Флудилка Лолодинчега
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyrebird">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyrebird</a><!-- m -->
just heard this bird's vocals in a David Attenborough documentary
it mimics camera shutter sounds, car alarms and even fucking CHAINSAWS to the point that you cant tell a difference
at some point i thought "nowai that can be real", but it is O_o
i so want 1
would teach it gunfire sounds, first blood, godlike, beyond godlike, some metal
it would sing star by star for me in the morning as a wake up callwarst, well, isn't your gf always spyin?
ashamed to ask but
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кто знает что за трек начинается на 3:54?
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nvm, нашёл, думал лириксы отдельно от видео были
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this be a tough one, gonna have to use a life line
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warst, well, isn't your gf always spyin?
its fynezhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyrebird
just heard this bird's vocals in a David Attenborough documentary
it mimics camera shutter sounds, car alarms and even fucking CHAINSAWS to the point that you cant tell a difference
at some point i thought "nowai that can be real", but it is O_o
i so want 1
would teach it gunfire sounds, first blood, godlike, beyond godlike, some metal
it would sing star by star for me in the morning as a wake up callhory shit
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.viddler.com/explore/cheezburger/videos/271/3.176/">http://www.viddler.com/explore/cheezbur ... 271/3.176/</a><!-- m -->
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daamn O_o
i guess they should imprison eminem for rapekilling celebrities and rape impregnating lesbians too -
hory shit
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2:12-2:13 O_o2:30
"and now, the sounds of foresters and their chainsaws working nearby"
do those foresters work with fucking pewlazers?nonoxynol (1 day ago)
The lyre bird mimicking the chainsaws/cutting of trees at the back, to me pretty much sums up how much damage we are doing to the Environment.
to me you pretty much sounds like a little pussy -
so.. they're gonna kill over 60k elephants because they're overpopulating and it's gonna be bad for their environment
overpopulation of species bad for environment, therefore mass killings are necessary?
when are you gonna apply that to humans?i personally will slaughter a million humans before i harm an elephant
Humans don't have ivory >_> -
they have way more expensive parts
2k10 proof that there's no hope for humanity #9001
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5 stars
51,398 ratings
I want natural ivory -> I kill overpopulated elephants.
I want gasoline -> I kill terrorists.lrn2euphemism
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snu+snu">http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snu+snu</a><!-- m -->
россии нужно засудить футураму за плагиат -
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Достал mp3, на репите...
Illidan, авторские права на фольклер тяжело получать -
so let it shoooooh
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(fake, too good to be true) -
mm lame, uninteresting and the author makes mistakes
"This post was written by Fuzzy DuffyFuzzy Duffy - who has written 15 posts on GlossyNews.com.
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trolls -
http://glossynews.com/society/201001070305/activists-missing-after-declaring-war-on-leather-at-motorcycle-rally/(fake, too good to be true)[code:3k72piot] glossynews.com/society/201001070305/
ing-war-on-leather-at-motorcycle-rally may cause a breach of browser security.Why were you redirected to this page?
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