Racism or idiocy ?
Deguna, just ignore them:)
not the best way to write in Russian, and the jokes are unavoidable here
+1 -
turkish ya ya zer good
ну люблю я поугарать просто.... -
I think you should not pay any attention. In my opinion the best way is - silence) Just ask sp, cast and so on
i think its abouts ages=)) dont bother it. i have alot of good russian friends. So dont say it generally its a few persons, not all.
ahahah,i'd love crying foreign boys.
see on your behavour first and than make a conclusions and write it on the forum.
there is no smoke without the fire.Among foreign MOTR players many rats,racism and other idiocy. -
America, obvious troll, aren't you? Give us a proof or don't post false accusations. For 7 years of playing on MOTR I have only encountered ONE foreign person who cheated others, his name was Yellow_Crazy and he doesn't play anymore. Moreover, other foreign players know about him and hate him just as well. On the other hand, there are so many rude russians I see very day that I ceased speaking in russian a long time ago. Just too bad MOTR isn't really an international player.
Also, if you were hacked or banned by some foreigner and now hate every foreigner, you're just another proof that russian community is far from friendly.
imo, Russian players just hate troubles. And when you have an english-talking member in your party, 90% people just don't know how to explain what this person should do, cuz they don't know english well. It's just a "language barrier".
If you play on Russian server, you should realize that it's hard to communicate with us. That's one of the reasons why not-russian players stay together, even they are different nations.sry 4 bad eng bro
"Racism or idiocy ?" this
кстати, вроде он по русски говорит
всем не обязательно гуглить словари ^_^ -
Dead Kitten, про 90% это ты загнал конечно
sry 4 bad eng bro
ну а нам то зачем об этом поведовать было? -
СаботЁр, Icelemon
International Support. Russian language is prohibited.
One thing what kills me is when russians say "learn russian". Do they feel like russian is international language ?
I know it might be too hard for russians to read latin alphabet (even if its in russian language), not to talk to say a word in english.. But why pretend (or not) retarded, when you see a non russian player in a party and start all that shit jokes, arrogance, intolerance, hatred.. Like you first time heard MOTR has not only russian players. Sense not found. -
imo, Russian players just hate troubles. And when you have an english-talking member in your party, 90% people just don't know how to explain what this person should do, cuz they don't know english well. It's just a "language barrier".If you play on Russian server, you should realize that it's hard to communicate with us. That's one of the reasons why not-russian players stay together, even they are different nations.
sry 4 bad eng bro
s one possible explanation and to be honest, i see what you meant here. It
s hard, when both parts cant speak the language of their party members and i learnt to deal with it. I´m from germany and taught myself russian language to surmount the language barrier, but there are still people who won
t take me to party, just because they heard, i`m not from russia. Additionally i met some people, who just offended me and my friends, because we were talking in english. People saw us and yelled: "turkish bastards! leave server" etc. without even knowing where we are from ;). My conclusion: Many people on this Server think like this: English=turkish=bad=should leave. Welcome to the middle ages!Here an example:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/827/screenmotr216.jpg">http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/82 ... otr216.jpg</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/37/screenmotr217.jpg">http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/37 ... otr217.jpg</a><!-- m -->Btw: greetings to all my turkish and russian friends
i`ll be back soon.
Alterschwede, ... exapmle you said?
If you feel offended by any comment, you may report the player for 8.2(Insult) rule violation. There is no special rule for Racist Comments right now. First screenshot has an example of rule violation.
Alterschwede, ... exapmle you said?Obviously...that`s what i said.
don't know about you but me, i'm unable to read anything on these screnshots
me 2
very small pictures even they are zoomed -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.pic-upload.de/view-14783078/screenMOTR216.jpg.html">http://www.pic-upload.de/view-14783078/ ... 6.jpg.html</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.pic-upload.de/view-14783083/screenMOTR217.jpg.html">http://www.pic-upload.de/view-14783083/ ... 7.jpg.html</a><!-- m -->Hope this one are better
You know, there are retards in every country, and Russia is not an exclusion. I myself is not a racist, and didn't insult any international players. At least, I didn't offend them personally. But in the past I saw some turkish players, who were speaking Turkish (not English) in the main chat. And that happened not just once. It was almost every night. I didn't understand a word, but somehow I didn't like it. You know, every server has a rule, that you speak local language, or English. And maybe they just threw insults about any Russian player? And no one could understand, if he didn't knew their language. What I'm saying is this: I don't have anything against international players, but if you don't speak at least English, do it in private. To be more specific, I don't mean anyone from this thread. It's just not only Russians do something that awful, but not everyone like, when someone say something in public, and he doesn't understand that.