KRO Future Updates - 26.08.2009 "Royal Guard"
Это то, о чём я писал несколько постов назад. Теперь дамаг режется вдвое не при ~600 Def, а при ~450 Def.
Про изменения в формуле маг. защиты ничего ранее не говорилось, возможно там аналогичное значение урезали где-то до 100 вместо 111.5.
Upd. Новые мобы:
Новые локации:
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Это то, о чём я писал несколько постов назад. Теперь дамаг режется вдвое не при ~600 Def, а при ~450 Def.
Про изменения в формуле маг. защиты ничего ранее не говорилось, возможно там аналогичное значение урезали где-то до 100 вместо 111.5.
Upd. Новые мобы:
Новые локации:
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Пара слов о японском Реньювале. Японцы включили тестовый на пару недель, преимущественно для тесто ГВ\ПВП, с изменения механики за эти 2 недели. С 15 июня будут доступны третьи профы. Ввод третьих проф на основных серверах планируется шестого июля.
Здесь были кое-какие графики для сравнения МАтка на дореньювале, кРО Р и японском тестовом, но их похоже удалили с сайта, на котором они лежали, поэтому, передаю их суть кратко своими словами: японская формула маг дамага говно. Собственно: MATK= Int + (Int Bonus) + (Luk / 3)
Int bonus:
Int : 40~47 > +1
Int : 48~55 > +2
Int : 56~63 > +4
Int : 64~71 > +6
Int : 72~79 > +9
Int : 80~87 > +13
Int : 88~95 > +17
Int : 96~103 > +23
Int : 104~111 > +29
И т.д.
Для сравнения, корейский вариант: MATK = INT + [INT/2] + [DEX/5] + [LUK/3] + [BLv/4]
Графики для АТК:
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На что жалуются японцы:@Doddler:
Arch Bishop* A support priest without sacrament isn't any different from a normal priest. * Heal is too weak.
* Glorious Staff and Hibram card are weak as they stack addatively with skill mod (fixed on kRO). * Status MDEF reduction makes low % magic like bolts very weak (An SG can deal 40k with all of its hits, but a level 10 Firebolt will do 2.5k damage) * Stasis is dangerous. A well placed stasis can instantly break a precast. * Summon Ball's have no use beyond tetra vortex. They're useless skill points. * The range of Jack Frost is too big, it causes problems while hunting.
* Compared to bow skills of Wanderer/Minstrel, Arrow storm is way too weak. * Actually in general ranger is too weak. * Focus Arrow Strike is too nerfed. The crit attacks don't bypass defense.
Guillotine Cross
* Weak in both PVP and PVM. * Shadow Chasers use GX poison's more efficiently than GX. Poison smoke isn't nearly as effective. * A poison specialized GX has almost no useful active skills.
* The robot is weaker than just normal cart. * The cost of using the robot is incredibly high. * If you teleport while taking damage that would have killed you, you still lose the robot. * Neutral barrier has a completely different effect than the description states. * Mechanic Axe skills are pretty weak compared to Genetic's cart skills. * With max job at job 50, there's no value in refining skills.
Shadow Chaser
* Manhole is blocked from Siege, but a better fix is needed. * The success rate of mascarades is too high, there's almost no way to resist them. * Strip accessory works on targets in manhole. It can even be used on players in town and normal maps. * Chaos Panic affects players in town and normal maps. * Shadow Form ignores devotion. * Deadly Infect in combination with Jack Frost is stupidly strong. * Fatal Menace works on MVPs.
* Asura is still too strong. Shouldn't it get a 1/2 damage like Acid Bomg gets? * There's no balance with the cast time of Asura, Zen, and Gate of Hell. Because of jRO's repeal of the fixed cast on Zen, these skills can be spammed without limit. * Combo skills are bad as ever. * GTB + Mental Strength is impossible to kill.
* Thorn Trap is blocked in Siege (due to a bug), but a better fix is needed. * The old mandragora was incredibly broken, but just changing resistances doesn't fix it. * Portal bugging Mandragora is horribly broken. * Acid Bomb speed needs fixing. Removing the 1s fixed cast from kRO makes it too harsh.
* Spellfist instant kill bug. * Can't use spell fist outside of party.
Официальная оценка силы классов:
Сильнейшие: Shadow Chaser, Sura, Genetic, Royal Guard
Сильные: Rune Knight
Средние: Sorcerer, Wanderer/Minstrel, Mechanic
Слабые: Ranger, Warlock, Guillotine Cross, Arch Bishop, Mechanic (Robot)Таблица опыта.
[code:33pda6q4]Base Exp360090500 99→100 531210807 110→111 572150629 120→121
377815025 100→101 535913813 111→112 573447138 121→122
396425776 101→102 540851970 112→113 574808474 122→123
415967065 102→103 546037035 113→114 576237876 123→124
436485418 103→104 552259113 114→115 577953159 124→125
459055606 104→105 555370152 115→116 579325385 125→126
470340701 105→106 558636742 116→117 580766222 126→127
482190050 106→107 562066663 117→118 582279101 127→128
494631866 107→108 565668079 118→119 583867625 128→129
507695773 108→109 569989779 119→120 588633194 129→130
523372462 109→110592445650 130→131 722236162 140→141
596639351 131→132 755519863 141→142
601252423 132→133 792131935 142→143
606326801 133→134 832405213 143→144
616475558 134→135 912951771 144→145
624594564 135→136 977389016 145→146
633525470 136→137 1031157636 146→147
643349467 137→138 1153302698 147→148
654155864 138→139 1236233433 148→149
691978251 139→140 1650887110 149→150Job Exp (First line is in thousands, 2nd and on in millions)
863/893/925/932/942/954/966/978/991/1000[/code:33pda6q4] -
Пара слов о японском Реньювале. Японцы включили тестовый на пару недель, преимущественно для тесто ГВ\ПВП, с изменения механики за эти 2 недели. С 15 июня будут доступны третьи профы. Ввод третьих проф на основных серверах планируется шестого июля.
Здесь были кое-какие графики для сравнения МАтка на дореньювале, кРО Р и японском тестовом, но их похоже удалили с сайта, на котором они лежали, поэтому, передаю их суть кратко своими словами: японская формула маг дамага говно. Собственно: MATK= Int + (Int Bonus) + (Luk / 3)
Int bonus:
Int : 40~47 > +1
Int : 48~55 > +2
Int : 56~63 > +4
Int : 64~71 > +6
Int : 72~79 > +9
Int : 80~87 > +13
Int : 88~95 > +17
Int : 96~103 > +23
Int : 104~111 > +29
И т.д.
