от того что пожрала)
хочешь ли ты познать более глубокую правду, систраЪ? (Ъ добовляет оффтоперское значение слову)
пс если американец узнает всю историю и русский - американцу будет спать на много сложней, тк они в более глубокой жопе чем вы)
Потому что IQ ниже и он купится.
Потому что IQ ниже и он купится.
^ true russian -
^true emo.
^true true
^^ wannabe goth ;3
чужой обнаружен <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="
"> ... re=related</a><!-- m --> :twisted: -
он же <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="
"> </a><!-- m --> -
омгомгомг хочу лимура!
помогите мне из этого сделать аватару
чтоб медленно глаза раскрывались и закрывались х) -
!!! шарю эти линки я вовсе не для того чтоб кого-либо убедить, если заявление Министра(министр это не шуткобле, МИ факин НИСТР) для кого-то не достаточно - пнх, займите свои мозги телевизором, там думать много не надо
инфа для разумных оффтоперов(имоготы продолжайте слушать музыку, много букаф не для вас)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... trial-Life</a><!-- m -->
сама страница так себе, но туда напихали кучу полезных, старых линков
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... iefing.pdf</a><!-- m -->
кстати, причина по которой majestic12 называется majestic12 вообще охеренная, даже сам не поверю пока не услышу от президента or equalкроме самого министра(ex. Minister of Defense) есть ещё куча умных людей с инфой по теме.... мммхмммммм ок лол не мог удержаться:
разница между готхом и юфоистом:
амон сетт - подросток с доступом к телевизору, стандартное, школьное обучение, высшего нет@"Амон-Сетт":
Illidan, И чо пирамиды? о_ОУ меня доступ есть к самой разной информации, только бредни фанатиков уфоистов ни тянут даже на сказку.
Скорее просто бред.фанатик юфоист: (Bachelor of Arts in physics, Master of Business from University of Chicago, PhD from Portland State University, president of Starburst Foundation, developer of subquantum kinetics, developed an alternative cosmology that effectively replaces the big bang theory, developed a new theory of gravity that replaces the deeply flawed theory of general relativity, ffs человек тягается с энштейном)
Dr. Paul LaViolette has written four books and has published many original papers in physics, astronomy, climatology, systems theory, and psychology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and PhD from Portland State University, and is currently president of the Starburst Foundation, an interdisciplinary scientific research institute. He is the developer of subquantum kinetics, a novel approach to microphysics that accounts for electric, magnetic, gravitational, and nuclear forces in a unified manner and resolves many long-standing physics problems. Based on the predictions of this theory, he developed an alternative cosmology that effectively replaces the big bang theory. Dr. LaViolette has also developed a new theory of gravity that replaces the deeply flawed theory of general relativity. Predicted from subquantum kinetics, it accounts for the electrogravitic coupling phenomenon discovered by Townsend Brown and may explain the advanced aerospace propulsion technology utilized in the B-2 bomber. In addition to his understanding of UFO and black budget craft propulsion systems, including materialization and dematerialization, he has deep knowledge of the inner workings of the U.S. Patent Office. He states in this interview that, currently, if an invention doesn’t fit into the accepted physics paradigm, the patent examiners immediately reject it thinking it violates the paradigm and must be a mistake. In effect, new energy technologies are the underdog: They don’t fit the paradigm so they are left out of the needed funding, or their patents are denied — even to the point that the Patent Office is breaking the law. In order to alleviate the current Earth crises of environmental pollution, global warming, etc. and advance as a technological society, we need technologies that don’t fit into the old paradigm. … Let’s say there was a Roswell crash, and the National Security Agency was formed to keep this all classified. Now, something like that is a very emotional experience [with] some of your Government officials. You realize there is extraterrestrial life, and they have this advanced technology. When you become very emotional about something, one reaction is to hide it and then see how we can use this for ourselves — we’ve got to keep one step ahead of the other countries. At that time we had a Cold War with the Soviet Union, so the rationale was to use it for military purposes.
