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страшный билд, но ща проверю
А чего проверять-то?
ПвЕшный он, главным образом. Лучший для прокачки, имхо.У меня такой, только с СнД.
deathband, какой там нах лучший для прокарчи... фу о.О
во первых, там только можно Sinister Strike юзать, что сосёт перед бэкстабом, ибо он почти всегда критит, затем рвёшь ты только раз в 5 минут и вообще тупейший билд из всех которые я когда либо пробовал на роге Х_Х
в пвп с ним умираешь сразу, разве что у тебя готовый адреналин..
фуу, пойду скорее избавлю моего рога от этого уродства X_X -
Naxxramas, пфф. бекстаб на прокачке? ууу %)
нет уж. -
я своего рога качаю с бэкстабом, 2 бекстаба и 1 евис и моб труп о.О
Naxxramas, а как с тремя мобами, например? комфортно?
спокойно, только чем помогает использование синистера против 3х мобов?
с бэкстабом - 1 моб постоянно в станлоке, 2 атакуют, на мне стоит evasion, без evasionа не думаю что много шансов у мя есть
затем если 4 моба - 1 будет в кругах от блайнда ходить, 2 бить по мне в evasionе, 1 в станлоке и быстро умрёт, ибо бекстабы мои почти всегда критят)
5 мобов - надеемся что 1 из них хуманойд, тогда я его сапну и сделаю дальше что я сделал бы с 4мя) -
Naxxramas, кхм. причём тут синистер? комбат это ещё и Блейд Флурри, Адреналин, повышенный дамаг от евисов, синистеров от Агрессии и Леталити, а также СнД.
Кулдаун у БФ гораздо меньше кд Евейжна. Двух мобов валить одновременно, пока третий в сапе/блайнде - просто сказка. СнД+БФ - охрененный прирост к скорости.
Станлочить мобов? Бегать за спину? Ждать кулдауна эвейжна ? Глупо, имхо.
Впрочем, каждый играет как хочет/знает. -
тоесть ты всегда по 2-3 моба рвёшь? о.О
а убиваю я всегда по одному, эвайжон только если ещё пришло мобов) -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> -
смотри, самый лучший билд для сордов и умпрувд сапом и модом, да и вообще один из лучших пвп билдов, сам тестил на rank 14 роге, убил так паладина и ворриоры одновременно, оба ранк 14))и паладина и ханта, тоже оба ранк 14
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 0233212101</a><!-- m -->Одёжку какую под него выбирать (ПвП вариант)?
+Крит, как я понимаю?да, я его внедрил :3
очень даволен. во всяком случае - пока.
скоро добью репу на АВ - возьму Лобо и того, возможно, в стабберы уйду -
deathband, +крит одёжку это всегда выбирать.)
Не зависимо от билда. -
Вот это я только что закончил писать и запостил на ВоВ форумах, читать до конца! XD Не зря ведь несколько часом писал.
First of all, I'm sure that you don't wanna read this and most of you realize it without reading this thread. It compares all the improvements other classes got and all the improvements rogues got.
________ By no chance is this thread made to try to nerf any other class, nerfs are homo and should never happen in WoW, I'm just trying to get rogues buffed in BC just as much as any other class.
At the very bottom of this long post is a nice suggestion many rogues think would be the best talent improvement for rogues in BC.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... pells.html</a><!-- m -->
Deadly Throw - Rank 1
Requires Level 64
35 Energy 8-30 yd range
Instant cast
Requires Thrown
Finishing move that reduces the movement of the target by 50% for 5 sec and causes thrown weapon damage plus additional damage per combo point:
1 point : 132-228 damage
2 points: 216-312 damage
3 points: 300-396 damage
4 points: 384-480 damage
5 points: 468-564 damage
This skill - a dream come true. Ofcourse the damage sucks AND you have to be using a crappy thrown weapon. Unless they come up with epic thrown weapons that you can enchant with +3% to hit.
Disembowel - Rank 2
Requires Level 69
35 Energy 5 yd range
Instant cast
Requires Melee Weapon
Finishing move that causes damage per combo point, increased by Attack Power. Damage is reduced by 5% for each dose of Deadly Poison below five on the target.
