Google video
cant view those pages through my PSP, there's a mod against perception, called CCWatch, it will show u a bar that tells u the time till perception is finished, also shows craploads of other stuff(tracks charecter crowd control, buff and debuff effects w/ a selectable behavior: your target only, 5 last targets, any mob.
cant view those pages through my PSP
~ first link ~
"Что о таком варианте думаешь?"Level 60 Rogue (16/8/27)
Assassination (16 points)
[:3lmqq9xk]Improved Eviscerate - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Malice - Rank 5/5
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Improved Slice and Dice - Rank 2/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Relentless Strikes - Rank 1/1
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Lethality - Rank 5/5[/
Combat (8 points)
[:3lmqq9xk]Improved Gouge - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Improved Sinister Strike - Rank 2/2
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Improved Backstab - Rank 3/3[/
Subtlety (27 points)
[:3lmqq9xk]Master of Deception - Rank 5/5
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Opportunity - Rank 5/5
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Initiative - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Ghostly Strike - Rank 1/1
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Improved Ambush - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Improved Sap - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Serrated Blades - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Preparation - Rank 1/1
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Dirty Deeds - Rank 2/2
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Hemorrhage - Rank 1/1[/
~ Second one ~
"и ещё один вариант.. "Level 60 Rogue (21/3/27)
Assassination (21 points)
[:3lmqq9xk]Improved Eviscerate - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Malice - Rank 5/5
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Ruthlessness - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Relentless Strikes - Rank 1/1
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Lethality - Rank 5/5
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Improved Poisons - Rank 3/5
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Cold Blood - Rank 1/1[/
Combat (3 points)
[:3lmqq9xk]Improved Gouge - Rank 3/3[/3lmqq9xk][/list:u:3lmqq9xk]
Subtlety (27 points)
[:3lmqq9xk]Master of Deception - Rank 5/5
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Elusiveness - Rank 2/2
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Camouflage - Rank 5/5
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Initiative - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Improved Sap - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Serrated Blades - Rank 3/3
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Heightened Senses - Rank 2/2
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Preparation - Rank 1/1
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Dirty Deeds - Rank 2/2
[/3lmqq9xk][:3lmqq9xk]Hemorrhage - Rank 1/1[/
there's a mod against perception, called CCWatch, it will show u a bar that tells u the time till perception is finished, also shows craploads of other stuff(tracks charecter crowd control, buff and debuff effects w/ a selectable behavior: your target only, 5 last targets, any mob.
да, я в курсе. аддоны поставлены.
в принципе, я над этим думаю, убирать или нет - ещё не решил.
дело-то всё в том, что учавствую я в масс-пвп,а не в дуэлях, которые для роги считаю бессмыслеными - пропадает весь сок класса, как таковой (неожиданная атака). а там-то не всегда по одному они бегают. и отследить персепшн у каждого жалкого человечишки не всегда можно. (в смысле в памяти держать, аддон то каждого в радиусе покажет) -
о чём вы тут варкуите если несекрет -)
о Ворлде оф Варкрафт
угу... они уже кучу тем этим зафлудили а меня забанили всего-то за упоминание игры в которую я играю... абыдна
мм неиграл в вовку =\
о Ворлде оф Варкрафтугу... они уже кучу тем этим зафлудили а меня забанили всего-то за упоминание игры в которую я играю... абыдна :(XDDD
dez, i was gonna rite a phat post about ur problem, but not using my PSP o.O -
в ан квараже бьют больно)
night elf pony o.O
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tslave.jpg</a><!-- m --> -
omg o.O
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... PinWoW.avi</a><!-- m --> -
из саус парковских FAQ'ов:
July 27, 2006
Q. - I heard Matt and Trey said they would never make fun of Battlestar Galactica. Why not? We BSG fans can take it, so BRING IT ON.
