KRO Future Updates - 26.08.2009 "Royal Guard"
Судя по названию ролика и карте - ГД Пронты. Только не кобольдов ожидал там увидеть.
В последнее время только пару таких роликов нашел, может быть что-то новое? -
Судя по названию ролика и карте - ГД Пронты. Только не кобольдов ожидал там увидеть.
В последнее время только пару таких роликов нашел, может быть что-то новое? -
добавили много данжей, в том числе отдельный для класса аколитов
добавили много данжей, в том числе отдельный для класса аколитов
Много? Только для аколитов из патчноутов и помню. Это если о последних апдейтах речь.
Много? Только для аколитов из патчноутов и помню. Это если о последних апдейтах речь.
лень искать, но в рамках эпизода 14.2 много обновлений было
лень искать, но в рамках эпизода 14.2 много обновлений было
А, видимо к обновленному ГВ и данжам все же относится, не очень просто в этой системе разбираюсь.
Abyssal Kobold...когда кончаются идеи, просто смени имя моба и его статы) -
А, видимо к обновленному ГВ и данжам все же относится, не очень просто в этой системе разбираюсь.
Abyssal Kobold...когда кончаются идеи, просто смени имя моба и его статы) -
NoWAYouT, Что за невероятно няшные ушко-бантики на бишке? ___
NoWAYouT, Что за невероятно няшные ушко-бантики на бишке? ___
Chibi, глаза поломаешь в этих иероглифах. Если я правильно понял, то что-то типа этого:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 698765.jpg</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 576129.jpg</a><!-- m -->Просто вроде бы одинаковые вещи, но в базе написано, что это костюм, а на шуре одето в основной экипировке. Да еще и заточено. И сердечки на спрайте не так заметны. Так что я все равно в чем-то ошибаюсь.
На kRO вообще весьма богатый ассортимент костюмных украшений.
Сразу и не скажешь, что такая грозная: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 048837.jpg</a><!-- m --> -
Chibi, глаза поломаешь в этих иероглифах. Если я правильно понял, то что-то типа этого:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 698765.jpg</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 576129.jpg</a><!-- m -->Просто вроде бы одинаковые вещи, но в базе написано, что это костюм, а на шуре одето в основной экипировке. Да еще и заточено. И сердечки на спрайте не так заметны. Так что я все равно в чем-то ошибаюсь.
На kRO вообще весьма богатый ассортимент костюмных украшений.
Сразу и не скажешь, что такая грозная: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 048837.jpg</a><!-- m --> -
NoWAYouT, Спасибо большое, что не поленился найти) Жаль, что вещичка кРошная только =_=
NoWAYouT, Спасибо большое, что не поленился найти) Жаль, что вещичка кРошная только =_=
3/21/2012 - Maintenance
! - Changed 'Flying Fish' Kunai item option from 'Critical Wound' to 'Bleeding'.
! - Added Eden Quests for Level 111 ~ 120.3/28/2012 - Maintenance
! - Aldebaran tool dealer now sells arrows.
! - Certain plant and mushroom monsters' HP have been lowered.
! - Changed the main monsters in certain field maps.
! >! Morroc Field 1 (moc_fild01): Pecopeco --> Muka
! Morroc Field 2 (moc_fild02): Muka --> Pecopeco
! Geffen Field 9 (gef_fild09): Ambernite --> Coco
! Mjolnir 6 (mjolnir_06): Horn --> Elder Willow
! Payon Field 9: Elder Willow --> Horn
! - Adjusted difficulty level of low level monsters.
! >! *Hornet *changed from non-aggressive/assist to non-aggressive and have had certain skills lowered.
! *Condor *changed from non-aggressive/assist to non-aggressive and have had certain skills lowered. Number of monster spawn changed in Morroc Field 11.
! *Baby Desert Wolf *changed from non-aggressive/assist to non-aggressive. Number of monster spawn changed in Morroc Field 11.
! Scorpion changed from aggressive to non-aggressive and have had certain skills lowered.
! Wormtail have had certain skills lowered.
! Snake have had certain skills lowered.
! Ambernite have had certain skills lowered. Removed monster spawn from Geffen Field 9.
! Coco added monster spawn in Geffen Field 9.
! Thiefbug Egg drop rate adjusted.
! Thiefbug changed from non-aggressive/assist/looter to non-aggressive/looter.
! Muka have had certain skills lowered. Adjusted the number of monsters in Morroc Field 1 and 2.
! Creamy have had certain skills lowered.
! Familiar have had certain skills lowered. Adjusted the number of monster in Prontera Sewer 1.
! *Caramel *have had certain skills lowered.
! Pecopeco have had certain skills lowered. Adjusted the number of monster in Morroc Field 1 and 2.
! Poison Spore have had certain skills lowered. Adjusted the number of monster in Mjolnir Field 6.
! Skeleton adjusted drop rate.
! Smokie adjusted the number of monster in Mjolnir Field 6.
! Deniro changed from non-aggressive/looter/assist to non-aggressive/assist and its certain skills lowered.
! Piere changed from non-aggressive/looter/assist to non-aggressive/looter.
! Horn adjusted the number of monster in Payon Field 9 and Mjolnir Field 2.