1 point : 339-396 damage
2 points: 564-621 damage
3 points: 789-846 damage
4 points: 1014-1071 damage
5 points: 1239-1296 damage
New version of Eviscerate? So, if you have 4 doses of Deadly Poison - it will do 20% less damage? But full damage if 5 doses are applied? Explain this to me please.
Requires Level 70
50 Energy 5 yd range
Instant cast
Requires Stealth
Garrote the enemy, Silencing them for 3 seconds and causing 978 damage over 18 sec, increased by Attack Power. Must be stealthed and behind the target. Awards 1 combo point.
Do you use Garrote against a caster (because that's what the 3 second silence is for)? Ever? I don't. Only time I use it - when I feel like humiliating a warrior by killing them without any gear on (except for a crappy weapon).
Shiv - Rank 1
Requires Level 70
33 - 49 Energy 5 yd range
Instant cast
Requires Melee Weapon
Performs an instant off-hand weapon attack that automatically applies the poison from your off-hand weapon to the target. Slower weapons require more Energy. Awards 1 combo point.
Cool, but isnt 50 energy a bit too much? Still a nice skill.
Evasion - Rank 2
Requires Level 66
Instant cast5 min cooldown
Increases the rogue's dodge chance by 50% and reduces the chance ranged attacks hit the rogue by 50%. Lasts 15 sec.
Sweet. :3
Anesthetic Poison - Rank 1
Requires Level 68
Coats a weapon with poison that lasts for 30 minutes. Each strike has a 20% chance of reducing threat by a moderate amount. 120 charges.
Awesome PvE improvement. Though, what other class got a threat reducing spell? Looks like only rogues. Never had agro problems using my feint.
So, what do we get for PvP:
new Evasion, which helps mainly against hunters
Deadly Thrown, which does half the damage Eviscerate does, which I barely ever have problems with applying to an enemy(by the time I have 5 combos - the enemy is usually out of ways to escape quickly).
Shiv, though wasting 33-49(or 35-50, since without 1-2 energy it still won't you use a skill) for a poison that I don't have any problems with applying to an enemy isn't too useful, though it is nice when you wanna apply Mind Numbling poison really quick. Once again, every caster class has loads of insta cast spells.Talents:
First of all, I wanna mention that most rogues are a low tier talent class. Except for the pure PvE rogues that don't think about PvP at all when respeccing their talents.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... .html#none</a><!-- m -->Subtlety
Master of Subtlety(tier 6, not low tier)
+10% damage to Ambush or w/e you use within 6 seconds after unstealthing. Awesome, yet, high tier.
Enveloping Shadows(tier 7) - you're given a 15% chance to resist an AoE, last time I resisted a mage's Blast Wave - it still brought me out of stealth. Not a PvP talent, especially being a tier 7 talent.
Cheat Death(tier 7) - 1 out of 5 times not to die from a killing blow, not bad at all. Still, 1 out of 5 times and in 7th tier.
Sinister calling(tier - 10% agility in 8th tier - reeks of PvE.
Cloak of Shadows(tier 9) - almost god mode against casters. Tier 9. :3Combat:
If you have talents in Combat after tier 4 - you're not PvP specced or you're one of those lucky rogues who always have one or two healers behind them and just run into crowd, messing everyone up. Rare spec, not recomended for most rogues.+4% stam - for the lucky rogues.
Nerves of Steel - for the lucky rogues.
Blade Twisting < Crippling Poison
Surprise Attacks - rogues that read this forum a lot associate this talent with "blizz you suck ass". I agree with them.Assassination:
Quick Recovery (tier 5) - awesome talent, but really screws up your spec, since the only talent you should have in Assassination in tier 5 is Cold Blood, unless you're a 120 energy rogue and go for 31+ Assassination, tried that myself, it really sucks to miss out on Preperation when the only purpose if 120 Energy - to ambush+backstab, which can be easly done with 100 energy(ask me if you don't know how).
Fleet Footed (tier 5) - doesn't stack, I usually use sprint/blind/vanish if Crippling Poison has been applied/shoot if it's a hunter using Aspect of the Cheetah/mount to catch runners. But minor speed enchant usually works too if nothing else is available, which happens once in a blue moon.
