen: -
krasivo pishite,gramotno,toka ne ponimay kak poluchit Lord Knight?skagite a?
PrototiP, нету у нас пока 3его джоба, так что пока никак
no y ne ponyl chto tut obsugdaem esly net etogo dgoba,a?
no y ne ponyl chto tut obsugdaem esly net etogo dgoba,a?
Тут обсуждается то, что когда-нибудь введут на мотре.
Табличка, не табличка, но по крайней мере более удобоваримый вариант описалова карточек
Abysmal Knight Card. [ Not Implemented ] Weaponry
Ambernite Card. DEF + 2 Shield
Anacondaq Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on the Poison Property Monsters. Weaponry
Andre Card. ATK + 20 Weaponry
Andre Egg Card. Maximum HP + 5% Shield
Andre Larva Card. INT + 1, Maximum SP + 10 Weaponry
Angelring Card. Bless Armors with the Holy property. Armor
Anubis Card. Reduce 30% of damages from Angel Monsters. Shield
Archer Skeleton Card. Enable to do 10% more damages on the Flying Monsters Weaponry
Argiope Card. Enchant an Armor with the Poison Property, Def + 1 Form 5% tolerance against the Poison. Armor
Argos Card. Form 20% tolerance againstStone Curse', Def + 1 Shield Baby Desert Wolf Card. INT + 1 Armor Bapho Jr. Card. AGI + 3, Critical + 1 Garment Baphomet Card. Do splashed damages around 9 cells every time. Hit – 10 Weaponry Bathory Card. Enchant Armors with the Shadow Property. Armor Berzebub Card. Reduce 30% of spell casting time. Accessory Big Foot Card. Reduce 30% of damages from Insect Monsters. Shield Caramel Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on Insect Monsters. Weaponry Chonchon Card. AGI + 1, Flee + 2 Foot Cobold Card. Critical + 4% STR + 1 Accessory Co Co Card. Form 20% tolerance against
Sleep', Def + 1 Head
Condor Card. Flee + 10 Garment
Cornustus Card. Make Armors Indestructible, Def + 1 Armor
Creamy Card. Enable to use [Teleport] Lv 1 Accessory
Desert Wolf Card. Enable to do 15% more damages on the Small Monsters, Atk + 5 Weaponry
Deviace Card. 7% Addtional Damages onto the Demi-Human,the Brute,the Plant and the Insect. Weaponry
Deviruchi Card. Protect its user fromBlind'. STR + 1 Head Dokkaebi Card. Enchant Armors with the Wind Property, Def + 1 Armor Doppelganger Card. ASPD + 30 Weaponry Dracula Card. Regain 5% of the Damage Done on an Enemy as SP (Success Chance 3%). Weaponry Drainliar Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on the Water property Monsters. Weaponry Drake Card. Enable to do perfect damages on every sized monsters. Weaponry Drops Card. DEX + 1, Hit + 3 Weaponry Dustiness Card. Form 30% tolerance against the Wind Property, Flee + 5 Garment Eddga Card. Enable to [Endure] all the time, Maximum HP - 25% Maximum HP -25% Foot Eggyra Card. SP Recovery + 15% Foot Elder Willow Card. INT + 2 Head Evil Druid Card. Enchant Armors with the Undead Property. INT + 1, Def + 1 Armor Fabre Card. VIT + 1, Maximum HP + 100 Weaponry Familiar Card. 5% chance to blind enemy when you attack, Atk + 5 Weaponry Female Thief Bug Card. AGI + 1, Flee + 1 Weaponry Flora Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on Fish Monsters. Weaponry Frilldora Card. Enable to use [Cloacking] Lv1. Garment Ghostring Card. Enchant Armors with the Ghost Property Reduce 25% of HP Recovery Armor Ghoul Card. Form 20% tolerance against the Poison Property, Def + 1 Head Giearth Card. Protect its user from
Confusion', 15% resistance against earth attacks Head
Goblin Card. Enables to do 20% more damages on the Brute Monsters. Weaponry