Для сравнения, корейский вариант: MATK = INT + [INT/2] + [DEX/5] + [LUK/3] + [BLv/4]
Графики для АТК:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
На что жалуются японцы:@Doddler:
Arch Bishop* A support priest without sacrament isn't any different from a normal priest. * Heal is too weak.
* Glorious Staff and Hibram card are weak as they stack addatively with skill mod (fixed on kRO). * Status MDEF reduction makes low % magic like bolts very weak (An SG can deal 40k with all of its hits, but a level 10 Firebolt will do 2.5k damage) * Stasis is dangerous. A well placed stasis can instantly break a precast. * Summon Ball's have no use beyond tetra vortex. They're useless skill points. * The range of Jack Frost is too big, it causes problems while hunting.
* Compared to bow skills of Wanderer/Minstrel, Arrow storm is way too weak. * Actually in general ranger is too weak. * Focus Arrow Strike is too nerfed. The crit attacks don't bypass defense.
Guillotine Cross
* Weak in both PVP and PVM. * Shadow Chasers use GX poison's more efficiently than GX. Poison smoke isn't nearly as effective. * A poison specialized GX has almost no useful active skills.
* The robot is weaker than just normal cart. * The cost of using the robot is incredibly high. * If you teleport while taking damage that would have killed you, you still lose the robot. * Neutral barrier has a completely different effect than the description states. * Mechanic Axe skills are pretty weak compared to Genetic's cart skills. * With max job at job 50, there's no value in refining skills.
Shadow Chaser
* Manhole is blocked from Siege, but a better fix is needed. * The success rate of mascarades is too high, there's almost no way to resist them. * Strip accessory works on targets in manhole. It can even be used on players in town and normal maps. * Chaos Panic affects players in town and normal maps. * Shadow Form ignores devotion. * Deadly Infect in combination with Jack Frost is stupidly strong. * Fatal Menace works on MVPs.
* Asura is still too strong. Shouldn't it get a 1/2 damage like Acid Bomg gets? * There's no balance with the cast time of Asura, Zen, and Gate of Hell. Because of jRO's repeal of the fixed cast on Zen, these skills can be spammed without limit. * Combo skills are bad as ever. * GTB + Mental Strength is impossible to kill.
* Thorn Trap is blocked in Siege (due to a bug), but a better fix is needed. * The old mandragora was incredibly broken, but just changing resistances doesn't fix it. * Portal bugging Mandragora is horribly broken. * Acid Bomb speed needs fixing. Removing the 1s fixed cast from kRO makes it too harsh.
* Spellfist instant kill bug. * Can't use spell fist outside of party.
Официальная оценка силы классов:
Сильнейшие: Shadow Chaser, Sura, Genetic, Royal Guard
Сильные: Rune Knight
Средние: Sorcerer, Wanderer/Minstrel, Mechanic
Слабые: Ranger, Warlock, Guillotine Cross, Arch Bishop, Mechanic (Robot)Таблица опыта.
[code:33pda6q4]Base Exp360090500 99→100 531210807 110→111 572150629 120→121
377815025 100→101 535913813 111→112 573447138 121→122
396425776 101→102 540851970 112→113 574808474 122→123
415967065 102→103 546037035 113→114 576237876 123→124
436485418 103→104 552259113 114→115 577953159 124→125
459055606 104→105 555370152 115→116 579325385 125→126
470340701 105→106 558636742 116→117 580766222 126→127
482190050 106→107 562066663 117→118 582279101 127→128
494631866 107→108 565668079 118→119 583867625 128→129
507695773 108→109 569989779 119→120 588633194 129→130
523372462 109→110592445650 130→131 722236162 140→141
596639351 131→132 755519863 141→142
601252423 132→133 792131935 142→143
606326801 133→134 832405213 143→144
616475558 134→135 912951771 144→145
624594564 135→136 977389016 145→146
633525470 136→137 1031157636 146→147
643349467 137→138 1153302698 147→148
654155864 138→139 1236233433 148→149
691978251 139→140 1650887110 149→150Job Exp (First line is in thousands, 2nd and on in millions)
863/893/925/932/942/954/966/978/991/1000[/code:33pda6q4] -
Что-то давно не обновлял тему...
Собственно несколько недель назад на тестовом (а недавно и на мэйне) ввели новый эпизод (смотри предпредыдущий пост) с новым Городом Mora. Там продаются новые красные, желтые и белые поты, которые весят столько же, восстанавливают больше (белые лечат на 800НР) и имеют кулдаун 1/2/3 секунды соответственно.
С Lost Dragon падают:! Rockies
! AGI + 1.
! Skills 'cross-impact' damage increased by 5%.
! Can not be refined.
! Type: garment Defense: 10
! Weight: 40
! Requires Level: 100
! Job: GX
! Defender's pendant
! Equipped [Call of defender] skills available.
! Type: Accessories Armor: 0
! Weight: 0
! Requires Level: 70
! Job: All jobs
! Call of defender - телепорт в Мору, изначально был багнут, потом пофикшен, потом опять багнут, на момент написания поста снова пофикшен.Новые стрелы, продаются в Море по 5з, рядом для них делаются колчаны.
! 1773#Elven Arrow#
! An arrow crafted by the elves from an ancient tree.
! When used in combination with Elven Bow, ranged attack damage + 50%.
! Type: Arrow
! Attack: 45
! Weight: 0.1
! Attribute: Neutral
! Req Lv: 100
! 1774#Hunting Arrow#
! An arrow crafted specifically with hunting large animals in mind.
! When used in combination with Hunter Bow, Ranged attack damage + 50%.
! Type: Arrow
! Attack: 35
! Weight: 0.1
! Attribute: NeutralШмот на локов:
! 2007#Golden Lord Staff [2]#
! A magic staff that holds the power of blowing wind.
! ---------------------
! Increases Jupitel Thunder attack power by 12%.
! INT + 3, MATK + 230.
! ---------------------
! When the Golden Lord Staff, Robe, Shoes, and Orb are used together:
! Increases damage of wind element magic by 40%.