A. - It's kind of hard to make fun of it, I mean, what's the current delay between seasons... five years or so?
July 27, 2006
Q. - Any time line for DVD release of season 8?
A. - How's the end of August sound?
July 27, 2006
Q. - Are Matt and Trey fans of Les Miserables?
A. - Haven't you seen the references to it?
July 24, 2006
Q. - Does Kenny ever become rich?
A. - No.
July 24, 2006
Q. - Do Matt and Trey really hate Canada? If so why?
A. - No.
July 24, 2006
Q. - Wouldn't a BASEketball video game be great?
A. - ...No.
July 23, 2006
Q. - Is Kenny a Cylon?
A. - No. (Actually, on second thought, let's just go with that.)
July 22, 2006
Q. - is that website with Wing a joke?
A. - No.
July 21, 2006
Q. - Do you still make South Park in Flash?
A. - South Park is not made with Flash (nor has it been). It's made with Maya.
July 20, 2006
Q. - Did Matt and Trey ever make a cartoon involving a dog, Viagra, and a necropheliac?
A. - I believe you're thinking of the Flash animation, "Princess."
July 20, 2006
Q. - This is the best official site for a show. Just thought I'd say that.
A. - Thanks! We're working to make it way better -- stay tuned!
July 20, 2006
Q. - What's the creators' favorite episode?
A. - I'm sure that will be revealed on the upcoming 10th Anniversary DVD...
July 20, 2006
Q. - I have a login but I forgot my password! Is there any way I can log on?
A. - Use the "forgot password" link in the members area, at the top of the site.
July 19, 2006
Q. - Why is Saddam's head split in two parts? He's not Canadian.
A. - Or is he?! dun DUN DUN.
July 15, 2006
Q. - Does Cartman's mom have any STDs?
A. - Over a hundred at last count, some of which have only been identified in sharks.
July 15, 2006
Q. - Do you ask permission before you put celebs on your show?
A. - Hahaha! (No.)
July 10, 2006
Q. - Is there a North Park?
A. - Yes, North Park has been mentioned in several episodes, for example, the newspaper headline in "Summer Sucks" (0208) which read:
Q. - Will Comedy Central be playing any more marathons of South Park any time soon?
A. - There are not any currently planned, but we'll keep you all up-to-date if we hear of any!
July 2, 2006
Q. - Is the Global Warming movie that Al Gore really made the one you were referencing in "Manbearpig"?
A. - Yep! It's called "An Inconvenient Truth."
July 2, 2006
Q. - How did you get Saddam Hussein to give his voice to the South Park Movie?
A. - Uh, that wasn't him doing the voice...
June 29, 2006
Q. - Is Mr. Garrison gay, straight, or bi?
A. - Yes.
June 28, 2006
Q. - In "Bloody Mary," when Stan's dad is getting into his car, there's an alien in the background! Does this have something to do with future episodes, or was it just random?
A. - There are hidden aliens in many episodes, going all the way back to the beginning of the show.
June 28, 2006
Q. - Half of Season 10 already aired; why are the DVDs only up to Season 7?!
A. - They're working on it. Patience.
June 27, 2006
Q. - In the beginning of each episode, it says "all celebrity voices are impersonated... poorly." Is that true?
A. - Absolutely.
June 27, 2006
Q. - Are Matt and Trey allowed to take ideas from the forums?
A. - They only take ideas from each other.
*кто-нибудь стукните на его подпись =*
Развратный Прист., её :3
а чем подпись не так? о.О
Sylvanas, Сезон 10 Серия 8 .) TV-рип уже в нете гуляет.
Только, на казуала это расчитано скорее, чем на ф0нната. Улыбку вызывает - но не более. -
мм, де достать?
ps я слышала ты тут подумываешь блад эльфом становится) не проверить случайно твою лояльность?) -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 7407041591</a><!-- m --> -
рофл, начинается с "лиииироооооой" XDDDDDD
"how do you kill that, which has no life?" :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
ps я слышала ты тут подумываешь блад эльфом становится)
просто телепат! будет бл.. бл.. эээ bloody эльфиечка полодиночга xD
а ещё у меня есть маленькая милая гнумка! XD -
lvl 2.. HUMAN hunter... w/ a goddam SHIELD... A HUNTER X_x