Новые скилы для 2-1 и 2-2 профессий и адванс соответственно
На сайте КРО в описании скилов 2-1 и 2-2 профессий появились новые скилы.
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://guide.ragnarok.co.kr/jobrogskill.asp">http://guide.ragnarok.co.kr/jobrogskill.asp</a><!-- m -->Новые скилы ищите в конце.
Одно интересно что они делают ? :)) И когда будут у нас :)) -
Кривой перевод на английский новых скиллов 2-2 профессий
Type: The active object: Objective consuming SP which becomes five toe guard: 15 continuous hours: When shoe link su khil it uses again (inside hour of 5 minutes, it is canceled) shoe link su khil this from the condition which is exercised to use five toe guard, the case which will close the attack of the counterpart, four hundred which 2 will count the object which attempts an attack it makes in oneself. The exercising probability follows in five toe guard level and it increases. Shield wearing hour exercisingРужа:
su Kilo and unconditional success range 1. It seizes the enemy objective 1st person and after making a mobile wrong condition, oneself becomes the mobile wrong condition from that place. su khil +10 amendment value comes to be more in evasion ratio of hour electron during continuous hour. su khil Hour electron and the object su khil general attack in continuous hour or su khil use possibility but the child is not a possibility of doing. su khil In continuous hour, two public opinion one people with afterwords it exercises a same effect and it is received and when and the claw cu khen it is a green onion and su khil it is canceled with automatic movement. High ting wing of wing and butterfly of Paris, theyl ley pot. The case where the distance between two will get wider. (four hundred su Kilos it is caused by) The boss it drives and su it sprouts and it does not lead not to be and the PVP/poem cu use it is possible even from mode.Дансы:
JobLv from above 40 find possibility. Drives and su khil the generality which is an objective human being elder brother, an angel elder brother and a demoniac elder brother su it sprouts and it sends it tempts U as su khil hour 10 second for oneself continuously and and in the attack object it drives and and and su it sprouts and and and in non- not batting first condition a wink to 1 individual and and it changes. su khil It is caught and it drives and su an attack and the head comfort which it shakes off/the heart leaves space and pheyk thu continuously it is stopped. su khil The successful probability fixes with 70%. Also, case and the boss where the level of the object will be higher hour electron than it drives and su it sprouts and it does not lead not to be, the human being elder brother, the angel elder brother and the demoniac elder brother it drives and and and su only it sprouts and and and it passes. The if su changes in Kilo being caused by child wild condition and it drives and su it sprouts and and when it attacks, that it drives and su it recognizes it attacks and in the condition which it changes the player again it shakes off and.А у монка даже 2 новых:
1.Consuming SP: 40 castings: 2 second laters til ley: 1 second 1 thing it passes over flag concreteness which oneself collects with air accumulation 1 to the green onion mote unit of oneself. (Flag per concreteness 1 effect and the maximum of Atk +3 5 thing) until the maximum 5 thing there is a possibility of decreasing, only one thing cannot widely known in one time. The organization body which it passes over to the green onion mote unit Mong khu with normal flag concreteness gets a same effect with air accumulation and sameness.