! Decreases damage of earth element magic by 30%.
! Decreases resistance to earth element attacks by 50%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Two-Hand Staff
! Attack: 30
! Weight: 90
! Element: Wind
! Weapon Lv: 4
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2008#Aqua Staff [2]#
! A magic staff that holds the power of freezing ice.
! ---------------------
! Increases Cold Bolt and Frost Diver attack power by 12%.
! INT + 3, MATK + 230.
! ---------------------
! When the Aqua Staff, Robe, Shoes, and Orb are used together:
! Increases damage of water element magic by 40%.
! Decreases damage of wind element magic by 30%.
! Decreases resistance to wind element attacks by 50%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Two-Hand Staff
! Attack: 30
! Weight: 90
! Element: Water
! Weapon Lv: 4
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2009#Crimson Staff [2]#
! A magic staff that holds the power of burning fire.
! ---------------------
! Increases Fire Bolt and Fire Ball attack power by 10%.
! INT + 3, MATK + 230.
! ---------------------
! When the Crimson Staff, Robe, Shoes, and Orb are used together:
! Increases damage of fire element magic by 40%.
! Decreases damage of water element magic by 30%.
! Decreases resistance to water element attacks by 50%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Two-Hand Staff
! Attack: 30
! Weight: 90
! Element: Fire
! Weapon Lv: 4
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2010#Forest Staff [2]#
! A magic staff that holds the power of the magnificent earth.
! ---------------------
! Increases Earth Spike and Heavens Drive attack power by 10%.
! INT + 3, MATK + 230.
! ---------------------
! When the Forest Staff, Robe, Shoes, and Orb are used together:
! Increases damage of earth element magic by 40%.
! Decreases damage of fire element magic by 30%.
! Decreases resistance to fire element attacks by 50%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Two-Hand Staff
! Attack: 30
! Weight: 90
! Element: Earth
! Weapon Lv: 4
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2467#Golden Lord Shoes [1]#
! Long gold colored shoes that hold the power of wind.
! ---------------------
! MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Wind element resistance + 15%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 50
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2468#Aqua Shoes [1]#
! Long navy blue colored shoes that hold the power of water.
! ---------------------
! MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Water element resistance + 15%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 50
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2469#Crimson Shoes [1]#
! Long red colored shoes that hold the power of fire.
! ---------------------
! MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Fire element resistance + 15%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 50
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2470#Forest Shoes [1]#
! Long blue green colored shoes that hold the power of earth.
! ---------------------
! MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Earth element resistance + 15%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 50
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2859#Golden Lord Orb [1]#
! A wind embued gold colored ornament.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
! Wind element resistance + 15%.
! When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to invoke Jupitel Thunder Lv 3.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 2
! Weight: 20
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2860#Aqua Orb [1]#
! A water embued navy blue colored ornament.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
! Water element resistance + 15%.
! When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to invoke Frost Nova Lv 3.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 2
! Weight: 20
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2861#Crimson Orb [1]#
! A fire embued red colored ornament.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
! Fire element resistance + 15%.
! When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to invoke Sight Rasher Lv 3.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 2
! Weight: 20
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2862#Forest Orb [1]#
! A earth embued green colored ornament.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
! Earth element resistance + 15%.
! When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to invoke Quagmire Lv 3.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 2
! Weight: 20
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 15025#Golden Lord Robe#
! A flashy gold colored robe embued with the power of wind.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
! Decreases Lord of Vermillion variable cast time by 3 seconds.
! If you have 120 base int, adds an additional INT + 1.
! ---------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 40
! Weight: 50
! Element: Wind
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 15026#Aqua Robe#
! A loose fitting blue colored robe embued with the power of water.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
! Decreases Storm Gust variable cast time by 3 seconds.
! If you have 120 base int, adds an additional INT + 1.
! ---------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 40
! Weight: 50
! Element: Water
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 15027#Crimson Robe#
! A fine crafted crimson colored robe embued with the power of fire.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
! Decreases Meteor Storm variable cast time by 3 seconds.
! If you have 120 base int, adds an additional INT + 1.
! ---------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 40
! Weight: 50
! Element: Fire
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 15028#Forest Robe#
! A conservative blue green colored robe embued with the power of earth.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
! Decreases Heaven's Drive variable cast time by 1 second.
! If you have 120 base int, adds an additional INT + 1.
! ---------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 40
! Weight: 50
! Element: Earth
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! Чтобы получить этот шмот: берём 5 Mora Coins, подходим к НПС, выбираем одно из:
! 1)Nothing
! 2) shoes
! 3) accessories
! 4) robe
! 5) staff
! после чего он рандомно выдаёт один из предметов выбранного типа.Шмот на АБ (не введено):
! 2156#Bible Promise Vol 1 [1]#
! An ancient book of holy verses handed down in the clergy, at the time a very popular series.
! ---------------------
! Enables casting of the skill "Odin's Power" Lv 1.
! ---------------------
! Type: Shield
! Def: 10
! Weight: 50
! Req Lv: 110
! Job: Arch Bishop
! (Odin's Power - Increases for 60 seconds Attack and Magic Attack power by 70, but lowers Defense and Magic Defense by 20)
! 2864#Healing Light#
! An ancient gold colored ring, rumored to be owned by an ancient wise sage.
! ---------------------
! VIT + 2, Heal Amount + 2%.
! Can be enchanted to improve Highness Heal.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 0
! Weight: 0
! Req Lv: 110
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2865#Cathedral Seal#
! A ring adorned with a purple jewel that is awarded to the best of those who study in the curch.
! ---------------------
! INT + 2, Heal Amount + 2%.
! Can be enchanted to improve Coluceo Heal.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 0
! Weight: 0
! Req Lv: 110
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2866#Arch Bishop Ring#
! A blue ring with a shining mysterious blue ring, worn by the religeous leaders.
! ---------------------
! DEX + 2, Heal Amount + 2%.
! Can be enchanted to improve Heal Amount.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 0
! Weight: 0
! Req Lv: 110
! Job: Arch BishopItem Enchant Bonuses:
! 4903#Recovery Lv1#
! Decreases the cooldown time of Highness Heal by 3s.
! 4804#Cathedral Lv1#
! Reduces the SP cost of Coluceo Heal by 30.