Deadened Nerves (tier 7) - awesome, but tier 7.
Find Weakness (tier - awesome, tier 8.
Mutilate - insane, but tier 9.Now let's see what other classes got.
Remember, other classes usually go for at least 31 in 1 of the trees.Spells:
Requires Level 70
249 Mana30 yd range
1.5 sec cast
Tosses the enemy target into the air, preventing all action but making them invulnerable for up to 6 sec. Only one target can be affected by your Cyclone at a time.
Sort of a stun, let's them heal and run away or heal and maybe /dance a bit.
Maim - Rank 1
Requires Level 62
35 Energy 9 yd range
Instant cast 10 sec cooldown
Requires Cat Form
Finishing move that causes damage plus an additional amount and incapacitates the opponent. Any damage caused will revive the target. Causes more damage and lasts longer per combo point:
1 point: 129 damage and 2 seconds
2 points: 213 damage and 3 seconds
3 points: 297 damage and 4 seconds
4 points: 381 damage and 5 seconds
5 points: 465 damage and 6 seconds
Now druids, that are a bit of everything, can stunlock pretty nicely. Though it's a finishing move - it still doesn't share diminishing returns with their other finishing move since it's not a stun. It also damages the opponent AND it's got a range of 9 yards.
Lacerate - Rank 1
Requires Level 66
15 Rage
Next melee
Requires Bear Form, Dire Bear Form
Lacerates the enemy target, making them bleed for 155 damage over 15 sec and causing a high amount of threat. This effect stacks up to 5 times on the same target.
Basicly a tanking skill, still, unless you're a dwarven rogue - it won't let you go far using stealth. It still sucks in PvP, I'm not saying it's much of an improvement.
Lifebloom - Rank 1
Requires Level 64
220 Mana40 yd range
Instant cast
Heals the target for 273 over 7 sec. When Lifebloom completes its duration or is dispelled, the target is instantly healed for 600. This effect can stack up to 3 times on the same target.
Great heal, adds to the heals druids use before shapeshifting.
Flight Form (Shapeshift)Requires Level 68
498 Mana
3 sec cast
Transforms the Druid into a flight form, increasing movement speed by 60% and allowing you to fly. Can only use this form in Outland.The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.
Well, no comments on this one. :3
Now, druid talents, this won't be as long as the rogue talents description.
Feral druids(and don't go for low tier talents) get:
Survival of the Fittest - +5% to all stats and -5% to be critically hit. Awesome. :3
Improved Leader of the Pack - a small improvement, will help survive in those situations where you're left with 1% health after battle.)
Primal Tenacity - nothing major.
Predatory Instincts - +15% damage and 15% to resist aoe(like rogue's Enveloping Shadows, only much better).
Mangle - every feral druid's dream atack, rogues didn't get any new damaging skills(not talking about finishing moves).Balance druids get:
Force of Nature - it's like blizz decided to give every caster class some summons. Don't know how these guys hurt, but I'm sure they hurt a lot, since you would have to either kill the druid really quick(so you would have to get a perfect stunlock, otherwise they go into bear form/fly away in god mod), either kill the 3 summons while the druid beats on you.Now, I feel good for all the druids.
Arcane Blast - Rank 1
Requires Level 64
190 Mana 30 yd range
2.5 sec cast
Blasts the target with energy, dealing 575 to 665 Arcane damage. Each time you cast Arcane Blast, the casting time is reduced while mana cost is increased. Effect stacks up to 5 times and lasts 8 sec.
I would love this as a mage. Perfect for nuking after Frost Nova.
Invisibility - Rank 1Requires Level 68
263 Mana
Instant cast 5 min cooldown
Fades the caster to invisibility over 8 sec. The effect is cancelled if you perform or receive any hostile actions. While invisible, you can only see other invisible targets and those who can see invisible. Lasts 20 sec.
Now, you're gonna say "everybody can use an invisibility pot", but that would trigger a global pot cooldown.
Spellsteal - Rank 1
Requires Level 70
474 Mana30 yd range
Instant cast
Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. This effect lasts a maximum of 2 min.
