Флудилка Лолодинчега
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4919866454584447202&ei=-hmmS7ySBqGBlgeAptWUDg&q=perkulator+2&view=3#">http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... +2&view=3#</a><!-- m --> (most epic rogue video in existence, nothing can top it, but other perkulator videos can stand next to it)
perkulator overgeared:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2107574331559652552&ei=CBimS7qgAs-blgfwlO3zDA&q=perkulator+4&view=3#">http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... +4&view=3#</a><!-- m -->wow was never the same or as good after this
this being pre-bc
makes me wanna cry, oh how much i miss the real, unFUCKED-IN-THE-ANUS-WITHOUT-NO-MOTHERFUCKING-LUBE-BY-"BALANCE"-FUCKING-BULLSHIT wowfuck the developers
i just want a realm with lvl 60, unFUCKED wow, god. people will ACTUALLY PAY FOR THAT SHIT
QQ -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4919866454584447202&ei=-hmmS7ySBqGBlgeAptWUDg&q=perkulator+2&view=3#">http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... +2&view=3#</a><!-- m --> (most epic rogue video in existence, nothing can top it, but other perkulator videos can stand next to it)
perkulator overgeared:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2107574331559652552&ei=CBimS7qgAs-blgfwlO3zDA&q=perkulator+4&view=3#">http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... +4&view=3#</a><!-- m -->wow was never the same or as good after this
this being pre-bc
makes me wanna cry, oh how much i miss the real, unFUCKED-IN-THE-ANUS-WITHOUT-NO-MOTHERFUCKING-LUBE-BY-"BALANCE"-FUCKING-BULLSHIT wowfuck the developers
i just want a realm with lvl 60, unFUCKED wow, god. people will ACTUALLY PAY FOR THAT SHIT
QQ -
im not even kidding
these videos are the closest thing that can bring me to feeling like shedding a tear
there's no movie out there that can make me cry(if you know a movie that can make me cry i will build you a fucking statue), but this shit, perkulator especially, but many others as well(a certain pally, a few warriors, a shammy, bunch of others..) is fucking intense, if perk was a gurl i would marry her, make blizzard build a pre-bc realm and play there for ever and ever happily ever after
we'd make videos of us raping 2vs15 while having secks, go out on dates while raping through our laptops, attend blizzcons, play wow in bed, get hired by blizzard for the "HOW NOT TO FUCK UP A PERFECT, BEAUTIFUL GAME" department and work hard on NOT FUCKING UP A BEAUTIFUL, PERFECT GAME
but a while after 1.9(BC release) the patches weren't really killing wow cuz it was already dead, now they're almost literally beating a dead horse
fuck blizzard(well, just the "wow balance" employees). -
im not even kidding
these videos are the closest thing that can bring me to feeling like shedding a tear
there's no movie out there that can make me cry(if you know a movie that can make me cry i will build you a fucking statue), but this shit, perkulator especially, but many others as well(a certain pally, a few warriors, a shammy, bunch of others..) is fucking intense, if perk was a gurl i would marry her, make blizzard build a pre-bc realm and play there for ever and ever happily ever after
we'd make videos of us raping 2vs15 while having secks, go out on dates while raping through our laptops, attend blizzcons, play wow in bed, get hired by blizzard for the "HOW NOT TO FUCK UP A PERFECT, BEAUTIFUL GAME" department and work hard on NOT FUCKING UP A BEAUTIFUL, PERFECT GAME
but a while after 1.9(BC release) the patches weren't really killing wow cuz it was already dead, now they're almost literally beating a dead horse
fuck blizzard(well, just the "wow balance" employees). -
im not even kiddingthese videos are the closest thing that can bring me to feeling like shedding a tear
there's no movie out there that can make me cry(if you know a movie that can make me cry i will build you a fucking statue)
Bembi? -
im not even kiddingthese videos are the closest thing that can bring me to feeling like shedding a tear
there's no movie out there that can make me cry(if you know a movie that can make me cry i will build you a fucking statue)
Bembi? -
im not even kidding
these videos are the closest thing that can bring me to feeling like shedding a tear
there's no movie out there that can make me cry(if you know a movie that can make me cry i will build you a fucking statue)
Bembi?not at all, nethin else? -
Фильмы с Гошей Куценко?
Фильмы с Гошей Куценко?
звучит тошно, врятли бы досмотрел до конца
звучит тошно, врятли бы досмотрел до конца
Фильмы с Гошей Куценко?
тебе очень памятник, я смотрю, захотелось, на больное давишь -
Фильмы с Гошей Куценко?
тебе очень памятник, я смотрю, захотелось, на больное давишь -
cough HOMO cough
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nastyatsvetaeva.ru/pics/stuff/articles/elle_kutsenko.jpg">http://www.nastyatsvetaeva.ru/pics/stuf ... tsenko.jpg</a><!-- m --> -
cough HOMO cough
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nastyatsvetaeva.ru/pics/stuff/articles/elle_kutsenko.jpg">http://www.nastyatsvetaeva.ru/pics/stuf ... tsenko.jpg</a><!-- m --> -
"Звонит нам Гоша Куценко, говорит: "Ребят, зачем вам этот КВН? Не хотите в кино настоящем сняться?" Мы говорим: "А вы?"
команда КВН "БАК соучастники".
"Звонит нам Гоша Куценко, говорит: "Ребят, зачем вам этот КВН? Не хотите в кино настоящем сняться?" Мы говорим: "А вы?"
команда КВН "БАК соучастники".