! 4805#Archbishop Lv1#
! Increases heal quantity by 3%.
! 4786#MDEF+2#
! MDEF + 2
! 4787#MDEF+4#
! MDEF + 4
! 4788#MDEF+6#
! MDEF + 6
! 4789#MDEF+8#
! MDEF + 8
! 4790#MDEF+10#
! MDEF + 10
! 4791#DEF+3#
! DEF + 3
! 4792#DEF+6#
! DEF + 6
! 4793#DEF+9#
! DEF + 9
! 4794#DEF+12#
! DEF + 12
! 4795#HP+100#
! HP + 100
! 4796#HP+200#
! HP + 200
! 4797#HP+300#
! HP + 300
! 4798#HP+400#
! HP + 400
! 4799#HP+500#
! HP + 500
! 4800#SP+50#
! SP + 50
! 4801#SP+100#
! SP + 100
! 4802#SP+150#
! SP + 150Теперь о Японии. Неделю назад закончился тест (подробности в предыдущем посте), на следующей недели вводят третьи профы и Реньювал. По итогам теста: японсий реньювал признан г-ом даже по сравнению с корейским, а Gungho - долбозаврами даже по сравнению с долбозаврами из Gravity.
Upd. Японцы опять тестовый врубили. Причина: решили перед вводом исправить некоторые детали, которые вызывали много нытья среди игроков, сейчас им нужны тесты самих игроков. -
Что-то давно не обновлял тему...
Собственно несколько недель назад на тестовом (а недавно и на мэйне) ввели новый эпизод (смотри предпредыдущий пост) с новым Городом Mora. Там продаются новые красные, желтые и белые поты, которые весят столько же, восстанавливают больше (белые лечат на 800НР) и имеют кулдаун 1/2/3 секунды соответственно.
С Lost Dragon падают:! Rockies
! AGI + 1.
! Skills 'cross-impact' damage increased by 5%.
! Can not be refined.
! Type: garment Defense: 10
! Weight: 40
! Requires Level: 100
! Job: GX
! Defender's pendant
! Equipped [Call of defender] skills available.
! Type: Accessories Armor: 0
! Weight: 0
! Requires Level: 70
! Job: All jobs
! Call of defender - телепорт в Мору, изначально был багнут, потом пофикшен, потом опять багнут, на момент написания поста снова пофикшен.Новые стрелы, продаются в Море по 5з, рядом для них делаются колчаны.
! 1773#Elven Arrow#
! An arrow crafted by the elves from an ancient tree.
! When used in combination with Elven Bow, ranged attack damage + 50%.
! Type: Arrow
! Attack: 45
! Weight: 0.1
! Attribute: Neutral
! Req Lv: 100
! 1774#Hunting Arrow#
! An arrow crafted specifically with hunting large animals in mind.
! When used in combination with Hunter Bow, Ranged attack damage + 50%.
! Type: Arrow
! Attack: 35
! Weight: 0.1
! Attribute: NeutralШмот на локов:
! 2007#Golden Lord Staff [2]#
! A magic staff that holds the power of blowing wind.
! ---------------------
! Increases Jupitel Thunder attack power by 12%.
! INT + 3, MATK + 230.
! ---------------------
! When the Golden Lord Staff, Robe, Shoes, and Orb are used together:
! Increases damage of wind element magic by 40%.
! Decreases damage of earth element magic by 30%.
! Decreases resistance to earth element attacks by 50%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Two-Hand Staff
! Attack: 30
! Weight: 90
! Element: Wind
! Weapon Lv: 4
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2008#Aqua Staff [2]#
! A magic staff that holds the power of freezing ice.
! ---------------------
! Increases Cold Bolt and Frost Diver attack power by 12%.
! INT + 3, MATK + 230.
! ---------------------
! When the Aqua Staff, Robe, Shoes, and Orb are used together:
! Increases damage of water element magic by 40%.
! Decreases damage of wind element magic by 30%.
! Decreases resistance to wind element attacks by 50%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Two-Hand Staff
! Attack: 30
! Weight: 90
! Element: Water
! Weapon Lv: 4
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2009#Crimson Staff [2]#
! A magic staff that holds the power of burning fire.
! ---------------------
! Increases Fire Bolt and Fire Ball attack power by 10%.
! INT + 3, MATK + 230.
! ---------------------
! When the Crimson Staff, Robe, Shoes, and Orb are used together:
! Increases damage of fire element magic by 40%.
! Decreases damage of water element magic by 30%.
! Decreases resistance to water element attacks by 50%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Two-Hand Staff
! Attack: 30
! Weight: 90
! Element: Fire
! Weapon Lv: 4
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2010#Forest Staff [2]#
! A magic staff that holds the power of the magnificent earth.
! ---------------------
! Increases Earth Spike and Heavens Drive attack power by 10%.
! INT + 3, MATK + 230.
! ---------------------
! When the Forest Staff, Robe, Shoes, and Orb are used together:
! Increases damage of earth element magic by 40%.
! Decreases damage of fire element magic by 30%.
! Decreases resistance to fire element attacks by 50%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Two-Hand Staff
! Attack: 30
! Weight: 90
! Element: Earth
! Weapon Lv: 4
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2467#Golden Lord Shoes [1]#
! Long gold colored shoes that hold the power of wind.
! ---------------------
! MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Wind element resistance + 15%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 50
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2468#Aqua Shoes [1]#
! Long navy blue colored shoes that hold the power of water.
! ---------------------
! MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Water element resistance + 15%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 50
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2469#Crimson Shoes [1]#
! Long red colored shoes that hold the power of fire.
! ---------------------
! MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Fire element resistance + 15%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 50
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2470#Forest Shoes [1]#
! Long blue green colored shoes that hold the power of earth.
! ---------------------
! MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Earth element resistance + 15%.
! ---------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 50
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2859#Golden Lord Orb [1]#
! A wind embued gold colored ornament.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
! Wind element resistance + 15%.
! When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to invoke Jupitel Thunder Lv 3.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 2
! Weight: 20
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2860#Aqua Orb [1]#
! A water embued navy blue colored ornament.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
! Water element resistance + 15%.
! When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to invoke Frost Nova Lv 3.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 2
! Weight: 20
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2861#Crimson Orb [1]#
! A fire embued red colored ornament.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
! Fire element resistance + 15%.
