Флудилка Лолодинчега
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Все вокруг пело песнь страданий... -
ill get my hands on that soon -
rofl i completely forgot there r still religious people
'The truth is in the eye of the beholder' - Agree/Disagree?
I disagree with such a broad, "blanket" statement.
All humans are imperfect, and our judgment of truth can be corrupted at times as each of us fails sometimes to be objective.
How much better it is to rely on a more solid, purer and higher standard such as that of God.The psalmist said of Jehovah God: “Your law is truth. . . . All your commandments are truth. . . . The substance of your word is truth”!—Psalm 119:142, 151, 160.
Jesus Christ echoed the words of that psalm when he said in prayer to Jehovah: “Your word is truth.”
(John 17:17)The truth can be found in God’s Word, the Bible.
That is where we should look for it.
when in doubt - read the bible
that is hilarious, it's like they're fucking 5
i wonder what bs in the bible they'll turn to when "the great revelation" happens lol
"-ummm, honey.. nothing in here talks about it..
-its the bible, it knows everything, keep looking
-ive already read it 3 times
-i got it, they're the devil
-so god's still real?
-yeah baby, but we must annihilate them all in the name of god for they are the devil"
in fact this quote would probably be repeated word for word -
I believe that the Bible is the book with the wisdom of several generations just with the piece of mythology. It has some interesting proverbs like my favourite (can't remember in english): "тот кто приумножает знания, приумножает и печаль."
Disregard that I believe in god... yep -
so when you die you go to heaven? or hell if you didn't confess on time?
And doggies go to the doggy hell (where they're being threatened by the vacuum cleaners) and doggy heaven (where the world is a park with only fire hydrants in it)?...
I'm not that zealous. No prayers, no confessions, just faith.
After death is after death.Muse, oh yes, and bums go to the heaven where lots of people got coins for them. Cripples go to heaven where lots of modern and comfortable wheelchairs. Like your attitude. Go share with the world :good:
No trollin, k?
If you're too dimm to get the joke, it's your problem.
I knew that joke long before... Think it's not smart. So just prolonged it with my logical assumptions.
"No trollin" was for Illidan
Hm...seems pretty clever to me =\ And funny every time I remember it v.v
(bottom right)
I'm not that zealot.
Battle Cruiser Operational -
Com-link established, recieving transmission!
Кто в старик через гарену хочет сыграть? -
Gimme something to shoot.
был бы старик очень бы хотел сыграть.
It is a good day to die xD
100 мб архив с игровой версией. если дашь нормальных хостинг - выложу -
Go ahead HQ.
я в театр сейчас убегаю -
Let's roll, как говаривал обсервер.
Последний раз в театре месяца 2 назад был на "Бумбараше". Что за спектакль? -
! Valkyrie
Let's roll, как говаривал весель.
Последний раз в театре месяца 2 назад был на "Бумбараше". Что за спектакль?
Der Rosenkavalier, опера на немецком на 5 часов в Royal Opera House -
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