2011-02-11 - Scheduled maintanance
when will be server avaible to log in ??
As soon as posible.
- New game client executibles. You can't play w/o them.
- Login and password now must be entered before starting the game itself.
- Then you remove your character, there is a 24 hours delay before character is actualy removed.
- Damage done by non-player sources (homunculi, reflections, autocasts) is ignored then character recieving experience.
- New replay mode for testing purposes (sometimes may cause unexpected errors). To watch a replay start "ruro /run /l:1 /p:1 /Replay". Only super premiums can record a replay.
- Account can be bound to PIN-code using updater. PIN-code can't be reminded, but it has 1 mounth life time from last login.
- New Year decoration has been removed.
No autocast exp? Common... can't you guys not just make a "time limit" instead? like if you dont like people stand AFK and lvl, why not just put something like a timmer? I remember my brother had something like that on a other server, if they stand "afk" for like longer than 30 seconds, they dont get any exp anymore. Think about all poor people who live for use of Dark Lord card, Steel Body monks will impossible be able to use it anymore, since Steel Body make them hit more mobs than 1 in a time. And i dont see why it would be cheating in any kind to use autocast, sure AFK lvling is wrong, but i think they are better ways to go against it than remove exp from autocasts. Just my opinion ofcourse
Take care
should we download new client ?? and where is it ?
when i try to start motr the startup appear and it's written ; Failed to start game executable. Make sure game executable is in current directory.
You should install vcredist_x86.exe located in your game directory.
i install that exe ,after trying the open game i write username , pass and login, but nothing happened no warning no error no start game
i fixed it, i download all update 1 by1 from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://motronline.com/news">http://motronline.com/news</a><!-- m -->. thx anyway
when homunculus what will happen with the monster base exp? homun culus get all experience?
Damage done by non-player sources (homunculi, reflections, autocasts) is ignored then character recieving experience.
when homunculus what will happen with the monster base exp? homun culus get all experience?
i just warned now by admin. he says afk lif leveling is ignored. but it s not fair without afk homun leveling is not easy. for now homun leveling will take very long long time. what is the admins declaration? they should make a clear answer with justice.
is afk homun leveling not allowed till now? -
Knock Out, as far as I understood, there are following situations possible:
- Only Homunculus hits the mob and kills it - no exp for anyone.
- Homunculus and the owner (Alchemist) hit the mob and kill it (1 damage from the Alchemist is sufficient) - both get 125% of the exp (+25% because of 2 damage dealers).
- Homunculus and another player (not the Homunculus owner) hit the mob and kill it - this player only gets exp for the amount of damage he or she made him/herself.
Basically Homunculus gets the same exp as its owner, which means it would get no exp if the owner did not hit the mob at least once.
Damage done by non-player sources (homunculi, reflections, autocasts) is ignored then character recieving experience.when homunculus what will happen with the monster base exp? homun culus get all experience?
i just warned now by admin. he says afk lif leveling is ignored. but it s not fair without afk homun leveling is not easy. for now homun leveling will take very long long time. what is the admins declaration? they should make a clear answer with justice.
is afk homun leveling not allowed till now?i just asked helpers it s not a bad warning. and they say if i make afk homun lvling, all exp goes to homun, i dont have any. but if i hit one time, all exp goes to me. it s the clear and fast answer. Thx to Hierophant Green. He is always answer fast and pay attention for our problems.
What was acctualy the reason for the
Damage done by non-player sources (homunculi, reflections, autocasts) is ignored then character recieving experience.
? -
InuTaisho, AFK leveling with Homunculus, Ring Of Flame Lord+Valkyrian Manteau, Ring of Resonance, Dark Lord Card, etc.
Probably my last post is not up-to-date any more. I heard, that if a monster is killed by Homunculus only - Homunculus gets the whole exp, but I can't test it, because my Homu is already 99.
Homunculus owners also get the whole Job exp from a monster killed by homunculus if they dealt 1 or more damage on it.
he mean what's the problem with mvp card, this is mvp card and it was the reason why people pay billions. it seems unfair; if you are leveling with darklord u can't hit every mob. it's not afk leveling or somethng unfair earning.
Yeah i agree with Knock Out people pay alot of money for it, and alot of people spended many miljons to get monks up to above 95+ with Steel Body Monks, and now, it's impossible to even lvl them since they can't use skills to hit mobs, they should make exceptions from mvp cards i think.. are they already so rare and expencive, in that case they can destory all other MVP cards too, like GTB to 60% effect like on alot of other servers, why pick on Dark Lord
and for matter of AFK lvling, just put a timer, if you stand still like 15 sec or so, you dont get more exp, simpel and easy. Brother had it on a server he played on. It worked fine
Sorry for my late response. I have not played in about 3 weeks.
I would agree with everyone else. The change to auto-casts is a very sloppy and detrimental nerf. You may have made it completely impossible for people to level AFK, which I am guessing is against your rules anyway, but now you have harmed other people who try to level legitimately in the process and rendered strategies and items with auto-cast effects useless. Shield crusader is even harder to level now with damage from reflect being penalized and reducing their exp further.
I also motion this: you gain no exp while you have taken no action for about 20 - 30 seconds.
And if you want to protect leechers, then we can refine that into: Your auto-cast effects, reflect damage, and homunculus generate no exp if you have not taken actions for 20 - 30 seconds.
Remember the time it took a year or more to get up to level 99? Well now people were doing that in a week for a relatively small fee by renting Dark Lord. It was good while it lasted but that card had to be nerfed otherwise people would have lost all interest in normal levelling.
It's true