Your favorite Evangelion Ending
Just a thought...if youre into "And finally, everibody died"...youll love Saikano...If you thought NGE was disturbing, think again...=)
Um... Batman arrives and stuffs a nice chunky piece of Kryptonite down Lillith's throat?
Cuz then, with the evil alien overmind gone, everyone would stop behaving like severely disturbed psychopaths and become somewhat normal and live happily ever after and say no to drugs.Or, rather, the wimp collapses and the 17th just pulls the plug on the whole planet. And then there is light.
What, over 80 views and only 9 votes...come on people!!...Pick up the phase...Im sure everyone has an opinion on that sort of thing...
OK...I think "the end..." is the best,because i ddnt understand it. I like things that i didn't understand :lol: And i hope now your friends ,Vega, will not come here to kick our asses :lol: :lol:
Damn it, vega... I suppose, ppl here just can't write or read English. This is my point.
What, over 80 views and only 9 votes...come on people!!...Pick up the phase...Im sure everyone has an opinion on that sort of thing...- Я не смотрю Evangelion.
- Меня обламывает писать на Аглицком, ибо надо напрягаться.
Magu pa ruskiy no pamoyemu translit silneye naprigayet chem english...
Magu pa ruskiy no pamoyemu translit silneye naprigayet chem english...
меня не напрягает английский. Транслит я читаю медленее, чем инглиш. Но печатать на английском для меня напряг. -
Басарга,печатай на транслите =))))
What, over 80 views and only 9 votes...come on people!!...Pick up the phase...Im sure everyone has an opinion on that sort of thing...- Я не смотрю Evangelion.
Уммм. Я тоже особ не смотрю. Разок поглядел и все. Его что надо все время смотреть?
Net, prosta abichno s pervava raza v NGE nivrubayutsa...V End Of Evangelion mnogiye nivrubayutsa i sa vratova...i s tretyeva...balsinstvo nivrubayetsa dumayut sto vrubayutsa...
Йо. Количество пересмотров ЕОЕ у меня просто неопределить. Это из-за фансаба как раз таки. Сначала клепаешь, потом ляпы ищешь.
Eva сериал forever, мувики must die!
Death and Rebirth must die, because it gives you permanent brain damage...End of Eva does to but at least it attempts to make sence...
А мне больше эта маленькая концовочка в финале ЕоЕ понравилась, где двое на берегу загарают