Флудилка Лолодинчега
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стукни в аську
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remember that "pro at cooking" theme song ?
i should make my own "pro at dota" theme.
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here's an exerpt of the latest antispore post
But the Bible teaches us that God was not done with man. For we were His creation and He then spoke to Noah in Genesis 8:21-27 after the flood.
“21. The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart:“Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never gonna give you up. 22. “Never gonna let you down.” 23.”Never gonna run around and desert you.” 24. “Never gonna make you cry.” 25. “Never gonna say goodbye.” 26. “Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.” 27.”Never truly believe anything you read on the Internet. There will always be cases of Poe’s Law.” -
About Anti Spore
I created this blog to find support for and follow my progress in letting Electronic Arts know that their biggest attack on Christian values to date will not be tolerated.
We can not allow the gaming industry to invade our homes and poison the minds of our children.
After all, their billions in revenue and all the advertising in the world are no match for the power of God.
Please feel free to contact me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:antispore@gmail.com">antispore@gmail.com</a><!-- e -->
1,846 responses so far
1,846 Responses to “About Anti Spore”-
Satanon 10 Sep 2008 at 2:24 am
Christian people are fucking stupid. Go worship a dead guy and your fucking cloud people.
You are Stupidon 10 Sep 2008 at 2:25 am
Yes because we all know it against religion to show naked people in a game. When according to your religion it is ok to go slaughter a lot of people just because you say your god told you to do so.
Andy Boggson 10 Sep 2008 at 2:32 am
You are an idiot, and a fascist.
Herewardon 10 Sep 2008 at 2:32 am
All the images and videos posted that are semi pornographic, though unsuitable for a “child’s” game have been created by users of the game and not by EA. surely society is at fault not EA? Ultimately the decision to buy this game is down to the individual.
Cunton 10 Sep 2008 at 2:32 am
We at ebaums hate God and we all love Spore.
Jakeon 10 Sep 2008 at 2:38 am
“After all, their billions in revenue and all the advertising in the world are no match for the power of God.”
So, if they are no match… then what is the problem?
not youon 10 Sep 2008 at 2:38 am
because you i wanna buy spore!
thx -
Teion 10 Sep 2008 at 2:40 am
You guys also think earth is flat? because evolution is not a theory, is a fact. How or why stuff evolve is the theory. You guys fail at basic science culture.
Markon 10 Sep 2008 at 2:41 am
My daughter plays this game, and she likes it a lot. I just told her that this game is just a game, not to be taken serious. I think it is okay. =D
Anonymouson 10 Sep 2008 at 2:42 am
You’re retarded.
Joeon 10 Sep 2008 at 2:42 am
My god, you are insane beyond insane.
If God exists, he/she/it is probably facepalming himself/herself/itself for making you.
I don’t even really like Spore that much as a game (not because of what’s in it, rather because it’s just not my type of game), but you’re really just out of your mind for taking it so seriously. Your arguments are extremely weak and mindless - typical of someone who blindly follows the magic man in the sky. I guarantee that God (again, IF, on the off chance, he exists) has much more to worry about than a video game that bases itself in science and creativity.
Your views are based on perverted creatures that users have created. These have nothing to do with the developers of the game. Your problem is with the people who have fired the guns, not the ones who made them.
Get off of the internet, you religious nutjob. While you tend to think the extreme opposite, your kind is a poison upon our planet.
William Georgeon 10 Sep 2008 at 2:43 am
I am sure you are going to be getting A LOT of emails from people yelling, cussing, and being rude because they think you are wrong so I am going to try and not be one of them.
I do feel that you are wrong to attack EA and ‘Spore’ because of YOUR beliefs. Not everyone in the world is Christian nor should every need to be. If you do not believe in evolution that’s fine but don’t try to censor the rest of the world. You are basically being a Nazi (for less of a better term).
I, for one, believe in evolution. It makes more sense than the Bibles explanation (ie: no mention of any dinosaurs which are real). God still made the species of ape that man evolved from but why is it so hard to except that fact. It’s not like we are saying God is not real. If anything the story of how Eve was made is more far fetched than evolution. As as side note, man wrote the bible and man has a tendency to bend the truth about a lot of things.
All I am trying to say is that this site is a total attack against every single person that likes the game ‘Spore’, EA and Will Wright and there is NO need for it at all just because you and a few hundred (maybe thousand) people are upset. Please put an end to his senseless attack.
Feel free to email me back
Randyon 10 Sep 2008 at 2:44 am
Yo know bud, if you are truly christian then you’d believe in the right for everyone to believe in what they wish to believe in and peacefully at that. Because in your eyes God accepts us all and by no means should you EVER force your opinions on someone else.
chrison 10 Sep 2008 at 2:46 am
i understand your stance and applaud standing up for what you believe in… however, if it offends your stance on religion and your stance on parenting why not just ignore it?
gurpon 10 Sep 2008 at 2:46 am
Oh man, i didn’t want this game til I came to your site. Now i’m gonna buy it tonight. I never realised that you could make awesome porno monsters with this. Thanks for the info! So turned on now!
Jesus Christon 10 Sep 2008 at 8:48 am
This is 100% viral marketing.
Too obvious EA.
Mozzaon 10 Sep 2008 at 8:48 am
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4mat says (8:37 PM):
joseph BHANGH
[Sewon] PIGON says (8:38 PM):
[Sewon] PIGON says (8:38 PM):
off the CANADA
[Sewon] PIGON says (8:38 PM):
[Sewon] PIGON says (8:38 PM):
i just wanted to rhyme
4mat says (8:38 PM):
4mat says (8:38 PM):
ur so japanese that you think you're korean
4mat says (8:40 PM):
ooooh who's more random now? u japanese noob