KRO Future Updates - 26.08.2009 "Royal Guard"
Кое что интересненькое <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->.
Походу новая фича ренювала... -
ыы халявные +10 к любому параметру... некисло так....
Сия хрень не относится к реньювалу.
Ну значит просто новая фича.
Цитата Доддлера:
I did some tests with hammer fall (70% chance to stun) in PVP. The target was 28 levels below me, but I'm not sure if status duration is affected for lower level targets.
10 vit
15/25 stuns (60%)
aprox 3.5 second stun.109 vit
11/25 stuns (44%)
aprox 2.5 second stun.109 vit, 86 luk
15/50 stuns (30%)
aprox 2 second stun.There's not enough data to come by any conclusions. However, my basic guess would be that luk and vit are equals, and every 3 of the stats give 1% resist.
Я дурак, а сколько длится стан у молотка? 10 сек, или 3 секунды? Хотя там может быть иначе. Но вообще, впечатляет. Учитывая оверлап, тот же спам КТ очень неприятно застанлочит. Так что беру свои слова про батл-мсов обратно. Такой станлок в сочетании с метанием топора, сканером, барьером, стелсом и магнетик филдом сделают его и в пвп очень и очень играбельным. Молчу уж о турелях по целям под анализом.
Самое главное, какой там будет каст-тайм, кулл-даун и как всё, что ты перечислил будет стакаться ))))
Уа ха ха!!!!!
Вот оно )))))))))))
очень напоминает фейк от самоделкиных...
очень напоминает имбу
Самое главное, какой там будет каст-тайм, кулл-даун и как всё, что ты перечислил будет стакаться ))))Уа ха ха!!!!!
Вот оно )))))))))))
Юморные самоделкины уже постарались....
Магистер Магии
А вдруг так оно и будет? -
Ну, до кореи помидоры не долетят.
Магистер МагииА вдруг так оно и будет?
Оно так и будет. Вот только он врятли будет летать и будет в латах.
P.S. - ну если летать будет... :Yahoo!: -
Попытки товарищей с ировики разобратсья в мунспике:
Seems like they are whining about long Asura cast time, and item reducing fixed cast time for Champs will be introduced.
Apparently most of mechanics of 3-2 are done, they simply don't have graphics yet. 3-2 classes to be released every 2-3 weeks.
Mado Gear sprite won't be changed. Apparently it's really fucking important to see people's headgears when playing.
WoE will be changed to fit in with Renewal better.
Сволочи. Понимаю, что, когда каст-тайм еще и к инте привязан, чампам стало хуже, но если они порежут фикс часть шмотом для чампов, оставив все, как есть, у локов, будет обидно.
Если они по 2-3 недели рисовать собрались...
Ой, не нравится мне это "to fit with renewal". -
Неслышно там когда новые спрайты будут?....
судя по числу людей флудящих в єтой теме, реньювал и новые профы интересны всего-тодесятку игроков))))
это конечно неправда, но тем не менее...
Остальные - реалисты.
Остальные - реалисты.Остальным не интересно или не думают об этом.
На Шаронове читал кое-какие наброски о Royal Guard - уже заинтригован. Буду ждать, хотя если их по 2-3 недели рисуют, то это где-то ещё 3 месяца ждать полной информации про все третьи профессии.
небольшой баланс патч от 25.03.09
@"Doddler-@ iRO Wiki":
Common Patch-
Cash Shop taming items (3 kinds) added. Whisper, Incubus, and Marionette (Available for 4 weeks ending April 22nd).
Taming merchant now sells the new pet feed.
Corrected an issue where you could not enter floor 2 of the sealed shrine.
The orc's memory instance is changed the same way as Endless Tower, and prevents re-entry.
Sakray R Patch
Attack Speed Formula has changed. 3rd jobs can now max ASPD at 193.
Fixed a problem where some attack speed increasing skills could be stacked.
Fixed some broken warps in the Veins fields.
Fixed some quests to correctly check if you were 3rd job.
Adjusted value of quests for renewal.
3-1 Job Service NPC (Dragon/Cart/Warg/Falcon) was added.
Increased duration of Burning/Freezing status.
Added the quest marker system, as well as added an event quest. The system does not affect existing quests at this time. Please try out the event quest and see what you think of the quest marker system.
The emperium stats have been changed.
The level adjustment for experience and drop rate have changed. Boss monsters are not affected by the level adjustment.
Adjusted the spawn numbers of some monsters.
The following monsters/boss monsters have been added.
Non Boss Monsters (Monster Name (Level))
[:3a6p8rki]Zombie (17)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Soldier Skeleton (34)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Minorous (58)[/3a6p8rki][/list:u:3a6p8rki]
Boss Monsters (Monster Name(Level))[list:3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Orc Hero (50)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Orc Lord (55)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Maya (55)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Golden Thiefbug (65)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Osiris (68)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Amon Ra (69)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Phreeoni (71)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Dracula (75)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Doppelganger (77)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Mistress (78)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Moonlight Flower (79)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Lady Tanee (80)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Pharaoh (85)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Drake (91)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Stormy Knight (92)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Dark Lord (96)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Gopinich (97)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]White Lady (97)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Hatii (98)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]RSX 0806 (100)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Evil Snake Lord (105)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Tao Gunka (110)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Turtle General (110)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Atroce (113)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Kiel-D-01 (125)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Vesper (128)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Gloom Under Night (139)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Valkyrie Randgris (141)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Ifrit (146)[/3a6p8rki]
[:3a6p8rki]Egnigem (154)[/3a6p8rki][/list:u:3a6p8rki]
The Third Job Change quests have been added.(Job Name - Job Change Location)
Rune Knight: Prontera Pub
Arch Bishop: Prontera Church
Warlock: Morroc (8oclock direction) near a collapsed building, Splendide northwest field near the purifier.
Ranger: Turtle Island
Guillotine Cross: Morroc Secret Pub
Mechanic: Juno Plaza- Guillotine Cross skill balancing:
- Weapon blocking activation time changed from 1s to 2s.
- When using Cloaking Exceed, you no longer say the skill name.
- When using Hallucination Walk, it drains less of your HP.
- Arch Bishop skill balancing:
- When using Praefatio, the skill now works on yourself if you are not in a party.
- Renovatio was given a buff icon.
- Ranger skill balancing:
Arrow Storm had its cast time decreased.
When using Fear Breeze, switching weapons causes the status to reset.
Aimed Bolt had its cast time decreased.
Warg Mastery had its cast time removed.
Sensitive Keen had its SP cost reduced. Additionally, increased skill level increases the skills effective radius.
Trap Mastery now increases the range at which you can place traps. Also improved the MaxSP boost.
Cluster Bomb trap had its radius increased.
SP cost of Margenta/Cobalt/Maize/Verdure traps is reduced.
Firing and Icebound Traps had their SP cost decreased.
Placing Hunter/Ranger traps can now be used while mounted on the Warg.
- Mechanic axe and mace attack speed, and the Arch Bishops attack speed using a shield have been updated.
- Fixed Mechanic not being able to properly use the cart.
- The Mechanic items Pile Bunker and Optical Cloaking Device are now sold from the nPC.
- Fixed the prereqs being incorrect on the mechanic skill Stealth Field. As such, Mechanic skills have had their 3rd job skills reset.
Удлиннение бёрна\фриза - это хорошо, но в остальном, лажа(кроме мвп :).
Рад за рейнджеров, но где фиксы кастов локов, где фиксы интерраптящих ядов ГХ...