Флудилка Лолодинчега
olol, so i escorted priest to a bus stop, we're standing there talking and 2 cop cars race by with sirens on and shit, priest gets on the bus, i start walking back, cross the road on red light through traffic, nowhere close to the zebra
i see cop lights flashing, reflecting off the road, look back for a sec - a cop car, walk for a few seconds - they pull over next to me- Hey Sir
- Hello
- Where you going?
- Home - i said as i pointed in the direction i was heading
- Where you coming from?
- From the bus stop over there
- Got any ID on you?
- Yeah, actually, I got some.. - i pull out my wallet - Actually, I'm just wondering... You uhh, you know how in the States cops aren't allowed to.. ID you without a reasonable cause - before I finish saying cause he moves quickly to open the door
- Stop right there - he's standing right in my face - Give me your ID right now!
- Alright - his partner got out from the driver's seat, came up to me and took my card, i kinda wanted to say "sorry, I'm not giving anything to you" but i don't know shit about canadian cop laws, if this was in the states i'd fuck with them, maybe wave my wallet around a bit, but i thought "what if they have all the right to and my refusal will end up with my face eating snow and asphalt"
- This is how it works in the real world, alright?
- Hey, I was just asking cuz I'm wondering how this all works. - then he mentioned some bullshit about how shit doesn't work the way i might think it does
- See, when you're digging there in your pocket I think "Is he gonna pull out a gun?", see, we're dealing with life and death here. This is the real world. A store right over there just got robbed at gun point and you we see you coming from that direction, for all we know you mighta gotten dropped off here.
- Hey man, I had no idea what happened there, I just asked a question, not trying to be an asshole or anything.
then we talked about random bullshit for a minute or so which i cant quiet recall, but mostly he was in my face acting like I pissed on his mother's grave and i was telling him how i'm just curious
at some point he started telling me how "When you sitting there at home paying your taxes and complain about where it's going to - this right here, you're paying those taxes so that people like you can be safe out here", here i thought "im paying taxes so i can get harassed by cops for no reason? awesome lol"
As his partner was checking my ID I asked him about whether they had any record of me getting questioned the last time, which happened when I was waiting outside Future Shop at night to make sure I was the first person to get WoW: Burning Crusade Collector's Edition, I already knew the answer but I just wanted to be the one asking him questions instead of him asking me, the answer is no btw, so then I went on to ask where this happened, he said it's just a minute away at some "Tabacco and..." don't remember the name, so I asked "Did they take money?", he said "We just know the clerk got robbed at gun point.", then we talked some more about cop shit, at some point I decided to reply, not sure to what, that I wanna become a cop too(yeahritelol), so we're just talking, his buddy says I'm clear, they're about to let me go but I keep talking to him, kinda wanted to throw in "You've wasted a good 10 minutes on me while the real criminals are getting away.", but I didn't wanna push it, I also wanted to ask him like 10 other things to waste more of their time, but I just asked for a lighter to light my smoke and let them go. Too bad I didn't ask them more, it was fun. I really don't mind paying taxes so that cops can waste my time, I just wish it happened more often, it's too much fun fucking around with low IQ adults that skip their anger management meetings. Oh and in the middle of that conversation another cruiser pulled over, so there were 4 cops wasting time on a long haired white dude while the blackies are getting away.
In the end he told me "have a good day" and I said "good luck." So we ended on a positive note, but once again, I really wish I was more suspicious.
didnt c that coming
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://crazyshit.com/cnt/medias/23059-i-got-an-idea-let-s-swing-off-a-cliff">http://crazyshit.com/cnt/medias/23059-i ... ff-a-cliff</a><!-- m -->holy FUCK O_O
chances of winning any lottery aint got SHIT on the chances of getting this footage
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://crazyshit.com/cnt/medias/23056-the-worlds-first-bird-swatter">http://crazyshit.com/cnt/medias/23056-t ... rd-swatter</a><!-- m -->i’ll tell ya what the blow holes not for, and after i do you’ll understand why i can never go back to sea world.
k umm this 1 deserves a separate post
all i got to say is
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://crazyshit.com/cnt/medias/23076-live-from-inside-your-ear">http://crazyshit.com/cnt/medias/23076-l ... e-your-ear</a><!-- m -->
┴______╔ -
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/r/equest for Strong Island lyrics.
Кто-нибудь может помочь найти лирикс к этому треку. Гугл молчит =\ -
как ты умудрился не найти? заняло 10 секунд
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.metrolyrics.com/strong-island-lyrics-rakim.html">http://www.metrolyrics.com/strong-islan ... rakim.html</a><!-- m -->so it's 12pm, i wake up from a call
pick it up
some thug wannabe is beating up another thug wannabe who is crying while the first thug wannabe is yelling mean shit to him
so ofcourse i hit record
i guess in the middle of all that rage they managed to accidentally dial my number
it went on for 5 minutes, then someone ended the call, probably on accident too
best wake up call -
Illidan, это не то, группа JVC Force, трек Strong Island. Это не те лириксы, послушай трек сам. Было бы так просто найти...
а, точно О_о нахeра они тебе?
о чём ты?
Хз, песенка нравится, только половины лириксов я не понимаю, разобраться хотел. думал может в разных странах выдачи гугла разные.
all hail Gates!
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important question:
does "dear john" remind you of any movie you ever heard of?
just answer before you google it, cuz something doesnt make sense and i need real answers -
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G4 ftw -
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