3atoi4i, значит что чтобы продолжить нужно давить именно на 4ю
:страх: о_О
Sorya, :-Ъ
3atoi4i, значит что чтобы продолжить нужно давить именно на 4ю
username: Yuki
password: Gotanda
а потом смазанная картинка, как будто из окна в машине сфоткали..
если внимательно приглядеться там будут кружочки в середине
и если на них нажать там будут веселые портретики какого-то чувака, вернее тока его головы... -
хмм, этап in the darkness
Nesh-cheeDzehA-Ken-Di-GliniGahNe-as-jahThan-ZieDibehDzehKlizzie DibehTKin TKinDzehNa-as-tso-siкартинка <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thisisnotporn.com/DM/inthedarkness/3/7240013.jpg">http://www.thisisnotporn.com/DM/intheda ... 240013.jpg</a><!-- m -->
и маленькие цифры 23 внизу справа, пойду искать логин и пасс на curiosity killed the cat
это именно квест с возможносьтья возврата на предидущие локации и претензиями на нелинейность, видимо
хмм, этап in the darknessNesh-cheeDzehA-Ken-Di-GliniGahNe-as-jahThan-ZieDibehDzehKlizzie DibehTKin TKinDzehNa-as-tso-si
Это Навахо, элементарно гуглится )
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thisisnotporn.com">www.thisisnotporn.com</a><!-- w --> (main site)
move your mouse over the oven and click
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thisisnotporn.com/not/not.htm">http://www.thisisnotporn.com/not/not.htm</a><!-- m -->
click Asia Awaits... and login with
Username: Alexander
Pass: Gordian
case sensitive
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thisisnotporn.com/see/IJsselmeer.htm">http://www.thisisnotporn.com/see/IJsselmeer.htm</a><!-- m -->
the next page after the truck, dont bother solving it, who cares. Has a sign on a tree with some overgrowth. Read the words on the bottom right to login with:
Username: Edith
Pass: Head
You come to a site with some talking, again, who cares, and theres a buliding. Click on the window with two lights in it to arrive here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thisisnotporn.com/DM/inthedarkness/SM.htm#">http://www.thisisnotporn.com/DM/inthedarkness/SM.htm#</a><!-- m -->
From here (A moth flew in the room when I di4d) there are four directions, Master and Betrayer, and Cat whatever, Dorothy and Scarecrow (which used to say PHOENIX), and FACE0F, What darkness do we live.
Cat whatever is the furthest light, login with:
Username: Kipper
Pass: May
That'll bring you to a road "THEY CAN'T ESCAPE THE STORM." Blah, theres a roll-over on the oncoming car which says, "A life half lived..." and some music that maybe someone will recognize, as well as the number "13" on the bottom right which is very small. Click on the liscence plate of the car to arrive here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thisisnotporn.com/DM/int...mPerforatum.htm">http://www.thisisnotporn.com/DM/int...mPerforatum.htm</a><!-- m -->
This is the Hide Your Sorrows page. Hypericum Perforatum is St. Johns Wort. And guess what thats used for? Anti depression (see the connection to Hide your Sorrows?). Anyways, theres tons of letters here, but they only go up to "J." That makes 10 letters. In addition, the letters are repeated 10 or so times. Ctrl-a and paste to see this. The arrangement of the colors and the letters makes an image similar to a lighthouse. Upon examining the source I found this:
!-- wax --
!-- A one armed skeleton --
!-- I am the answer --
!-- find me --
!-- Not smart by half --
If you click the 2nd to last light on the Light/Moth page, you come to The Master and Betrayer login, use this:
username: Xerxes
pass: Demaratus
This brings you to the DONT STRAY FROM THE PATH page, which so far has the only worthwhile reward to getting this far, a cool picture of a tree with a face. There are some sounds similar to a highway next to a field with crows. There is some text in white which reads:
"How would you like it if someone came along and picked something off of you?"