Golden Thief Bug Card. Block All Magic Spells(including Support Spells). Increase 100% more SP consumtion when use skills. Shield
Golem Card. Make Weapons Indestructible, Atk + 5 Weaponry
Hode Card. Form 30% tolerance against the Earth Property, Flee + 5 Garment
Horn Card. Reduce 35% of long-ranged attack damages. Shield
Hornet Card. STR + 1, Atk + 3 Weaponry
Horong Card. Enable to Use [Sight] Lv 1 Accessory
Hunter Fly Card. Regain 15% of the Damage Done on an enemy as HP(Success Chance 3%). Weaponry
Hydra Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on the Demi-Human Monsters. Weaponry
Isis Card. Forms 30% tolerance against the Shadow Property, Flee + 5 Garment
Jakk Card. Form 30% tolerance against the Fire Property, Flee + 5 Garment
Joker Card. Enable to use [Steal] Lv 1. Accessory
Kaho Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on the Earth Property Monsters. Weaponry
Khalitzburg Card. Reduce 30% of damages from the Demon Monsters. Shield
Kukre Card. AGI + 2 Accessory
Lunatic Card. LUK +1, Cri + 1, Lucky Dodge + 1 Weaponry
Magnolia Card. 5% chance of cursing the enemy with your attack, Atk + 5 Weaponry
Male Thief Bug Card. AGI + 2 Foot
Mandragora Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on the Wind Property Monsters. Weaponry
Mantis Card. STR + 3 Accessory
Marc Card. Protect its user from being frozen. Form 5% tolerance against the Water Property Attack. Armor
Marduk Card. Protect its user from Silence. Reduce 5% of Magic Casting Delay. Head
Marina Card. 5% chance of freezing enemy with your attack, Atk + 5 Weaponry
Marine Sphere Card. Enable to use [Magnum Break] Lv 3 Accessory
Marionette Card. Form 30% tolerance against the Ghost Property, Flee + 5 Garment
Mars Card.Form 30% tolerance against the Water property. Mars Card.Form 30% tolerance against the Water property. Mars Card.Form 30% tolerance against the Water property. Garment
Martin Card. Form 20% tolerance againstBlind' Head Matyr Card. Maximum HP + 10%, AGI + 1 Foot Maya Card. [ Not Implemented ] Shield Medusa Card. Protect its user from
Stone Curse'. Reduce 15% of damages from the Demon Monsters. Shield
Megalodon Card. Form 20% tolerance against being Frozen, Def + 1 Shield
Metaller Card. 5% chance of silencing enemy with attack, Atk + 5 Weaponry
Minorous Card. Enable to do 15% more damages on the Great monsters. Weaponry
Mistress Card. Enable to cast Certain spells withought Gemstones. Increase 25% SP consumtion when use skills. Head
Moonlight Flower Card. Enable to Fast-Move all the time.DEX –2 Foot
Muka Card. HP recovery + 10% Accessory
Mummy Card. HIT + 20. Weaponry
Munak Card. Form 15% tolerance againstStone Curse', Form 5% tolerance against Earth attack, Def + 1 Shield Myst Card. Form 30% tolerance against the Poison Property, Flee + 5 Garment Nightmare Card. Protect its user from
Sleep', Agi + 1 Head
Obeaune Card. Enable to Use [Cure] Lv 1 Accessory
