Yons, ты забыл о "гвардах"!!!
их вроде не было( так бы ноу чанс и все дела :crazy:
Недавние сообщения Yons
RE: ГВ - 6.03.2013
RE: ГВ - 6.03.2013
дс - нуби и лоли, дамага нет АХАХА ИХИХИ ваще ниачом, 187 - раскатывались и зачищались у баррикад.
А сильные муны и суровие буки и прочии, сыпались от архитектуры замка, ну или ветром сдувало 7 ги от третей баррикады на протяжении часа, и еще час воевали с камнем. я прям завидую вашим победам. -
RE: ГВ - 6.03.2013
итого 187 раскатали всю вашу шоблу. груда никчемности, шо тут еще сказать.
RE: ГВ - 6.03.2013
Читать о ко-ве ,от представителей мега-али, после прошлого гв - забавляет.
RE: ГВ - 6.03.2013
list, К вашему сожалению , у меня и так все хорошо с головой. [...]поэтому какое-либо уважение/симпатии/обсуждени для моего пиксельного друга мне не нужны , мне хватает слезных постов от вас и ваших друзей - они меня веселят, поэтому я здесь.
Мунозерг больше мешался, чем помогал +(
даже ваши друзяки говорят вам о том, что бы шли вы в далекие теплые южные края. Так что, ваши победы остаются только в ваших фантазиях [....] Ну возможно, еще сможете рассказать друзякам своим, перед тем как рухните лицом в асфальт.
[...] -
RE: [Genetic] Cart Cannon VS Thara Frog! срыв пакровов! багаюз!
всем пох. Играем на багнутом и убогом сервере и нормально. Автор - нытик. :ROFL:
год тому, писал тоже самое(клялись что пофиксят с следующим апдейтом) , до сих пор фиксят -
RE: KRO Future Updates - 26.08.2009 "Royal Guard"
привет новым скиллам @_@
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?p=1339629#post1339629">http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.ph ... ost1339629</a><!-- m -->! Guillotine Cross
! Dark Claw
! Prereq: Dark Illusion 5
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/damage - Special
! Give an enemy a painful wound for 5 seconds, causing short ranged attacks to deal greater damage to the target.
! [Level 1]: 100% Damage / Melee damage received +30%
! [Level 2]: 200% Damage / Melee damage received +60%
! [Level 3]: 300% Damage / Melee damage received +90%
! [Level 4]: 400% Damage / Melee damage received +120%
! [Level 5]: 500% Damage / Melee damage received +150%
! Ranger
! No Limits
! Prereq: Fear Breeze 5
! Type: Active Buff (Self)
! Tap into the power of the god of hunting and archery to increase the explosive power of ranged attacks for a short time. (it also says something about LUK, but I couldn't make anything of it).
! [Level 1]: 1 minute / Ranged physical damage +50%
! [Level 2]: 1 minute / Ranged physical damage +100%
! [Level 3]: 1 minute / Ranged physical damage +150%
! [Level 4]: 1 minute / Ranged physical damage +200%
! [Level 5]: 1 minute / Ranged physical damage +250%
! Royal Guard
! King's Grace
! Prereq: Reflect Damage 5
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active Buff
! Bestow royal blessings to the caster and allies around the caster to recover HP and protect against status effects.
! Protects against (or removes?) the following statuses: Poison, Blindness , Frozen, Stone Curse, Stern (?), Sleep , External Bleeding, Curse, Confusion/Chaos, Hallucination, Silence, Burning, Cold-Slower, Crystalize, Deep Sleep, Fear, Mandragora Howling
! * Only useable in PVP/Siege (not sure on this?)
! [Level 1]: Every 5 seconds HP recovered 4%
! [Level 2]: Every 5 seconds HP recovered 5%
! [Level 3]: Every 5 seconds HP recovered 6%
! [Level 4]: Every 5 seconds HP recovered 7%
! [Level 5]: Every 5 seconds HP recovered 8%
! Rune Knight
! Dragon's Water Breath
! Prereq: Dragon Training 2
! Max Levels: 10
! Type: Active - Ranged Damage
! Deal ice-elemental damage with your dragon's breath, which may cause Cold-Slower status to the enemy. The damage depends on the stats of the rider. (One assumes its the same as normal dragon breath, HP/SP).
! Mechanic
! Lava Flow
! Prereq: Fire Earth Research 1
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active
! Cause Lava to erupt from the ground in the targeted cell for 5 seconds in a 7x7 area. You cannot create more than 2 eruptions at a time(?).
