Godly Items Statistics (Продолжение)
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Система квестов на годлайки, английский.
Описание квестов на русском от Зено.Команда, чтобы просмотреть состояние печатей: \seals
Available: печать доступна для прохождения
Not available: печать недоступна для прохождения, но откроется, как только предыдущую пройдут 25 человек
Released: печать закрыта, ее прошли 50 человекСписок годлайков на данный момент:
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [Revolution], the master of the guild [Б.У.К.И.]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [Revolution], the master of the guild [Б.У.К.И.]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [_S_Fou-Lu], the master of the guild [_S_DarkSouls]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [Дедушка Лемур], the master of the guild [Pirates]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [Revolution], the master of the guild [Б.У.К.И.]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [CrusOfHonour], the master of the guild [187]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [Дедушка Лемур], the master of the guild [Pirates]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [CrusOfHonour], the master of the guild [187]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [Психея], the master of the guild [Sapere Aude]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [Rajer], the master of the guild [I87]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [Психея], the master of the guild [Sapere Aude]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [_S_Squall], the master of the guild [_S_DarkSouls]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [Ahura-Mazda], the master of the guild [Les Enfants Terribles]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [Триль], the master of the guild [Rebels]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [фокемол], the master of the guild [IddQd]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [Триль], the master of the guild [Rebels]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [AlBeRt HoFmAnN], the master of the guild [187]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [andr100], the master of the guild [Holy]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [DeaD ScreaM], the master of the guild [I87]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [AlBeRt HoFmAnN], the master of the guild [187]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [Beastie], the master of the guild [Astral & Century]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [Скваля], the master of the guild [S_DarkSouls]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [_S_Fou-Lu], the master of the guild [_S_DarkSouls]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [Ahura-Mazda], the master of the guild [Les Enfants Terribles]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [AlBeRt HoFmAnN], the master of the guild [187]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [фокемол], the master of the guild [IddQd]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [Under Construction], the master of the guild [Б.У.К.И.]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [Basarka], the master of the guild [Pirates]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [Basarka], the master of the guild [Pirates]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [Ahura-Mazda], the master of the guild [Les Enfants Terribles]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [Славина Кошеня], the master of the guild [IddQd]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [Under Construction], the master of the guild [Б.У.К.И.]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [unlike any other], the master of the guild [True Pirates]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [GalaX], the master of the guild [187]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [Душевная], the master of the guild [lddQd]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [Психея], the master of the guild [Sapere Aude]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [Death the Kid], the master of the guild [Astral & Century]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [Командор], the master of the guild [Деревня скрытого листа]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [фокемол], the master of the guild [IddQd].]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [Ultra SoniC], the master of the guild [Avalanche]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [Васяська], the master of the guild [Final Fantasy]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [фокемол], the master of the guild [IddQd]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [Доблестная], the master of the guild [Les Enfants Terribles]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [ZloyKaktus], the master of the guild [Los Piratas]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [S t a m f o r d], the master of the guild [Holy]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [coolname], the master of the guild [Б.У.К.И.]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [Mr Stil], the master of the guild [Holy]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [Amiid], the master of the guild [Exclusive]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [ChevChelios], the master of the guild [Astral & Century]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [Collision], the master of the guild [Rebels]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [The FeSH], the master of the guild [Sapere Aude]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [The FeSH], the master of the guild [Sapere Aude]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [AlBeRt HoFmAnN], the master of the guild [187]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [FenyaChamp], the master of the guild [Fight_Cats]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [Under Construction], the master of the guild [БУКИ]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [...], the master of the guild [Dark Angelius]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [Finita la Commedia], the master of the guild [Les Enfants Terribles]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [Under Construction], the master of the guild [БУКИ]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [Collision], the master of the guild [Rebels]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [zALz], the master of the guild [MoonRiders]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [НАГИБАЙ ОВЛАДЕВАЙ], the master of the guild [ЦЫГАНЕ]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [x2PACx], the master of the guild [Outlawz].]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [М у с я], the master of the guild [187]]
[Sleipnir the godly item has been given to [I Saw I], the master of the guild [_S_reloaded]]
[Brisingamen the godly item has been given to [_S_Lustig], the master of the guild [-=DarkSouls=-]]
[Megingjard the godly item has been given to [Collision], the master of the guild [Rebels]]
[Mjolnir the godly item has been given to [XIIX], the master of the guild [_S_reloaded]]
%(#0000FF)[]Статистика по годлайкам:
[Les Enfants Terribles]:x2
[Sapere Aude]
[Dark Angelius]Mjolnir:
[Sapere Aude]
[Les Enfants Terribles]:2
[Astral & Century]:2
[Sapere Aude]
[Astral & Century]
[Les Enfants Terribles]
[Astral & Century]
[Sapere Aude]
[Деревня скрытого листа]
[_S_reloaded] -
брунгильд вроде бы больше было?
[Megingjard] the godly item has been given to [Васяська], the master of the guild [Arcane]@>>:
[Megingjard] the godly item has been given to [Васяська], the master of the guild [Final Fantasy]В статистике надпись верна.
ты уж пиши как раньше) гильдия - ник чара, ну или наоброт, не принциапиально
[code:2ebzxg3b][Les Enfants Terribles][Butterscotch]
[х Смешная х][IddQd]
[/code:2ebzxg3b] -
Star Dust,Zeno, Исправил.
<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://forum.motronline.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=117767&start=600">viewtopic.php?f=11&t=117767&start=600</a><!-- l -->
где-то там про брунгильды Лазурчика и Gemma -
[187] - AlBeRt HoFmAnN
Мне кажется было бы эстетичнее.
И забыли про:Brynhild
[Юнкерок][187] -
Shmygalo, Спасиб. Добавил :good:
а нафига?)
[Лазурчик], of the guild [187], has brought an Asprika into this world.
[Soulz], of guild [Astral & Century] has brought a Brynhild into this world.
[Make my apologize], of guild [Astral & Century] has brought a Brynhild into this world.
[Раста маныЧ], of guild [Astral & Century] has brought a Brynhild into this world.
записать на Саперов
[Krasty], of guild [Astral & Century] has brought a Brynhild into this world.
записать на Саперов
[The FeSH], of guild [Astral & Century] has brought a Brynhild into this world.
записать на Саперов
[Командор], of the guild [187] has brought an Asprika into this world
[Hoegaarden], of the guild [187] has brought an Asprika into this world
Чето все молчат, где последние годлайки?