! Andre changed from non-aggressive/looter/assist to non-aggressive/looter and its certain skills lowered.
! Elder Willow adjusted the number of monster in Mjolnir Field 2 and Payon Field 9.
! Cookie - Green adjusted drop rate.
! *Marin *changed from non-aggressive to non-aggressive/looter.
! *Cookie - Red *adjusted drop rate.
! *Martin *adjusted drop rate.
! Myst Case adjusted drop rate.
! *Plankton *adjusted the number of monster in Prontera Sewer 2.
! - Morroc Continental Guards will now provide more convenient ways to traverse through Morroc areas.
! - Skills in the skill shortcut keys will now properly synchronize and show the current learned skill level of a re-learned skill. (Before this change, if you hotkeyed a Level 10 Firebolt on the skill shortcut key, reset skill and re-learned firebolt skill up to level 4, shortcut key would still show the skill as level 10).
! - Added "Training Dummy" monsters at 5 o'clock area in Prontera.
! About time they add a special monster to test your attacks on. Now we can hopefully have something to easily test skills on.
! - Added HP bar for monsters that the player(s) are currently attacking.
! %(#FF0000)[]
! MVP boss monsters will not show HP bar. -
3/21/2012 - Maintenance
! - Changed 'Flying Fish' Kunai item option from 'Critical Wound' to 'Bleeding'.
! - Added Eden Quests for Level 111 ~ 120.3/28/2012 - Maintenance
! - Aldebaran tool dealer now sells arrows.
! - Certain plant and mushroom monsters' HP have been lowered.
! - Changed the main monsters in certain field maps.
! >! Morroc Field 1 (moc_fild01): Pecopeco --> Muka
! Morroc Field 2 (moc_fild02): Muka --> Pecopeco
! Geffen Field 9 (gef_fild09): Ambernite --> Coco
! Mjolnir 6 (mjolnir_06): Horn --> Elder Willow
! Payon Field 9: Elder Willow --> Horn
! - Adjusted difficulty level of low level monsters.
! >! *Hornet *changed from non-aggressive/assist to non-aggressive and have had certain skills lowered.
! *Condor *changed from non-aggressive/assist to non-aggressive and have had certain skills lowered. Number of monster spawn changed in Morroc Field 11.
! *Baby Desert Wolf *changed from non-aggressive/assist to non-aggressive. Number of monster spawn changed in Morroc Field 11.
! Scorpion changed from aggressive to non-aggressive and have had certain skills lowered.
! Wormtail have had certain skills lowered.
! Snake have had certain skills lowered.
! Ambernite have had certain skills lowered. Removed monster spawn from Geffen Field 9.
! Coco added monster spawn in Geffen Field 9.
! Thiefbug Egg drop rate adjusted.
! Thiefbug changed from non-aggressive/assist/looter to non-aggressive/looter.
! Muka have had certain skills lowered. Adjusted the number of monsters in Morroc Field 1 and 2.
! Creamy have had certain skills lowered.
! Familiar have had certain skills lowered. Adjusted the number of monster in Prontera Sewer 1.
! *Caramel *have had certain skills lowered.
! Pecopeco have had certain skills lowered. Adjusted the number of monster in Morroc Field 1 and 2.
! Poison Spore have had certain skills lowered. Adjusted the number of monster in Mjolnir Field 6.
! Skeleton adjusted drop rate.
! Smokie adjusted the number of monster in Mjolnir Field 6.
! Deniro changed from non-aggressive/looter/assist to non-aggressive/assist and its certain skills lowered.
! Piere changed from non-aggressive/looter/assist to non-aggressive/looter.
! Horn adjusted the number of monster in Payon Field 9 and Mjolnir Field 2.
! Andre changed from non-aggressive/looter/assist to non-aggressive/looter and its certain skills lowered.
! Elder Willow adjusted the number of monster in Mjolnir Field 2 and Payon Field 9.
! Cookie - Green adjusted drop rate.
! *Marin *changed from non-aggressive to non-aggressive/looter.
! *Cookie - Red *adjusted drop rate.
! *Martin *adjusted drop rate.
! Myst Case adjusted drop rate.
! *Plankton *adjusted the number of monster in Prontera Sewer 2.
! - Morroc Continental Guards will now provide more convenient ways to traverse through Morroc areas.
! - Skills in the skill shortcut keys will now properly synchronize and show the current learned skill level of a re-learned skill. (Before this change, if you hotkeyed a Level 10 Firebolt on the skill shortcut key, reset skill and re-learned firebolt skill up to level 4, shortcut key would still show the skill as level 10).
! - Added "Training Dummy" monsters at 5 o'clock area in Prontera.
! About time they add a special monster to test your attacks on. Now we can hopefully have something to easily test skills on.
! - Added HP bar for monsters that the player(s) are currently attacking.
! %(#FF0000)[]
! MVP boss monsters will not show HP bar. -
Added HP bar for monsters that the player(s) are currently attacking.
представил себе это в условиях гаста по пачке мобов и сошел с ума -
Added HP bar for monsters that the player(s) are currently attacking.
представил себе это в условиях гаста по пачке мобов и сошел с ума