Imagine you just got really nicely buffed, Fort, Mark.. :3 And here comes a mage and steals it. Wouldn't everybody like to have a spell like this? :3
Molten Armor - Rank 1
Requires Level 62
630 Mana
Instant cast
Causes 75 Fire damage when hit and reduces the chance you are critically hit by melee attacks and spells by 10%. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Mage at any time. Lasts 30 min.
-10% to be critically hit is awesome. +75 fire damage on hit is better than the shaman Lightning Shield, since it doesn't have a cooldown before you get hit again and hits more than 3 times.
Ice Lance - Rank 1
Requires Level 66
150 Mana30 yd range
1.5 sec cast
Deals 146 to 186 Frost damage to an enemy target. Causes triple damage against Frozen targets.
Not much damage, but considering all the level 70 +spell damamage bonuses it would hit for what, about 500+ damage, now, if it crits - would do about 150% more damage considering you've spent 5 points into Ice Shards(+100% critical strike bonus damage with frost spells) and +300% from the spells crit ability. 500*450%=2250, so a 1.5 second cast spell can crit for over 2k, pretty insane. :3
Now, mage talents:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... lents.html</a><!-- m -->
Prismatic Cloak, high tier talent, but only rogues have problems with those, so, -5% damage taken, awesome.
Slow: insta slowing spell, aweme.Fire:
Blazing Speed - another godlike talent, 10% chance on getting hit to increase your speed by 50%, awesome getting away talent.
Molten Fury - awesome talent to finish poeple.
Dragon's Breath - godlike nuking spell(which is barely a cooldown(20 seconds))Frost:
Ice Floes: -20% cooldown time for lotsa frost spells, but mainly - Cold Snap and Ice Block, aren't Ice Mages happy? :3
Summon Water Elemental - another summoning spell, awesome improvement for mages.Now, I feel good for all the mages.
Binding Heal - Rank 1
Requires Level 64
1034 Mana 40 yd range
1.5 sec cast
Heals a friendly target and the caster for 1053 to 1350.
Awesome for killing stuff with a friend, only 1.5 second cast. Though costly, at level 70 priests will have at least 7k mana with the new tiers.
Prayer of Mending - Rank 1
Requires Level 68
976 Mana 30 yd range
Instant cast
Places a spell on the target that heals them for 702 to 858 the next time they take damage. When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to a nearby raid target. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 1 min after each jump. This spell can only be placed on one target at a time.
Awesome, run away all you want till mana runs out. :3
Shadow Word: Death - Rank 2
Requires Level 70
309 Mana 30 yd range
Instant cast 6 sec cooldown
A word of dark binding that inflicts 572 to 664 Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word: Death, the caster takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target.
Insane finishing spell.
Shades of Darkness - Rank 1
Requires Level 66
446 Mana 30 yd range
Instant cast 5 min cooldown
Summons 3 shades to attack the enemy target for 8 sec.
3rd class to get summons. :3
Reflective Shield - 50% absorbed damage reflects back, awesome.
Misery - +5% damage if you dotted your target :3
Pain Supression - -60% damage for 8 seconds, 3 minute cooldown, so it can be used about every second fight, lotsa things you can do while under Pain Supression :3That was for those rare priests that do crazy crits with non shadow spells.
Here comes shadow, which is in most cases better than anything non-shadow.
Shadow Power - +15% to crit with mind blast and sw: death is quiet insane. priests must be feeling special XD
Shadow Mend - all shadow priests ever dreamed of, being able to heal in shadowformNow, I feel good, really good for all the mages.
don't pay much attention that i'm writing this as a paladin, im not trying to cry about pallies
after 1.9, when paladins got sorta killed, which Eyonix confirmed, blizz isn't trying to ressurect them, so they totally suck ass and I'm not gonna talk about their talents or spells, as I am able to kill a paladin in a fair fight any time with any class now, I'm sure, with what their talents and spells are showing so far, that I will be able to kill them just like nowShamans:
Fire Elemental Totem - Rank 1
Requires Level 70
680 Mana
Instant cast 20 min cooldown
Tools: Fire Totem
Summons an elemental totem that calls forth a greater fire elemental to rain destruction on the caster's enemies. Lasts 2 min.
Yet another summoning spell.