Suppose the same thing happened 100 years ago at the time the automobile was developed? I sincerely believe we’d still be driving horses and buggies today, because it would be feared that the automobile could change warfare. It would mean a much higher speed of travel, and obviously, we should classify this. At that time there wasn’t the same mechanism in place; we didn’t have the NSA and this major program to contain advanced technologies.
We think of science as being based on observation and being open to change, but as you learn more about it and about the scientists themselves, you realize how much it is a religion. It is very closed [and] resistive to changing its fundamental principles…
There was a case of a Canadian fellow who had developed a technology for producing enough power to power your house, out of something about the size of a shoebox. It was a new way of wiring something up — some sort of non-linear device. He was very open about it and [about] publicizing it. One day his house was surrounded by SWAT teams and all of his equipment was confiscated. He was arrested on the grounds that he was harboring terrorist technology or weaponry, and he was released only after he had signed something that said he would not continue doing work in this area. Now he is mowing lawns for a living…
The Patent Office, in its current approach, is actually breaking the law. It is trying to make happy the physicists who are with the American Physical Society — to keep them in power with their ideas, you might say, and withhold from public use good inventions that could solve our problems, like the energy crisis. There is a whole pattern of this going on at the Patent Office. I personally know it, because I was at the Patent Office for about a year and I know some people there, and I know some of the things that were going on. For example, there was somebody I know who issued a patent on a process of sending signals faster than the speed of light. This was then made fun of by Robert Park on his website. Through their connections, they had this posted somewhere as the most ridiculous patent of the year award — this sort of thing…
They can say what they want; it’s freedom of speech, but for the Patent Office to do their bidding instead of following the law — that is illegal…
список продуманных людей которые не верят когда телевизор говорит НЛО это misguided weather balloons
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->а теперь о себе х)
сколько я себя помню - я всегда знал что космос огромный, если не знал об огромности космоса - значит я ещё вообще нивошто нефтыкал, наверное ещё в коляске на прогулку выдвигал
и я всегда подозревал что если космос такой падло большой, то вполне возможно где-то ещё есть разумная жизнь
да впрочем и все так подозревают, но одновременно всем пох, тк они думают что знают что со скоростью света двигаться нельзя, а быстрее тем-более, ибо энштейн так сказал. но они так же абсолютно не подозревают что энштейн оставил в своей теории куевотонну дырок, одна из них - wormholes
spacetime = материал который можно изгинать
сложи листок бумаги в двое и сделай дырку, самый простой пример вормхола
тогда нам осталось замутить апарат который будит сгинать spacetime, который уже сгинали, сгинают и будут сгинать, только нужно что-то что согнёт сразу очень много spacetime'а чтоб перейти в другую голактеку, напримертак вот, я всегда думал что юфоистам просто делать нех, да и до сих пор думаю что большенство народа которые твердят что их абдактили - просто страдают от неху*делать
и думал я так потому-что всегда верил что если от самой ближней планеты с возможностью жизни до земли со скоростью света лететь займёт куевотонну времени, то даже если пришельце существуют - до земли они уж точно не доехалино главная проблема подобных людей - мы думаем что пришельци как и мы + ихняя цевилизация лет на 100-200 старше, если мы не можем - они не могут
но нет абсолютно ни каких причин не верить в то, что ихней цевилизации уже миллион(ы) лет
и как нам кажется что аристотель и его 4 элемента из чего всё сделанно(земля, вода, огонь, воздух) это просто догадки необученного человека много лет назад, так же и теории энштейна выглядят когда на них смотришь через глаза альена со старшей цевилизации
во время аристотеля микроволновка ни кому даже бы и не приснилась
нам на сегодня ни когда не приснится технология которую люди изобретут если выживут ещё миллион лети изходя из таких размышлений+кучи статей, я спокойно верю что пришельци были тут, находятся тут сейчас и всегда будут частью нашего мира
только не дождусь дня когда их разсекретят, чтоб можно было потягаться с прешельцами в сорс... мммм... дай им пару дней потренироваться и я уверен они со своими продуманно растущими руками из правельных мест(плечь) спокойно будут попадать мне в голову так же успешно как и я в ихнюю)ээээ бле уже два часа проипал, если кому-либо нужна более глубокая инфа - пишите в пм, линки которые я оставляю на форуме даже не начинают приближаться к настоящим тайнам, это даже не тайны, а всем доступная инфа, которую ни когда не пустят на ТВ пока не разсекретят это дело
бредни фанатиков уфоистов ни тянут даже на сказку
ах да
почему только в последние годы такая инфа(не обязательно та на которую я дал линки) начала всплывать? тк все эти сикреты начались в 50х годах
и на всё что происходило смотрели не только генералы, которых можно пересчитать, но и куча людей которые работали с генералами и т.п.
