League of Legends открыт, регимся:
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i know now that god is out there
and he is on my sidenah just kidding its all me
zplazH left like 6-7 minutes into the game
then aslankubat is a noob and XFS shadow is a complete noob
so basically it was all me and toostrong100 VS 5
for an hour
they had a whole hour to farm and still couldnt do shit 5v2and to top it off:
we queued as a team of 5(i only know toostrong100), the more people you queue with the higher the avarage team ELO becomes
so with 5 people avarage ELO is 250 higher than it actually is
so basically we were fighting a superior team
and we raped.
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Что-нибудь интересное появилось? Баги починили?
какие баги? интересного до кучи, 2 новых героя(1 тру, другого все ненавидят, ибо безполезный и надоедает), в скоре выпустят оригинального такого танка падлу
pally tier 5
"Armor of the 5th Age Taric"
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