! When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to invoke Sight Rasher Lv 3.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 2
! Weight: 20
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 2862#Forest Orb [1]#
! A earth embued green colored ornament.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
! Earth element resistance + 15%.
! When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to invoke Quagmire Lv 3.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 2
! Weight: 20
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 15025#Golden Lord Robe#
! A flashy gold colored robe embued with the power of wind.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
! Decreases Lord of Vermillion variable cast time by 3 seconds.
! If you have 120 base int, adds an additional INT + 1.
! ---------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 40
! Weight: 50
! Element: Wind
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 15026#Aqua Robe#
! A loose fitting blue colored robe embued with the power of water.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
! Decreases Storm Gust variable cast time by 3 seconds.
! If you have 120 base int, adds an additional INT + 1.
! ---------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 40
! Weight: 50
! Element: Water
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 15027#Crimson Robe#
! A fine crafted crimson colored robe embued with the power of fire.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
! Decreases Meteor Storm variable cast time by 3 seconds.
! If you have 120 base int, adds an additional INT + 1.
! ---------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 40
! Weight: 50
! Element: Fire
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! 15028#Forest Robe#
! A conservative blue green colored robe embued with the power of earth.
! ---------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
! Decreases Heaven's Drive variable cast time by 1 second.
! If you have 120 base int, adds an additional INT + 1.
! ---------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 40
! Weight: 50
! Element: Earth
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Warlock
! Чтобы получить этот шмот: берём 5 Mora Coins, подходим к НПС, выбираем одно из:
! 1)Nothing
! 2) shoes
! 3) accessories
! 4) robe
! 5) staff
! после чего он рандомно выдаёт один из предметов выбранного типа.Шмот на АБ (не введено):
! 2156#Bible Promise Vol 1 [1]#
! An ancient book of holy verses handed down in the clergy, at the time a very popular series.
! ---------------------
! Enables casting of the skill "Odin's Power" Lv 1.
! ---------------------
! Type: Shield
! Def: 10
! Weight: 50
! Req Lv: 110
! Job: Arch Bishop
! (Odin's Power - Increases for 60 seconds Attack and Magic Attack power by 70, but lowers Defense and Magic Defense by 20)
! 2864#Healing Light#
! An ancient gold colored ring, rumored to be owned by an ancient wise sage.
! ---------------------
! VIT + 2, Heal Amount + 2%.
! Can be enchanted to improve Highness Heal.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 0
! Weight: 0
! Req Lv: 110
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2865#Cathedral Seal#
! A ring adorned with a purple jewel that is awarded to the best of those who study in the curch.
! ---------------------
! INT + 2, Heal Amount + 2%.
! Can be enchanted to improve Coluceo Heal.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 0
! Weight: 0
! Req Lv: 110
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2866#Arch Bishop Ring#
! A blue ring with a shining mysterious blue ring, worn by the religeous leaders.
! ---------------------
! DEX + 2, Heal Amount + 2%.
! Can be enchanted to improve Heal Amount.
! ---------------------
! Type: Accessory
! Def: 0
! Weight: 0
! Req Lv: 110
! Job: Arch BishopItem Enchant Bonuses:
! 4903#Recovery Lv1#
! Decreases the cooldown time of Highness Heal by 3s.
! 4804#Cathedral Lv1#
! Reduces the SP cost of Coluceo Heal by 30.
! 4805#Archbishop Lv1#
! Increases heal quantity by 3%.
! 4786#MDEF+2#
! MDEF + 2
! 4787#MDEF+4#
! MDEF + 4
! 4788#MDEF+6#
! MDEF + 6
! 4789#MDEF+8#
! MDEF + 8
! 4790#MDEF+10#
! MDEF + 10
! 4791#DEF+3#
! DEF + 3
! 4792#DEF+6#
! DEF + 6
! 4793#DEF+9#
! DEF + 9
! 4794#DEF+12#
! DEF + 12
! 4795#HP+100#
! HP + 100
! 4796#HP+200#
! HP + 200
! 4797#HP+300#
! HP + 300
! 4798#HP+400#
! HP + 400
! 4799#HP+500#
! HP + 500
! 4800#SP+50#
! SP + 50
! 4801#SP+100#
! SP + 100
! 4802#SP+150#
! SP + 150Теперь о Японии. Неделю назад закончился тест (подробности в предыдущем посте), на следующей недели вводят третьи профы и Реньювал. По итогам теста: японсий реньювал признан г-ом даже по сравнению с корейским, а Gungho - долбозаврами даже по сравнению с долбозаврами из Gravity.
Upd. Японцы опять тестовый врубили. Причина: решили перед вводом исправить некоторые детали, которые вызывали много нытья среди игроков, сейчас им нужны тесты самих игроков. -
ммм, матк уже не в % исчисляется. Уже точную прибавку дают.
ммм, матк уже не в % исчисляется. Уже точную прибавку дают.