и к 2000му году все эти люди уже нефигово постарели
и слишком много из них знает правду чтоб просто унести её с собой в гроб
теперь они все скоро помрут и перед смертью считают обязательным рассказать правду, тк теперь им на тюрьму пох
благодаря им на сегоднешний день инфы о прешельцах до жопы, по популярности можно спокойно сделать такое сравнение: не знать о пришельцах так же легко как и не знать о педобире
не искал что такое педобир - не знаешь, не искал что такое ebe - не знаешь) -
скажи плиз дату смерти
December 12, 2012. 12:12am
мы все сгорим
выживут только те, кто молились и не грешилино тебе неочем беспокоитсо, ты умрёшь раньше)
Подгоните ядерный чумаданчег с красной кнопойкой. Я всех избавлю от ожидания.
сцуки, хотлинк на прошлую пикчу не работает
тем кто помнит что там было - почитайте комменты, ржачна х))
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Release Date:
7 December 1984In this sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey, a joint American- Soviet expedition is sent to Jupiter to discover what went wrong with the U.S.S. Discovery against a backdrop of growing global tensions.
чё нового во вселенной?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://WWW.DISCLOSUREPROJECT.ORG">http://WWW.DISCLOSUREPROJECT.ORG</a><!-- m -->
"Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change."
Robert F. Kennedy 1966 Speech
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
Albert Einstein
Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
The Disclosure Project
Steven M. Greer, MD, Director and Founder
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Copyright 2009 Steven M. Greer, M.D.
January 23, 2009
Dear President Obama,
Since the mid-1950s, classified projects connected to extraterrestrial matters have operated outside of constitutionally required oversight and control by the President and Congress. This constitutes a grave and ongoing threat to US national security and global security and peace.
The implications of this subject are such that no aspect of life on Earth will be unaffected by its Disclosure. We are acutely aware that this subject is highly controversial and suffers from great social opprobrium within certain elite circles and within the mainstream media.
Indeed, secrecy on the subject has, in part, been maintained by a carefully orchestrated psychological nexus of ridicule, fear, intimidation and disinformation that makes it difficult for any public figure to openly address the matter.
Moreover, the 'bubble' of security and access restrictions that surround the Office of the President makes it very difficult for POTUS to receive accurate information and advice on the subject. The consequences of this secrecy, combined with the psychological aspects mentioned above, have ensured that none of your predecessors have been able to effectively manage this problem. This has led to an unacknowledged crisis that will be the greatest of your Presidency.
Because of this misguided secrecy, the wondrous new sciences related to advanced energy generation, propulsion and transportation have been withheld from the people. These advances include the generation of limitless clean energy from the so-called zero point energy field and quantum vacuum flux field from the space around us, and propulsion that has been termed (incorrectly) anti-gravity. The field of electromagnetic energy that is teeming all around us and which is embedded within the fabric of space/time can easily run all of the energy needs of the Earth - without pollution, oil, gas, coal, centralized utilities or nuclear power.
The disclosure of these sciences and their wise application during your first term as President is the most pressing matter before you. These sciences will create a true new energy economy allowing mankind to solve our most pressing problems of global warming, poverty and resource depletion.
The constellation of problems that include global warming, biosphere degradation, air pollution, energy security, Mid-East policy, a collapsing geo-economic order, growing disparity between the poor and rich of the world, over-population and human sustainability on Earth, to name but a few, are all interconnected and directly affected by the secrecy surrounding this subject. The solutions lie not in old thinking and technologies but in a new consciousness applying new sciences. These sciences were born in the late 19th and 20th centuries but were abandoned and suppressed due to the lust for power, greed and out of fear of unsettling the status quo.
