AV: webroot's spysweeper with anti-virus
Flu burung Virus!!!?
guys my computer has been infected with this virus.. it opens a notepad file. flu burung i use Mcafee Viruscan enterprise 8.5.. is there any other way i can take it ou?
Sorry, but mcafee will not do the job.
This is not a problem at all. Here's what you need to do.
1st, don't waste your time with AVG, true sword, spybot, ad aware, CA, spyhunter, superantispyware, avast, panda, kaspersky, spyware blaster, bitdefender, spyware guard, windows defender or anything of the sort. Stay away from anything that is FREE when it comes to spyware and antivirus. There is a reason why they free. They are NOT good.
2nd, You need some of the best software out there. Norton Systemworks is very good. That's the only good software from Norton. I wouldn't recommend Norton Internet security, its not that great. Now the best software you should get is Webroot AntiVirus With AntiSpyware & Firewall, formally known as Webroot's Spysweeper with Anti-virus, this software is too good and gets better everyday. This is Elite software. It blocks over 455,000 definition threats, which contain multiple fringerprints with each(you can do the math). No other software can compete with that or come close for that matter. It catches everything: viruses, spyware, adware, malware, root kits, keyloggers, trojans, worms, and anything else. It also has active shields and a Firewall which learns from your useage. I've used them all and it is 2nd to none.
3rd, after you install and update the software, since its in your system you will have to turn off system restore and then go into safe mode and run the scan and eliminate the virus. then after removal, reboot and turn system restore back on.
4th, (Optional) Now if you for some reason don't go for Webroot's software. I recommend a Firewall from Zone Alarm, their free version is so good. Or you can buy their Pro version, but the free version will do more than the job.
5th, any probs during or after you do all this, send me an e-mail or IM. I guarenDAMNtee my answers and will help you in person from IM if needed.* 1 year ago
ME. I am a Computer, Laptop, Network, Security Tech.если верить второму юзеру то вебрут это самый недецкей антивирус
кто-нибудь согласен с его точкой зрения? -
Следует провести эксперимент.
Поставьте на жертвенную машину этот антивирус, я предоставлю вирус. -
Давайте ссылку на этот антивирус и вирус. Я проведу эксперимент, даже скриншоты запостю.
вебрут рулит.
Развратный Прист.
Дай ссылку, и да будет он развенчан. -
гугл в помощь
Развратный Прист.
Погугли за меня, пожалуйста. -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=Webroot+AntiVirus&btnG=Google+Search&meta=">http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=Web ... arch&meta=</a><!-- m -->
как? еще не развенчан?
Может запустите вирус?
Он хромой, сам размножаться не умеет, вот я его всем даю и прошу запустить. -
Может запустите вирус?Он хромой, сам размножаться не умеет, вот я его всем даю и прошу запустить.
genius xD -
А главное прокатывает!
Все надеются на то, что их антивирус поймет, что это подстава.