Wrath of Air Totem - Rank 1
Requires Level 64
320 Mana
Instant cast
Tools: Air Totem
Summons a Wrath of Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. Party members within 20 yards of the totem have their magical damage from spells and effects increased by up to 101. Lasts 2 min.
+101 spell damage is awesome, like an extra level 60 ok epic 2h caster weapon.
Bloodlust/Heroism - Rank 1
Requires Level 64
750 Mana
Instant cast10 min cooldown
Horde Only
Increases melee, ranged, and spell casting speed by 35% for all party members. Lasts 1 min.
Awesome! :3
Water Shield - Rank 1
Requires Level 62
50 Mana
Instant cast
The caster is surrounded by 3 globes of water. When a spell, melee or ranged attack hits the caster, 95 mana is restored to the caster. This expends one water globe. Only one globe will activate every few seconds. Lasts 10 min.
Pretty nice, since it only costs 50 mana and has no cooldown.
Earth Elemental Totem - Rank 1
Requires Level 70
705 Mana
Instant cast20 min cooldown
Tools: Earth Totem
Summons an elemental totem that calls forth a greater earth elemental to protect the caster and his allies. Lasts 2 min.
2 summons, awesome! XD
Unleashed Rage - +10% atack power after a crit is quiet cool.
Duel Wield - Windfury is gonna proc all the time. Really, really awesome improvement. They're not gonna get such high crits anymore, but with 2 weapons Winfury is probably even a more deadly weapon, haven't tried yet, so I don't know for sure. But it can't be bad.
Duel Wield Specialization - +10% to hit is awesome.
Shamanistic Rage - awesome talent if the proc chance will be high enough. No more mana problems.)Elemental:
Unrelenting Storm - somewhat like paladin's Blessing of Wisdom, though can't be disspelled or stolen by mages, not too much of an improvement.
Lightning Overload - 5% to double hit with Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning is like getting a 5% more to crit with spell chance, but those 2 can crit as well. Awesome.
Totem of Wrath - +3% crit chance, an ok improvement, not something you would expect of a final talent though.Now, I feel good for all the shamans, almost as good as for mages.
Holy cow, they must be feeling like mages.
Seed of Corruption - Rank 1
Requires Level 70
882 Mana 30 yd range
2 sec cast
Imbeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing 1044 Shadow damage over 18 sec. When the target takes 1044 total damage, the seed will inflict 1110 to 1290 Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yards of the target. Only one Corruption spell per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Uber DoT. Replaces corruption, but does better damage as well as a 1k AoE cherry on top. :3 Cast a bunch of those on lotsa enemies in AV or somewhere with lotsa poeple close together - scary!
Requires Level 69
637 Mana
Instant cast
Surrounds the caster with fel energy, increasing the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 20% and increasing spell damage by up to 100. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Warlock at any time. Lasts 30 min.
Just awesome, another +100 spell damage is sweet for any caster.
Incinerate - Rank 2
Requires Level 70
300 Mana30 yd range
2.5 sec cast
Deals 429 to 497 Fire damage to your target and an additional 107 to 125 Fire damage if the target is affected by an Immolate spell.
I think blizz made this spell just for the hell of it. Don't see why I wouldn't use a Shadow Bolt instead.
Shadow Embrace - -5% damage caused by a dotted enemy is always ice. :3
Contagion - sweet additional damage.
Improved Howl of Terror - makes HoT a 0.5 second cast. Sweet, faster than Fear.
Malediction - sweet, but I probably wouldn't put talents into it.
Unstable Affliction - can't disspell any magic dots/debuffs now without risking to get hit for 1.5k, I wonder if that damage is increased by +spell damage bonuses.Demonology:
Demonic Tactics - this + demonic sacrifice on Succubus=+20% shadow damage +5 to any other type of damage. Or +15% to all damage with Master Demonologist while Succubus or Fel Guard is active.
Summon Fel Guard - that's gotta be insane! XDDestruction:
Soul Leech - insane.
Shadowfury - awesome damage +2 second stun allowing you to cast something on the target or get away.Now, I feel the best for warlocks (if the World of Roguecraft warlock is reading this - you can't diss rogues after BC anymore).
