KRO Future Updates - 26.08.2009 "Royal Guard"
гибриды рулят полюбас White Smoke
что-то я не понял, 3и профы (3-1 точнее) введены на офе, а у нас никто по этому поводу ниче не говорит, не требует нового эмуля, ввода проффессий, не ноет, что у нас это будет через 100500 лет, все тихо и спокойно... что случилось???Потому что весь этот реньювал по механике - унылая попытка закосить под отстойные 3-д гамесы типа вов. РОшникам это не интересно в массе. Имхо.
ой та новая механика норм, не очень то и плохо все
вот, кстати зачетная плюшка 3их проф:Статпоинтов: 2722 (Этого достаточно, чтобы полностью прокачать 3 стата до 120 и поднять 1 стат до 23).
Ты ничего не забыл? Прокачка статов от 99го уровня несколько другая. На прокачку стата с 99 по 120 нужно 440 статпоинтов, поэтому до 120 можно прокачать только два стата + ещё один поднять где-то до 90.
все тихо и спокойно... что случилось???прикинь сколько чаров перекачивать?) -
вот, кстати зачетная плюшка 3их проф:
Статпоинтов: 2722 (Этого достаточно, чтобы полностью прокачать 3 стата до 120 и поднять 1 стат до 23).Ты ничего не забыл? Прокачка статов от 99го уровня несколько другая. На прокачку стата с 99 по 120 нужно 440 статпоинтов, поэтому до 120 можно прокачать только два стата + ещё один поднять где-то до 90.
єто информация взята с шаранова, там нет ни 1го моего слова, иди им что-то доказывай. У меня, например, нет оснований не верить
12345678, если подумать, то всегда что-та вводят, когда мы этого не ждем и не знаем)) Так что релакс)
вот, кстати зачетная плюшка 3их проф:
Статпоинтов: 2722 (Этого достаточно, чтобы полностью прокачать 3 стата до 120 и поднять 1 стат до 23).Ты ничего не забыл? Прокачка статов от 99го уровня несколько другая. На прокачку стата с 99 по 120 нужно 440 статпоинтов, поэтому до 120 можно прокачать только два стата + ещё один поднять где-то до 90.
єто информация взята с шаранова, там нет ни 1го моего слова, иди им что-то доказывай. У меня, например, нет оснований не верить
Это из расчёта по старой механике, вот ещё одна выдержка из официального источника:
Stat allocationWhen becoming 3rd class you are able to spend more statpoints on your stats, your basestats can go up to 120.
However, while stats from 1-99 will cost the classic amount of statpoints (2~10 : 2 points each, 11~20 : 3 points each, 21~30 : 4 points each) stats over 99 will cost you more:100 -> 104: 16 points each
105 -> 109: 20 points each
110 -> 114: 24 points each
115 -> 119: 28 points each -
давайте ссылку на кальк, тада мы точно будем знать что и по чем... уже есть кальки для 3-1?? ооо кто в курсе?
Casttime = BaseCasttime * 0.8 * (1 - Dex * 0.4) * (1 - Int * 0.2) + BaseCasttime * 0.2
Что-то я ничего не понял. У меня получается, что при увеличении Инт и Декс касттайм увеличивается. Это меня глючит, или у них ошибка?
там наверное вместо едениц имелось в виду 100.
Как мне сказали, в старой формуле должно было быть 0.004Dex + 0.002Int, а сейчас формула
castTime = (1 - SQRT((Dex * 2 + Int) / 530)) * (1 - sum_castReduction/100%) * baseCast * 0.8 + (1 - max_fixedReduction/100%) * baseCast * 0.2 -
castTime = (1 - SQRT((Dex * 2 + Int) / 530)) * (1 - sum_castReduction/100%) * baseCast * 0.8 + (1 - max_fixedReduction/100%) * baseCast * 0.2т.е. если взять мифические:
baseCast = 15sec (гаст 10)
sum_castReduction - это насколько я понимаю, сумма вещей, вроде Винг стафа, которые уменьшают время каста. Предположим, он равен 5%
max_fixedReduction - не совсем понял что это, но допустим, это максимальный процент урезки каста. Если на чаре только Винг стаф, то он будет равен 5%Получается:
[code:3ekrclpy]castTime = (1 - SQRT((180 * 2 + 170) / 530)) * (1 - 5%/100%) * 15 * 0.8 + (1 - 5%/100%) * 15 * 0.2 = 2,85 секунд[/code:3ekrclpy]
т.е. инстанта на новом эмуле, при всё желании, не достичь только за счёт статов? -
max_fixedReduction - это коэффициэнт уменьшения фиксированной части каста. С sum_castReduction он никак не связан.