! [Level 1]: 1600 fixed damage per second / 10% Burning status chance
! [Level 2]: 2000 fixed damage per second / 20% Burning status chance
! [Level 3]: 2400 fixed damage per second / 30% Burning status chance
! [Level 4]: 2800 fixed damage per second / 40% Burning status chance
! [Level 5]: 3200 fixed damage per second / 50% Burning status chance
! Wanderer / Maestro
! Frigg's Song
! Prereq: Voice Lesson 2
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/Buff
! Consume one regrettable tear to raise the Max HP of your party members and recovery HP gradually for 60 seconds.
! * Only useable in PVP/Siege (not sure on this?)
! * Requires a whip/instrument
! [Level 1]: Max HP +5% / 11x11 Range / Every 10 seconds, recover 1000 HP
! [Level 2]: Max HP +10% / 13x13 Range / Every 10 seconds, recover 1100 HP
! [Level 3]: Max HP +15% / 15x15 Range / Every 10 seconds, recover 1200 HP
! [Level 4]: Max HP +20% / 17x17 Range / Every 10 seconds, recover 1300 HP
! [Level 5]: Max HP +25% / 19x19 Range / Every 10 seconds, recover 1400 HP
! Sorcerer
! Elemental Shield
! Prereq: Elemental Control 3
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Ground Skill
! A magical barrier is formed on the targeted cell that protects you and your party members.
! Consumes one blue gemstone.
! (I am not entirely sure what this does. It seems to be related to blocking short ranged physical attacks only and may have something to do with your summoned elemental).
! Sura
! Flash Combo
! Prereq: Dragon Combo 3(?), Tiger Cannon 1
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/Combo
! This one is a messy translation too. Sounds like you can use it normally and in its delay, you can use Dragon Combo, Fallen Empire, or Tiger Cannon.
! [Level 1]: Uses 5 spirit spheres / ATK +40 for the next 4 seconds
! [Level 2]: Uses 5 spirit spheres / ATK +60 for the next 4 seconds
! [Level 3]: Uses 4 spirit spheres / ATK +80 for the next 4 seconds
! [Level 4]: Uses 4 spirit spheres / ATK +100 for the next 4 seconds
! [Level 4]: Uses 3 spirit spheres / ATK +120 for the next 4 seconds
! Shadow Chaser
! Emergency Escape
! Prereq: Triangle Shot 2
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/secondary
! This one doesn't translate well either, but it sounds like you can get out of ankle snares and ranger traps, or rather, destroys the traps. It may be that you can walk up to 5~9 cells away from a trap you are in(?).
! [Level 1]: Avoidance Distance 5 cells
! [Level 2]: Avoidance Distance 6 cells
! [Level 3]: Avoidance Distance 7 cells
! [Level 4]: Avoidance Distance 8 cells
! [Level 5]: Avoidance Distance 9 cells
! Archbishop
! Oper Auditorium
! Prereq: High Heal 2
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/Buff
! Increases the efficiency of High Heal, Coluseo Heal, Sanctuary, and Heal.
! [Level 1]: 90 seconds / Healing Power +30% / SP Cost 220%
! [Level 2]: 90 seconds / Healing Power +60% / SP Cost 240%
! [Level 3]: 90 seconds / Healing Power +90% / SP Cost 260%
! [Level 4]: 90 seconds / Healing Power +120% / SP Cost 280%
! [Level 5]: 90 seconds / Healing Power +150% / SP Cost 300%
! Warlock
! Intense Telekinesis
! Prereq: Soul Expansion 5
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/Buff
! (Something about it not being able to be canceled/dispelled?). (I feel like I am missing some drawback in the translation, because this skill seems incredibyl OP, tripels your magic damage and halves cast times).
! [Level 1]: 3 Minutes / Magic Damage +40% / -10% Variable Cast Time / -10% Skill SP Costs
! [Level 2]: 3 Minutes / Magic Damage +80% / -20% Variable Cast Time / -20% Skill SP Costs
! [Level 3]: 3 Minutes / Magic Damage +120% / -30% Variable Cast Time / -30% Skill SP Costs
! [Level 4]: 3 Minutes / Magic Damage +160% / -40% Variable Cast Time / -40% Skill SP Costs
! [Level 5]: 3 Minutes / Magic Damage +200% / -50% Variable Cast Time / -50% Skill SP Costs
! Geneticist
! Hallucination Drug
! Prereq: Special Pharmacy 1
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Special/Debuff
! Throw a concentrated alcohol mix to cause hallucinations and decreased accuracy with a high probability. Consumes 1 alcohol.
! [Level 1]: 100% damage / 9x9 splash
! [Level 1]: 100% damage / 11x11 splash
! [Level 1]: 100% damage / 13x13 splash
! [Level 1]: 100% damage / 15x15 splash
! [Level 1]: 100% damage / Full screen splash.
! All 3rd Jobs (?!)
! Full Throttle
! Prereq: 3rd Job
! Max Levels: 5
! Exceed the limits of the body by sacrificing your own vitality to strengthen yourself for a short time. You will become horribly exhausted after the skill's duration.
