Флудилка Лолодинчега
*some retarded unknown number is out to get me :*
wait for the black helicopters -
just checked out youtube's all time tops, no hope for humanity
hope terminators start the holocaust asap, ill provide them with hideout locations:
under the beds, beneath bedsheets, closets, bathrubs
the 1% that weren't hidden in the above shall be spared for research purposes -
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.babelgum.com/142639/unto-others-five-ways-mess-with-people-a-public-restroom.html">http://www.babelgum.com/142639/unto-oth ... troom.html</a><!-- m -->
totally gonna try one day -
Чего он там говорит, когда они сидят срут в кабинках начиная с 1:00?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.babelgum.com/142639/unto-others-five-ways-mess-with-people-a-public-restroom.html">http://www.babelgum.com/142639/unto-oth ... troom.html</a><!-- m -->
that 2badass O_o
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.omgsoysauce.com/10432/when-a-mexican-drug-lord-gets-busted/">http://www.omgsoysauce.com/10432/when-a ... ts-busted/</a><!-- m --> -
lmfao<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.babelgum.com/142639/unto-others-five-ways-mess-with-people-a-public-restroom.html">http://www.babelgum.com/142639/unto-oth ... troom.html</a><!-- m -->
totally gonna try one day> > @"Illidan":
http://www.babelgum.com/142639/unto-others-five-ways-mess-with-people-a-public-restroom.htmlthat 2
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.babelgum.com/142639/unto-others-five-ways-mess-with-people-a-public-restroom.html">http://www.babelgum.com/142639/unto-oth ... troom.html</a><!-- m -->
totally gonna try one day> > > > @"Illidan":
http://www.babelgum.com/142639/unto-others-five-ways-mess-with-people-a-public-restroom.htmlthat 2
? -
stop raging!?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1199781/">http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1199781/</a><!-- m -->
Michael Clarke Duncan is gonna be the Atlas in God of War III
also, there will be a God of War III
faces gonna melt -
u never even played god of war 1 or 2 to know how awesome it is, what god of war 3 for ps3 is is equal to what starcraft 2 is for pc
well actually it's probably closer to diablo 3, god of war 4 will be more like sc2 -
someone's seriously trying their best to get my passwords
on 2 emails and 2 boards im getting trick messages trying to get me to give away my infos and open secure antivirus links and shit
or maybe its just my luck -
dont u hate when that happens?
"> </a><!-- m -->
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Формат, подскажи нормальный цикл для ретри паладинов, ротацию скиллов, для максимального дпс по статичной цели.
на кусте хз О_о
на оффе катаешь лицо по клавиатуре, чем быстрее катаешь тем больше дпса
формула такая:
rolls per 0.8seconds*gearscore=dps -
на кусте хз О_она оффе катаешь лицо по клавиатуре, чем быстрее катаешь тем больше дпса
формула такая:
rolls per 0.8seconds*gearscore=dps
i do that with tide in teambattles -
на кусте хз О_она оффе катаешь лицо по клавиатуре, чем быстрее катаешь тем больше дпса
формула такая:
rolls per 0.8seconds*gearscore=dps@"Warst":
i do that with tide in teambattles
давно постил, но сегодня вспомнил и нашёл
"> </a><!-- m -->
best passed out tape rape ever
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