2.Type: Active consuming SP: 20, HP 10 consuming. Casting: After nil til ley: 2 seconds * It makes in the enemy shock mouth force and it occurs until the enemy field of surroundings it distinguishes and and and the shock wave which is powerful simultaneously and a retrocedence intensively in the palm of the hand and the technique which throws away. Other keys thing it will become and it will drive and su it will sprout and and 300% end of attack power it will yell to give, the object 33 Anui all it will count it drives su the end which it shakes off it falls and and and and it does not put on and and and and and not to be 5 units it becomes 2 first editions su it shook off it is caught four hundred and and and and and in the center and and and. Other keys thing it becomes and it drives and su it sprouts and four all branches of knowledge su the effect which it shakes off is not applied. Hour former hour, 10 it consumes the HP. - The single object su khil to be, in that object 300% end Ji of attack power. The objective surroundings 33 5 units four all branches of knowledge 2 first editions su only the effect which it shakes off it gives to Anui which it will count. - su It shakes off case su in the formality which it shakes off to conform, the basic success rate is 70%. - From the PVP and the public frost use are possible. (, four hundred functions do not only exercise)У химиков дополнения к гомункулусам (как я понял новые существа)
Consuming SP: 20 JobLv from above 40 find possibility. su khil Yells a strange sound in the enemy objective 1 body and it hangs su khil it is a confusion in the enemy and. The successful probability exists, the VIT and level of character level and the counterpart of oneself, lek with there is a fire tube. The boss it drives and su it sprouts and it does not lead.И у сейджа 2 скилла
- li It carries on shoulder and the consuming item which is a converter which will burn (attribute conversion scroll) it produces. The manufacture successful probability receives su khil, su khil the effect of level and the dex, the int and the JOBLEVEL of attribute grant of three intelligence. When it fails in manufacture, anything it cannot get, only the material it is consumed. El ley it carries on shoulder and the material which is necessary to the converter manufacture which will burn with afterwords is same. The anger attribute converter - 10 tails of the scorpion + Bin scroll 1 persistent converter - 7 hard horns + Bin scroll 1 wind velocity characteristic converter - 12 shells which are mottled + Bin scroll 1 process characteristic converter - 10 snail shells + Bin scroll 1
2.El li it carries on shoulder and the chain which will burn it falls and it drives and and su it sprouts and and and with 4 attributes it converts an attribute su khil it is. It follows in type of 4 attributes and each 1 Ji, possibility, quest of anger and appearance 4 type su khil it is this necessity. Anger attribute El ley it will carry on shoulder and persistent El who probably is a body which will burn ley it will carry on shoulder and wind velocity characteristic El who probably is a body which will burn ley it will carry on shoulder and and process characteristic El who probably is a body which will burn ley it will carry on shoulder and and and it probably is a body which will burn One character probably is the body above the cranium, su khil is not a possibility of learning. It hits to each attribute and El li it carries on shoulder and the scroll which is a converter which will burn is necessary, su khil the use hour corresponding scroll item is consumed 1 thing. The casting hour is, 2 seconds after til ley 1 second it is this. When su khil this it is successful, pheyk thu it occurs rightly in each attribute, it drives and su it sprouts and the attribute is exchanged and the casket. This item effect drives and the boss su it sprouts and in the player with it does not lead.
Перевод оч. кривой, но общий смысл уловить все же можно
Может кто рискнет "распрямить" это и перевести на русский?=) - li It carries on shoulder and the consuming item which is a converter which will burn (attribute conversion scroll) it produces. The manufacture successful probability receives su khil, su khil the effect of level and the dex, the int and the JOBLEVEL of attribute grant of three intelligence. When it fails in manufacture, anything it cannot get, only the material it is consumed. El ley it carries on shoulder and the material which is necessary to the converter manufacture which will burn with afterwords is same. The anger attribute converter - 10 tails of the scorpion + Bin scroll 1 persistent converter - 7 hard horns + Bin scroll 1 wind velocity characteristic converter - 12 shells which are mottled + Bin scroll 1 process characteristic converter - 10 snail shells + Bin scroll 1
Если я правильно понял корейскую белиберду, скилл роуга не даёт проивнику уйти с этого места. Нечто вроде монковского блейдстопа. Вдобавок роуг получает бонус к Flee.
Баяяяяяяяяяянище - это квестовые скилы, смысла переводить корейский если это все на рагнаинфе есть.
А что там у ханта, какая-то гадость, напоминает тру сайт, с цифорками 150% и 3... )))
Циферки 150%, хантерам явно понравятся =)))
эммм одно интересно: а что делать если их ведут и ты захочешь, а пойнтов нету? :evil:
Deva gor, квкстовые скиллы
нуу тогда легче стало)))
вауу это синам добавили скилл метания ножей))
Визы как всегда пролетели...
Ага бедные визы, им наверное надо еще какой нить волл добавить.. например земляной =)) ыы earthwall
Визам надо добавить стихию Hair
с заклинаниями Hair wall и Hair ball
Вреда не причиняют но цепко удерживают противника на месте. -
Или еще лучше дать им пневмозаменитель :twisted:
Пневмозаменитель о_О... ХАЧУ
тру)) когда же у нас введут такие плюшки??
close confine = @setstoprate 1000
Нафиг визам плюшки. Лучше пристам Adrenaline Rush/Trust Power дайте. И квагу. И Land Protector. И делюг.
Mimic, азуру вместо холилайта. :mrgreen:
можт лучше губозакатывательную машинку?
скилы ниче так, синов опять же подняли