Wizard of Oz, ooo wow
Clicking the left eye opens an apparently empty black page, which if you press ctrl-a on and copy your results you get:
There are random letters here that when arranged say, "SHOVEL UP THAT GOOD SNOW." One can hold the mouse over these areas/letters and get sentences which are pieces of a paragraph that says:
"No bed. Narrow and cramped. Piles of books. It wasnt the old hotel either. there was barely enough room to walk. It was the sheepman's room. No lights. Walls and ceiling very, old, round, set with one candle in the middle. What ever became of him? Worm-eatten. Must've slept on the floor directly into the saucer. No bath. Boarded up from inside. Any indication. Wrapped in his sheep costume. No closet."
Sheepman is apparently something to note because holding your mouse on a location of the Moth/Light page nets this message:
"'Youbettergo' urged the sheepman, stay here or you'll freeze, but if youneedus were here".
The right eye takes you to a picture of a hallway with rollover poem on it:
"Like one who, on a lonely road,
Doth walk in fear and dread
And, having once turned round, walks on
And turns no more his head,
Because he knows a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread."
If you know your poetry this is an excerpt from "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Move your mouse to the last line and hold it there, a message pops up quite fast saying "You are not of the path."
On the top of this page it says Philip K. Dicks fortune cookie which is "Deeds done in secret have a way of being found out." Someone said it was it was really Richard Nixon's fortune.
Click on the 3rd from last light, the Dorothy and Scarecrow one and login with:
username: Yuki
password: Gotanda
This brings you to the Robert Silvers page which is a picture of air power windmills from a car window. There are 5 near transparent circles comprised of two arrows. All of them lead to pictures of a fake head of a red haired man. In order from left to right the windows are named:
Piggy Piggy
We've Got Ventriloquists
We Are Connected (this has some relevance to the Moth/Light page)
Who Watches the Watchme...
a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy
From what I can tell these new windows have no leads to other sites. Clicking on the 3rd windmill from the left nets this message in a popup window:
Click on the date that the picture of the windmills was taken on and it brings you to the "1 2" site. There is some really annoying sounds here. It looks to be an electrical station or some sort of node. At the bottom of the page there is the text, "There was nothing I could do. He disappeared." And upon coming here, a popup window comes up with the text:
Clicking on any part of this image brings you back to the Robert Silvers page.
Something to think about, open ALL the sites with sound, and listen to them all at once, its really freaking wierd.
This is all the knowledge I have gathered or uncovered about this site. As far as I know, this site is a work in progress, so it is not meant to be solved yet. So screw the lazy bum that hasnt finished it.Ou talvez isto?
Start with this site:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thisisnotporn.com/see/IJsselmeer.htm">http://www.thisisnotporn.com/see/IJsselmeer.htm</a><!-- m -->
input these following passwords for these unique password prompt titles:
username: Alexander
password: Gordian
username: Edith
password: Head
username: Kipper
password: May
Master and Betrayer
username: Xerxes
password: Demaratus
Dorothy and Scarecrow
username: Yuki
password: Gotanda
I have reloaded the webpages many times, and have inputted all these usernames and passwords and they all work fine. -
ооо боооже
da wy tut wce ne tru more plyaj i golue baby wot chto tru))) gg
хактреккинг куда проще -
радио на картинке после дерева- это позывные ВВС США...
что это значит? -
Кто-нибудь сраницу с головами чела проходил ?
да, в середине темы выкладывались ответы до очень далеко :arrow:
ребят, сегодня столкнулся с этой загадкой.
плизз, объяснить каким образом разгадывается первая страница. ответы я знаю. мне просто непонятно, каким образом до них нужно дойти.
долго тупился в первую картинку. потом понял - надо нажать на эту штучку в центре. на большее мну не хватило )
аналогично -
я чего то ваще не догнал что на этой странице надо сделать?
Would you still love someone, if they did something really terrible?