Requires Level 70
15 Rage
Next melee
Requires Melee Weapon
A strong attack that increases melee damage by 247 and causes a high amount of threat. Causes additional damage against dazed targets.
Bonus damage is always good.
Victory Rush - Rank 1
Requires Level 62
10 Rage
Instant cast5 sec cooldown
Requires Battle Stance, Berserker Stance
Relish your victory after killing an enemy that yields experience or honor, increasing your chance to critically strike by 5% for 30 sec.
59% to crit while under lotsa buffs is awesome, another 5% to get over the 60% barrier. 5% is awesome at all times anyways.
Commanding Shout - Rank 1
Requires Level 68
10 Rage
Instant cast
Increases total health of all party members within 20 yards by 730. Lasts 2 min.
Insane, like 73 stam.
Spell Reflection - Rank 1
Requires Level 64
25 Rage
Instant cast
Requires Shields
Requires Battle Stance, Defensive Stance
Raise your shield, reflecting the next spell cast on you. Lasts 5 sec.
With the help of macros - it will be easy use this before a rushing fireball hits you. Awesome improvement.
Intervene - Rank 1
Requires Level 70
10 Rage 8-25 yd range
Instant cast 30 sec cooldown
Run at high speed towards a party member, intercepting the next melee or ranged attack made against them.
Insane, helps you get around as well as save a priest that's healing you from death.
Shield Bash - Rank 4
Requires Level 64
10 Rage 5 yd range
Instant cast 12 sec cooldown
Requires Shields
Requires Battle Stance, Defensive Stance
Bashes the target with your shield for 67 damage. It also dazes the target and interrupts spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 6 sec.
Never hurts, awesome improvement.
Now most warriors will probably go Arms
Improved Disciplines - INSANE, now they're all 20 minute cooldowns and last 21 second.
Second Wind - 30 rage every time you get dazed/stunned/immobilized. Awesome.
Blood Frenzy - now you do 5% more damage almost all the time, awesome.
Endless Rage - a 10 second god mod, go all out.Fury sucks now, so it won't be discussed.
Feel sorry for Fury warriors, but they're still warriors, nothing keeps them from respeccing to Arms. Feel awesome for warriors.
Now, if we look at all the classes, not including rogues, we will see awesome, great, cool and god mod improvements. What did rogues get? I guess blizz thinks that 10 extra talents is all we need combined with some crappy skills. Such as Deadly Throw, which does half the Eviscerate damage, which is barely ever a problem to hit an enemy with, Garrote, which we never use, Shiv, which is somewhat useful, but mostly a waste of energy(especially for dagger rogues, which most rogues are, or at least 50%), new Evasion, which is mainly useful against hunters only, and Anesthetic Poison, which is barely useful even in PvE, since Feint does ok job anyways.
The suggestion mentioned in the start of the post:
As many rogues dream of, the best tier 9 talent, likely in Assassination and/or Subtlety tree(s) - a talent that would give you around 5-10 talents to spend on talents in any tree at and below 5th tier of talents.As well as a good type of talent (unlike the "just so there would be something" type of talents, which aren't even worth getting, because of the need for low tier talents), this would also add to the variety of different things in WoW(i was always amazed by the originality of everything in wow, such as rage, energy and combo points instead of mana).
And ofcourse, those spells have to be changed or new spells should be added, since are really nothing compared to what other got.
PS calling me a noob, asking me to QQ more, telling me to l2p (or write, I know I've made a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes) and anything else is welcome
вот ссылка на топ где я это запостил
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 12&sid=1#0</a><!-- m --> -
дезбандег, неужели ты не прочитал мою статью? это оскорбление? XD
PS у мя ощущение что я с этого аккаунта возможно скоро не буду писать) -
десбандя, я надеюсь ты мою статью читаешь?))
зацени это полюбому, новые пвп сеты для 70х в БК
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... nasets.jpg</a><!-- m --> -
rogues kick ass :3
rogues kick ass :3
омфг ахтунк -_- -
rogues kick ass :3
омфг ахтунк -_-priiiiest!! :333 im so happy 2 c u! :3 -
rogues kick ass :3
омфг ахтунк -_-priiiiest!! :333 im so happy 2 c u! :3
хината-чаааан ^___^ -
ummm.. priest-kun! :3