It is time for a new Emancipation Declaration - one that frees all of humanity from the shackles of economic slavery that results from secret centralized power, corruption and global economic hegemony. The world will not find justice and peace so long as half of the world's population lives in poverty while the other half cannibalizes the Earth to maintain its standard of living. This dire situation can and must be transformed into a world of abundance, clean and plentiful energy and genuine sustainability. On this foundation, with these new sciences, technologies and a new consciousness, we can move forward as a people, united and in peace. Then and only then will we be welcome amongst the other civilizations of the cosmos.
That we are not alone in the universe is now a scientific given. That we have been visited already by advanced civilizations - whose interests here are likely ancient - is controversial. However, in my discussions with European, Vatican, Canadian and other leaders around the world, a growing consensus exists that we have been visited and the time for disclosing this information is long past due. More importantly, an appropriate diplomatic initiative is needed to communicate with these extraterrestrial visitors within a framework of universal peace, free from the past dominance of militarism and paranoia.
Insofar as upwards of 80% of the American people think that 'UFOs' are real, and that some aspect of the government is lying to them about it, continued secrecy redounds only to the benefit of the precious few who profit from such secrecy. This secrecy undermines the credibility of the US and other governments, and allows the cancer of unchecked covert power - forewarned by President Eisenhower in his last address to the nation - to metastasize throughout the world. It now threatens the very life of Earth.
Moreover, there exists a secret, 'unacknowledged' operation that has used very advanced electromagnetic weapon systems to track, target, and on occasion, but with increasing accuracy, down extraterrestrial vehicles. This reckless behavior constitutes an existential threat to all of mankind and must be reined in immediately.
The so-called MJ-12 or Majestic group that controls this subject operates without the consent of the people, or the oversight of the President and Congress. It functions as a transnational government unto itself, answerable to no one. All checks and balances have been obliterated. While as a governing entity it stands outside of the rule of law, its influence reaches into many governments, corporations, agencies, media and financial interests. Its corrupting influence is profound and, indeed, it has operated as a very powerful and embedded global RICO whose power to date remains unchecked.
Upwards of $100 billion of USG funds go annually into this operation, also known as the 'black budget' of the United States - enough to provide universal health care to every man, woman and child in America.
When I first briefed Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey on this matter in December of 1993, only a third of this governing group was in favor of what we were recommending: Disclosure of the fact that we are not alone in the universe and the careful release of advanced energy generation systems that would replace oil, gas, coal and nuclear power. Sources now inform me that upwards of two-thirds of this group now support such an initiative.
Interests in Europe, the Vatican and Asia, especially France and China, are urging Disclosure. If the United States does not move forward, these other interests will, and America will be left behind and become increasingly irrelevant in the world. This cannot be allowed to happen.
The European and Asian arenas will move with or without US involvement at some point in the very near future, as well they should. Six decades of secrecy is enough.
We are also morally obliged to warn you of an existing highly secretive plan to use advanced technologies to hoax an 'alien attack' on Earth. There exists within the direct control of this Majestic group assets capable of launching such a false flag operation and virtually every person on Earth, as well as most leaders, would be deceived by it. Components of this operation have been tested on the public over the past 50 years and include, but are not limited to:
* Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) - these are advanced anti-gravity aircraft that have been fully operational since at least the late 1950s to early 1960s. Many so-called UFO reports by civilians and military personnel are of such ARVs. They constitute an unacknowledged or 'black' Air Force and these ARVs are capable of extraordinary speed, maneuverability and lift/hover. By 2009, these technologies had gone through many generations of refinement and, if deployed, could easily hoax or simulate an Extraterrestrial Vehicle (ETV). (Note that a UFO is a nonspecific term and could be either an ARV or an ETV.) * Programmed Life Forms (PLFs) - these are well-crafted alien-appearing creatures that, while completely manmade, often deceive unknowing people as 'aliens'. The stagecraft, genetics and other sciences associated with these creatures are beyond the scope of this brief, but are very well developed. I have personally been briefed by multiple independent corroborating sources regarding the development and deployment of PLFs. These creatures, used in conjunction with ARVs, have convincingly launched the pop culture fervor over 'alien abductions'. Victims of such paramilitary human-controlled abductions genuinely believe that they have been abducted by 'aliens' and often have physical stigmata and 'implants' to prove it. These implants are also manmade and we have information about the laboratory and corporation making these items. (See attached documents) * Chemical, optical and electromagnetic systems to assist with creating an alteration in awareness are components of the 'stagecraft' used to hoax an 'alien' event.
