Флудилка Лолодинчега
so i just saw gamer
always thought id stop watching 10 minutes into the movie but it turned out alright(5/10)
i mean the script was still written by a 15yo girl, but the explosions were worth it -
Ушла в wowочку.
get rdy
Illidan, eh, I'm totally over mmo) I'm actually developing one now xD
I play wow every now and then...love the fantasy atmosphere; played it for over a year, never got over lvl 30 o_oUpd: well, it looks like I'm not going to go over lvl 30 xD People who I play with changed their server >.< Oh well, at least maybe that new server is not filled with moronic 14 yo boys >.>
developin an mmo? liar, proof
are you playing alliance? -
ahhh my most favorite nigga in the world :DD
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Not yet, can't share the idea at the moment. You'll have to wait for beta
Alliance? Please)) Darnassus is a nice city though. Cows are forever >.> mua is a druid
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://eu-shestakov.livejournal.com/369249.html">http://eu-shestakov.livejournal.com/369249.html</a><!-- m -->
И я завтра буду в снеговне. -
http://eu-shestakov.livejournal.com/369249.htmlИ я завтра буду в снеговне.
Epic! -
i should do the same for new year
need a box now -
I need kittehs ~_~
and the fail award of 2009 goes to..
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apple = gay
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vevo">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vevo</a><!-- m -->
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the day she gets big i kill a bunch of 15 year old bitches for being so dumb
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="oooh.. "i grew up in paris hilton's closet"
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mmmmyeeaah that about sums it up.. i mean.. yeah. i couldnt phrase it better myself
i hope paris commits suicide so they all follow, what a miraculous day it would be
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tiger.. i dont think your faith offers the forgiveness as the christian faith does
so convert to christianity and that would be a great example for the worldhow do you pack that much bullshit in 15 seconds
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the day she gets big i kill a bunch of 15 year old bitches for being so dumbmake you mind 12 or 15
i figured 12 year olds are generally dumb and not worth killing
but being as dumb at 15 is less innocent -
Так, откройте пожалуйста 11й эпизод Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya и скажите мне какая мелодия начинается на 11:49.
Что-то знакомое такое.