т.е. инстанта на новом эмуле, при всё желании, не достичь только за счёт статов?
Да, об этом говорилось еще в момент объявления первых новшеств Реньювала. "Инстант - ОП".
Вся ирония в том, что инстант каст все же есть, в некотором виде, что крайне противоречит с давнишними словами гравити.и вопрос: а как скоро у нас введут 3-1 профы?
Чем позднее, тем лучше. Думаю, не только мне, но и вам не захочется играть в недоделанную игру.
"Пол года бегать по арене 99 чампом, умирая за секунду от 120+ лока/гх/рк". Утрирую, конечно, но сути это не меняет. По выложенному ролику ВоЕ это больше похоже на хай рейт с 999 уровнями. Обилие "1в1-и-не-только", отсутствие какой-либо конкретной командной игры, тактики; простое мясо с использованием 1-2 приемов. Речи о балансе и быть не может (Не надо говорить о том, что профы еще не все введены. Как раз самое время шлефовать нововведенные классы друг с другом и между собой. Выйдет гарантированно ровнее). -
Вообще таки я не понимаю тех кто торопиться с 3 профами...не буду называть говно-сервы ,где они уже есть, но ето смотрица бредово...Ввели там какого нибудь бишопа,кроса нового и нового снупа...а остальным чо делать?
Как сказал Логнир:
"Пол года бегать по арене 99 чампом, умирая за секунду от 120+ лока/гх/рк"извините ,ребят. Но ето самый настоящий дисбаланс. Так что если и ждете реньивала, то всего сразу, а не по кусочкам
Линки Доддлера на ВоЕ-видео:
Уже лучше. Хотя и усиление контроля не сильно заметно.
Так и не понял, меняли ли формулы статусов уже, или еще нет. Перед роликами писали, что на 1 вит чаре стан висел секунду, но в видео сталка-гма был момент, когда варлока слипают секунды на 3.
P.S. Ну и хп гардстоунов и баррикад, надеюсь, поднимут. -
@"Doddler-@ iROWiki 18/19.06.2009":
06/18 Temporary Maintenance- Players logged out on removed maps will be returned to their save point.
- Adjusted items required for 2nd job change quests to items in line with the user's level.
- Corrected a bug with Fin Helm and Iron Cain defense.
- Corrected a bug with the Arch Bishop quest and improved the quest support.
- The location of the umballa quest location in the Yggdrasil tree has been moved.
- You can no longer drop the wolf flute under any circumstances.
- Corrected an issue with the quest minimap display.
- Reward experience for the novice training grounds have been improved.
- The supplies given to an archer is changed from 100 arrows to 1 arrow quiver, 1 fire arrow quiver, and 1 silver arrow quiver.
- Becaue the Umballa dungeon is removed, you can no longer warp to the dungeon using the 'Dungeon Teleport Scroll'.
- Corrected abnormal drops for slave monsters.
- Eddga's spawn map has been changed to Payon Forest (pay_fild10).
- Corrected a problem with selling or dropping 3-1 quest items.
- Corrected an issue with the cash hair stylist.
- Corrected an issue with the Incubus pet.
- The sword guardians that appear in WoE:SE have had their attack power decreased.
- Fixed a problem with the 3rd job cart and falcon NPC's.
- Corrected an issue with the Ranger Job Change map.
- Changed it so pressing the esc key after opening a chat room will no longer close the chat.
06/19 Temporary Maintenance
- Compensation event has started.
- Corrected an issue with learning some 3rd job skills.
- Corrected a bug with assumptio.
- Corrected a bug where cards that increase specific magic damage were not working.
- The world map now has an option to display the recommended level.