The vast majority of information in the public domain on the UFO subject is, therefore, carefully orchestrated disinformation designed to prepare the populace, as well as our leaders, for a non-existent 'alien threat'. The psychological warfare implications of this were described in the 1950s in CIA documents and are further elucidated by other documents and testimony. No less a figure than Wernher Von Braun warned of this cosmic deception.
The objective of such a false flag operation is the creation of an enemy in space that would unite the world behind a global military power against such an 'alien threat'. President Reagan and other leaders have been targeted with such disinformation, which is designed to secure their silence or cooperation with the agenda of secrecy and space weaponization. The President needs to be careful to avoid being similarly deceived.
After very careful review of all data and documents and after interviewing hundreds of top secret witnesses, we have concluded that the actual extraterrestrial presence is distinctly non-hostile. In light of the reckless and aggressive nature of many of our covert military actions and the extraordinarily advanced technologies that permit interstellar travel by these extraterrestrial civilizations, if they were hostile, human civilization would have been dealt with decisively at the dawn of the nuclear era.
These visitors, however, appear to be very concerned with unchecked human hostility, war-making and weapons of mass destruction, combined with our early potential for space travel. The tendency for people to engage in anthropocentric projection leads many to assume a threat where none exists. It is more likely that humanity may be seen as a threat to the cosmic order, insofar as we have failed to restrain the expansion of weapons of mass destruction while attempting to push farther and farther into space. Moreover, we have failed to initiate an enlightened and peaceful diplomatic mission to these extraterrestrial visitors. This needs to change immediately.
Disclosure of this subject must be very carefully planned and positioned as a hopeful and elevating moment in human history. A poorly positioned Disclosure that demonizes these visitors or frightens the public may prove more harmful than secrecy.
As you may know, my uncle was the senior project engineer who worked on the Lunar Module that took Neil Armstrong to the moon. The reason we were not welcome in space then is because the passport to traverse the universe is a stable peaceful world civilization that will go into space united and in peace.
In this regard, world peace and universal peace are two sides of the same coin. Once we vow to live peacefully on Earth and go into space only in peace, we will be welcome with open arms. Until then, a type of cosmic quarantine exists - rightly - around the Earth.
Unfortunately, the media and movie industry are highly penetrated by interests loyal to the Majestic group, which has used the media to, in turns, ridicule the subject and present terrifying images of 'alien invasion'. In short, the populace is almost thoroughly brainwashed on the matter, and this presents a further hurdle that must be carefully taken into account when planning Disclosure.
