S> Fur Seal Card, Killer Mantis Card
Fur seal: HIT +10, Flee +3 [ Acolyte Class ] +9% CRIT on Demon and Undead-type monsters. [ Rideword, Geographer, Live Peach Tree, Cookie, Fur Seal ] Reduce 10% of spell casting time. Reduce 10% of SP consumtion when use skills. VIT +10 [ Acolyte Class ] 30% resistance against Demon and Undead monsters. 5% More Exp for Demon and Undead monsters Оружие
Killer Mantis Card
If you receive physical damage, you have 10% chance of inflicting 'Bleeding' ailment on the enemy. БроняGiant Honet Card
Every time you kill a Bug-type monster, you may receive Wind of Verdure. Add 10% resistance against Wind property attacks. Голова -
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