Так давно уже так. Для сравнения:
Ashura - 50 MAtk
Bazerald - 105 MAtk, Int +5Rods
Rod[4]: matk +30
Wand[3]: matk +45, int +1
Staff[3]: matk +70, int +2
Arc Wand[2]: matk +95, int +3
Might Staff: matk +100, str +10
Wand of Occult: matk +105, int +3
Bone Wand: matk +110, int +4
Staff of Wing: matk +115
Survivor Staff[1]: matk +120, dex or int +3, hp +400
Hypnotist Staff[2]: matk +120, int +1
Lich's Bone Wand[2]: matk +170, int +1, dex + 1, trans only
Recovery Staff: matk +105
Staff of Piercing: matk +145, int +4, trans only
Gentleman Staff[1]: matk +125, dex +1
Release of Wish: matk +125, int +3
Holy Stick[1]: matk +140
Thorn Staff of Darkness: matk +160, int +3, dex+3, Trans Only
Eraser: matk + 170, Int +3, Dex +2
Staff of Soul: matk +200, int+5, agi +2, Two Hands
Wizardry Staff: matk +200, int+6, dex +2, Two Hands
Divine Cross: matk +210, dex +4, Two Hands
Chronos : matk + 240, int +3 Two Hands, Trans Only
Staff of Destruction[1]: matk +280, int+3, agi +10, Two Hands, Trans Only -
Так давно уже так. Для сравнения:
Ashura - 50 MAtk
Bazerald - 105 MAtk, Int +5Rods
Rod[4]: matk +30
Wand[3]: matk +45, int +1
Staff[3]: matk +70, int +2
Arc Wand[2]: matk +95, int +3
Might Staff: matk +100, str +10
Wand of Occult: matk +105, int +3
Bone Wand: matk +110, int +4
Staff of Wing: matk +115
Survivor Staff[1]: matk +120, dex or int +3, hp +400
Hypnotist Staff[2]: matk +120, int +1
Lich's Bone Wand[2]: matk +170, int +1, dex + 1, trans only
Recovery Staff: matk +105
Staff of Piercing: matk +145, int +4, trans only
Gentleman Staff[1]: matk +125, dex +1
Release of Wish: matk +125, int +3
Holy Stick[1]: matk +140
Thorn Staff of Darkness: matk +160, int +3, dex+3, Trans Only
Eraser: matk + 170, Int +3, Dex +2
Staff of Soul: matk +200, int+5, agi +2, Two Hands
Wizardry Staff: matk +200, int+6, dex +2, Two Hands
Divine Cross: matk +210, dex +4, Two Hands
Chronos : matk + 240, int +3 Two Hands, Trans Only
Staff of Destruction[1]: matk +280, int+3, agi +10, Two Hands, Trans Only -
а дайте плиз какую-нибудь ссылку где последние фичи и обновления почитать можно с картинками и без обсуждений типа вики (можн англоязычную)
А первый пост прочитать? Устное на первый раз. Абр.
а дайте плиз какую-нибудь ссылку где последние фичи и обновления почитать можно с картинками и без обсуждений типа вики (можн англоязычную)
А первый пост прочитать? Устное на первый раз. Абр.
22 новые карты. (28.07.10 - апдейт карт)
! 4456#Nidhoggur Shadow Card#
! INT + 5
! When equipped by a High Wizard or Warlock Jobs,
! Fixed cast of all skills -50%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Armor
! Weight: 1
! 4457#Naght Seiger Card#
! Increases damage of all ghost element magic attacks by 30%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Armor
! Weight: 1
! 4458#Duneyrr Card#
! ATK + 10.
! When dealing physical damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds your perfect dodge will increase by 10.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Helm
! Weight: 1
! 4459#Rata Card#
! МАТК + 10
! When dealing magic damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds your fixed cast time will be reduced by 50%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Helm
! Weight: 1
! 4460#Ryncho Card#
! Heal Skill Recovery + 3%.
! Increases SP cost of skills by 5%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Helm
! Weight: 1
! 4461#Phyllia Card#
! Dex + 1, Agi + 1.
! When dealing physical damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds you will recieve CRIT + 20.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Helm
! Weight: 1
! 4462#Hardrock Mammoth Card#
! DEF + 5.
! If the armor is refined to +12 or higher, DEF + 20, MaxHP + 10%. Аn additional bonus of MaxHP+3% at +14
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Armor
! Weight: 1
! 4463#Tendrillion Card#
! CRIT + 5.
! If the weapon is refined to +12 or higher, ATK + 35. If the weapon is refined to +14 or higher, CRIT + 10.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4464#Aunoe Card#
! Critical Attack Damage + 20%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4465#Fanat Card#
! ATK + 10.
! If compounded on a two hand sword, at +10 refine or higher grants ASPD +1, at +14 refine or higher grants an additional ASPD + 1.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4466#Beholder Master Card#
! Ranged Attack Damage + 3%.
! If compounded on a bow, at +10 refine or higher crants ASPD + 1, at +14 refine or higher grants an additional ASPD + 1.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4467#Heavy Metaling Card#
! STR + 2.
! If equipped by a merchant job, increases cart revolution damage by 50%, but increases its SP cost by 12.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Shoes
! Weight: 1
! 4468#Dark Pingicula Card#
! ATK + 10. When killing a monster, adds a chance to have a poisonous herb drop.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Helm
! Weight: 1
! 4469#Naga Card#
! Increases magic damage against fish type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4470#Nephenthes Card#
! Increases magic damage on plant type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4471#Dragon Egg Card#
! Increases magic damage on dragon type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4472#Bradium Golem Card#
! Increases magic damage on brute type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4473#Ancient Tree Card#
! Increases magic damage on undead type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4474#Zakudam Card#
! Increases magic damage on demihuman type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4475#Cobalt Mineral Card#
! Increases magic damage on formless type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4476#Pingicula Card#
! Increases magic damage on insect type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4477#Hell Appocalypse Card#
! Increases magic damage on demon type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
12 новых вещей для АБ.
! 1657#Staff of Affection [2]#
! A staff that radiates a lovely light.
! -----------------------------
! MATK + 160, INT + 2.
! Increases heal amount by 10%.
! -----------------------------
! When used in combination with the affection Robe, Shoes, and Shawl,
! Increases heal amount by 25%, increases heal SP cost by 20.
! Decreases the aftercast delay of sacrament, Lauda Ramus, and Lauda Agnus by 2 seconds.
! -----------------------------
! Type: One Hand Staff
! Attribute: Holy
! Atk: 30
! Weight: 50
! Weapon Lv: 3
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2471#Affection Shoes#
! An item said to be worn by a priest who in ancient times saved countless lives on the battlefield.
! -----------------------------
! HP + 500.
! Increases resistance to demihuman enemies by 10%,
! but increases damage from all other enemies by 10%.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 30
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2569#Affection Shawl#
! An item said to be worn by a priest who in ancient times saved countless lives on the battlefield.
! -----------------------------
! Perfect Dodge + 5.
! When being attacked has a chance to activate Renovatio on yourself.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Garment
! Def: 12
! Weight: 40
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 15029#Affection Robe#
! An item said to be worn by a priest who in ancient times saved countless lives on the battlefield.
! -----------------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
! Decreases SP cost of Clementia by 50.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 22
! Weight: 30
! Element: Holy
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 16013#Mace of Judgement [2]#
! A mace that holds the power of Judgement.
! -----------------------------
! MATK + 180, STR + 1, INT + 1.
! When dealing physical or magical damage, there's a chance that you will gain a 20% boost in damage versus demon monsters.
! -----------------------------
! When used in combination with the Judgement Robe, Shoes, and Shawl,
! Increases physical and magic damage versus undead monsters by 15%.