Nevertheless, the status quo can no longer hold and fundamental change is urgently needed. To this end, we urge the President to undertake a number of initiatives as soon as possible. We recommend that the President:
* Appoint a Special Presidential Task Force to investigate this matter, identify covert facilities and assets (see attached summary) and reassert Executive control over these projects; * Identify and immediately stand-down operations that are covertly targeting Extraterrestrial Vehicles, weaponizing space and engaging in rogue disinformation projects; * Develop response plans to minimize the risks related to potential false flag operations that intend to hoax a hostile 'alien' presence, including preparations with military, intelligence and international institutions; * Form The Council on Interplanetary Relations to coordinate a peaceful, forward looking and non-militarized response to the extraterrestrial presence. The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (see <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) has an 18 year ongoing project to establish such contact and can assist with this process. CSETI, working with other governments and world figures, will form such a Council if the US government decides not to do so within the next 12 months; * Immediately fund the study, development and careful release of those new energy technologies that can quickly replace fossil fuels and nuclear power. (See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). Note that these technologies, since they acquire energy from the zero point energy field of space/time, will allow for the retirement of the electric energy grid. We are in possession of documents and information regarding key facilities and assets connected to these technologies (see attached documents). We recommend that the propulsion and transportation aspects of these technologies (electro-magneto-gravitic systems) be released at a later time when the world security situation has improved; * Establish high-ranking liaisons with Congress, the UN and other governments to coordinate these projects and the release of the new energy technologies; * The National Security Council needs to form a section specifically addressing the international, interplanetary and macroeconomic implications of this disclosure and urgently prepare for the release of these technologies;
The Orion Project (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) has identified key scientists to assist with the development of these new energy technologies. They have agreed to work with us, but are being prevented from doing so, one by a compartmented operation (TS SCI) to which he is assigned. We request an action by the Office of the President to specifically permit them to work with us with the full support and protection of the President. We cannot over-emphasize how important it is that these people be assigned to this critical task: In less than 1 year, we would have new energy generators developed to run America free from oil, gas, coal or nuclear power.
President Obama, we stand ready to assist you and your Administration with these and other tasks, and pledge to you our full support. I will personally fulfill any request from your office with the utmost integrity, discretion and confidentiality.
Please be assured of my heartfelt prayers on your behalf for your guidance, protection and success as you begin your historic role as President of the United States.
Steven M. Greer, MD
The Disclosure ProjectCenter for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
The Disclosure Project
Steven M. Greer, MD, Director and Founder
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Copyright 2009 Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Dear Friends of Disclosure,
Nine months after the inauguration of a new and potentially transformative American President, we await significant progress on official Disclosure on the UFO/ET subject. While the UK, France, Denmark, Brazil and other countries around the world have increasingly opened their official government files, the US is found lagging behind her sister nations.
This is, in large part, because - up until now - the President has been denied access to such files. The so-called Majestic group illegally compartmentalized their secret operations away from Presidential and Congressional oversight. This secret, satellite government, which is transnational and answers only to itself, must now answer to the people and to this new President.
As you can see from the attached summary of the Special Presidential Briefing (SPB) that we have provided to the President and to his senior military and intelligence team, the full Briefing contains detailed information on the projects, project code numbers, names, corporations, locations etc., associated with the UFO/ET subject. (The full briefing is too lengthy to release at this time.) In short, the President now has the key information that he needs to act. The President must now engage in executive action to oversee, control, and direct these operations for the benefit of the American people and the world.
This SPB has also been provided to the head of state of at least one G7 country, senior members of Congress, and other key government officials via known and reliable points of contact (POCs) directly to these leaders.
Now it is time for we, the people, to be heard! Please write to these leaders and ask that they act NOW, as they are sworn to do, on our behalf. Please write to the President, to your two US Senators, and to your member of Congress and ask:
* That President Obama investigate the matter, gain proper control over these operations, end for once and forever the secrecy surrounding the UFO subject, and work with other nations to quickly coordinate an official Disclosure; * That President Obama stand-down any covert offensive targeting of ET spacecraft; * That President Obama, working with other leaders around the world, initiate open, peaceful Contact with these Extraterrestrial Civilizations; * That President Obama move swiftly to release the Earth-saving new energy technologies contained within these illegal covert Majestic programs so that we may be freed from the death grip that oil, gas, coal, and nuclear energy have on the planet; * That the Congress hold open, secrecy-free hearings on these matters immediately.
If you are or know of a reliable, bona fide POC to a member of Congress, or other senior government official in the US or other country, who would like the full Briefing, please let us know.
The President was elected with the vision of transformative change. Nothing would so transform the world as the ending of this secrecy, peaceful open contact with the Extraterrestrial Civilizations visiting Earth and the release of these wondrous new energy technologies for peaceful energy generation. In just a few years, the world will be made anew.
Thank you for acting NOW to ensure the good future that most assuredly awaits humanity.
Steven M. Greer, MD
CSETI and The Disclosure ProjectWhite House phone number: 202-456-1111
White House fax number: 202-456-2461
Email: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> or <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Address:The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500
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