Птичка Вернись!!!
priest's just jealous cuz i win
and fleur isn't all good in the head at the momentso do i double or triple win? cuz you're both too confused to even argue xD
^what she said.
and by she i mean Fleur -
priest's just jealous cuz i winand fleur isn't all good in the head at the moment
so do i double or triple win? cuz you're both too confused to even argue xD
i think every1 here agrees that ure the one not all good in the head at the moment -
give up & i'll be gentle while kicking you
give up & i'll be gentle while kicking youwrong. u'll be kicking me
*give up & i'll be gentle while kicking you*that's a double lose, nothx x)
yet of course it depends, how gentle would the kicking be? cuz if i lose and gain something in return, i don't really lose, i just sacrifice a meaningless battle of no moral value in return for gentle kicking
im on a roll, priest, give up, just cuz its 2 against 1 doesn't mean you win x)
i just got the skills -
my gentle kicking is the most gentle kicking in the world :3
k, than there's just 1 more condition
does priest get gentle kicking or not? cuz if he does it wouldn't be fair x)win
*my gentle kicking is the most gentle kicking in the world :3*У тебя на туфельках помпончики? Или ты в тапочках-зайчиках? -
i never kicked him
я босыми ногами :3 -
u so funny
k ur allowed to kick me, priest, i officially win :333333333
А где вариант "Анунах!!1" ? 8)И "Очень Анунах!!1" -
oh well, i can still commit seppuku
not my new uke!!!111 -
jus kidding
jus kiddingНет уж, пацан сказал - пацан сделал! -
jus kiddingНет уж, пацан сказал - пацан сделал!*ну это ты своим п0цанам говорить будешь =*
Нет уж, пацан сказал - пацан сделал!
Не сделал - снова сказал.