Orc Hero Card. Never beStunned', VIT + 3 Head Orc Lord Card. Enable to reflect 30% of every single Physical Damage. Armor Orc Skeleton Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on the Holy Property Monsters. Weaponry Orc Warrior Card. Reduce 30% of damages from Brute Monsters. Shield Orc Zombie Card. Form 30% tolerance against attack of the Undead Property, Flee + 5 Garment Osiris Card. Restore Full HP/SP when revive. Accessory Pasana Card. Enchant Armors with the Fire property, Def + 1 Armor Peco Peco Card. Maximum HP + 10% Armor Peco Peco Egg Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on the Formless Monsters. Weaponry Earth Petite Card. 25% Additional damages on the Dragon Monsters. Weaponry Sky Petite Card. Reduce damages from a Dragon-like Monster by 30%. Shield Pharaoh Card. Reduce 30% of SP consumtion when use skills. HeadGear Phen Card. Enable to keep casting Magic Spells While Hit by Enemies Increase Magic Casting Delay by 25%. Accessory Phreeoni Card. Hit + 100. Weaponry Picky Card. STR + 1, Atk + 10 Armor Picky Egg Card. VIT + 1, Maximum HP + 100 Armor Pirate Skel Card. Enable to use [Discount] Lv 5 Accessory Plankton Card. 5% chance to put enemy to sleep when you attack, Atk + 5 Weaponry Poison Spore Card. Enable to use [Envenom] Lv 3 Accessory PoPoring Card. Enable to use [Detoxify] Lv 1 Accessory Poring Card. LUK + 2, Lucky Dodge + 1 Armor Pupa Card. Maximum HP + 700 Armor Rafflesia Card. Reduce 30% of damages from Fish Monsters. Shield Raydric Card. Form 20% tolerance against the Neutral Attack. Garment Requiem Card.
Chaos' enemy when attack.(Success Chance 5% Not implemented yet). Weaponry
Rocker Card. DEX + 1 Armor
Roda Frog Card. Maximum HP + 400, Maximum SP + 50 Armor
Sandman Card. Enchant Armors with the Earth Property, def + 1 Armor
Santa Poring Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on the Shadow Property Monsters. Weaponry
Savage Babe Card. 5% chance to stun enemy when you attack. Weaponry
Savage Card. VIT + 3 Armor
Scorpion Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on Plant Monsters. Weaponry
Scorpion King Card. Enable to do 20% more damages to the Undead. Weaponry
Sidewinder Card. Enables to Use [Double Attack] Lv1 with all Weapons. Weaponry
Skel Worker Card. Enable to do 15% more damages on the Medium Monster, Atk + 5Weaponry
Skeleton Card. 2% chance to stun enemy when you attack, Atk + 10 Weaponry
Smokie Card. Enable to use [Hiding] Lv 1 Accessory
Snake Card. 5% chance to poison enemy when you attack, Atk + 5 Weaponry
Sohee Card. Maximum SP + 15%, SP Recovery + 3% FootSoldier Andre Card. Reduce 30% of damages taken by Plant Monsters. Shield
Soldier Andre Card. Reduce 30% of damages taken by Plant Monsters. Shield
Soldier Skeleton Card. Cri + 9 Weaponry
Spore Card. VIT + 2 Accessory
Stainer Card. Form 20% tolerance against `Silence', Def + 1 Head
Steel Chonchon Card. DEF + 2 10% resist against attack of Wind Property Armor
Strauf Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on the Demon Monsters. Weaponry
Swordfish Card. Enchant Armors with the Water Property, Def + 1Armor
Tarou Card. STR + 2Accessory
Thara Frog Card. Reduce 30% of damages from Demi-Human Monsters. Shield
Thief Bug Card. AGI + 1 Armor
Thief Bug Egg Card. Maximum HP + 400Shield
Vadon Card. Enable to do 20% more damages on the Fire Property Monsters. Weaponry
Verit Card. Maximum HP/SP + 8% Foot
Vitata Card. Enable to Use [Heal] Lv 1, All skill SP usage + 25%Accessory
Whisper Card. Flee + 20 50% Additional Damage from the Ghost Property Attack. Garment
Willow Card. Maximum SP + 80 Head
Wolf Card. ATK + 15, Cri + 1 Weaponry
Worm Tail Card. DEX + 2 Accessory
Yo Yo Card. Lucky Dodge + 5, AGI + 1 Accessory
Zenorc Card. 4% chance to poison the enemy with attack, Atk + 10 Weaponry
Zerom Card. DEX + 3 Accessory
Zombie Card. HP recovery + 20% Foot