! HP Recovery and Movement Speed Increases. All stats +20%. (Something about it not being able to be canceled/dispelled?).
! [Level 1]: 10 second duration / Consumes 6% HP per second
! [Level 2]: 15 second duration / Consumes 4% HP per second
! [Level 3]: 20 second duration / Consumes 3% HP per second
! [Level 4]: 25 second duration / Consumes 2% HP per second
! [Level 1]: 30 second duration / Consumes 1% HP per secondОсобенно хорош :
Rune Knight
Dragon's Water Breath
Prereq: Dragon Training 2
Max Levels: 10
Type: Active - Ranged Damage
Deal ice-elemental damage with your dragon's breath, which may cause Cold-Slower status to the enemy. The damage depends on the stats of the rider. (One assumes its the same as normal dragon breath, HP/SP). -
RE: KRO Future Updates - 26.08.2009 "Royal Guard"
привет новым скиллам @_@
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?p=1339629#post1339629">http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.ph ... ost1339629</a><!-- m -->! Guillotine Cross
! Dark Claw
! Prereq: Dark Illusion 5
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/damage - Special
! Give an enemy a painful wound for 5 seconds, causing short ranged attacks to deal greater damage to the target.
! [Level 1]: 100% Damage / Melee damage received +30%
! [Level 2]: 200% Damage / Melee damage received +60%
! [Level 3]: 300% Damage / Melee damage received +90%
! [Level 4]: 400% Damage / Melee damage received +120%
! [Level 5]: 500% Damage / Melee damage received +150%
! Ranger
! No Limits
! Prereq: Fear Breeze 5
! Type: Active Buff (Self)
! Tap into the power of the god of hunting and archery to increase the explosive power of ranged attacks for a short time. (it also says something about LUK, but I couldn't make anything of it).
! [Level 1]: 1 minute / Ranged physical damage +50%
! [Level 2]: 1 minute / Ranged physical damage +100%
! [Level 3]: 1 minute / Ranged physical damage +150%
! [Level 4]: 1 minute / Ranged physical damage +200%
! [Level 5]: 1 minute / Ranged physical damage +250%
! Royal Guard
! King's Grace
! Prereq: Reflect Damage 5
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active Buff
! Bestow royal blessings to the caster and allies around the caster to recover HP and protect against status effects.
! Protects against (or removes?) the following statuses: Poison, Blindness , Frozen, Stone Curse, Stern (?), Sleep , External Bleeding, Curse, Confusion/Chaos, Hallucination, Silence, Burning, Cold-Slower, Crystalize, Deep Sleep, Fear, Mandragora Howling
! * Only useable in PVP/Siege (not sure on this?)
! [Level 1]: Every 5 seconds HP recovered 4%
! [Level 2]: Every 5 seconds HP recovered 5%
! [Level 3]: Every 5 seconds HP recovered 6%
! [Level 4]: Every 5 seconds HP recovered 7%
! [Level 5]: Every 5 seconds HP recovered 8%
! Rune Knight
! Dragon's Water Breath
! Prereq: Dragon Training 2
! Max Levels: 10
! Type: Active - Ranged Damage
! Deal ice-elemental damage with your dragon's breath, which may cause Cold-Slower status to the enemy. The damage depends on the stats of the rider. (One assumes its the same as normal dragon breath, HP/SP).
! Mechanic
! Lava Flow
! Prereq: Fire Earth Research 1
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active
! Cause Lava to erupt from the ground in the targeted cell for 5 seconds in a 7x7 area. You cannot create more than 2 eruptions at a time(?).
! [Level 1]: 1600 fixed damage per second / 10% Burning status chance
! [Level 2]: 2000 fixed damage per second / 20% Burning status chance
! [Level 3]: 2400 fixed damage per second / 30% Burning status chance
! [Level 4]: 2800 fixed damage per second / 40% Burning status chance
! [Level 5]: 3200 fixed damage per second / 50% Burning status chance
! Wanderer / Maestro
! Frigg's Song
! Prereq: Voice Lesson 2
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/Buff
! Consume one regrettable tear to raise the Max HP of your party members and recovery HP gradually for 60 seconds.
! * Only useable in PVP/Siege (not sure on this?)
! * Requires a whip/instrument
! [Level 1]: Max HP +5% / 11x11 Range / Every 10 seconds, recover 1000 HP
! [Level 2]: Max HP +10% / 13x13 Range / Every 10 seconds, recover 1100 HP
! [Level 3]: Max HP +15% / 15x15 Range / Every 10 seconds, recover 1200 HP
! [Level 4]: Max HP +20% / 17x17 Range / Every 10 seconds, recover 1300 HP
! [Level 5]: Max HP +25% / 19x19 Range / Every 10 seconds, recover 1400 HP
! Sorcerer
! Elemental Shield
! Prereq: Elemental Control 3
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Ground Skill
! A magical barrier is formed on the targeted cell that protects you and your party members.