- Fixed character information UI.
- Changed the level range for colors when mousing over monsters. Monsters above level 10 will show in red, and monsters 16 levels and lower will show in grey.
- Corrected the sprite for the cash shop merchant on the free server.
@"Doddler-@ iRO Wiki 24.06.2009":
Main Servers- Prontera/Morroc/Payon blacksmith have the new renewal refining NPC "Bestri" added.
- Max refine increased from +10 to +20.
- Only +10 and over items can be refined, and when refine fails the upgrade drops by 3.
- Refining costs 100k zeny per attempt. All items have the same cost regardless of weapon level.
- Weapons require Bradium, Armor requires Kalunium.
- Prontera/Morroc/Payon blacksmith have had the new ore exchange NPC "Austri" added.
- For three Elunium and 50k zeny, you can get 1 Kalunium.
- For three Oridecon and 50k zeny, you can get 1 Bradium.
- For 1 Pure Bradium and 500k zeny, you can get 1 Pure Kalunium.
- The party improvement system is added.
- The party leader can be changed. If the party leader leaves the party without assigning a new leader, it is impossible to get a new party leader.
- When doing an even share party, with 3 people you'll receive 10% bonus experience. For each additional person, you'll receive an additional 10% to a maximum of 100%.
- The Ragnarok DS special item and item exchange quest added.
- Vizofnir's Feather garment can obtained by exchanging the Feather of Vizofnir. The location in the Yggdrassil Tree can be reached from the Geffen NPC "Chicken Researcher".
- The Dark Knight set can be received by bringing the broken sword to the glast heim NPC "Strong Looking Man".
- The Shaman set can be received by bringing the Shaman Ancient Documents, 3 Cyfar, and a Circlet to the "Suspicious Girl" in Rachel.
- Other items are obtained immediately from opening the box.
The poisonous herb seller is added to Morroc and Lighthalzen.
Corrected an issue with when becoming a rune knight, you couldn't continue to recieve the reward item.
Added an aptitude test to the end of the current novice training grounds.
Corrected a bug where the duration of buffs would increase.
Changed the level of the Sea Otter monster to level 48, and adjusted its stats accordingly.
Added the 4th skill bar and the quick slot.
Common Patch
Added a button to allow you to see the option buttons while the personal information window is minimized.
Added a button above the chat window to thoggle between chat mode and battle mode.
Corrected a bug with the skill bar window causing you to use items multiple times.
When your character dies and you click "Retern to Save Point", a confirmation window will pop up.
Fixed the elemental sword not receiving the +10% damage versus neutral targets option.
Corrected the skill "Recognized Spell" listing the incorrect requirements in the skill tree window. Also clarified the skill's description.
Corrected an odd issue that occured sometimes when attempting to put your stat points above 80 on a baby character.
Changed the description of the Soul Linker skill "Rogue Spirit".
- Before: When using a ranked potion, the recovery is increased greatly.
- After: When using a ranked HP recovery potion, the recovery is increased greatly.
Because of the new upper limit on equipment, some items that had their effects influenced by upgrade level have had their options changed.
- Green Maiden Card
Original Effect: LUK-5. Each refine increases your LUK stat and critical rate.
Additional Point: However, the critical rate increase will only apply up to +10 refine.- Frus Card
Original Effect: Each refine adds a 2% chance to reflect magic. When used by a mage type character, MDEF + 3.
Additional Point: However, the reflect chance increases only up to +10 refine.- Armor
- Valkyrian Manteau
Original Effect: Unbreakable. When equipped by a mage/archer/acolyte type class, Perfect dodge + 5. Each refine increases perfect dodge by 2. When equipped by a swordsman/thief/merchant type class, physical damage reflect + 5%. Each refine increases reflect by 2%.
Additional Point: However, the perfect dodge or damage reflect will only increase up to +10 refine.- Naga Scale SHield
Original Effect: MDEF + 3. When receiving physical damage, there's a chance that for 5 seconds you will reflect physical damage. Each refine increases the reflect damage by 3%.