! Increases Adoramus damage by 100%, but increases the SP cost by 30.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Mace
! Attack: 140
! Weight: 120
! Weapon Lv: 3
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2472#Judgement Shoes#
! An item said to be used by a priest who in ancient times fought against the hordes of demons.
! -----------------------------
! Max SP + 150.
! Increases resistance to attacks from demon and undead monsters by 10%,
! but increases damage from all other monsters by 10%.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 30
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2570#Judgement Shawl#
! An item said to be used by a priest who in ancient times fought against the hordes of demons.
! -----------------------------
! FLEE + 5.
! When dealing physical damage, has a chance to invoke Oratio Lv 2.
! (If you know a higher level of Oratio, that level will be cast instead)
! -----------------------------
! Type: Garment
! Def: 12
! Weight: 40
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 15030#Judgement Robe#
! An item said to be used by a priest who in ancient times fought against the hordes of demons.
! -----------------------------
! STR + 2, MDEF + 10.
! Increases attack power of Judex by 30%, but increases SP cost by 40.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 22
! Weight: 30
! Element: Shadow
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! Остальные 4 - это те, что были в клиенте ранее (см. один из моих предыдущих постов)
Добавились слотовые Angel Wing Ears, Devil Wing Ears, Elven Ears (середина головы).Про японцев: Матк теперь растёт квадратично, при значениях инт ниже 100 матк ниже, чем в Корее, при больших значениях наоборот выше. Атк немного порезан. Характеристики мобов приближены к корейским, магический дамаг мобов считается так, как будто Матк моба равен половине его Атк, а не всему Атк, как в Корее.
Немного других новостей.
! Некоторые наверное слышали про Ragnarok Online 2: Gate of the World. Хотя бы то, что это фуфло, не имеющая с Рагнарьком ничего общего, кроме порингов. Так вот его закрывают (назначено на 2 августа). Вместо этого появится Ragnarok Online 2: Legend of the Second (закрытое бета тестирование открываеися 31 августа). Во многом RO2:LotS будет похож на полностью трёхмерную версию РО с некоторыми изменениями. По большому счёту, Гравити всё таки решили сделатьь РО2 продолжением РО, а не отдельной игрой, как было с ГотВ.
! Чем отличается ЛотС от ГотВ? Да практически всем. Возвращены петы, карты (у карт будет более высокий шанс дропа, некоторые карты будут давать возможность играть в миниигры), изменена система оружия, перерисованы чары и т.д.
! Профессии в ЛотС:
! Swordman
! -> Knight
! -> Fighter
! Предположительно, Knight будет чем-то вроде круза, а Fighter - найта.
! Magician
! -> Wizard
! -> Elementalist
! Возможно, элементалист - аналог сага.
! Acolyte
! -> Priest
! -> Monk
! Выглядит так же.
! Rogue
! -> Thief
! -> Assassin
! Рог первая профа, тиф - вторая, может звучать странновато.
! Archer
! -> Ranger
! -> Hunter
! Убрали бардов и дансерок.
! С официальным вводом игры будут доступны третьи профы.
! Как видно, отсутствуют мерчанты, их недостаток будет компенсирован системой двойной жизни, позволяющей совмещать боевую профессию (из списка выше) с мирной. На данный момент сообщается о следующих профах: БС (практически такой же), портной (окаваивает шмот), фармацевт (хим+хилящие способности), повар (видимо, жратва на статы), ещё несколько в разработке.
! Сохранятся старые мобы и локации, к ним будут добавлятся новые.
! -
22 новые карты. (28.07.10 - апдейт карт)
! 4456#Nidhoggur Shadow Card#
! INT + 5
! When equipped by a High Wizard or Warlock Jobs,
! Fixed cast of all skills -50%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Armor
! Weight: 1
! 4457#Naght Seiger Card#
! Increases damage of all ghost element magic attacks by 30%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Armor
! Weight: 1
! 4458#Duneyrr Card#
! ATK + 10.
! When dealing physical damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds your perfect dodge will increase by 10.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Helm
! Weight: 1
! 4459#Rata Card#
! МАТК + 10
! When dealing magic damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds your fixed cast time will be reduced by 50%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Helm
! Weight: 1
! 4460#Ryncho Card#
! Heal Skill Recovery + 3%.
! Increases SP cost of skills by 5%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Helm
! Weight: 1
! 4461#Phyllia Card#
! Dex + 1, Agi + 1.
! When dealing physical damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds you will recieve CRIT + 20.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Helm
! Weight: 1
! 4462#Hardrock Mammoth Card#
! DEF + 5.
! If the armor is refined to +12 or higher, DEF + 20, MaxHP + 10%. Аn additional bonus of MaxHP+3% at +14
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Armor
! Weight: 1
! 4463#Tendrillion Card#
! CRIT + 5.
! If the weapon is refined to +12 or higher, ATK + 35. If the weapon is refined to +14 or higher, CRIT + 10.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4464#Aunoe Card#
! Critical Attack Damage + 20%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4465#Fanat Card#
! ATK + 10.
! If compounded on a two hand sword, at +10 refine or higher grants ASPD +1, at +14 refine or higher grants an additional ASPD + 1.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4466#Beholder Master Card#
! Ranged Attack Damage + 3%.
! If compounded on a bow, at +10 refine or higher crants ASPD + 1, at +14 refine or higher grants an additional ASPD + 1.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4467#Heavy Metaling Card#
! STR + 2.
! If equipped by a merchant job, increases cart revolution damage by 50%, but increases its SP cost by 12.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Shoes
! Weight: 1
! 4468#Dark Pingicula Card#
! ATK + 10. When killing a monster, adds a chance to have a poisonous herb drop.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Helm
! Weight: 1
! 4469#Naga Card#
! Increases magic damage against fish type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4470#Nephenthes Card#
! Increases magic damage on plant type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4471#Dragon Egg Card#
! Increases magic damage on dragon type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4472#Bradium Golem Card#
! Increases magic damage on brute type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4473#Ancient Tree Card#
! Increases magic damage on undead type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4474#Zakudam Card#
! Increases magic damage on demihuman type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4475#Cobalt Mineral Card#
! Increases magic damage on formless type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4476#Pingicula Card#
! Increases magic damage on insect type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
! 4477#Hell Appocalypse Card#
! Increases magic damage on demon type monsters by 10%.