! Consumes one blue gemstone.
! (I am not entirely sure what this does. It seems to be related to blocking short ranged physical attacks only and may have something to do with your summoned elemental).
! Sura
! Flash Combo
! Prereq: Dragon Combo 3(?), Tiger Cannon 1
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/Combo
! This one is a messy translation too. Sounds like you can use it normally and in its delay, you can use Dragon Combo, Fallen Empire, or Tiger Cannon.
! [Level 1]: Uses 5 spirit spheres / ATK +40 for the next 4 seconds
! [Level 2]: Uses 5 spirit spheres / ATK +60 for the next 4 seconds
! [Level 3]: Uses 4 spirit spheres / ATK +80 for the next 4 seconds
! [Level 4]: Uses 4 spirit spheres / ATK +100 for the next 4 seconds
! [Level 4]: Uses 3 spirit spheres / ATK +120 for the next 4 seconds
! Shadow Chaser
! Emergency Escape
! Prereq: Triangle Shot 2
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/secondary
! This one doesn't translate well either, but it sounds like you can get out of ankle snares and ranger traps, or rather, destroys the traps. It may be that you can walk up to 5~9 cells away from a trap you are in(?).
! [Level 1]: Avoidance Distance 5 cells
! [Level 2]: Avoidance Distance 6 cells
! [Level 3]: Avoidance Distance 7 cells
! [Level 4]: Avoidance Distance 8 cells
! [Level 5]: Avoidance Distance 9 cells
! Archbishop
! Oper Auditorium
! Prereq: High Heal 2
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/Buff
! Increases the efficiency of High Heal, Coluseo Heal, Sanctuary, and Heal.
! [Level 1]: 90 seconds / Healing Power +30% / SP Cost 220%
! [Level 2]: 90 seconds / Healing Power +60% / SP Cost 240%
! [Level 3]: 90 seconds / Healing Power +90% / SP Cost 260%
! [Level 4]: 90 seconds / Healing Power +120% / SP Cost 280%
! [Level 5]: 90 seconds / Healing Power +150% / SP Cost 300%
! Warlock
! Intense Telekinesis
! Prereq: Soul Expansion 5
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Active/Buff
! (Something about it not being able to be canceled/dispelled?). (I feel like I am missing some drawback in the translation, because this skill seems incredibyl OP, tripels your magic damage and halves cast times).
! [Level 1]: 3 Minutes / Magic Damage +40% / -10% Variable Cast Time / -10% Skill SP Costs
! [Level 2]: 3 Minutes / Magic Damage +80% / -20% Variable Cast Time / -20% Skill SP Costs
! [Level 3]: 3 Minutes / Magic Damage +120% / -30% Variable Cast Time / -30% Skill SP Costs
! [Level 4]: 3 Minutes / Magic Damage +160% / -40% Variable Cast Time / -40% Skill SP Costs
! [Level 5]: 3 Minutes / Magic Damage +200% / -50% Variable Cast Time / -50% Skill SP Costs
! Geneticist
! Hallucination Drug
! Prereq: Special Pharmacy 1
! Max Levels: 5
! Type: Special/Debuff
! Throw a concentrated alcohol mix to cause hallucinations and decreased accuracy with a high probability. Consumes 1 alcohol.
! [Level 1]: 100% damage / 9x9 splash
! [Level 1]: 100% damage / 11x11 splash
! [Level 1]: 100% damage / 13x13 splash
! [Level 1]: 100% damage / 15x15 splash
! [Level 1]: 100% damage / Full screen splash.
! All 3rd Jobs (?!)
! Full Throttle
! Prereq: 3rd Job
! Max Levels: 5
! Exceed the limits of the body by sacrificing your own vitality to strengthen yourself for a short time. You will become horribly exhausted after the skill's duration.
! HP Recovery and Movement Speed Increases. All stats +20%. (Something about it not being able to be canceled/dispelled?).
! [Level 1]: 10 second duration / Consumes 6% HP per second
! [Level 2]: 15 second duration / Consumes 4% HP per second
! [Level 3]: 20 second duration / Consumes 3% HP per second
! [Level 4]: 25 second duration / Consumes 2% HP per second
! [Level 1]: 30 second duration / Consumes 1% HP per secondОсобенно хорош :
Rune Knight
Dragon's Water Breath
Prereq: Dragon Training 2
Max Levels: 10
Type: Active - Ranged Damage
Deal ice-elemental damage with your dragon's breath, which may cause Cold-Slower status to the enemy. The damage depends on the stats of the rider. (One assumes its the same as normal dragon breath, HP/SP).