Additional Point: The reflect damage increases only up to +10. When refined above +11, every further two refine increase the duration of reflect by 1 second.- Dark Basilium
Original Effect: Petrification/Freeze/Stun resist +20%. Each refine increases resistance by 2%.
Additional Point: However, the resistance increases only up to +10 refine.- Weapon
All KVM Glorius weapons with [Slaughter], [Destruction], and [Bless] effects will have that effect increase only to +14 refine.
Glorious Hunter Bow
Original Effect: Demihuman Damage + 55%, Demihuman defense bypass 20%. Unbreakable. Gains (refine * 2) critical damage. When refined to +6 or higher, additional demihuman defense bypass +5%. When refined to +9 or higher, [Double Strafing] damage + 20%.
Additional Point: However, the increase in critical damage increases only to +10 refine.- Nemesis
Original Effect: Increases damage versus shadow property monsters by 10%. When dealing physical damage there's a chance to autocast Signum Crusis Lv 1. The refine increases the level of signum crusis used. When ealing physical damage, there's also a chance to gain ATK + 50 for 20 seconds.
Additional Point: When refined to +11 or above, the weapon will cast Signum Crusis Lv 10.- Electric Eel
Original Effect: AGI+2, INT+2, When dealing physical damage there's a chance to autocast Jupitel Thunder Lv 3. Also when dealing physical damage, there's a chance to autocast Arrow Vulcan of a level equal to your refine rate.
Additional Point: When refined to +11 or above, you'll cast level 10.- Carrot Whip
Original Effect: When dealing damage there's a chance of casting agi up on yourself of a level equal to the refine rate.
Additional Point: When refined to +11 or above, you'll cast level 10.- Set Option
- Survivor Set (Survivor Manteau + Survivor Rod)
Original Effect: MHP + 300. MATK-5%. As the rod increases in refine, the MATK % increases. The survivor manteau gains neutral element resist of 3 * refine rate.
Additional Point: However, the MATK bonus and neutral resist increases only to +10.Sakray R Test Server
The Hunter trap skills Land Mine/Blast Mine/Claymore Trap's damage is now more influenced by your character's level and INT.
Added 5 new items for 3rd job classes.
A wide bladed two hand sword that shines with red light. Every 2 refines add +1 ASPD.
Type: Twohand sword / Attack: 280 / Weight: 340 / Element: Neutral / Weapon Level: 3 / Required Level: 100 / Required Job: 3rd class swordsman type -
Dulga [1]
A high speed sharp bladed special designed katar.
Type: Katar / Attack: 190 / Weight: 120 / Element: Neutral / Weapon Level: 3 / Required Level: 100 / Required Job: Guillotine Cross -
Elven Bow [1]
A bow made to mimic those of ancient forest guardians.
Type: Bow / Attack: 160 / Weight: 150 / Element: Neutral / Weapon Level: 3 / Required Level: 100 / Required Job: 3rd class archer type -
Lapine Staff
A staff crafted using a magic stone from the Lapine tribe. MATK + 180. Each +1 refine decreases fixed cast time by 1% (does not stack with cards or other effects).
Type: One Handed Staff / Attack: 30 / Weight: 50 / Element: Neutral / Weapon Level: 3 / Required Level: 100 / Required Job: 3rd class mage / aco type -
Kalga Mace [2]
Its name means 'Great Echo' in the Manuk tribe language, a rugged heavy mace with a sharp edge on one side.
Type: Mace / Attack: 175 / Weight: 150 / Element: Neutral / Weapon Level: 3 / Required Level: 100 / Required Job: 3rd class swordsman/merchant/aco type
@"Doddler-@ iROWiki 01.07.2009":
Common Patch-
Experience and Drop compensation event has ended.
The net cafe BURNING event (exp bonus) has ended.
Corrected a phenomenon where the shortcut keys wouldn't register.
Improved the level 150 aura effect.
Corrected some issues with the Ragnarok DS item NPCs.
Aundora's Blessing will correctly give +1 to all stats.
Corrected the Dark Knight Belt's AGI option.
Corrected some item descriptions.
Added four new weapons.
Dulga [1]
A high speed sharp bladed special designed katar.