! Type: Card
! Equips On: Weapon
! Weight: 1
12 новых вещей для АБ.
! 1657#Staff of Affection [2]#
! A staff that radiates a lovely light.
! -----------------------------
! MATK + 160, INT + 2.
! Increases heal amount by 10%.
! -----------------------------
! When used in combination with the affection Robe, Shoes, and Shawl,
! Increases heal amount by 25%, increases heal SP cost by 20.
! Decreases the aftercast delay of sacrament, Lauda Ramus, and Lauda Agnus by 2 seconds.
! -----------------------------
! Type: One Hand Staff
! Attribute: Holy
! Atk: 30
! Weight: 50
! Weapon Lv: 3
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2471#Affection Shoes#
! An item said to be worn by a priest who in ancient times saved countless lives on the battlefield.
! -----------------------------
! HP + 500.
! Increases resistance to demihuman enemies by 10%,
! but increases damage from all other enemies by 10%.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 30
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2569#Affection Shawl#
! An item said to be worn by a priest who in ancient times saved countless lives on the battlefield.
! -----------------------------
! Perfect Dodge + 5.
! When being attacked has a chance to activate Renovatio on yourself.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Garment
! Def: 12
! Weight: 40
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 15029#Affection Robe#
! An item said to be worn by a priest who in ancient times saved countless lives on the battlefield.
! -----------------------------
! INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
! Decreases SP cost of Clementia by 50.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 22
! Weight: 30
! Element: Holy
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 16013#Mace of Judgement [2]#
! A mace that holds the power of Judgement.
! -----------------------------
! MATK + 180, STR + 1, INT + 1.
! When dealing physical or magical damage, there's a chance that you will gain a 20% boost in damage versus demon monsters.
! -----------------------------
! When used in combination with the Judgement Robe, Shoes, and Shawl,
! Increases physical and magic damage versus undead monsters by 15%.
! Increases Adoramus damage by 100%, but increases the SP cost by 30.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Mace
! Attack: 140
! Weight: 120
! Weapon Lv: 3
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2472#Judgement Shoes#
! An item said to be used by a priest who in ancient times fought against the hordes of demons.
! -----------------------------
! Max SP + 150.
! Increases resistance to attacks from demon and undead monsters by 10%,
! but increases damage from all other monsters by 10%.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Shoes
! Def: 12
! Weight: 30
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 2570#Judgement Shawl#
! An item said to be used by a priest who in ancient times fought against the hordes of demons.
! -----------------------------
! FLEE + 5.
! When dealing physical damage, has a chance to invoke Oratio Lv 2.
! (If you know a higher level of Oratio, that level will be cast instead)
! -----------------------------
! Type: Garment
! Def: 12
! Weight: 40
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! 15030#Judgement Robe#
! An item said to be used by a priest who in ancient times fought against the hordes of demons.
! -----------------------------
! STR + 2, MDEF + 10.
! Increases attack power of Judex by 30%, but increases SP cost by 40.
! -----------------------------
! Type: Armor
! Def: 22
! Weight: 30
! Element: Shadow
! Req Lv: 100
! Job: Arch Bishop
! Остальные 4 - это те, что были в клиенте ранее (см. один из моих предыдущих постов)
Добавились слотовые Angel Wing Ears, Devil Wing Ears, Elven Ears (середина головы).Про японцев: Матк теперь растёт квадратично, при значениях инт ниже 100 матк ниже, чем в Корее, при больших значениях наоборот выше. Атк немного порезан. Характеристики мобов приближены к корейским, магический дамаг мобов считается так, как будто Матк моба равен половине его Атк, а не всему Атк, как в Корее.
Немного других новостей.
! Некоторые наверное слышали про Ragnarok Online 2: Gate of the World. Хотя бы то, что это фуфло, не имеющая с Рагнарьком ничего общего, кроме порингов. Так вот его закрывают (назначено на 2 августа). Вместо этого появится Ragnarok Online 2: Legend of the Second (закрытое бета тестирование открываеися 31 августа). Во многом RO2:LotS будет похож на полностью трёхмерную версию РО с некоторыми изменениями. По большому счёту, Гравити всё таки решили сделатьь РО2 продолжением РО, а не отдельной игрой, как было с ГотВ.
! Чем отличается ЛотС от ГотВ? Да практически всем. Возвращены петы, карты (у карт будет более высокий шанс дропа, некоторые карты будут давать возможность играть в миниигры), изменена система оружия, перерисованы чары и т.д.
! Профессии в ЛотС:
! Swordman
! -> Knight
! -> Fighter
! Предположительно, Knight будет чем-то вроде круза, а Fighter - найта.
! Magician
! -> Wizard
! -> Elementalist
! Возможно, элементалист - аналог сага.
! Acolyte
! -> Priest
! -> Monk
! Выглядит так же.
! Rogue
! -> Thief
! -> Assassin
! Рог первая профа, тиф - вторая, может звучать странновато.
! Archer
! -> Ranger
! -> Hunter
! Убрали бардов и дансерок.
! С официальным вводом игры будут доступны третьи профы.
! Как видно, отсутствуют мерчанты, их недостаток будет компенсирован системой двойной жизни, позволяющей совмещать боевую профессию (из списка выше) с мирной. На данный момент сообщается о следующих профах: БС (практически такой же), портной (окаваивает шмот), фармацевт (хим+хилящие способности), повар (видимо, жратва на статы), ещё несколько в разработке.
! Сохранятся старые мобы и локации, к ним будут добавлятся новые.
! -
Патчиму бишопу такие плюшки? 0_0
Патчиму бишопу такие плюшки? 0_0
Видео с адорамусом: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="
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Видео с адорамусом: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="
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Патчиму бишопу такие плюшки? 0_0
Ну как показывает видео в соседнем посте, у корейцев своё понимания слова "баланс".
Суппорт класс, выносящий танка 1 ударом это пять конечно. Что будет с госпелом, м-провоком и прочем и подумать боюсь. -
Патчиму бишопу такие плюшки? 0_0
Ну как показывает видео в соседнем посте, у корейцев своё понимания слова "баланс".
Суппорт класс, выносящий танка 1 ударом это пять конечно. Что будет с госпелом, м-провоком и прочем и подумать боюсь.