Type: Katar / Attack: 190 / Weight: 120 / Element: Neutral / Weapon Level: 3 / Required Level: 100 / Required Job: Guillotine Cross -
Elven Bow [1]
A bow made to mimic those of ancient forest guardians.
Type: Bow / Attack: 160 / Weight: 150 / Element: Neutral / Weapon Level: 3 / Required Level: 100 / Required Job: 3rd class archer type -
Lapine Staff
A staff crafted using a magic stone from the Lapine tribe. MATK + 180. Each +1 refine decreases fixed cast time by 1% (does not stack with cards or other effects).
Type: One Handed Staff / Attack: 30 / Weight: 50 / Element: Neutral / Weapon Level: 3 / Required Level: 100 / Required Job: 3rd class mage / aco type -
Kalga Mace [2]
Its name means 'Great Echo' in the Manuk tribe language, a rugged heavy mace with a sharp edge on one side.
Type: Mace / Attack: 175 / Weight: 150 / Element: Neutral / Weapon Level: 3 / Required Level: 100 / Required Job: 3rd class swordsman/merchant/aco type
- Corrected an issue where 3rd classes couldn't learn quest skills for Blacksmith and Wizard.
- Corrected an issue where baby characters were able to start the 3rd job quests.
- Adjusted the items required for the Crusader job quest.
- Corrected an issue where the Holy Arrow Quiver would give Rusty Arrows.
- Corrected an issue with the "Continued Research" quest where if you didn't have the stone fragment you wouldn't receive the reward.
- Added new magic supply NPC's to Geffen.
(geffen_in.gat 176 105, geffen_in.gat 175, 112) - Corrected the bonus heal attack damage option of the Spiritual Ring not functioning correctly.
- Corrected the boss monster Orc Hero's spawn time on gef_fild03.
- Corrected the Observer item's stated weight (weight 10 -> 0).
- Corrected the Gungnir's Description. (Hit + 30% -> Hit + 30).
- Updated the Glorious Ring's description (Casting Time 3% faster -> Variable Casting -3%).
- Diabolus Manteau's description updated (DEF 5 -> 10).
- Updated the description on the poison creation kit.
- Corrected the Marching Cap's option not applying to Arch Bishop.
- Fixed the Ninja skill 'Throw Coin' to be only learnable to level 5.
- Corrected an incorrect listed prereq for the warlock skill release.
- Updated the skill description for level 10 of the Rune Knight skill "Rune Mastery".
- Added a poisonous plant seller to the Assassin Guild.
Free Server
- Removed an NPC selling certain potions from a moscovia vendor.
- The Mistress Crown will no longer require emperium to be made.
Sakray R Test Server
- Added 3 new types of gears (3 Armor, 3 Shield).
Silver Guard [1]
Type: Shield / Defense: 60 / Weight: 30 / Required Level: 22 / Required Job: First Class / Slot: 1 -
Round Buckler [1]
Type: Shield / Defense: 90 / Weight: 60 / Required Level: 22 / Required Job: All Trans / Slot: 1 -
Rosa Shield [1]
Type: Shield / Defense: 130 / Weight: 130 / Required Level: 100 / Required Job: 3rd Class Swordsman / Slot: 1 -
Purity Robe [1]
Reduces fixed casting by 3%. Increases your cast heal abilities by 5%.
Type: Armor / Defense: 42 / Weight: 40 / Required Level: 22 / Required Job: First Class / SLot: 1 -
Clair Suit [1]
Type: Armor / Defense: 58 / Weight: 280 / Required Level: 22 / Required Job: All Except Novice / Slot: 1 -
Black Armor [1]
Type: Armor / Defense: 93 / Weight: 450 / Requied Level: 100 / Required Job: 3rd Class Swordsman / Slot: 1
- Updated the target monsters and items for the Acolyte Tutorial.
- Updated the target monsters and items for the Archer Tutorial.
- Updated the description of the Glorious Fist. It now says that when upgraded to +10, there is a chance for both the fixed and variable cast time for Ashura to be negated for a period of time.
- Changed the status resistance formula.
- Changed the status duration formula.
- The wanderer and Minstrel skills "Deep Sleep Lullaby" and "Saturday Night Fever" are now only usable in PK enabled maps.